Share your Pet names.




For Annie Mayhem, Thugs/Poison:

Thugs: Marcus, Jordan, Scorch
Enforcers: Rufus, Falco
Bruiser: Goji

For Lazarus Grimm, Necro/Dark:

Zombies: Dee Kayd, Dee Krepyd, Dee Skustin
Grave Knights: Sir Vile, Sir Vent
Lich: Dead Lee

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



I pulled my names from a series of books I read about three demon brothers

Demonlings: Connor, Cain, and Caleb
Demons: Gabriel and Cressida
Demon Prince: The Traveler

Not crazy about "The Traveler", but there were no other demons to choose from, and his proper name was never given.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



Lord Crow, a Robotics MM with a crow-themed power armor suit.

Crowbot 1-3 for the Drones.
Repair Raven 1-2 for the ProBots.
Unsure about the AssBot. Using Nevermore until I can think of something more fitting.



Thugs/Poison - Dark Reptilicus

Thugs : Louie, Vinnie
Pyro : Bugsy
Enforcers :Pretty Boy, Baby Face
Bruiser : Big Al

Robotics/Traps - Clockwork Boy

Drones : Tallgeese, Altron, Sandrock
ProBots: Deathscythe, Heavyarms
AssaultBot: Epyon

48 L50 Mostly heroes and mostly Tanks and Scrappers.
And I've played every AT to 50 at least once.



I named my ninjas after characters from the Big Lebowski.

Oni = The Dude

Jonin = Walter and Donnie

Genin = Mr. Lebowski, Jesus, and Brand.

My thugs are from Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Bruser = Meatwad

Enforcers = Frylock and Master Shake

first tier (I forget the name) = Carl, Dr. Weird, and Urr (change the other two names often, but Carl is a constant)




My character, Little Jenny, has a penchant for sweet things so her bots are named accordingly, the only deviation from this is the assault bot which is sort of like her bodyguard.

Battle Drones: Bl4ck J4ck, L1c0r1ce L4c3, Gumm1 B34r
Protector Bots: 5ug4r Ru5h, 5ug4r Cr4sh
Assault Bot: Lib3r4t0r

Her bots were renamed from villainous versions (Candy Thief, Toy Snatcher etc) when she switched alignments.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



My thug mastermind, Duke Diesel, runs a gang called the Diesel Boys.

Thugs: Piston Head, Crank Shaft
Arsonist: Spark Plug
Enforcers: Dash Board, Gear Shift
Bruiser: Big Block



Running an alt version of a character with a complicated background who hails from the Shadow Shard... He's a DS/DM. The demons are explained as beings from his own mind made manifest, and named accordingly as best I could:

Firey Demonling: Fury
Cold Demonling: Sorrow
Hellfire Demonling: Envy
Ember Demon: Passion
Hellfire Gargoyle: Hatred
Demon Prince: Terror

@Trystan Laryssa



I try to make mine somewhat humorous, these are the ones I can remember:

Bronx Boy, Thugs/Poison: Iced Tea (Arsonist), J-Lo and Diddy (Enforcers) Bronx Bomber (Brute)

Hellophane, Demon/Storm: Half-Pint and George (as in, Which way did he go George), Tier 1 Demons and Lady Gaga, First Tier 2 Demon. (And Yes, I do think she resembles it)



Jeff Tate, my robotics MM:

Battle Drones: Larry, Moe, and Curly
Repair Bots: Abbott and Costello
Assault Bot: Buster (for Buster Keaton) (nearly went with "Charlie")

My other MM, a zombie/force field called Painbow Blight, didn't bother to name her zombies at all, as they are all her ex-boyfriends and don't deserve names.



Necromancy / Dark Miasma - Miss Havisham (from Charles Dickens's Great Expectations--only in this version, she didn't die. Instead, she's a revenant, bent on revenge against men.)

Bridesmaids (Zombies): Jane (Eyre, from Jane Eyre), Catherine (Earnshaw, from Wuthering Heights), and Bertha (Antoinetta Mason, from Jane Eyre).
Groomsmen (Grave Knights): Heathcliff (from Wuthering Heights) and (Edward Fairfax) Rochester (from Jane Eyre)
Maid of Honor: Estella (Havisham, from Great Expectations)

Groom (Dark Servant--officially unnamed, but referred to): Compeyson (from Great Expectations)

Can you tell I'm a Victorianist?

40062: The World's Worst PUG
84008: Jenkins's Guide to Super-Villainy
230187: The Hero of Kings Row
No H8 - 08.04.10
@Circuit Boy - Moderator - Pride global chat channel



So many literary references...


Suzie Jones - 8 year old girl

The "dollies"

Mr. Happy (Lich)

Mr. Floofy (Grave Knight)
Mr. Giggles (Grave Knight)

Mr. Fluffykins (Horde)
Mr. Shuffles (Horde)
Mr. Slobbers (Horde)

Mr. Floaty (Soul extraction)

Many many many pet emotes on binds and in macros.

Story time! - The "dollies" all sit and Suzie reads them a story
Sacrifice time! - Dice rolls ensue! Lowest roll is sacrificed!
Dance party! - Well... duh.
Protest! - Any time we're angry about something

Pink puking zombies ftw!!



My [vigilante] thugs/pain mastermind "The Last Sheriff" is not entirely sane... he thinks he's the law in the wild west of the 21st century. He also watched way, way too many western movies. And no, I have no idea how he manages to retain his recruits -- the 'Arsonist' position has an especially high turnover rate.

Good (Punk)
Bad (Punk)
Ugly (Arsonist)

Butch Cassidy (Enforcer)
Sundance Kid (Enforcer)

Wyatt Earp (Bruiser)

(I also had "Major Havoc" as a merc/traps MM, but he got deleted at level 4 or so. I was going to use names from Catch 22, but the character didn't get far enough for that)

Saddle up pardner,

-- Z.



My Praetorian Demons/Dark is named Vaquero Diablo. I got the idea from the old song "Ghost Riders in the Sky" which talks about cowboys cursed to herd the Devil's cows. So, all my pets are faily simply named:

Fire Demonling: Vaca del Fuego (fire cow)
Cold Demonling: Vaca del Hielo (ice cow)
Hellfire Demonling: Vaca Infierna (hell cow)

The bigger demons are Toro del Carbon (charcoal bull) and Toro del Diablo (devil's bull). The Demon Lord will be El Toro Maloso (evil bull).



For me bots;
Drones- Whatsa', Matta', You
Prot- Shutta', Ya Face
AssBot- Hanz

Thugs- Eggs, Bacon, Toast
Enf- Hamburger, Fries
Brute- STEAK



On my demon/dark;from nasty disease/infections

Demon Prince~Cancerous Tumor

Demons~Rectal Polyp
Eye Pustule

Demonlings~Toe Biter
Tongue Drool
Infected Ear

My bots/ff;sci-fi ftw

AssBot~Destroyer Droid

Protectors~Mech Warrior

Drones~Battle Droid
War Bot
Attack Drone

My thug/pain;the movie Snatch

Bruiser~Bulletooth Tony

Mickey O'Neil

Thugs~Franky 4Fingers
Boris the Blade
Cousin Avi



All my MM's have the same pet names.

Tier 1 Greed, Sloth, Gluttony
Tier 2 Pride, Envy
Tier 3 Wrath



My namesake (see bio below) is a Thugs MM & his "little helpers" are named after elves:

Thugs: Snap, Crackle, Pop
Enforcers: Keebler, Legolas
Bruiser: Elfvis (couldn't think of another famous elf name I liked so I went with this)

ColecoVision (named after the 80s game console), my Robots MM has minions named after popular cartridges for the system:

Drones: Donkey Kong, Zaxxon, Venture
Protectors: Cosmic Avenger, Space Fury
Assault: Smurf Rescue (something I like about this HUGE death-dealing machine being named after a relatively harmless little blue critter).

Do You See Ninjas? is my Ninja MM who's a simple fry cook at a local diner & thinks the ninjas following & protecting him are all in his head:

Genin: Not Here, Doesn't Exist, Imaginary
Jounin: Illusion, Figment
Oni: Apocryphal

@Spawn of Santa
SoS thuggin' bio
The Gang's All Here



Larry Larceny

Burny Mac

Ugly, Butt Ugly

Beef Johnson



i have a lvl 50 thugs/ta
named toilet avenger
tier 1 plunger lever float
tier 2 seat and lid
teir 3 tank

and im working on a thugs/dark
named grave jumper, as he had to come back to right the wrongs he did in life
tier 1 stabin shotin mugin
tier 2 pillage gta
tier 3 the chair



O'rly, Y'rly, N'rly
Na Wai, Ya Wai
Bob Mrly

T'om, D'ick, H'arry
C'urly, M'oe

Thugs (new)
Billy Joe, Billy Bob
Rick Roll



My only MM, Rending Flesh, 50, Justice.

Jimmy Ray

Grave Knights:


Ghost (When I still had it...):



24 Demons MM

Heat Miser
Snow Miser

The Bumble
Yukon Cornelius

King Moonracer (when I get the prince)