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  1. EN3MY

    Read this thread

    I need my 10$ back. Apparently there are other black people on Freedom.
  2. EN3MY

    IO swap?

    Does anyone want to trade Villain IOs to get some Hero IO's? I've done this before, didnt think I would again...but I am.

    I have Hecatomb sets, Apoc sets, Grav Anchor sets, Numina and Mircale Uniques, LoTG Rechs - on the blue side, LFT to the redside.

    Or we can work something out.
  3. EN3MY

    Read this thread

    Freedom = well worth the 10$ for transfer.
    Noticed this no longer than 5mins of being on the server.
  4. EN3MY

    I have failed :(

    So it seems that the interest in pvp has not really changed much, which makes me sad. I have been trying to promote pvp in a positive and helpful manner, but at the end of the day - If people dont want to pvp, they aren't going to.

    With that all being said, Im probabaly going to be moving my toons to Freedom and/ or Virtue. Im going to stick around for a bit and see if there is anything I can still do here, but ultimately, Im probably goin to be moving .

    If by chance I do not stay here, I would like to thank everyone who has made Champion home for me for the last 5 years, and all the people who kept pvp alive with what little resources available.

    Budwieser, 4shes, Oz, Ultima, Dio, Loon, Undead Cyborg and HoJ, Dro, Artic and EXILE, Tungsten Wolf, and other other random people ( I think I just named everyone who pvps actually..lol ) have all made pvp fun and interesting on Champion for me.

    If there is still interest in the ladder and pvp 101 channel, I will still be available to host and answer question since I will not be leaving the game, just the server.

    Hopefully, I wont have to leave, but thinking the way I do, I more than likely will.

    GL HF Champion .
    Thx for the memories.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    *shrugs* I still post cause I like to, as much as I have lost total interest in the game, I still like the community

    As to the ladder falling apart, well I never said anything about why it fell apart, and ill leave it like that.

    And sorry void, I'm not gonna put time into stripping any of my toons. My account is still active for a couple more months anyways.
    Handled well..thx
    Fair enough. I can understand posting if you like to do so, so thats cool..alot of the other people jusr lik to hate, I guess.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Well, I might have joined, if I actually still played this game. Although I'd probably be expecting it to fall apart like last time.
    Couple things real quick, take no offense...

    But I dont understand why people who dont play anymore, make an effort to reply to something that is or going to be taking place, with nothing important to say. Please don't take it the wrong way, you arent the only person who does this.
    I know when I stopped playing, my account was off and I stopped posting.

    And like I said to many people before. If the ladder fell apart because I was gone, being a 1st time father..I dont know what to tell you. We have plenty of intelligent people who pve and pvp on this server who could have easily picked it up and ran with it.
  7. Update*
    I feel compelled to post the out come of the Me vs Elf **** talk. We had a match, which some people placed wagers on, And Elf beat me.
    It was a good fight and respect is granted where its due. And I also came out of pocket to pay the wager placed on me, since I did lose.

    Gf though.
  8. Psy!
    What up man? How have you been?? I thought you disappeared form coh, then I remembered your line of work.

    Most diff get in touch with me when you touch down back home, after you get the family time in, and what have you.

    Btw, Those screenies were good memories, I'm glad you had them
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Renamon View Post
    I would like to see some 2v2 groups myself. as alot of my friends know, i prefer playing support in pvp
    Thats fine, but sorry..thats not what I'm offering. If it turns into a 2v2 ladder on champion, there would only be 5 teams tops, due to the low number of pvpers.

    Maybe some where down the line...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HydroPonics View Post
    One thing is for sure it really only takes 2-5 secounds to tell how smart someone is in this case I guess U can say 1 post. GLHF
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    NO one on Champion that is just that good that they have the right to put down others.
    Kat is noub.
    Get off my playground.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    I have to comment on what you were saying about people putting HOJ down because they are not considered Elite pvprs. I think that perhaps some people need to come down a notch or two. There are currently no elite pvprs on champion. None. Zilch.

    As far as I know there are maybe 4-5 of us that ever hardcore test pvp'd. Me, En3my, As4es and Neuronia come to mind. I am sure there might be one or 2 that still pvp on a regular basis that I am not thinking of. Perhaps a few PCJL are still pvp'n (as far as I know they only do their private KB's any more but I could be wrong). Out of us 4 I am pretty sure every one of us has not done nearly as much pvp as before I13 and none of us have competed on a hardcore level lately. There are a few others that participated in the TVpvl (however you spell it) on test. Besides those no one has competed on any kind of extremely competitive level. Even out of those that at one time competed on an eletist level, we are all rusty now and noobs again anyways. You can't exactly stay at the top of your game when every one you compete against is not at that level. Hell I admittingly played my emp about a month back in some KB's and I absolutely sucked. I didn't die that much but I couldn't catch my rhythym on my buffing and healing. I bet even as good as En3my is he will admit he isn't nearly as good as he used to be because those that offered any hardcore competition to practice against are no longer here. Being the best when there is not competition isn't exactly an accomplishment.

    While there are some on Champion that are way better than others there is no one that is so good that they should be talking **** about HOJ, PON or any other non-pvp SG/VG on the server. Get Wrecked is brand new and while its a pvp VG we are not that used to teaming together nor been around long enough that we should have a big head about our skills. The VG Exile while it has a couple of really good people, for the most part is extremely unorganized and not that fabulous as well.

    Basically my very long winded point is that there is NO one on Champion that is just that good that they have the right to put down others. This is the perfect time on Champion to try to get new pvprs because there is no one that hardcore still around. We are mostly all on the same playing ground of trying to learn to be better pvprs.
    Pretty much everything you said is on point.
    Everything except the fact that you said I am a rusty, non-hardocre, non-elitist. Girl...DON'T.GET.WRECKED.UP.IN.HERE.
    I AM THE ****!
  13. I bet you can't guess what kind of music I listen to!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
    I have fought the best fir/em in champion who actually pvp with them alot. I beat the Hell's, The Artics, GFunny, Enigma, Ashes, and etc.
  15. Also, make no mistake guys. Although Im pointing out that i dont want it to be 15 therms, 12 blasters, and 1 new kid on a claws/invul scrapper wondering wtf is going on...This is by no means a GIMP tourney. So you shouldnt bring toons you think are gimp, unless you honestly want to.

  16. Pointing out my old man, cranky, angry traits.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
    I know what he was trying to say but the issue wasn't going be that not everyone play thermal or blaster. I'm just saying thermals getting the back burn of all this. No issue should have been brough up. Cause we basically all know what were playing to bring. I don't see a ladder full of thermal or blasters, maybe stalkers.
    Actually, you dont know what people are going to bring. You are under the misconception that because people do zone pvp with certain AT's thats thats what they are going to use. You dont really know much about me or the people I pvp with other than the fact you see us in RV, but Elf I was around when you were lol, and before that.
    I remeber when you used your storm, you would cast Lightning Storm in RV and run out of range of it to the hero base..thus making your LS inactive.

    You have yet to understand what I am saying. So im going to put it like this...Don't sign up. That way you dont have to worry about this thread.

    If you really want to be helpful, just shut up.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    I started it last time, and did'nt follow through due to the birth of my son. So yes, depending on the outcome.

    If there is nothing but therms and blasters, then I prolly wont do it. I cant see that being much fun for new pvpers. Last night, there was a therm who wouldnt duel my friends dom because my friend would not fight the therm in the arena with FC no insp rules. Lol wth is that?
    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    Not saying that they cant be beat. What I am going to say is, that there are to many people relying on blasters and therms as far as 1v1 goes, which in most cases will be harder for new pvpers - which is my audience.

    So therefore, If there are more than half the people who sign up, if they do sign up, if it even gets started, sign up as a therm..then I will bow out of hosting this event and you can have the event to yourself to host. I'd still join, but im not going to promote something that will drive away the people I'm trying to sway.

    Fighting a therm 5 out of 6 of your matches would be pretty discouraging for a newbie, not teach him pvp, and encourage him to just roll a therm rather than learn the angles.
    Originally Posted by EN3MY View Post
    Then dont ****** join. *****. You act like I was specifically targetin your Therm, which i could give a **** less about. And btw PLEASE set up a match with me and your Stalker..PLLEEEEEEASE. I'll use my defender or w/e since im not gonna Lvl a therm jsut to wreck you.

    You dont have to worry about joining because You arent joining. Until you learn to understand what was stated in this thread there is nothing for us to talk about, discuss or deal with.

    Now... Point me in the direction where i said your therm can't join.. I clearly said that if more than HALF of the toons entered are therms, then I am calling this off. This isnt freedom where people pvp day in and day out. This is champion, where we are TRYING to get people to pvp more. You find me 5 new pvpers that like fighting therms and we''l talk then.

    What you fail to realise is, like the dev's, I dont care about the old pvp community(on champion), Im looking at the bigger picture, which would be the new people who are TRYIN to get into pvp. Not to few "kinda good-cuzallthegoodpvpersleft-pvpers".
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
    Well now i'm free up to actually write whats on my mind. I was on phone with my girl. You actaully did target my therm. You said that if my thermal join that you would drop the whole ladder. Serious there several toon that counter a thermal. Yeah I mean have ladder that banning certain toon is so lame. Honestly I think stalker should be ban since they can hide through whole match and wait last sec's to get a kill with 20 reds. Yeah I would fight you. Its honestly nothing to me. For Ashes I understand what he trying to do with the new pvpers... but regulating what toon you can bring is kinda hog wash Cause having certain toon doesn't really mean anything... along you bring the right toon to beat it. Every toon has it weakness and that when skillz come to play.
    Lets Ban Rads from this event.. lets ban stalkers, let ban fire blaster with there flairs... get the F*** out here with that crap and just pvp or get wreck!
    Once again.
    I did not say THERMS were banned. I did not say YOUR THERM was banned.
    Lrn2read so you can Lrn2rage.

    PS. I made where I am proving my point to you BOLD just in case you were wondering why the letters had gotten bigger.

    Feel free to host your own and get it started, or shut the **** up derailing mine (which im trying to start) since you can't read, and stay in a participants place.
  19. Before I reply to you Original post, since we want to do the OP thing, Im goin to prove a point. You can fight my fire/em, I will throw IO's back on him and we can do this Tues.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER View Post
    WTF you serious... for 1 yeah alot people have thermals... but mainly I'm on one that play my stalker 24-7. All sh** can be said of stalkers and blasters. Don't hate cause I build my thermal as a beast. Make a thermal and watch my stalker reck you! So don't hate on a Class like a dev and let anyone bring the F*** they want. Im am surprise that you hating on a certain type AnD btw I have beaten plently of Thermals in my pvp experience. Any how enough of these panties talks if going to hate on my toon then screw this ladder.
    Then dont ****** join. *****. You act like I was specifically targetin your Therm, which i could give a **** less about. And btw PLEASE set up a match with me and your Stalker..PLLEEEEEEASE. I'll use my defender or w/e since im not gonna Lvl a therm jsut to wreck you.

    You dont have to worry about joining because You arent joining. Until you learn to understand what was stated in this thread there is nothing for us to talk about, discuss or deal with.

    Now... Point me in the direction where i said your therm can't join.. I clearly said that if more than HALF of the toons entered are therms, then I am calling this off. This isnt freedom where people pvp day in and day out. This is champion, where we are TRYING to get people to pvp more. You find me 5 new pvpers that like fighting therms and we''l talk then.

    What you fail to realise is, like the dev's, I dont care about the old pvp community(on champion), Im looking at the bigger picture, which would be the new people who are TRYIN to get into pvp. Not to few "kinda good-cuzallthegoodpvpersleft-pvpers".
  21. EN3MY

    Read this thread

    If things don't pan out for me on Champion, then I may be doing a server transfer in the not so distant future.
    I've been busting my *** trying to help people get into pvp, with builds, and advice, but If your server isnt a pvp server, then it just isnt.

    Would try to bring my Vg mates along with me, if not I'll roll solo. We'll see. Been on Champion since dec 04..maybe I need to go sight seeing.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER1 View Post
    blaster can be beat and thermal can be beat. You can expect the new pvper to be at the bottom of the food chain until they get better.
    Not saying that they cant be beat. What I am going to say is, that there are to many people relying on blasters and therms as far as 1v1 goes, which in most cases will be harder for new pvpers - which is my audience.

    So therefore, If there are more than half the people who sign up, if they do sign up, if it even gets started, sign up as a therm..then I will bow out of hosting this event and you can have the event to yourself to host. I'd still join, but im not going to promote something that will drive away the people I'm trying to sway.

    Fighting a therm 5 out of 6 of your matches would be pretty discouraging for a newbie, not teach him pvp, and encourage him to just roll a therm rather than learn the angles.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ELF_STALKER1 View Post
    cool.... you taking it over... cause I was planning to take it over soon. i justed wanted to talk to few peeps first.
    I started it last time, and did'nt follow through due to the birth of my son. So yes, depending on the outcome.
    Originally Posted by 4shes View Post

    Hopefully we can get more enrolled than a sea of blasters and therms. considering they are currently two of the best ATs to duel with prob not.

    btw i hate the hold proc
    If there is nothing but therms and blasters, then I prolly wont do it. I cant see that being much fun for new pvpers. Last night, there was a therm who wouldnt duel my friends dom because my friend would not fight the therm in the arena with FC no insp rules. Lol wth is that?