Secondary Build... Doh!

Adeon Hawkwood



OK, this falls under the heading "Yes I've got a high lvl toon, but I'm still a Beeg Noob".

I've never used the Secondary Build option. Ever. Heard about it, but since going through the tedium of respec twice, I figured it would be similar so I ignored it. Now that my character has just about reached 50, I decided to look into it, but now I'm thinking I'm probably going to regret not getting that secondary build a lot earlier.

According to Paragon Wiki, the secondary build does NOT level alongside the primary. It must be leveled seperately. So (shudder) does that mean if I choose a secondary build on my lvl 49, I'd have to start ALL OVER AGAIN at lvl 1?

Thanks for your patience and assistance!



Both build have the same experience but you'll have to visit the trainer 48 times and buy a new set of SOs (it's useful to think of them as two different level pacted characters).

I actually think that setting up a second build is a lot more tedium than respeccing (although personally I love respeccing ).



Well, i use a secondary build on all my hero toons and a few of the villains too...

First build is main build/concept of the toon. This is the one I play most.

Second build is the Shadow Shard build (hero side only). I love the shard, and i love creating versions of the toons for it. Red side i normally second-build the VEATS, so i can try the other career...

Sometimes its a concept challenge of the powers... I normally see for powers of my sets that i use less, and try to focus and learn their secrets...

And... in a rare occasion... i make a build just to have fun... Like maximizing Repel-like powers and then go cruising atlas or other low zones and flinging baddies all around...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Oy! Thanks for the reply I'd probably enjoy respec-ing a lot more if I didn't torture myself by writing my entire build down on paper before I did it.

It sounds like implementing a secondary build at my level would be about as much fun as a stick in the eye. That's it, no secondary for me.

Appreciate you clearing that up!



Well for respeccing I use Mids to design it then either print it out or alt-tab back and forth, either way it's much easier than writing it down .



See, Adeon, that's why Beeg Noobs like me ask question of smart players like you

me<runs off to look up Mids on Paragon Wiki



Originally Posted by ManiaclyManic View Post
See, Adeon, that's why Beeg Noobs like me ask question of smart players like you

me<runs off to look up Mids on Paragon Wiki
Newb, not Noob.

You asked and were ok with suggestions.

A noob would be a jerkwad about it and say were are stupid and such and not take suggestions.

Oh, and on the second build when you look at it for the 1st time will be lvl 1.
But you can click on a trainer and pick powers like you were doing a respec. That second build will be 50 no matter what if your 1st build is 50. But you will pick slots and powers same as a respec.

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



Secondary builds are expensive (twice the SOs or IOs), but can be very handy in some cases. I have an Ice/Axe Tanker with a solo build and a team build, and this makes leveling much easier for this particular character. Also, I recently created a Bane build as my alternate to my Crab SoA. As it turns out, I like my Bane MUCH better than my Crab, so I'm playing my second build almost exclusively.

My other characters forego secondary builds, though.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



My plan is to wait until I hit 50, then build up the second build planning on using it to exemplar with - lower-level IOs in places so as to not lose set bonuses, being very careful with the order I take the powers (I wasn't on the way up with the main build) so that I have the powers I think I need available at the right levels, that sort of thing.



Originally Posted by ManiaclyManic View Post
According to Paragon Wiki, the secondary build does NOT level alongside the primary. It must be leveled seperately. So (shudder) does that mean if I choose a secondary build on my lvl 49, I'd have to start ALL OVER AGAIN at lvl 1?
If you set up a secondary build now, you'll have to advance it from level 0 to level 49 at the trainer. (I say level 0 because the first step is to choose your level 1 power) You don't start at 0 experience; you tell the trainer you want to advance a level, and when you're finished levelling up and are back at the conversation screen, you tell him/ her you want to level up (again), etc. You have to keep the same Archetype and Primary and Secondary powersets, but your second build can have different Power Pools and a different Epic/ Patron Pool.

Enhancements do not carry over between builds; the second build will start out completely empty.

When you hit 50, you will need to level each build up separately.

I'm only using secondary builds on a couple of characters so far. My mind/emp controller has added a more efficient build for raids and TFs, and I'm setting up a Huntsman build on my VEAT (currently a Bane spider).

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Thanks so much for the replies! Man I love this game community - much better than Anarchy Online.

OK, I'll give the secondary build a go then. Cheers!



Originally Posted by Tyrak View Post
My plan is to wait until I hit 50, then build up the second build planning on using it to exemplar with - lower-level IOs in places so as to not lose set bonuses, being very careful with the order I take the powers (I wasn't on the way up with the main build) so that I have the powers I think I need available at the right levels, that sort of thing.
It works quite well, I created a second build for CMA for that exact purpose that was designed to work from 20-30, it allowed me to focus ALL my slots into powers that were available before level 32. I designed it specifically for the TF's in the 20's although it also works well down to Posi levels... I do loose set bonuses there unfortunately

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
it allowed me to focus ALL my slots into powers that were available before level 32.
In a few cases you might not want to do that - you can still get set bonuses from powers that aren't available, provided the IOs are a usable level. If you have a particular type of set from which you want the bonus you may not have a lower-level power that can take it. And of course the Purple and PvP set bonuses apply regardless of your exemplar level.

The main reason I haven't started working up my second build yet is that I'm still trying to figure out which sets to use for it (and the main build for that matter), and how many slots I need in which powers to get the right bonuses.



I use second build if I scr... - not satisfied with first build, so I want to try something different before deleting it (kind of like respec with buying new enhancments).
Only high level character I have used second build is my slow leveling Empathy/dark defender that have reached level 50 after more than year of playing - since I have forget order of taking powers and I want to do low level TF's with it (don't want to go to Synapse or sister P. only to find out I don't have RA).
Also planing to make second one on widow so I could play both night widow and fortunata on the same one, saving slot for some other concept.

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"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
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Originally Posted by ManiaclyManic View Post
Thanks so much for the replies! Man I love this game community - much better than Anarchy Online.

OK, I'll give the secondary build a go then. Cheers!
Really, is this the only MMO where the player community is remotely decent?



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Really, is this the only MMO where the player community is remotely decent?
Well, there was Star Wars Galaxies...

But this community is very good, yes. Alot of helpful and mature people floating around.



I don't pvp much so I use the secondary build on pretty much all my toons as a flashback build.

Primary build is set for 50 with all the best enhancements I can afford at the highest respective levels available for the set I chose.

Secondary build is generally the same spec (sometimes differs if a power isn't good enough imo based on how I slot this build) but I use straight IO's for all the powers at the levels +3 I would have gained that power. Sometimes I get the exact level I need through mission artifact tickets but thats more of a chore since I don't MA too often so typically I just use the closest 5 level.

That way if I want to flashback to say 13 I can do so and have all the powers fully slotted with 15's, etc.

Just a strategy added onto all the other useful info people have included.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Really, is this the only MMO where the player community is remotely decent?
The LOTRO community is pretty tight-knit, especially on certain servers. This one and that are the only decent ones I've encountered.



VEATs are the best for the huge time-sink that is secondary build. Not only do you have to individually train up from 1-50, but you also have the forced respec at 24 meaning none of the first 23 you did count for anything.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



On my level 43 scrapper, I'm using the 2nd build as my "work in progress final build", where I'm plugging in things like ToDs and Scirocco's as I buy them on an alt. The 1st build is frankenslotted with whatever was readily and cheaply available as I was levelling up.



Originally Posted by ManiaclyManic View Post
Thanks so much for the replies! Man I love this game community - much better than Anarchy Online.
Never played Anarchy Online, but considering the name... was there really high hopes for a "community"?

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Originally Posted by Tyrak View Post
In a few cases you might not want to do that - you can still get set bonuses from powers that aren't available, provided the IOs are a usable level. If you have a particular type of set from which you want the bonus you may not have a lower-level power that can take it. And of course the Purple and PvP set bonuses apply regardless of your exemplar level.

The main reason I haven't started working up my second build yet is that I'm still trying to figure out which sets to use for it (and the main build for that matter), and how many slots I need in which powers to get the right bonuses.
Someone will have to correct me if I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure you do NOT get set bonuses from powers that are unavailable.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
Someone will have to correct me if I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure you do NOT get set bonuses from powers that are unavailable.
You are correct (with the exception of set bonuses given by purple IOs).

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Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
Someone will have to correct me if I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure you do NOT get set bonuses from powers that are unavailable.
According to Paragon Wiki you do still get the bonuses. I haven't tested it myself with Set Bonuses but I have tested it with Global IOs which as far as I know use the same system and for them the level of the IO is all that matters.