Time to merge some servers???




The point is the economy is in shambles in a large portion of the country,some areas are worse than others.So the things that ppl can live with out are gonna get cut...cox vs groceries or the utilities getting paid,what do you think is more important?
K.... I could make the FUNNIEST statement about that right now, but instead I think I'll PM it to you. I'd rather not get banned today.
PM it to me too, I could use a laugh. Already had a really good one this morning but hey.

<-- knows all about being laid off. (Had already bought a 6-months subscription though, lawl.)



This topic comes up from time to time, and is never conducive to productive discussion. I contemplating finding an old lock comment and re-posting it, but decided that would be counterproductive (and the humor would probably be a bit lost on everyone).

Instead let me say this, next time this topic comes up please avoid the discussion. Just don't post, it's not like if you avoid this subject somehow Doom will come to Sarnath... I mean Paragon City.

On this subject we use a lot more internal research to inform our decision making because we can see exactly how many people logged on, how many people teamed, how long people stayed on, etc. We have the actual details, so we can make decisions from a far more informed PoV. We are aware of how players from both perspectives feel about this issue, hashing it out repeatedly in the forums doesn't help.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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Originally Posted by Shadowblaze View Post
I swear, some of you are like the official City of Heroes forums attack dogs. Anytime anyone has an idea that varies from what you guys believe to be fact, you viciously attack them.
When people post lame, poorly considered retread ideas that have been floating around the forums for years, they deserve to take heat for it.

Whatever the perceived benefits of merging servers from the POV of one player who's too lazy to find a team or take advantage of the existing system of server transfers, the effect on the game would be tragic.

Only failing games merge servers. Prospective gamers will not want to invest resources in a game that stinks of failure. Better for the game and its playerbase to preserve the status quo even if some servers present more of a teaming challenge.

What I think we'll eventually get is a 'one server' model, which will be hearalded by combined PvP zones. Pooling players in that way makes sense, because you can sell it as an advance in gameplay. Merging a couple of lower population servers, not so much.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone