Any interest in the Dueling ladder re-opening?
cool.... you taking it over... cause I was planning to take it over soon. i justed wanted to talk to few peeps first.
Hopefully we can get more enrolled than a sea of blasters and therms. considering they are currently two of the best ATs to duel with prob not.
btw i hate the hold proc
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cool.... you taking it over... cause I was planning to take it over soon. i justed wanted to talk to few peeps first.
If there is nothing but therms and blasters, then I prolly wont do it. I cant see that being much fun for new pvpers. Last night, there was a therm who wouldnt duel my friends dom because my friend would not fight the therm in the arena with FC no insp rules. Lol wth is that?
blaster can be beat and thermal can be beat. You can expect the new pvper to be at the bottom of the food chain until they get better.
blaster can be beat and thermal can be beat. You can expect the new pvper to be at the bottom of the food chain until they get better.
So therefore, If there are more than half the people who sign up, if they do sign up, if it even gets started, sign up as a therm..then I will bow out of hosting this event and you can have the event to yourself to host. I'd still join, but im not going to promote something that will drive away the people I'm trying to sway.
Fighting a therm 5 out of 6 of your matches would be pretty discouraging for a newbie, not teach him pvp, and encourage him to just roll a therm rather than learn the angles.
I am with enemy of man here, lol (he hates it spelled this way) I will be 1v1 my stone/ice melee tank vs you all 1v1 . GLHF HAI5 AND ALL THAT OTHER GOOD PVP JAB!!!!
WTF you serious... for 1 yeah alot people have thermals... but mainly I'm on one that play my stalker 24-7. All sh** can be said of stalkers and blasters. Don't hate cause I build my thermal as a beast. Make a thermal and watch my stalker reck you! So don't hate on a Class like a dev and let anyone bring the F*** they want. Im am surprise that you hating on a certain type AnD btw I have beaten plently of Thermals in my pvp experience. Any how enough of these panties talks if going to hate on my toon then screw this ladder.
WTF you serious... for 1 yeah alot people have thermals... but mainly I'm on one that play my stalker 24-7. All sh** can be said of stalkers and blasters. Don't hate cause I build my thermal as a beast. Make a thermal and watch my stalker reck you! So don't hate on a Class like a dev and let anyone bring the F*** they want. Im am surprise that you hating on a certain type AnD btw I have beaten plently of Thermals in my pvp experience. Any how enough of these panties talks if going to hate on my toon then screw this ladder.
You dont have to worry about joining because You arent joining. Until you learn to understand what was stated in this thread there is nothing for us to talk about, discuss or deal with.
Now... Point me in the direction where i said your therm can't join.. I clearly said that if more than HALF of the toons entered are therms, then I am calling this off. This isnt freedom where people pvp day in and day out. This is champion, where we are TRYING to get people to pvp more. You find me 5 new pvpers that like fighting therms and we''l talk then.
What you fail to realise is, like the dev's, I dont care about the old pvp community(on champion), Im looking at the bigger picture, which would be the new people who are TRYIN to get into pvp. Not to few "kinda good-cuzallthegoodpvpersleft-pvpers".
Ill join in i have alot of new toons i want to get more into on 1v1s as well as bringing my blasters n though i wont use them against new pvpers only ppl who i know have some skill.
but if we r reopening this then put me down for
range/debuff/melee toons as my 1v1 toons if u r making a list or something
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Easy Elf...I think there is a middle ground here. We can all agree that more pvpers participating in events/zone pvp on Champion server is a good thing. Keep in mind our mission is not to bring them into our world with the same brutality as we came up, though it made us tough, it also wasn't fun all the time. Our mission is to help players with an interest in pvp explore it, at their pace. I may be going out on a limb here speaking for scribe but for as aggravating as you can be there is no hate directed to you or any ATs you play.
Having teamed and opposed your toons I say with earnest you deserve alot of respect for the toons and playstyle you have developed. Now it is time to take the next step and make those around us better, not just ourselves. Scribe and others are attemting to accomplish this not with the hammer and sythe but with a gentle hand to show you can have fun in RV and arena.
Deep down i think you know this and that is why you have rolled a new dominator to place yourself back in the challenge where you thrive best.
Take a deep breath and enjoy the new blood, old friend.
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
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yeah on new peeps i wasnt going use my thermal to pawn them... would try some other type toon.
sure I would except the challenge lvl your therm... or any crap! nd join part... I dont care really cause i know who i can beat and not. so its all gravy

sounds like you said my name
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
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Well now i'm free up to actually write whats on my mind. I was on phone with my girl. You actaully did target my therm. You said that if my thermal join that you would drop the whole ladder. Serious there several toon that counter a thermal. Yeah I mean have ladder that banning certain toon is so lame. Honestly I think stalker should be ban since they can hide through whole match and wait last sec's to get a kill with 20 reds. Yeah I would fight you. Its honestly nothing to me. For Ashes I understand what he trying to do with the new pvpers... but regulating what toon you can bring is kinda hog wash Cause having certain toon doesn't really mean anything... along you bring the right toon to beat it. Every toon has it weakness and that when skillz come to play.
Lets Ban Rads from this event.. lets ban stalkers, let ban fire blaster with there flairs... get the F*** out here with that crap and just pvp or get wreck!
Before I reply to you Original post, since we want to do the OP thing, Im goin to prove a point. You can fight my fire/em, I will throw IO's back on him and we can do this Tues.
I started it last time, and did'nt follow through due to the birth of my son. So yes, depending on the outcome.
If there is nothing but therms and blasters, then I prolly wont do it. I cant see that being much fun for new pvpers. Last night, there was a therm who wouldnt duel my friends dom because my friend would not fight the therm in the arena with FC no insp rules. Lol wth is that? |
Not saying that they cant be beat. What I am going to say is, that there are to many people relying on blasters and therms as far as 1v1 goes, which in most cases will be harder for new pvpers - which is my audience.
So therefore, If there are more than half the people who sign up, if they do sign up, if it even gets started, sign up as a therm..then I will bow out of hosting this event and you can have the event to yourself to host. I'd still join, but im not going to promote something that will drive away the people I'm trying to sway. Fighting a therm 5 out of 6 of your matches would be pretty discouraging for a newbie, not teach him pvp, and encourage him to just roll a therm rather than learn the angles. |
Then dont ****** join. *****. You act like I was specifically targetin your Therm, which i could give a **** less about. And btw PLEASE set up a match with me and your Stalker..PLLEEEEEEASE. I'll use my defender or w/e since im not gonna Lvl a therm jsut to wreck you.
You dont have to worry about joining because You arent joining. Until you learn to understand what was stated in this thread there is nothing for us to talk about, discuss or deal with. Now... Point me in the direction where i said your therm can't join.. I clearly said that if more than HALF of the toons entered are therms, then I am calling this off. This isnt freedom where people pvp day in and day out. This is champion, where we are TRYING to get people to pvp more. You find me 5 new pvpers that like fighting therms and we''l talk then. What you fail to realise is, like the dev's, I dont care about the old pvp community(on champion), Im looking at the bigger picture, which would be the new people who are TRYIN to get into pvp. Not to few "kinda good-cuzallthegoodpvpersleft-pvpers". |
Well now i'm free up to actually write whats on my mind. I was on phone with my girl. You actaully did target my therm. You said that if my thermal join that you would drop the whole ladder. Serious there several toon that counter a thermal. Yeah I mean have ladder that banning certain toon is so lame. Honestly I think stalker should be ban since they can hide through whole match and wait last sec's to get a kill with 20 reds. Yeah I would fight you. Its honestly nothing to me. For Ashes I understand what he trying to do with the new pvpers... but regulating what toon you can bring is kinda hog wash Cause having certain toon doesn't really mean anything... along you bring the right toon to beat it. Every toon has it weakness and that when skillz come to play.
Lets Ban Rads from this event.. lets ban stalkers, let ban fire blaster with there flairs... get the F*** out here with that crap and just pvp or get wreck! |
Once again.
I did not say THERMS were banned. I did not say YOUR THERM was banned.
Lrn2read so you can Lrn2rage.
PS. I made where I am proving my point to you BOLD just in case you were wondering why the letters had gotten bigger.
Feel free to host your own and get it started, or shut the **** up derailing mine (which im trying to start) since you can't read, and stay in a participants place.
This seems like a great idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think organized duels would be a pretty good way for new players to learn about pvp. If a new player duels an experienced pvper, its a more controlled environment for them to learn and be taught, rather than zones which can be pretty chaotic.
I dunno how much I could participate with how my schedule is, but I'm definitely interested in this. You're doing an awesome job to revitalize Champion pvp, dude. Props.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Ugh! its a PVP ladder for crying out aloud its not a pvp event or KB. Ladder meaning who on top and who isn't and lol trying to IO a fire/em? so? really don't effect me or scare me. I have fought the best fir/em in champion who actually pvp with them alot. I beat the Hell's, The Artics, GFunny, Enigma, Ashes, and etc. So doesn't fade me if have a Fire/Em blaster I can invade with the best of them. I didn't want start off bashing you but seriouly targeting a group cause you or other people might have problem beating that type. Its a ladder and not a step stool. I would love to see new players and give them any advice. I wasn't palyign to use my Thermal for every match i fought. I got few IOed toon other then my thermal. You stated on comment on top ^ if you sign up your thermal you can run the ladder your self. Please IO your blaster for me and I challenge with my therms. PLEASE LET DO IT.... I love to arena.
Elf, learn to perspective already.
This isn't a hardcore ladder like they had on Test or the other servers.
This is a ladder so newbies can learn to PvP and learn their build's strengths and weaknesses and have some fun and chill and make new friends in a part of the game they don't get involved in...
(Helloooooooo run-on sentence!)
Basically, he doesn't want this to devolve to how the old duel ladder was when everyone was on a Fortunata before they scaled back Elusivity, or everyone just being on a FOTM. It's about variety and cutting loose not mad auditions for l33t PvP ladder teams or anything.
I'll be bringing my Illusion/Trick Arrow to Champion for this once she is IOd out. I'm willing to drop $20-$40 per week to move her back and forth from Pinnacle to Champion between PvE/PvP Events. Heck, if I can get my Peacebringer to 50 I might just use that for laughs.
I know I'll get farmed but lol if I win a match with a Trick Arrow.
Just bring something fun and don't worry about the e-peen for once. People on CHamps know you are decent, do this to help people with their learning and skills instead of curbstomping them etc.
(Also, lol @ En3my having trouble beating certain ATs and did you ever fight Unholy Weapon, Blue on his Ice/EM, etc etc...those guys were beasts).
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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ELF TALKER should try reading posts carefully before responding.
Let's say for sake of argument if 90% of the registered players in this ladder brought a thermal, that'd be pretty stupid and lame. No point in having a ladder if that's what it's gonna be.
As soon as I get my new pvp toon up to 50 and IO'd I'm in.
... and no, my toon isn't a thermal
@Llewthor, @Llewthor2
I know what he was trying to say but the issue wasn't going be that not everyone play thermal or blaster. I'm just saying thermals getting the back burn of all this. No issue should have been brough up. Cause we basically all know what were playing to bring. I don't see a ladder full of thermal or blasters, maybe stalkers.
Misread the post I replied to.
I know what he was trying to say but the issue wasn't going be that not everyone play thermal or blaster. I'm just saying thermals getting the back burn of all this. No issue should have been brough up. Cause we basically all know what were playing to bring. I don't see a ladder full of thermal or blasters, maybe stalkers.
I remeber when you used your storm, you would cast Lightning Storm in RV and run out of range of it to the hero base..thus making your LS inactive.
You have yet to understand what I am saying. So im going to put it like this...Don't sign up. That way you dont have to worry about this thread.
If you really want to be helpful, just shut up.
If there is enough interest, I will be willing to re-open and host the 1v1 dueling ladder with a few changes (i.e Scheduled days to fight and so on).