Release Names or Tie to Global

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I think this is the heart of the argument. I have no sympathy for people trying to name their character "Darkness" or "Doctor Lightning." Yes, I understand there's such a thing as a superhero name and that involves things like Superman and Batman. But even if you want to follow in their footsteps and be boring and uninspired, if there's already a Wombatman out there, why do you still want to be Wombatman?

Do you think you have more claim to the name than whoever has it? Do you not care that the name you selected for your superhero, to be identified and recognized by and known as, is already taken? Or do you just not care at all?

The naming system is only a problem with both of the following are true: 1) You come up with a name that's so generic, obvious, and predictable that someone already thought of it, and 2) you refuse to consider any alternatives because you feel as though you should have that name anyway.
Everytime I see someone demand names get released or get them tied to global names I'm reminded of this . . .

But then I don't have trouble coming up with unique names.



That's actually pretty DAMN mild.... I've seen MUCH worse tantrums from kids.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
um, are you being serious or are you being silly on purpose?

What they mean, is that the vet players got to the 'good names' first, used them, and retained them. For example, I once set up a time to play with a RL friend who I had not previously teamed with in CoH. He showed up with a dark/dark scrapper named Midnight. I asked him how early he made that toon, to get it with the correct spelling and no punctuation. He said he was in the original beta. THAT is what people are referring to.

Having explained what they mean, I think they should take a hike. I think the name system is just fine and there are plenty of 'good' names still out there. I made a technology tanker, a guy in a suit of powered armor. I figured the name Alloy would be taken. Surprise! It was available.
Ya caught me.

I forgot to put the /endsarcasm in there didn't I.

Gratz on 'Alloy' that's a great name, but it kinda blows peoples "all the good names are taken" argument out of the water.

I rolled up a Tech-based Fire/Fire Scrapper a little while back, and I think it took all of three tries to get his name. Couldn't even tell you what the first two attempts were, because the third one was 'Thermocouple'.



I just rolled up a religous themed Fire/Fire scrapper and on the first try nabbed the name . . .

Now all I have to do is come up with some philosophical BS to put in his bio.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I think this is the heart of the argument. I have no sympathy for people trying to name their character "Darkness" or "Doctor Lightning."
Most of them will actually name him Doctor Lighting and have no idea what i'm talking about when i ask why he's an electrical blaster instead of an illusion controller. Which actually is how the conversation went one time when i met Lighting Lord. Oh well.

Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Don'y you mean a GM who won't let you use the same character name as one of the other people in the group? The naming system doesn't randomly just say no after all.
This is my thought as well. The server/database acts like a GM for thousands of characters and players, and can hardly be expected to know which characters will never encounter each other. Keep in mind that the naming restrictions ignore what names are used in other games and servers since it's effectively not the GM for those games and servers.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
yeah, but most of those trial accounts are like:


or the ludicrous names the in-game email spammers come up with.
i've seen some good names taken by spammers. To be fair most of their names are gibberish or abominations of spelling or aesthetics, but this is different from the general playerbase how?

Originally Posted by Primal View Post
And then there's, you know, a name like Volt Spike. Which I snagged for a Spines/Elec Scrapper when the last Issue came out. Metallic spines, obviously. Looks really cool, gotta hand it to the BABster.
i made a Spines/Elec named Piezosaurus with the plate-like spines myself, but i deleted him when i realized i'd never play him much. AFAIK the name is currently available on all servers. There's another alt i made recently that has a name that i can't believe wasn't taken, especially since i made her on Virtue, but i'm not going to post it here since i want it on my two main servers as well and i haven't made her on those yet.

A name i've grabbed on several servers is Voynich Automaton. The concept being that it was created as a sort of golem/android by deciphering the secrets of the Voynich Manuscript. (Which is an example of a real-world esoteric and mysterious book.)

Anyway, come up with a way to tie names to globals that isn't hideously ugly and i'll consider supporting the suggestion, but every one i've seen so far is a loser in my opinion.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Anyway, come up with a way to tie names to globals that isn't hideously ugly and i'll consider supporting the suggestion, but every one i've seen so far is a loser in my opinion.
I dunno.
Broadcast: CharacterName$$FullGlobalName: Hey guys! Join my SG! It's got a base and stuff!
..looks like heck. Just ugly.
Chopping off all but the first three of the global would be better, but wouldn't solve the problem.
Broadcast: CharacterName$$Ful: Hey Guys! Join my SG! It's got a base and stuff!
Broadcast: Awesome Possum$$BBQ: Sorry Dude, already in a SG.
Looks better, but with only the first three showing, how do you really know it's me, and not some guy like "@BBQsammich"? <-----(name made up)

So the "tagging by global" I'm not quite sure about.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
There's a difference between a role-play delivery of a line, and suggesting actual violence against another player. I'm pretty sure you have stepped over the Terms of Service for the forum with your post.
Against you personally? Never. Against your so-called "delivery cat of reality"? Every... single... time.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So I've hit that little report button. And, btw, don't think about trying to edit the post later. I did screen-cap it
I would never dream of such a thing. I stand by my convictions, and certainly have no fear of your "little report button". The hypocrisy of your flamebaiting "intellectualism" is truly staggering. I've said all I intend to regarding this matter, and await the day this option is implemented.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



I find it funny how some of you have this oh-so-superior attitude about this topic. Saying things like they shouldn't do a name scrub because people aren't creative enough. Who died and made all of you judge, jury, and executioner on this topic? So what if some people aren't being "creative enough". That's YOUR guy's opinion on the matter and nothing else. The fact of the matter is that there are lots of great names tied up on accounts who don't pay to play this game and likely never will again. Those people shouldn't be entitled to those names because they're not paying customers. And besides, not everyone who plays this game is an adult. What do you say to the kids who aren't savvy enough to pull out a thesaurus, foreign language dictionary, etc. to find a name they like? Too bad? I don't think so. Stop having such an Elitist attitude about the matter. What does it matter to you guys whether or not a scrub is performed? If you don't like it, then fine but don't try stone-walling all of those who do. That just seems petty on your guy's part.

Legion of Valor / Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

Pagan Priest - L50 Dark/Dark Defender



Who said anything about a scrub? I don't know of anyone that mentioned being against a scrub. We're against GLOBAL names being tied to character names allowing multiple Cyclops to run around.



If the game lasts another five years the supply of names will become decidedly sparse. Something will have to be done at some point.

With some creativity, it may be possible to finesse the problem in software. The real problem is disambiguating players with the same name. If it's possible to make certain rules that allow the @global to be omitted in well-defined cases, the ugliness could be minimized.

For example, if you have friended Gorgeous George@GeorgeGlobal, one such rule could be that that particular Gorgeous George is assumed unless it is qualified by a global. So, if Gorgeous George@GeorgeGlobal tells you, or broadcasts to the zone, or uses /em in your presence, the global part of the handle would never need be displayed. If any other Gorgeous George does anything in your presence, their name will be qualified by global. And if you've friended two different Gorgeous Georges they'll both be qualified.

Another possibility: the first time you see a name it will be qualified by global, and if no other character by that name is logged on, the global will be omitted in all subsequent communications. If another character with that name logs in the interim, subsequent uses will require disambiguation. This would in essence allow names on unused characters to "age out." If all the other Captain Cosmics have let their accounts lapse, you will inherit sole ownership of the name.

Another: when ambiguous names are displayed in the chat log they would be in alternate color without the global. Clicking the name would expand and disambiguate, or do some other useful thing.

Another thing to consider is what problems and exploits can arise from ambiguous names, and take steps to prevent those.

Instead of saying how terrible this idea is, we should think of ways of making it work in the least intrusive way possible. I'm always able to come up with new names, but the pickings are getting slim. And they're only going to get slimmer.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The problem is that this isn't actually true, and I keep trying to tell people but no-one ever listens. I tried the names people are failing to get now back in 2004. To no-one's surprise, they were taken back then, too. The "good" names got snatched on day 1, and by May 2004, they were already gone. Veterans are in now way, shape or form more fortunate than new players. Certainly a select few people luckied out, but there weren't more names back in 2004 than there are now. Believe me, I've tried.

Good names are not getting fewer and fewer. Good names went as soon as the game opened its doors. OBSCURE names are what's getting fewer and fewer, but there are so gosh-dang many of those left they aren't running out any time soon. True, even some blindingly obvious names could have slipped through the cracks (I got "Bodyshop" a couple of weeks ago, much to my amazement), but what slipped through hasn't really decreased much since then.

Finding a good name now is no easier than it was back in 2004. The people who claim it is would have had just as much trouble back then. That much I can guarantee.
OK. What is a "good" name? Because I'd almost put money down that, if there weren't a copyrighted character called "Batman" and someone made it, someone else would be pointing at it and saying "yawn, lame name, dude." Or "Storm" would be distinctly non-creative (and honestly, it is a boring name.) The names are "exciting" because we have years - decades, even - of back-history with these characters. If Spiderman weren't copyrighted, how many Bane Spiders (or, really, any of the VEATs) would we have running around with that name and variations on it?

There's also the "Comic book names aren't like this" argument (combined with "I shouldn't have to put something in front.") I'd say for every "That's not a real/good/etc hero name" argument someone puts out, you can find multiple examples of characters with *those very name types.*

So, no, I don't believe all "good" names are taken. Not even close - not least because "good" is purely subjective. Not even all "blisteringly obvious" names are taken, good or not. The day nobody can make any name (including, say, my Battle Machine (tactical) model 118-B, aka BMT 118B, who - being a machine - never got a 'name' of its own,) then we can talk about throwing globals on.



Make him a former Philosophy professor that now works as a manager in Burger King.



Originally Posted by The_Chosen View Post
I find it funny how some of you have this oh-so-superior attitude about this topic. Saying things like they shouldn't do a name scrub because people aren't creative enough. Who died and made all of you judge, jury, and executioner on this topic?

So what if some people aren't being "creative enough". That's YOUR guy's opinion on the matter and nothing else. The fact of the matter is that there are lots of great names tied up on accounts who don't pay to play this game and likely never will again. Those people shouldn't be entitled to those names because they're not paying customers.

And besides, not everyone who plays this game is an adult. What do you say to the kids who aren't savvy enough to pull out a thesaurus, foreign language dictionary, etc. to find a name they like? Too bad? I don't think so.

Stop having such an Elitist attitude about the matter. What does it matter to you guys whether or not a scrub is performed? If you don't like it, then fine but don't try stone-walling all of those who do. That just seems petty on your guy's part.
Wall-o-text. Painful.

As far as I know, and I've followed this entire thread, no one who has posted here is against the name purge.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Or it's something that you've decided to latch onto and be a complete pain in the rump about. Seriously, you are treating this like some kind of massive conspiracy that you are bound and determined to uncover, like there's some giant mystery only you can solve.

Fact is, the developers do keep track of what other games do. Fact is, some of the suggestions made, such as tying names to a Global tag in the chat system, are brain dead stupid. It's just bad game design.
No conspiracy at all. I was making the point that I'm sure both Cryptic and Paragon Studios are watching each other to see how various new systems work and one of them would be the naming system, and maybe even there was some interest in seeing how a system worked out that they'd probably talked about in design meetings at some point before the split. If it was something working out well in ChampO, it would possibly (italics for emphasis, lest it be taken I am 100% guaranteeing the next bit) be considered.

I know some people go into fits of rage whenever ChampO is mentioned, but please lighten up.

Here's the thing: I don't care whether or not unique naming stays or goes. I've been playing since the days of creating an entire character only to find I couldn't get the names I wanted, so I had to scrub the entire character and start again, so I know the score. If it stays the same, fine; if it changes, fine. My key point was that having non-unique names - in whatever format that works - lowers the barrier to entry for new players, which I see as a positive thing for CoH/V's growth.

Having unique character names has advantages and disadvantages, as does non-unique names. Neither is inherently better as a system. Unique names on each server are a familiar MMO design choice, but that doesn't make it the best choice automatically. As it currently goes I know more people by their global name than their character names, so non-unique names on a server wouldn't have that much of an impact to me. In fact, I use global channels most of the time, which tie "names to a Global tag in the chat system" and isn't brain dead stupid at all, nor bad game design.

You might dislike the idea, but that doesn't make it bad game design.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Wall-o-text. Painful.

As far as I know, and I've followed this entire thread, no one who has posted here is against the name purge.

You are right. No one has said they were against name purges.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You are right. No one has said they were against name purges.
No one is against a name purge, but it's also highly unlikely it will do anything.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Make him a former Philosophy professor that now works as a manager in Burger King.
If that happens, then his battlecry should be:

"Do you want fried with that?"



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Sometimes i'll hear something in a song or a tv show which i think "that'ld make a really good hero name!" too.
Yeah, I was listening to Pandora one day and heard a song by Within Temptation. Excellent song of course, so I checked out the album name. The Silent Force. "That...would be an awesome character name!" was my thought process, and I tried it that night. Taken on Virtue sadly, but it was available on Justice.

One Neurosis album has a song called Locust Star, which I also consider a prime candidate for a character name. I haven't checked that one.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I just rolled up a religous themed Fire/Fire scrapper and on the first try nabbed the name . . .

Now all I have to do is come up with some philosophical BS to put in his bio.
OOO OOOO me me me

Joash Kilnsmen always took the fire and brimstone approach to religion. Since his powers have come in he no longer has to use a forcefully descriptive sermon to counter sinners, he just uses force.

(Joash = fire of god ^_^)



Thanks for the clarification guys and my apologies to everyone. I guess I was collapsing the two issues and confusing the responses. Ok, it seems like people are for the name purge (or at least not against it) but they are against tying global handles to character names. Those are my preferences as well.

Legion of Valor / Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

Pagan Priest - L50 Dark/Dark Defender



Originally Posted by The_Chosen View Post
Thanks for the clarification guys and my apologies to everyone. I guess I was collapsing the two issues and confusing the responses. Ok, it seems like people are for the name purge (or at least not against it) but they are against tying global handles to character names. Those are my preferences as well.
Very much so. Purge names from time to time. It helps clean up the throwaway characters. I'm not sure how many names it frees up, but I see no real reason not to, especially with the current purge parameters. But tying names to global is just... Icky!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

Stopped to remake him. I wasn't enjoying him as a scrapper. So he is now a fire/thermal troller. He feels better throwing fire cages and brimstone from char and smoke. Cauterize also seems to fit in with his fanatical faith healing.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
. . . So, no, I don't believe all "good" names are taken. Not even close - not least because "good" is purely subjective. Not even all "blisteringly obvious" names are taken, good or not. The day nobody can make any name (including, say, my Battle Machine (tactical) model 118-B, aka BMT 118B, who - being a machine - never got a 'name' of its own,) then we can talk about throwing globals on.
Totally agree. I love some of the names I come up with, and haven't really ever had to try too many.
I usually like the new names I have created better than some of those I ame up with when CoX was young.

Activity to try if you think there are no good names left:
  • Log onto one of the High population servers. (because there are obviously more names 'used up' there.) . . . at a busy time of day.
  • Stand in AP.
  • Jot down all the names of the lowbies that you see popping in there.
  • Be amazed at all the pretty good names streaming in to the game.
  • Realize that you could have thought of those without any books.
  • Notice some of the techniques they used to get close to other names they might have been trying for.
  • Learn from them, and do likewise.
  • Notice that there are still many good names that are obviously still available.

I did this this afternoon. Planted myself under Atlas, and spent 120 seconds jotting down all the names I spotted on new alts.
Came up with this list:

  • Ashley
  • Martial Blaze
  • Alpha Knight
  • Jordan Star
  • Princess Kokoza
  • Agent Copperhead
  • Omega Weapon'
  • Mystery Phantom
  • Spectre Raven
  • Cliche Kitty
  • Mr Dresscode
  • Kheldian Corp Turtle
  • Knightmoves
  • Goldstar Girl
  • Sarah Lightning Bolt
  • Courageous Green
  • Handsome Red
  • Ionized Blade
  • Into Oblivion
  • Side shift
  • Funky Monkey
  • Kid Yellow Fire
  • Nictus Shadow Ranger
  • Autumn Moon
  • Brother Sam
  • Noble White
  • Shadow Ghost X
  • Reapers Lil Helper
Just 2 minutes.
I think one of those was 15,
But almost every one of the rest was level 1 to 4.

I know Autumn Moon, Funky Monkey, Goldstar Girl, Mr. Dresscode and several of the others were level 1.
I was surprised that those were available.
If a few minutes watching the new names popping in doesn't help you realize that there are good names left, I guess I can't help you.