Release Names or Tie to Global

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If enough players think its ugly, it will also have a negative effect on CoX subscriptions, even though that effect might be much more difficult to measure directly.
The non-unique name system doesn't have to work on a visual <charname>@<globalname> system from the cosmetic level. It could still have the separate <charname> on one level and the @<globalname> system that we are currently familiar with in CoH/V. However, under the hood it would treat <charname>s as non-unique and <globalnames> as unique, meaning <charname> suddenly becomes more flexible. There are less issues in having unique globalnames since you only need one for multiple characters, making more potentially desirable globalnames available.

Obviously the issue then becomes about sending /tells to the correct player if you only used <charname>, which could be done in a number of ways (e.g. default to friends list first, default to last <charname> sent on this account, confirm correct target if conflicts exist, etc). That part requires a bit of thought, but it isn't insurmountable.

I'm not that bothered either way, but concerns about "ugly" naming conventions can certainly be worked around since they are just top-end cosmetics.



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Or, let me put it like this. If I took a year off from this game, under this policy, I'd never return.
Well, you're welcome to that opinion. Personally, I did take several years off from the game and lost some names I had from back around launch during the name purges. I completely understand and have no ill feelings towards NCSoft nor whichever lucky folks snagged my abandoned names.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Well, you're welcome to that opinion. Personally, I did take several years off from the game and lost some names I had from back around launch during the name purges. I completely understand and have no ill feelings towards NCSoft nor whichever lucky folks snagged my abandoned names.
Some? Or all? And another poster suggested that your names would even be genericed, meaning you'd either have to petition a GM and try to get the stuff changed which they may not do, pay for a rename, deal with having crappy names, or make new toons.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
The non-unique name system doesn't have to work on a visual <charname>@<globalname> system from the cosmetic level. It could still have the separate <charname> on one level and the @<globalname> system that we are currently familiar with in CoH/V. However, under the hood it would treat <charname>s as non-unique and <globalnames> as unique, meaning <charname> suddenly becomes more flexible. There are less issues in having unique globalnames since you only need one for multiple characters, making more potentially desirable globalnames available.

Obviously the issue then becomes about sending /tells to the correct player if you only used <charname>, which could be done in a number of ways (e.g. default to friends list first, default to last <charname> sent on this account, confirm correct target if conflicts exist, etc). That part requires a bit of thought, but it isn't insurmountable.

I'm not that bothered either way, but concerns about "ugly" naming conventions can certainly be worked around since they are just top-end cosmetics.
Perhaps someone should look into how Champions Online handles it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
The non-unique name system doesn't have to work on a visual <charname>@<globalname> system from the cosmetic level. It could still have the separate <charname> on one level and the @<globalname> system that we are currently familiar with in CoH/V. However, under the hood it would treat <charname>s as non-unique and <globalnames> as unique, meaning <charname> suddenly becomes more flexible. There are less issues in having unique globalnames since you only need one for multiple characters, making more potentially desirable globalnames available.

Obviously the issue then becomes about sending /tells to the correct player if you only used <charname>, which could be done in a number of ways (e.g. default to friends list first, default to last <charname> sent on this account, confirm correct target if conflicts exist, etc). That part requires a bit of thought, but it isn't insurmountable.

I'm not that bothered either way, but concerns about "ugly" naming conventions can certainly be worked around since they are just top-end cosmetics.

What a wonderful idea. Make it so players can't tell one Unsub from another. That way anyone can pretend to be you and act like a jerk thus ruining your good name and getting you ostracized from the gaming community.

Just what this game needs. Easier ways to grief and harass people.

Oh and good luck trying to convince people that you weren't the one acting like a jerk. You can't prove you were being impersonated. If the GM's did take action, they never tell anyone what steps they took.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Some? Or all? And another poster suggested that your names would even be genericed, meaning you'd either have to petition a GM and try to get the stuff changed which they may not do, pay for a rename, deal with having crappy names, or make new toons.
Some, but I'm speaking of the current system where a "wipe" is really the lock taken off your name and it being available for others to use. I don't see any point in making someone's "Moonlight Knight" into "Generic34408" if no one else is using Moonlight Knight.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Some, but I'm speaking of the current system where a "wipe" is really the lock taken off your name and it being available for others to use. I don't see any point in making someone's "Moonlight Knight" into "Generic34408" if no one else is using Moonlight Knight.

You called?

That was actually my very first internet handle, before I realized I needed to come up with something more original. I was obsessed with Sailor Moon at the time and thought that Moonlight Knight was the coolest thing EVER.



The new warrior mask from the Martial Arts booster would work for that. I'm not sure where you'll find a turban though



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
You called?

That was actually my very first internet handle, before I realized I needed to come up with something more original. I was obsessed with Sailor Moon at the time and thought that Moonlight Knight was the coolest thing EVER.
Yeah you were obsessed with Moonlight Knight, not the girls dressed up like this.

Westley's Sailor Moon Halloween costume did scare the hell out of everyone that one year . . .



Yeah you were obsessed with Moonlight Knight, not the girls dressed up like this.

Probably because at the time, I was a young teen without a father, and was looking for positive male role models anywhere I could find them. I also had low testosterone and had virtually no interest in sex until my early 20s.

So, yeah, instead of oogling the babes, I was looking towards Tuxedo Mask/Moonlight Knight as a positive male role model, someone that is supportive of and romantic to women.... as opposed to those that BEAT them. Just as an example.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Who would name their "person" an animal name like "Codfish?"
Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
The Black Cat
The Black Canary
The Bat
The Spider
The Rhino
Doctor Octopus
The Lizard

And of course...

Captain Mako
Lord Recluse
Black Scorpion
Silver Mantis

I could do this all day...
I'm still not seeing any "Codfish" in that list... Am I that blind?


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Probably because at the time, I was a young teen without a father, and was looking for positive male role models anywhere I could find them. I also had low testosterone and had virtually no interest in sex until my early 20s.

So, yeah, instead of oogling the babes, I was looking towards Tuxedo Mask/Moonlight Knight as a positive male role model, someone that is supportive of and romantic to women.... as opposed to those that BEAT them. Just as an example.
No fair. Gettin all serious when I was just teasing you.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No fair. Gettin all serious when I was just teasing you.
In the words of Memphis Bill, in the PM he sent me a couple days ago:

"Not that this is news, but you're a ********. "

Apparently he was right!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
No fair. Gettin all serious when I was just teasing you.
Being a thread downer will get ya a fresh one round these parts.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I'm still not seeing any "Codfish" in that list... Am I that blind?

So.. by Like Codfish you meant actually Codfish, exactly?

Because that's not the normal useage of the term.

Barracuda is definitely like Codfish. But yes, I suppose it isn't exactly Codfish. Although I don't see what that has to do with anything, as the question was "An animal name" and while "Codfish" qualifies as an animal, not all animals are Codfish. If your argument hinges on the fact that no comic book made a character called "Codfish" before, then it's even more specious than previously believed, because it just went from uninformed to disingenuous.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Nurvus View Post
I think the perceived availability of names is related to what a person considers to be a good name.
Absolutely, it's hugely subjective. And when it comes to a superhero name, good and creative are not necessarily coincident (it seems that if you're wanting to market a comic, they may even be at odds). The examples given in this thread of names you could get right now if you'd just be creative have done little to dissuade me from this notion.



Originally Posted by Nestor View Post
Clear to who? The other players? I'll concede that may be difficult to do, what with costume changes at the tailor being available.

The system? Easy-peasy. Add a UUID to each character generated. It's in fact pretty much SOP for any data management scheme to have an identifier column that is not domain-dependent.
Clear to the player, obviously. I like to know that the people I'm teaming with are indeed the people I believe I am teaming with, and figuring out a way to do this such that it is both not obnoxiously disruptive to the game's overall look AND not horribly obscure such that I have to go out of my way to verify every time, is not something I can see as doable.

This is purely about interface. How do you let me tell the difference between Some Dude@Stranger and Some Dude@Friend WITHOUT putting their globals over their heads or making me search through player notes? It's a catch 22, hence the problem.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
So.. by Like Codfish you meant actually Codfish, exactly?

Because that's not the normal useage of the term.

Barracuda is definitely like Codfish. But yes, I suppose it isn't exactly Codfish. Although I don't see what that has to do with anything, as the question was "An animal name" and while "Codfish" qualifies as an animal, not all animals are Codfish. If your argument hinges on the fact that no comic book made a character called "Codfish" before, then it's even more specious than previously believed, because it just went from uninformed to disingenuous.
This is the comic book genre we're talking about, though. Shouldn't we be looking for Captain Codfish?




Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
This is the comic book genre we're talking about, though. Shouldn't we be looking for Captain Codfish?
The Codfish Avenger!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
The Codfish Avenger!
What about The Codfish or Codfishman?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Seriously... sometimes people who leave for a long time come back. Knowing that those characters are exactly as they left them is a draw for those lapsed players to return. You are suggesting that NC would burn that bridge to appease a customer who, let's face it, is rather unlikely to leave over the matter?

Or, let me put it like this. If I took a year off from this game, under this policy, I'd never return.
Allow me to point out that such a policy is ALREADY in place. We're just discussing adjustments to the length of time inactive and character level to be immune to name loss.

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The Mentor Project



Figure I would throw out my creativity out there to give some examples,
Jonathan Irons - WP/SS Tank, Level 50
Garasene Demon - Rad/Kin Corr, Level 50 (The Old-School name for "Legion")
Gen. Harry Johnson - Merc/Pain MM, Level 40 (Don't know what I was thinking and aiming for a name change)
Bane Recluse - Crab/Bane, level 33
Rak'tah - Peacebringer, Level 27 (Decided to make a name that sounded Alien in origin)
James Ruckus - Sonic/Mental Blaster, Level 23 and going strong
Shogun Raiko - Ninja/Storm MM, level 21 (started this toon when the natural pack came out with a team bud of mine)
Stygian Renegade - WarShade, Level 13 (Not much love for this one because finding some lowbie teams willing to keep the WS alive isn't easy. lol)
Cyber-Jolt - Elec/Shield Scrapper, Level 11
Akira Hayato - Zombie/Dark MM, Level 11 (Un-dead ninja mastermind)
Operation Meltdown - Rad/Rad Defender, Level 10
The other 3 slots I got are for "throw-away" characters, to test em out and figure out if I like the build or not.
After looking at my Virtue server list... >.> Not a character there under the 60 day mark for offline time.

Pinnacle the server I re-started my gaming with CoX at:
DriveBy - Thug/FF MM, Level 21 (solo)
Gibbering Lunatic - Psychic/Mind Controller Level 31 (Namesake. Not sure if thats what the power set truly is as I'm naming them all off the top of my head from what I can recall)
Grandmaster Drak'nah - Kin/Elec defender, Level 22
Ex0duS - I think... Energy/Sonic Corrupter, Level 30 (This one was based off a moniker I took during my younger more illegal years if you catch my drift)

So yeah personally I don't think its hard to make a creative name, but it can be difficult.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Everytime I see someone demand names get released or get them tied to global names I'm reminded of this . . .

But then I don't have trouble coming up with unique names.
I got yah beat on that
And Forbin, as for the cos play stuff... Do a side-by-side analyst of American Cos players and Japanese Cos players...
It's those times I wish I didn't live in this country... XD



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Some, but I'm speaking of the current system where a "wipe" is really the lock taken off your name and it being available for others to use. I don't see any point in making someone's "Moonlight Knight" into "Generic34408" if no one else is using Moonlight Knight.
Yep, I agree.
No need to genericize all the names. The names are just opened up to being used. If chosen, the character will need a free rename (Just as the system currently works). Other than that, I fully agree with P_P's proposal.

As far as "no good names" vs "lots of good names".
Yeah, it's all subjective and it doesn't hit the point, in my opinion.
The point is there are names out there that some would like and are not being used, but are locked up by never-to-be-used-again trial accounts, inactive accounts and all.
Being cut off at level 6 is not so good.
And... with the propensity of bad names (By some of our opinions, since it is only opinion), we're not only talking about universally great names being unnecessarily tied up... But also not-so-great names (by some people's opinions) that someone might currently want.

If ya follow my drift.

Universally good (Possibly standard/generic/obvious) names are not all that are wanted.

Someone may have been wacky enough to name their character Icky Bob Booger Brain. And that was Fred's character since he was playing tabletop RPGs at 12 years old.
Well, if that wonderfully terrible name is tied up by an inactive account... I may not like the name myself, but I will fight to the defeat (Not death, sorry) to defend Fred's right to claim it as his and dance (So long as he is not streaming the video on the internet... and so long as I don't have to watch).

*That last bit was not entirely serious

**That note about the last bit not being entirely serious was also not entirely serious, although the message was indeed true.

***The previous message is a lot more serious than the first notation, however, at this point, the poster hopes it is obvious that all of the above ramblings are indeed littered with humor and silliness, including the previous notation as well as this particular one I am typing right now.

****"typing right now" is a statement in which the present tense usage is entirely relative to the moment in which I was typing it... and not indicative of some strange anomaly wherein I am somehow creating the text at the moment you read it. Nor am I continuously typing those words, so as to actually be in the process of re-typing those words as you (and others) read them. Or... am I?

Yeah, I'd like to see a larger name purge again. Whether or not it would free up any spectacular (Personal opinion) names for myself, I think it'd get someone some names they've wanted.




"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
The non-unique name system doesn't have to work on a visual <charname>@<globalname> system from the cosmetic level. It could still have the separate <charname> on one level and the @<globalname> system that we are currently familiar with in CoH/V. However, under the hood it would treat <charname>s as non-unique and <globalnames> as unique, meaning <charname> suddenly becomes more flexible. There are less issues in having unique globalnames since you only need one for multiple characters, making more potentially desirable globalnames available.

Obviously the issue then becomes about sending /tells to the correct player if you only used <charname>, which could be done in a number of ways (e.g. default to friends list first, default to last <charname> sent on this account, confirm correct target if conflicts exist, etc). That part requires a bit of thought, but it isn't insurmountable.

I'm not that bothered either way, but concerns about "ugly" naming conventions can certainly be worked around since they are just top-end cosmetics.
The problem you're handwaving away (displayed names are no longer unambiguous) is a problem I would consider an absolute deal-breaker. I have no problem with the current way CoH implements name space. I don't like, but can tolerate how CO implements name space. What you are suggesting above is something that if either dev team implemented I would publicly call their sanity into question.

In fact, I think that's so bad of an idea that I'm confident even if a dev on either team thought it was a good idea and tried to implement it, the idea would eventually be killed by someone in the loop. Either a designer would veto it, or a publisher would shelve it, or a programmer would conveniently forget to code it. Its that level of bad.

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