Time to merge some servers???




I have the perfect solution! A reverse merge!

We take Freedom, randomly divide it's population of players (not characters) into 10 (as close to) equal groups (as possible) and add all of those player's characters on Freedom to a random other server. Grant additional slots for free as required.

There, now all of the "tiny, dead" servers have an influx of new and extremely angry players. And Freedumb is dead, officially.

Honestly though, if you think the above idea is assinine, then you really should think that merging any of the OTHER servers is equally stupid.

Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I wonder if we could talk Mod08 and Ocho into banning everybody who starts a merge thread from the forums and game for a week.
Psssst... That's the same person. Or did you know that and say it to be funny?



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Your friends using /hide to get away from you doesn't mean the rest of us need server merging.
*puts on extra layer of tinfoil*
outta my head goat.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill




The only thing I want to do after reading another of these threads is merging my foot to someone's posterior.



Originally Posted by Redmanfx View Post
With the loss of players, my once "easy to find a team" server has become "lucky if you can find a team" server. I'm on Infinity and it's super nova days seem numbered as players have either taken a break, like I did, or simply left. What do you all think about now entertaining thoughts of finally merging some servers? Maybe two, doesn't have to be a drastic merger, but man, it's really hard to find a decent team. Kinda like having to settle for anything instead of finding a good team.

I'm all for merging a server or two so we can get some good teams rolling and bring our sg's back to life.. What say you?

Don't fret with these replies. This board is full of Ostriches who will discredit anything that may suggest the game is losing population. The mere mention of a server merger is seen as a negative for them, and therefore they cannot discuss the idea rationally.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Don't fret with these replies. This board is full of Ostrich's who will discredit anything that may suggest the game is losing population. The mere mention of a server merger is seen as a negative for them, and therefore they cannot discuss the idea rationally.
Ok. Get transferred to another server and give up all your character names.

I don't give flying rat's buttocks if every server drops to 100 players. I'd rather the servers be shut down completely and the game closed than deal with the fallout of a server merge.

I know fully well that player population is falling. I've made it a habit of doing counts when I log in. It's generally 2 heroes per villain. Even accounting for all those that use Hide From Searches, like me, populations are dropping across the board.

I don't care. It doesn't matter. Merging servers won't be beneficial. I'm not teaming with people that can't form and find teams anyway because they're all losers.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
The problem here is getting a team together on a low-pop server (and in this case people leaving SG as well). This I would consider to be a problem when getting a team going during prime time takes a moderate amount of effort.

Meargeing some low population severs would fix this.

The solution I assume you are referring to is Server chat / Search Interface / Super Group.

All of these tools are useful however all can be more effctive with a server merge. Thus alowing team formation to go faster and smother both inportent factors when your relaxing. As thats what this is, its the time we take to relax and enjoy ourselves, no one wants it to feal like work.

"unintended effects that are detrimental to the continued health of the game"

As was mentioned Names being taken on other severs. This can be solved in a variety of ways. I see no reason to list them all.

People rage quitting because they like the "community" on there Sever.

This is simply eveadince that the dev's have wated to long to mearge severs it sohould have been done a long time ago. In the end tho any "comuinty" could be preserved through its Global Chat Channels and SG/Colalitions. If these were mearged as well there would be little diffrence other than having to see more people walking around in the zones, which isn't relly a prolblem.

Its not a bad idea just one that nobody likes. (except for me.)
You assume a lot.

Starting with the fact that a merged server would solve anything.

-At any point in time except when raiding, one team is enough. That means at most you need 7 other players. Doubling (optimistically estimated) the number of active players on at any given time doesn't change that. No one needs 200 people online as opposed to 100. The most that are useful to you in forming a team are 7.

- the unintended effects that are detrimental to the game are not what you think I meant. I was referring to the message a server merge sends to both the active community, the inactive community, and the potential pool of people joining. Look at MMO history. Server Merge is a sign of a dead game next to a complete shutdown. People thinking about leaving become more likely to. People thinking about re-upping (a very common occurence in this community) don't bother for dying games. People thinking about trying the game almost usually use their first post here or their first question of active players to find out how active the game is. News of a server merge answers that question for them without even having to try the game. There's no need to even get into people who don't want a merge ragequitting. The simple fact that a trickle turns into a flood the moment a merge is announced should be obviously detrimental enough for anyone to see.

- forcing name changes on people for the sake of teaming convenience? If you asked the entire playerbase what was most important to them from 1-10, I feel safe in saying their names and favorite characters would be far more important than easy teaming. People contemplating breaks from the game want to know if their names will be safe. People joining want to know if they can keep their names or have to worry about dupes. People thinking about coming back get very mad if they lost a name due to a purge. Names are important, and NONE of those solutions you don't feel like listing provide answers that would make a majority happy. I've heard them all, none measure up.

- evidence the devs wanted to merge servers long ago? You're either typing fast or are tired, because I don't understand that comment at all. There is no evidence they want to merge the servers. The only evidence of anything close would be they've contemplated a borderless server system. Everything they've hinted about this alternative is (so far) a far superior option, yet instead of thinking about it and asking the devs about it again and again, folks like you go back to the far far inferior option of mergers.

I'm really sorry you're so fixated on the idea that you can't see all the bad things about it. I don't normally bother with people so clearly closeminded, but in this case I'm speaking to the larger audience.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Don't fret with these replies. This board is full of Ostriches who will discredit anything that may suggest the game is losing population. The mere mention of a server merger is seen as a negative for them, and therefore they cannot discuss the idea rationally.
I don't discredit the game is losing people. I just refuse to credit that it's at the point a merger would help. People may be leaving, but people are also gathering in the places that let them communicate and find people when they want to see them. Does it matter if we lose 5% of the population, when 15% of them get smarter about where and when they associate and find people?

I'm not ignoring facts, I'm looking at a bigger picture, and I'll dispute the conclusions of people who jump on a server merge bandwagon as long as it takes. It's not a thought out plan, and it won't help anyone. If I'm an ostrich, I don't need to take my head out to see that fact.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I swear, some of you are like the official City of Heroes forums attack dogs. Anytime anyone has an idea that varies from what you guys believe to be fact, you viciously attack them. Its kinda sad. I know this idea comes up alot, but, naw, that couldn't be because what people say have some semblance of truth, could it? Of course not. Its just the door sitters, the power levellers, and the n00bs complaining. Thats all it is. Case closed. Their opinion is invalid, so lets shove ours down their throat, shall we?

Anyways, in my personal opinion, yeah, server mergers would be messy. I'd be all for being able to do mass transfers for a low price. I play on Infinity as well, and I'm sorry, its dead, at least redside. Yes, I have a couple of Infinity's global channels up to see if anything is going on. Theres usually not. Sure, I could go asking every player thats not looking for a team, but more than likely, guess what? They're not looking for a team. At prime time hours, I've seen as little as 4 people seeking in the whole 1-50 range. Sure, we got super sidekicking, but that doesn't mean a few level 4s and a level 47 team is really gonna function all that well. I've made a few characters on Virtue, and finding teams is easy. I don't have to sit around waiting for an invite while I relentlessly spam tells to people that don't have their flags up to see if they want to team like I do Infinity redside. On Virtue, I just do what I used to have to do on Infinity: Put my flag up, run a couple of solo missions and I usually have an invite by then.

We can argue all day about this, but (most of) you guys won't listen to any other opinion that differs from your own, and continue to call the rest of us liars, whiners, and morons. Anyways, I'm done, carry on with your flaming.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
I swear, some of you are like the official City of Heroes forums attack dogs. Anytime anyone has an idea that varies from what you guys believe to be fact, you viciously attack them. Its kinda sad. I know this idea comes up alot, but, naw, that couldn't be because what people say have some semblance of truth, could it? Of course not. Its just the door sitters, the power levellers, and the n00bs complaining. Thats all it is. Case closed. Their opinion is invalid, so lets shove ours down their throat, shall we?

Anyways, in my personal opinion, yeah, server mergers would be messy. I'd be all for being able to do mass transfers for a low price. I play on Infinity as well, and I'm sorry, its dead, at least redside. Yes, I have a couple of Infinity's global channels up to see if anything is going on. Theres usually not. Sure, I could go asking every player thats not looking for a team, but more than likely, guess what? They're not looking for a team. At prime time hours, I've seen as little as 4 people seeking in the whole 1-50 range. Sure, we got super sidekicking, but that doesn't mean a few level 4s and a level 47 team is really gonna function all that well. I've made a few characters on Virtue, and finding teams is easy. I don't have to sit around waiting for an invite while I relentlessly spam tells to people that don't have their flags up to see if they want to team like I do Infinity redside. On Virtue, I just do what I used to have to do on Infinity: Put my flag up, run a couple of solo missions and I usually have an invite by then.

We can argue all day about this, but (most of) you guys won't listen to any other opinion that differs from your own, and continue to call the rest of us liars, whiners, and morons. Anyways, I'm done, carry on with your flaming.
The topics been coming up a lot for YEARS. IF there servers hit the merge break point they'll merge. That break point seems to be somewhere below the lowest EU servers. We aren't close yet.



I swear, some of you are like the official City of Heroes forums attack dogs.
I swear, some of you are like turtles with cotton in your ears going Lalalalalalalalalalalala, because when this comes up, it's always like you made your conclusions and the only solution is the ugliest possible one because that's what you picked.

We're not attack dogs for pointing out how the reasoning is flawed. We're not attack dogs for pointing out the solution proposed has more cons than pros. We're not closeminded for not wanting to revisit this one option ad nauseum.

We HAVE thought about server merges. We HAVE done the research a lot of people who propose this idea haven't. We HAVE listened to what the devs have talked about as other options. We play on the same servers as you guys. We play as much or more as you do. We don't get married to having teams falling in our lap as being the only fun way to play. We don't have a problem with getting in touch with the community a little more in order to get our teaming fix. We're not what you're trying to portray.

[caveat- I'm not trying to speak for anyone but myself here. We probably should be Me, but I don't feel like I'm alone in feeling this way based on what others have said]

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Well, I was talking more to the people who were posting and basically ripping the TC a new one. I'm all about discussion, it just seems there are some here that do attack anyone that says anything negative about the game and how its perfect as is. I've seen it a lot, just got irritated enough this time to actually speak up for once.

Edit: Oh, and like I said, I did say mergers would be messy. I do think doing mass transfers for a low price would be the better option. But at $10 a pop, I just can't afford something like that.

Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
Well, I was talking more to the people who were posting and basically ripping the TC a new one. I'm all about discussion, it just seems there are some here that do attack anyone that says anything negative about the game and how its perfect as is. I've seen it a lot, just got irritated enough this time to actually speak up for once.

Edit: Oh, and like I said, I did say mergers would be messy. I do think doing mass transfers for a low price would be the better option. But at $10 a pop, I just can't afford something like that.
I think this might be a better answer, low cost server transfers, like 4 characters for 15 or somehting like that.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
Anyways, in my personal opinion, yeah, server mergers would be messy. I'd be all for being able to do mass transfers for a low price. I play on Infinity as well, and I'm sorry, its dead, at least redside. Yes, I have a couple of Infinity's global channels up to see if anything is going on. Theres usually not. Sure, I could go asking every player thats not looking for a team, but more than likely, guess what? They're not looking for a team. At prime time hours, I've seen as little as 4 people seeking in the whole 1-50 range. Sure, we got super sidekicking, but that doesn't mean a few level 4s and a level 47 team is really gonna function all that well. I've made a few characters on Virtue, and finding teams is easy. I don't have to sit around waiting for an invite while I relentlessly spam tells to people that don't have their flags up to see if they want to team like I do Infinity redside. On Virtue, I just do what I used to have to do on Infinity: Put my flag up, run a couple of solo missions and I usually have an invite by then.
First, I too play on Infinity. Yes, the population is down on the server, and it doesn't end up as low (or high, depending on how you look at it) on the list anymore. However, I will point out that I have ALWAYS gone about my recruiting by doing exactly what you described as your issue with teaming. For me, that hasn't changed a bit. And you know what? I can still get a team of 8 rolling pretty quickly, and it usually functions rather well. But, I am also content with a team of 4, or even a duo if that's what I can find.

Might I also point out that were I to summarize your paragraph above, I would say: "I'm too lazy to do things to find a team, and can't really be bothered to TALK to people about teaming, so I will go somewhere where the teams find me... it's WAAAY easier that way."

We can argue all day about this, but (most of) you guys won't listen to any other opinion that differs from your own, and continue to call the rest of us liars, whiners, and morons. Anyways, I'm done, carry on with your flaming.
Well, on this point, I think you are somewhat right. However, not for the reasons you think. I think that having hashed this issue out SOOO many times, the forum regulars have become exhausted talking about mergers. And in so doing all of their well-mannered, logical and realistic conversation on the matter has long been used up. Now, all that is left is "no", "/jranger" and some bile-y sarcasm. Is that a bit harsh on people who don't really know that they should have done a search? Yes, yes definitely. But, it isn't the forum community's job to make sure people do their research before posting, they can only respond to what they are given... and in this case, if the OP can't be bothered to not bludgeon a topic some more, why should the forumites be bothered not to bludgeon the OP?



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Justice is impossible to find teams at any time other than prime, and it stinks.
Please, feel free to take the Open Challenge that Westley has issued.

I, like him have never found it difficult to get a team on ANY server, and I play them all.

I suggest any of you who teams don't like, try this also.
If nothing else, you will know how to do it after he shows you.




Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post

Psssst... That's the same person. Or did you know that and say it to be funny?
Mostly to be funny. In the same sense that somebody has to convince both Bruce Wayne and Batman, or both Clark Kent and Superman. I know, horrible joke.


Only if they add OS trolling to the ban for a week list.
Now, I just can't let this snide comment go. The fact is, I haven't been the one that's been OS trolling. Now, I could show off some of the snapshots taken from the reputation screen and show you legitimate OS trolls. There's a difference between trolling, and speaking in facts, and most people have already figured out that when it comes to hardware and operating systems, I know exactly what I'm talking about, whether or not they actually like what can be a cold truth.



Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
We can argue all day about this, but (most of) you guys won't listen to any other opinion that differs from your own, and continue to call the rest of us liars, whiners, and morons. Anyways, I'm done, carry on with your flaming.
And I am to take away from your post that you will? You know, as opposed to the pot calling the kettle?

What is with this fad in recent days? Every time someone disagrees with a criticism of the game, people come down from the hills, toting a modified "fanboy" comment and shoot it all over the place indiscriminately? If you want to make a point, make it. You don't need to make an *** out of yourself in the process.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Oh this time again?

Oh well.

I would not mind a server list merge. To bring the EU servers into the NA fold. We love to have more servers to play on. Especially better populated servers where now and then you get invited by completely strangers, such a novelty.

I have opened a MA account for those moments that I just feel like teaming. Any teaming, preferably PUG's. Bad PUG's, Oh dear you got to be kidding PUG's, Wow we are zooming through those arcs PUG's or stop making those jokes, my stomach hurts from laughing PUGs. For quality solo gaming and well organised TF's I stick to the EU for now, where I have the toons, the vet perks and the inf to buy the good stuff.



Who are you people anyway?
Lisa Douglas from Green Acres?

She hated 'Hootersville', and longed to be back in New York.

  • If you don't like Hooterville, Don't live there.
  • Move, or move back to NY!
  • If you are too cheap or just don't wanna, You don't even have to move alts to the high pop servers.
  • Just create, or re-create new alts in NY and there you are!

  • Do NOT say "Let's combine Hooterville, Mayberry and Smallville, so I can be happy in the city!"
  • The people in Hooterville, Mayberry and Smallville, LIKE their little towns
  • If they didn't they would already have gotten smart, and moved to the big city.
  • They are HAPPY! Quit trying to muck up their small towns!

  • Don't expect the Guvamint to pay for your move to Gotham!
  • Just move there! or grow new alts there. You will make better friends by growing and teaming there, than just popping out in all your 50dom, anyway!
  • Supes did NOT try to make Smallville into Metropolis.
    When he wanted Metropolis, he just went there!
    Go and do likewise.
The answer to the problem you claim you have, is already available. . .
Right here in the game!
Quit trying to make the devs and everyone else work so hard to change, just to make you happy!

That would be really petty.

YOU have the power to fix it. Move. Use that power.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
I play on virtue and justice, and Ive just about given up on my justice characters because its impossible to find a team on justice except during prime time.
You're doing it wrong.

I've seen threads a long time ago where you talked about how you formed teams. You were very picky, not accepting this AT or that powerset, because they weren't "good enough". If that's not changed, that's probably a big part of your problem. Not only does it obviously limit your choices, but plenty of people won't bother teaming again with someone who plays like that.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
You're doing it wrong.

I've seen threads a long time ago where you talked about how you formed teams. You were very picky, not accepting this AT or that powerset, because they weren't "good enough". If that's not changed, that's probably a big part of your problem. Not only does it obviously limit your choices, but plenty of people won't bother teaming again with someone who plays like that.
And thanks to the Notes/Star and ignore features we have the tools to permanently avoid the teaming/build-nazis.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Big question. If your preferred server were to get merged with another server, would you have any problem whatsoever with having to possibly change all your characters' names due to someone else possibly having those names on the other server?

All you have to do is look up one of the threads about how easy it is to think up names. They have tips offered by the same obnoxious people who get their knickers in a knot when someone mentions server merges.



Originally Posted by Qurios View Post
All you have to do is look up one of the threads about how easy it is to think up names. They have tips offered by the same obnoxious people who get their knickers in a knot when someone mentions server merges.
You didn't answer the question.

I have the name Bill Z Bubba in use on every US server. I only play one of them. My other mains don't exist in that way. I have zero desire to lose the names I have and would be highly ticked off were the devs to arbitrarily tell me that I was suddenly Melcor2 or Louis Cypher2 or generic0126875.

Would I quit over it? Nope. But it would be added to the list of "dev farkups." When that list reaches a certain level, that's when I bail as it will cause me to say, "You no longer deserve my money."

Merging servers at all at this point in our population level would get a entry on that list.

Be well, people of CoH.



This thread is getting to the point of "beating a dead horse",mergers aren't going to happen.
The economy sux and ppl are in school,the game spikes and drops at certain points of the year.I have 2 friends that can't play because they are broke...one is laidoff and the other is unemployed.Another buddy of mine just went back to school.

The point is the economy is in shambles in a large portion of the country,some areas are worse than others.So the things that ppl can live with out are gonna get cut...cox vs groceries or the utilities getting paid,what do you think is more important?

Get the economy going again and people back to work and you'll see the pop go up.



The point is the economy is in shambles in a large portion of the country,some areas are worse than others.So the things that ppl can live with out are gonna get cut...cox vs groceries or the utilities getting paid,what do you think is more important?
K.... I could make the FUNNIEST statement about that right now, but instead I think I'll PM it to you. I'd rather not get banned today.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Don't fret with these replies. This board is full of Ostriches who will discredit anything that may suggest the game is losing population. The mere mention of a server merger is seen as a negative for them, and therefore they cannot discuss the idea rationally.
The Rational point is that a server Merger is a great deal of time and effort for the Dev team, it also often seen as being a statement of a dead game which COX isn't.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!