Release Names or Tie to Global

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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
So, once again, being the delivery cat of reality, people demanding modifications to the name system, such as the ones I see being promoted by Thaumator and Unsub. Well, that's THE MINORITY.
I'll see your "delivery cat of reality" and raise you my "baseball bat of reality".


There, that's better [rinses off cat blood].

Unsub and I may be the currenty "minority" in this thread (although you are also forgetting the original poster), but the fact is (yes I know how you love "FACTS") this thread is NOT an accurate representation of the player base as a whole.

I suggest the company send a poll to each game subscriber via e-mail regarding this subject.

Oh and for the record, if you're really that concerned about your name, I recommend the company issue "The Original" as an optional title to each of your characters. That way, you can be known as "The Original [insert Japanese-kitten-misspelled-hyphen-whatever here]."

Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
The majority of us graduated high school so our vocabulary is large enough we only need a thesaurus when have a theme in mind.
If you're implying that anyone who supports this idea is uneducated, I suggest you reread your sentence again. Epic... fail.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
Oh and for the record, if you're really that concerned about your name, I recommend the company issue "The Original" as an optional title to each of your characters. That way, you can be known as "The Original [insert Japanese-kitten-misspelled-hyphen-whatever here]."

Like The Original Meat Cube Magician?????



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
If you're implying that anyone who supports this idea is uneducated, I suggest you reread your sentence again. Epic... fail.
And yet...never had a problem making a unique name...strange



I've never had a problem either. Hmmm.....



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Yeah but who'd want to play a drunk named Organica?
Now I want to go make a martial artist named Son Organicu, Master of Drunken Fist Fighting.


Okay, on a more serious, much more serious, note. Thaumator, I'm having a hard time reading what your typing without thinking that you are deliberately trying to flame-bait the forums. There's a difference between a role-play delivery of a line, and suggesting actual violence against another player. I'm pretty sure you have stepped over the Terms of Service for the forum with your post. So I've hit that little report button. And, btw, don't think about trying to edit the post later. I did screen-cap it.

Unsub and I may be the currenty "minority" in this thread (although you are also forgetting the original poster), but the fact is (yes I know how you love "FACTS") this thread is NOT an accurate representation of the player base as a whole.
And yet you keep positioning yourself as representing some huge majority... when you don't. You keep trying to push bad game design. We'll, I'm going to be brutal here, you don't know what you are you talking about, and plenty of other posters such as Westley and Mr. No Pants are getting quite a bit of mirth out of poking holes in everything you type.

I suggest the company send a poll to each game subscriber via e-mail regarding this subject.
Okay. Make the suggestion. Send Castle and Posi a private message saying you think this is such a big humongous deal that the developers should immediately, once again, have a poll and ask.



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
If you're implying that anyone who supports this idea is uneducated, I suggest you reread your sentence again. Epic... fail.
No, they are implying that we have a lot of players that are under the age of 18 and are still in school and therefore aren't as educated as some other players.

This thread "What my six year old has learned from CoX" is a great example that we do indeed have players that haven't finished their formal educations yet.

Epic failure yours.

Neener neener neener.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Yeah but who'd want to play a drunk named Organica?
A plant Dominator who is VERY insistant on pesticide-free malt, barley and hops?



Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
Unsub and I may be the currenty "minority" in this thread (although you are also forgetting the original poster), but the fact is (yes I know how you love "FACTS") this thread is NOT an accurate representation of the player base as a whole.

I suggest the company send a poll to each game subscriber via e-mail regarding this subject.
How is a player base cross-section based on forum posters different in accuracy from a player base cross-section based on poll answerers?

How is it even possible to get an "accurate representation of the player base as a whole"? At best you would only get an accurate representation of players who care enough about this issue to respond to a forum thread/e-mail poll. If you found that most people don't respond to this question, it would indicate that this is largely a non-issue for most people, or they don't care enough either way to voice their opinion.

Speaking of voicing opinions, in my opinion, there aren't enough players who have thought about this issue to even have an opinion on it. I hadn't thought about it until I saw this thread. Before, I just took it for granted that our names would stay the way they are, especially since I've seen a few comments in "CO sux" threads about how ugly their names look. I must point out that this was never the main topic of any of those threads, nor would a group of people who dislike CO be considered an accurate representation of their player base, but after thinking it over I have decided to oppose such a change here in CoX, even if it is only for personal reasons (those being that 1. I like the satisfaction of having a unique name, 2. I think that character@global looks ugly, and 3. having to see character@global would ruin the feeling of being a superhero/supervillain by constantly reminding me that I was only playing a game).



Release Names or Tie to Global:


  1. I'm too lazy to come up with a unique name!
  2. I'm not creative to come up with a new name!
  3. I'm jealous and envious of the fact he/she came up with the name before I could have it all for myself, so make it so I can have it too!
  4. That name is the bestest ever and we should all be able to have it too! (pout that I didn't get the bestest name ever for me!)
  5. I'm a lonely fat balding 45 year old Troll and this topic is a way I can get people irritated while I laugh at them from the basement of my parents house. (Correction from Forbin Project)

Did I miss anything?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Release Names or Tie to Global:


  1. I'm too lazy to come up with a unique name!
  2. I'm not creative to come up with a new name!
  3. I'm jealous and envious of the fact he/she came up with the name before I could have it all for myself, so make it so I can have it too!
  4. That name is the bestest ever and we should all be able to have it too! (pout that I didn't get the bestest name ever for me!)

Did I miss anything?
5. I'm a lonely fat balding 45 year old Troll and this topic is a way I can get people irritated while I laugh at them from the basement of my parents house.



As someone who suffers heavily from Alt-itis I'm always having to come up with new toon names. Occasionally I hit a block as I've come up with a name I thought was interesting and unique only to find it wasn't as unique as I'd thought it was. GUESS WHAT?!!? With a little extra thought and effort I came up with a different name. Heck, I didn't even break a sweat. (I didn't reach for a Dictionary or Thesaurus on my desktop, that's what the online sites are for )

Am I interested in opening up the global names? I don't believe it is necessary.

And as for the whole: (charactername)@(globalname)= ugly on a stick. Well, at least that is my opinion.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



If you like the way Champions Online does their naming system GO PLAY THAT GAME.

I personally HATE IT.

I HATE Ami Chan@ flkjhsfjkldhfk;sh said: fkljhsjk;fh;skjdhgk;jdhg;s



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
One of the reasons why Hero-Con is so important is that the type of player who visits Hero-Con is the type of player who keeps paying to play. It's called Customer Loyalty.
I was about to kill you here. My 63-month Vet Reward badge & 2 accounts were going to be waiting for you in the parking lot. Then you added:

Hero-Con makes players put their money where their mouth is.
And I got really mad. Fortunately, you continued:

Now, there is the valid argument that Hero-Con's West Coast only approach does unfairly cut-off players from the mid-west, mid-east, and eastern coastline sections of the US, and offers a uniformly high barrier to players in the UK, Europe, Korea, Australia, and New Zeland (New Zeland does have gamers? right?). One of the things I'd like to see as a promotional for Going Rogue is a quick World Tour with somebody like SuperChick ( - Hero), Pillar ( - Original Superman), or Thousand Foot Krutch ( - Break the Silence). Something like Nintendo's Fusion tour, giving a couple of devs some face time with actual players, but also having something else for those who don't "care" about the game to come and see.
This. Very much this. I live in FL and am utterly unable to get away to a con on the West Coast. It simply is not an option. Hell, it wasn't an option when the economy was good.

"The squeaky wheel always gets the grease." It's called a truism because it's true. The people who have the free time and the $$ to go to Hero-Con and/or post 20/7 on the forums are the ones who the Devs listen to, and I'm sorry, but you people do NOT represent me. Having played that other superhero MMO, I am a proponent of linking global names to character names. In my opinion, holding the contrary view is little more than basic elitism. "I'm more creative than you are; ergo, you suck."

Anyway...there's my $0.02.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
If you like the way Champions Online does their naming system GO PLAY THAT GAME.
And screw you guys, PP is taking his/her ball and going HOME! So THERE!


For your information, I did go play Champions Online. I did take advantage of their free weekend. And--blasphemy alert--I liked it. Better than CoH. Unfortunately, the wife prefers CoH. So here I stay.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
I never understood the whole 'Vet Player' vs 'New player' naming disparity. When anyone creates a new character, all players are on equal footing as far as getting a name is concerned. It's not like the Veteran players have access to some special character name directory.

"You, good Sir/Miss have no worries for your statues within the games grants you access to a lexicon of names to choose from."

"While you, peon, have this list on 500. Oh and just to let you know, most of them are already take, so we shall be replacing the L's and I's with 1's, o's with 0's, T's with 7's and spaces with -'s. Guess you should have been here sooner."
um, are you being serious or are you being silly on purpose?

What they mean, is that the vet players got to the 'good names' first, used them, and retained them. For example, I once set up a time to play with a RL friend who I had not previously teamed with in CoH. He showed up with a dark/dark scrapper named Midnight. I asked him how early he made that toon, to get it with the correct spelling and no punctuation. He said he was in the original beta. THAT is what people are referring to.

Having explained what they mean, I think they should take a hike. I think the name system is just fine and there are plenty of 'good' names still out there. I made a technology tanker, a guy in a suit of powered armor. I figured the name Alloy would be taken. Surprise! It was available.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by TimeLord View Post
"The squeaky wheel always gets the grease." It's called a truism because it's true. The people who have the free time and the $$ to go to Hero-Con and/or post 20/7 on the forums are the ones who the Devs listen to, and I'm sorry, but you people do NOT represent me.
I submit that, since you are posting here and participating in this discussion, your reference to "you people" includes yourself. Sorry, but posting on the forums that "you forum posters don't represent me" is rather silly.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
Really, it's gotten pretty difficult to come up with a character name that doesn't use leetspeak like C3lesti@l, or throw random letters and / or numbers in like Celestial A 3, or use a foreign language like Latin. Perhaps I'm uncreative.
I'd have to actually agree with this...

...And yet there are still threads that complain about the people who make names using numbers or "leetspeak"... Good for them! XD

On another note though, I did create a toon about a month or so ago called "Shock Collision," and was extremely suprised that name had not already been taken...

So, you never know.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
Really, it's gotten pretty difficult to come up with a character name that doesn't use leetspeak like C3lesti@l, or throw random letters and / or numbers in like Celestial A 3, or use a foreign language like Latin. Perhaps I'm uncreative.
I'd have to actually agree with this...

...And yet there are still threads that complain about the people who make names using numbers or "leetspeak"... Good for them! XD

On another note though, I did create a toon about a month or so ago called "Shock Collision," and was extremely suprised that name had not already been taken...

So, you never know.

Hmmm... let's see what names are available on FREEDOM based on that EXACT naming scheme no leetspeak required... as of right now, I just checked:
  • Celestial Duke
  • Celestial Count
  • Celestial Queen
  • Celestial Emperor
  • Celestial Empress
  • Celestial Prince
  • Celestial Princess
  • Celestial Baron
  • Celestial Baroness
And it goes on and on... and that's not even using synonyms for Celestial...

...yeah, no decent names at ALL! You have no chance at getting anything even remotely CLOSE to what you want! It's impossible!





Originally Posted by TimeLord View Post
Unfortunately, the wife prefers CoH. So here I stay.

Your wife is beautiful, intelligent, funny, and an all around wonderful person. Also she doesn't look a day over 18. We are lucky to have someone like her playing this game.

You are wise to listen to her because she knows what is best for you.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Hmmm... let's see what names are available on FREEDOM based on that EXACT naming scheme no leetspeak required... as of right now, I just checked:
  • Celestial Duke
  • Celestial Count
  • Celestial Queen
  • Celestial Emperor
  • Celestial Empress
  • Celestial Prince
  • Celestial Princess
  • Celestial Baron
  • Celestial Baroness
And it goes on and on... and that's not even using synonyms for Celestial...

...yeah, no decent names at ALL! You have no chance at getting anything even remotely CLOSE to what you want! It's impossible!
Hey, easy, Westley! I didn't say I was having a prob personally... Anyone who knows me could tell you I name 95% of my toons with the word "One" in it, so I basically have no problem whatsoever naming toons.

I DID say I agreed with him, because if I entered any "one-word" versions of what I want to name my toons (say, "Alien" for instance), it would be absolutely impossible.

Maybe 4L13N would work though...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



That picture will haunt my dreams.



*thinks of the song "i am the one and only"*

I am THE damz, the ONE damz, the TRUE noob and NOBODY will steal my name!!!!

Like that fiend who stole my original global handle! I wanted either @blue lightning or @damien but BOTH were taken and had to settle for @damz! I will find who they are one day . . . . . oh i will . . . . . the hunt, starts tonight . . . . . . [hehe candy]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!