I have failed :(
Breathe easy.
Hopefully, you don't have too many dudes to move over. Coming out of pocket for that just seems .. 'eh.
"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."
So it seems that the interest in pvp has not really changed much, which makes me sad. I have been trying to promote pvp in a positive and helpful manner, but at the end of the day - If people dont want to pvp, they aren't going to.
With that all being said, Im probabaly going to be moving my toons to Freedom and/ or Virtue. Im going to stick around for a bit and see if there is anything I can still do here, but ultimately, Im probably goin to be moving ![]() If by chance I do not stay here, I would like to thank everyone who has made Champion home for me for the last 5 years, and all the people who kept pvp alive with what little resources available. Budwieser, 4shes, Oz, Ultima, Dio, Loon, Undead Cyborg and HoJ, Dro, Artic and EXILE, Tungsten Wolf, and other other random people ( I think I just named everyone who pvps actually..lol ) have all made pvp fun and interesting on Champion for me. If there is still interest in the ladder and pvp 101 channel, I will still be available to host and answer question since I will not be leaving the game, just the server. Hopefully, I wont have to leave, but thinking the way I do, I more than likely will. GL HF Champion ![]() Thx for the memories. |
Not that you need me to tell you how good you are but you have brought something new to the table with your return. I have had more requests to look at builds in the last 30 days than in the last 6 months for PvP. As we speak, and test, new peeps are leveling up toons to pvp with us. The community is looking at PvPers with a new, albeit curious light rather than just brushing us away as arrogant, greifing, zerglings.
As much as I enjoy your presence on Champion I want what is best for you. If you find that on Freedom let me know I would be glad to move a toon over there to support your cause. I like the way you go about things.
You have not failed because you cannot, just like you cannot win. We can only play.
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
I don't know you En3my, but I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide. It's actually people like me that you're fighting against... I detest PvP. I've been playing City of Heroes off and on since Issue 3, and I have yet to enter a PvP zone. I won't enter one for any reason. Not for redside accolades, nor Shivans, nor nukes. I doubt anything short of Jesus Christ coming down from Heaven and commanding me to enter Siren's Call would make me PvP. Ask some of those that know me, I am incredibly stubborn. :P You can't really win over anti-PvP zealots, such as myself. However, fortunately, it's been my experience that most on Champion aren't as much of an anti-PvP zealot as I am. I'm sure there are others in the Champion community that would appreciate your tutorage and experience.
Regardless, like I said, best of luck to you, whatever you decide.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Good luck wherever you may find yourself, Enemy. Thanks for being a patient helper when I was trying pvp. :-)
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Good luck on your choices, and I kinda feel like bronx on paying out of pocket for the moves .. eewww
I am not a regular pvp'r but ran in the zones from time to time, Shiv's (gotten AS a few times but no biggy) Taken down a stone brute with a blaster in RV (ok the Brute was afk but still was done). Join in a few of the last base raids before they were disabled. PvP is just not something I enjoy all of the time.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
As we speak, and test, new peeps are leveling up toons to pvp with us. .
Move a toon Scribe, like we talked about. One toon to give you some active pvp while you are waiting on this community to build up a bit. Its not going to happen over night.
Dont think of it as failed, but rather expectations set too high.
I PvP in CoX from time to time, but not enough to take it seriously. You can't teach someone serious PvP. They have to want to do it. I listen in, take some notes, and make some basic modifications to play style as a matter of defensive/offensive tactical adjustments for when Im goofing off in RV or the arena, but Im not going to create a specialized PvP toon. Im not going to drop 10digits on a PvP-spec build. If my PvE builds work well in PvP, great.. if not, I'll hang for a bit then bail.
IMHO, if you really wanted to make PvP more popular, there would be more emphesis on keeping the numbers and ranks balanced in zone PvP. Strolling into RV with a half dozen organized villians sniping heroes is a great way to end up with a dead zone. When those sort of skill balance issues show, a re-org is in order, otherwise the action will die out. Casual PvP'ers dont have the ability to call for re-inforcements like the more seasoned PvPers do. I always hear that counter-arguement, and trust me, while I can call together PuGs for about anthing PvE in shortorder, I might be able to get 2 or 3 other casual players with me into PvP if I grovel well, but nothing that will balance out a zone. And when I am so bold as to ask for a villian to switch to balance out all I get back is "lrn2pvp". Yeah, that makes me want to stick around the zone. No thanks. Ill just head to the arena for some fun pvp, kthx.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
IMHO, if you really wanted to make PvP more popular, there would be more emphesis on keeping the numbers and ranks balanced in zone PvP. |
to really learn pvp a more controlled enviorment helps alot. (cough arena cough) which everyone typically overlooks. dont get me wrong, its certainly possible to learn how to player a really good stalker in zones by trial and error, but due to low zone activities, generally lower skill level etc it will take alot longer.
If someone was asking about what PvP was like here, I'd take them to the Arena and talk them through a few duels - I would never EVER suggest they try zone PvP as their first taste of CoH PvP
Unless maybe they were the right level for Siren's Call, and there was a big fight going on in there with quite evenly matched sides, then I think taking them there and getting them on a team would be ok.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
First of all thanks for helping keeping the PvP community positive, I have seriously seen results, so do not short change yourself. In the time you have been back I have seen increase participation in RV from heroes and villains; you have had a positive effect on the the Champion PvP community. I hope you do not get discouraged and change servers, I think it would be a great lost if you do. Everything takes time, and increasing PvP interest will not happen over night or even by months, I encourage you stick with it. The HoJ and the Champion server salute your hard work and hope you stay!
Dear En3my, while I don't pvp, I appreciate your efforts. I am similar to Cel-Lord that I hate pvp but I will occasionally get shivans (although I'm not brave enough to get nukes yet.) I think regular players would be more willing to come to pvp zones if the players were more accomodating. What do I mean? If a pve players comes for badges or shivans, LET THEM and don't snipe them. If I feel more confortable in a zone I might be willing to give pvp a try. But as it is now, I try to get in and out as fast as possible before people see me and kill me. Sniper's attitudes don't do anything for me to want to pvp, just to avoid the zone as much as possible. Don't force me to pvp when I don't want to. Invite me to pvp and I might be willing to give it a chance. (Although I am sucktastic at it.)
Now I don't expect any one person to change a community's attitute, but that is just one opinion, mine, on how to make the zones more friendly.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
I don't think you can honestly say you've failed.
The problem with PvP in this game is it isn't advancement or loot-driven (well the PvP IOs are nice) and people have a conception about how their l33t Fire/Kin can mop up 30 mobs and why can't they take out that Therm or Stalker or Tanker or...
PvP is just something that isn't for everyone. If you have a weekly event for it, like kickballs or something, a bunch of people will show up and so on.
You just can't expect people to be as hardcore about it as we are.
I mean, seriously...a few years ago I was on Test 15-20 hours a week and stuff like that. I can't see myself doing that now.
Do what I do, park a few toons on an active server (Virtue or Freedom, Infinity is so-so) and keep some on Champion just for fun.
I'm probably moving some stuff to Champion soon...
You just need a special type of personality to get your face pounded and laugh it off and tweak and then go back to it. It's not for everyone.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
to really learn pvp a more controlled enviorment helps alot. (cough arena cough) which everyone typically overlooks. dont get me wrong, its certainly possible to learn how to player a really good stalker in zones by trial and error, but due to low zone activities, generally lower skill level etc it will take alot longer.
But...... because of that we arent part of the larger PvP community. For PvP to thrive it needs to have the zone PvP be popular as a place where you can engage in a fight you at least have a chance at winning. Little pockets of arenaPvP wont grow zonePvP. Farming rooks for drops should not be part of the PvP community... but it is. Its hard to go from the winning side to the losing side, and there will always be imbalance in zone PvP, but a better effort to keep it from being a landslide is needed.
Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion
"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."
I'm sorry to see you down in the dumps about the PvP'ers here on Champion. I'm not a PvP'er. I've tried it a few times and I'm just not up for it. I like the ability to predict the play style of the NPCs in the game and defeat them. Trying to figure out a pack of 16 year old boys bent on destruction in a PvP zone is not my cup of tea. You couldn't offer me enough to head in there again. I've quit teams who decided to head in to the PvP zones for one reason or another and offered me to sit at the base and be safe.
Good Luck in what ever you choose.
Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper
I'm not sure what your expectations were, but I agree with 4shes and UC. theres been more PvP action in the last 3-4 weeks than in the last six months. so something is working. and yeah... I think it may be the same 16-20 people over and over... but its a start. Least every one is making an effort to show up and have some fun
But if your dead set on heading out to another server. GL HF man.
well man we been talking on vent last couple days.... about pvp... its just we have keep chipping away. Good stuff don't happen over night. I been seen little more active in RV and kickball. I mean yesturday there were some good kickballs lastnight. I mean I have though about moving to a different server for pvp.. just to fight new face. I have been fighting the same oh people for many..many months. I say stick a toon on freedom but not all of them... I mean I heard there alot peeps in freedom.. but its a kiddy farm over there.. which might annoy you.
well man we been talking on vent last couple days.... about pvp... its just we have keep chipping away. Good stuff don't happen over night. I been seen little more active in RV and kickball. I mean yesturday there were some good kickballs lastnight. I mean I have though about moving to a different server for pvp.. just to fight new face. I have been fighting the same oh people for many..many months. I say stick a toon on freedom but not all of them... I mean I heard there alot peeps in freedom.. but its a kiddy farm over there.. which might annoy you.
Now, there are TONS of people on Freedom so you'll always find someone to fight. There are times though when you'll join a team and it will be 6 Fire/Regen Scrappers and something...it is nonstop pvp button mashing though.
THere is a small core over there that takes their arena seriously and you'll get along great with them, I have no doubt.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Well, hopefully you find fun somewhere else ingame and still fell the need to play Champion sometimes.
Good luck and God Speed.
another reason why they should take the plunge and do cross-server pvp, imho.
I can see some pretty epic server gang wars happening if that happens. Might be fun.
I agree with Elf... I mean pvp has been booming compared to what it was a couple months ago and the growing proccess is going to take longer than what you (and we) would like...but it ain't gonna happen without a HUGE push in the right direction.. and when I say huge push its more like push off a cliff. i think if we get enough RV events, people wanting to join the pvp community, and people helping with builds, Champion could be a competitor with freedom as far as pvp goes, granted less people but with less nubs.
Anyways, heres hoping that champion pvp keeps on going the direction its headed because its lookin' pretty good.
I might level some toons on freedom but from /ac theres basicly nice people who are good/serious about pvp, and a HANDFUL of complete Dbags who are good/serious about pvp and will talk any sort of smack on you possible even if they beat you on their acco/IOd toons when your DO'd blaster 5 levels below the zone cap...and a buttload of nubs playing regens who think they are the best because they dont die...not as fun as it sounds believe it or not.
Its so weird over there, when someone new talks about pvp the dbags steer them away from freedom and pvp, but anywhere else and we practically beg people to come pvp with us.
Hey man,
I'm sorry you feel its been a failure, but in my eyes it definitely hasn't been. Its gotten me more interested in pvp, even if I'm only popping into RV for 20-30 mins a week, that's still 20-30 mins more than I had been in before you started this initiative.
I agree with Neuronia, Elf and Kat about only moving over one or two characters so you can engage in some more active pvp but still be a part of the scene here. I know its easy to get discouraged because there's a huge prejudice against pvp these days, both from people who enjoyed pre-i12 pvp and pve'ers but I would again encourage you stick with it.
Just as long as you know moving to Freedom won't let you get away from my pvp questions I've got the bug now and there's ****-all you can do about it.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
the nature of zone pvp calls for a certain degree of imbalance, theres no clear cut method to ever balance fighting in a zone with so many factors to take into account such as skill level, AT usage, and teaming. Plus the whole hero vs villain thing, zones are a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE place to learn to pvp. while it is a good place to promote interest in pvp or the occasional zone wide large scale battle royale of doom for fun (as to allow you to hop in, button mash and hopefully come up with a kill)
to really learn pvp a more controlled enviorment helps alot. (cough arena cough) which everyone typically overlooks. dont get me wrong, its certainly possible to learn how to player a really good stalker in zones by trial and error, but due to low zone activities, generally lower skill level etc it will take alot longer. |
Either way, have fun on other servers.
PvP on champion is a fail.. i really don't care what any of y'all say :] Scribe, Oz, Nappy, Neur, Dro, and I moved one of our toons to Virtue for PvP.. Unlike on champion instead of there being about 4 people in zone at all times.. We had about 15 people in there total the past few times we were in RV, maybe even a little more.
Some of the "Best" PvP'rs have lets say.. (Been born and raised) on champion no? and some of the "best" PvP Groups have (been born and raised) on champion no? Looking at today's PvP though.. Well its just pathetic! the only people i ever see in RV these days.. on a daily schedule, would be Oz, Scribe, Dro, Elfy, and Myself.. If i missed a name i am sorry. Only one problem with these names.. !!!WE ARE ALL VILLAINS!!! No heroes in the Zone to PvP with?
That brings me to another subject.. In a different post i stated that when us villains are out numbered.. lets say by three or four? we usually stick it out and try to keep it going.. yes, EVEN if we die trying. But when the heroes get out numbered by maybe, two or three of us villains.. By GOD will you stay in RV. Even if you have an emp on your side, y'all still think its "Unfair" and y'all ***** and moan about how we have u out numbered.. I'm not saying us villains don't ***** and moan, but we don't every time.. Here's another one, if the heroes are just getting ***** up, down, left, and right. They just HAVE to ask for a 1v1.. I guess they don't do it under FC, because of my stalker in RV.. and/or because no arena options. So I'm going to pick on artic right here.. If heroes are getting slammed, artic will ask for a 1v1.. since we are "gang banging" and "teaming on him" in RV.. Well first off, welcome to Zone PvP buddy.. Second is, if no one accepts his challenge, to a 1v1 in arena.. he leaves the zone? WTF is that ****? so we don't want to 1v1 u in arena.. then you talk **** about how we are scarred? lulz at you type of people! your just as AWESOME AS AROLLINGTHUNDER!
Anyways, to end this, i would like to say thank you everyone for all the fun on champion PvP. Its not because of me, or any other individual, it's all of us that made it happen. Sure I've caused some drama, and some of it is funny as hell.. and then other parts have got me banned lol..?
Anyways, thank you to all the PvP Community on champion for the fun PvP times. I am still looking for a new PvP "home" with scribe and the rest of our crew..
So it seems that the interest in pvp has not really changed much, which makes me sad. I have been trying to promote pvp in a positive and helpful manner, but at the end of the day - If people dont want to pvp, they aren't going to.
With that all being said, Im probabaly going to be moving my toons to Freedom and/ or Virtue. Im going to stick around for a bit and see if there is anything I can still do here, but ultimately, Im probably goin to be moving
If by chance I do not stay here, I would like to thank everyone who has made Champion home for me for the last 5 years, and all the people who kept pvp alive with what little resources available.
Budwieser, 4shes, Oz, Ultima, Dio, Loon, Undead Cyborg and HoJ, Dro, Artic and EXILE, Tungsten Wolf, and other other random people ( I think I just named everyone who pvps actually..lol ) have all made pvp fun and interesting on Champion for me.
If there is still interest in the ladder and pvp 101 channel, I will still be available to host and answer question since I will not be leaving the game, just the server.
Hopefully, I wont have to leave, but thinking the way I do, I more than likely will.
GL HF Champion
Thx for the memories.