Purples - Really?!?!

Adeon Hawkwood



Have you ever slotted an IO set with a set recharge bonus, such as for example, Crushing Impact, Decimation, Positron's Blast ?

If the answer is "yes", then purples should be worth it for you, seeing as they give the same bonuses, only bigger.

For me, purples are definitely worth it seeing as the recharge and accuracy bonuses on most of the sets let me focus on other things with the rest of the build. The purple procs are also a big boost in DPS, each of them being ~250% as effective as a regular proc.

Of course, that doesn't mean you should add purples for the sake of adding purples. You obviously want to look at each build and look where (and eventually if) it fits.

I have a Stone Tanker build that uses 6 full purple sets so that I can have perma Earth's Embrace while in Granite.
You might be already aware of that and implying the 6th purple set does something else than recharge, but as you mention perma-EE, better be safe than sorry : you can only have 5 identical set bonuses on a build, any set bonus past that point has no effect.



I'll just throw out the two cases where I use purples.

In my bots/traps, I use the purple pet proc, and other purples in pairs for the recovery bonus. I also use the pet set damage enhancement in protector bots because of it's superior enhancement value on a tight-for-slots power. Most set bonuses don't benefit my MM, since the bots are doing all the damage. I just taunt and stay alive. Getting all the recovery bonuses allow me to skip stamina and still have the endurance to drop AVs and GMs. If I had to take stamina, I'd either lose my ability to taunt, leadership pools, hasten, or the softcap in ranged/AoE defense. The pet proc fires incredibly often and results in a ton more damage than I've ever been able to do.

On my warshade, I'd like to have five sets of purples for the recharge time bonuses. They are what will push eclipse into the realm of perma, they are what allow me to scrank in dwarf with stacked mires, and they will allow me to exemplar much better than I do now. As it stands, I hate losing most of my recharge bonuses when I exemplar.

The point is, purples have a marked ability to improve my effectiveness. They allow me to do things I previously couldn't. It's not about the numbers to me, it's what I can do. This is proof enough that purples aren't simply vanity.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I have one character with purples slotted - Catwhoorg (claws/regen).

The +recharge was my main build aim with them, though the procs really help up his DPS due to the fast animation and recharge of the claws powers.

He also has quite a few PVP IO sets which also stay active when exemping, in fact once I finish out his build (Im about a billion inf from doing so) every set bonus he has will be active from 1 to 50. Making him a very powerful character when exemped.

And I exemp a lot, on TFs and Flashbacks.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I've got a Human Only PB with 5 complete Purple sets. Do they make her more powerful? Absolutely! Was that extra power worth the time (about 4 months) and Inf (not sure, couple Billion at least)? No, the power alone wasn't. I decided to Purp Out (and Accolade out) because that was the only real challenge left for that toon. I *really* liked playing her, so...why not, eh?

Purpling out is expensive in Time and Money, and if you're not having fun during that time, I'd say it's not worth it. If you like playing a single toon alot though, it certainly is.



In general, I don't find purples to be worth the money because so many of my characters use rare sets with substantial amounts of +defense bonuses. That those rare sets tend to be 1/10th to 1/4th the price is a happy bonus.

The exceptions are my controllers who get really good bonuses for comparative bargains.

As for Thirty-Seven's argument, I do find it funny when people so aggressively oppose powergaming. Seems to me that petty jealously plays a not small part there. Because honestly, if you REALLY don't care about purples, then you wouldn't even bother to have posted in this thread. Because the OP isn't talking about Inventions v. no inventions. He's discussing purples compared to other IO sets (as demonstrated by his reference to +def).

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Any toon with powers that are < strike > gimped < / strike > balanced off of recharge benefits incredibly from the purple sets.

Rain of arrows
Full Auto
Drain Psyche
Ice patch

AOE holds
AOE stuns
Ilusion pets

Shared with defenders
Heat Loss
Adrenalin boost
Fulcrum shift
Accelerate Metabolism
Lingering rad

If you use any of the above purples are great. If you like fighting +con enemies purples are great the extra accuracy is more than great its a must.

EDIT: Just in case you didn't realize blasters solo at the pace of aim and buildup with the exceptions of /devices and Assault Rifle.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
As for Thirty-Seven's argument, I do find it funny when people so aggressively oppose powergaming.
Some of us optimize the performance of our characters.

People like that optimize their altitude on their high horse.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I have to assume you don't enjoy soloing AVs. Or running solo at +4/x8 w/bosses.

I do. Using purple sets to punch up my recharge to increase my DPS while freeing up space for more mitigation allows me to do those things.

So.. worth it? Absolutely when you're doing the things that necessitate their use. Unnecessary? It's not necessary to play this game or drink coke. Yet people do out of enjoyment.

And other people are fine playing at the lowest diff and taking 500 hours to hit 50.
Sooooo.... you're saying purples are a good idea cause then it won't take you 500 hours to get to 50? Forgive my ignorance if it is not such, but don't you have to wait till 50 to use/slot purples?

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Have you ever slotted an IO set with a set recharge bonus, such as for example, Crushing Impact, Decimation, Positron's Blast ?

If the answer is "yes", then purples should be worth it for you, seeing as they give the same bonuses, only bigger.
I would actually use this to argue against purples. You have a fully slotted character with rare sets, yet you'll drop a billion for 5% global recharge, 10% global accuracy, and 5% recovery? Number differences so low that you'll have to buy at least 5 sets to have a really noticeable difference in playstyle...

Anyway, to summarize and echo a little bit, purple sets are fun if they suit what you want to do in the game. If they don't, they are unnecessary. In regards to the OP I would say the only strategy I would add to the list is Ouroboros (keeping bonuses when you exemplar) and Task Forces. For someone like me, who likes to hit 50, finish the current arc, and start a new toon, they are a ridiculous waste of money. I could slot out a character with decent sets for the cost of 2 purples.

All that said, I think some purples (like Coercive Persuasion) are cheap enough to put me on the fence.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



I don't particularly like base building. I don't particularly like badging. I don't like SALAD DRESSING. And that is why it's a good thing that I don't get to set the rules based on what "I don't like".

Edited to talk to Gilia:

I could slot out a character with decent sets for the cost of 2 purples.
Big spender. When the market was new I slotted out a level 50 Spine/Dark scrapper, posting in realtime as I did it, over one weekend, for 6 million inf. I had about 100K leftover, if I recall. Worked GREAT.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Planning builds, and crunching numbers takes you away from the fun of the game, IMO, that's why I spend so little time dealing with my enhancements, and why I don't sit around trying to build a team of 8 every time. I want to ESCAPE from life for a bit and actually friggin' play a game. NOT do mindless and repetitive amounts of math and jimmy-riggin' to get an extra .5% of something to be able to do something else an extra time so that some ridiculous activity is doable that I shouldn't really be doing in the first place!
The math is part of the game for me. It's part of the fun for me. So while we're both enjoying the mindless and repetitive task of killing/arresting thousands of enemies I'm having more fun crunching numbers and pushing the performance envelope so that while I'm doing the same mindless and repetitive tasks as you, I'm getting more stuff to outfit more characters faster than you.

Is that vanity? Not in the least. It's nothing more than efficiency while having fun.

Sooooo.... you're saying purples are a good idea cause then it won't take you 500 hours to get to 50? Forgive my ignorance if it is not such, but don't you have to wait till 50 to use/slot purples?
That was a response to this:
And other people are fine playing at the lowest diff and taking 500 hours to hit 50.
Which was nothing more than an example showing that some people are fine with leisurely strolling to 50 and never caring about how well their character performs versus those that like pushing the envelope all the time and can solo to 50 in vastly shorter times.

Be well, people of CoH.



Purples often aren't the best if you planning on a specific build.

Typed defence for your Invuln or Willpower Tanker/Brute/Scrapper...they're useless since they offer almost no typed defence bonuses other than Psi.

Want to go beserk with runspeed bonuses up the wazoo for your Granite tank? Again they offer very little (though having your Granite + Rooted tank being able to run 15mph means you can also skip a travel power since you can sprint at around 60-70mph with Granite and Rooted turned off).

Defence soft-capping builds also have very little use for Purples since they don't tend to offer much in the way of positional defence either.

However where they come into their own once you've completed those goals, they allow you to add extra 'tweaks'.

They aren't the be all and end all of builds though.



You have a fully slotted character with rare sets, yet you'll drop a billion for 5% global recharge, 10% global accuracy, and 5% recovery? Number differences so low that you'll have to buy at least 5 sets to have a really noticeable difference in playstyle...
I'll definitely drop a billion of pretend money in a video game to improve my character, especially when it allows me to do stuff I couldn't otherwise. What am I going to do with it ? Even as a high score metric, the two billion cap more or less stops that (and storing 2 bill bids on WW just isn't my thing).

I can notice a 5% global recharge difference when it's the difference between running my attack chain without gaps or having a 0.2s gap. I can notice a 10% accuracy difference when it's the difference between having a 95% hit rate against +4s as opposed to a 90% hit rate, or to put it another way, missing twice as much which results in doing, in a best case scenario (missing -res will reduce damage further) doing only half the damage I could do. I can notice a 5% recovery difference when it's the difference between being barely able to run my attack chain indefinitely or being able to run it for about five minutes before bottoming out.

Bottomline, I can perfectly understand some people wouldn't notice the difference, but I do and so do other people. Not noticing the difference doesn't mean there is no difference, either. I've had fights in which losing just 1% HP, 1% of my DPS or 1% recovery would have killed me. I've got lots of builds that simply wouldn't perform like I'd want them too without purples.



Defence soft-capping builds also have very little use for Purples since they don't tend to offer much in the way of positional defence either.
While they don't help on the softcapping side, they do help with the damage side. In order to get my chain of followup, slash, focus, strike, repeat tightened up, I needed the +recharge from the purples.

Those same purples also provide my character with more HP, Regen, Recovery, all of which are necessary for the character to be able to pull off the fun things he does.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I can notice a 10% accuracy difference when it's the difference between having a 95% hit rate against +4s as opposed to a 90% hit rate, or to put it another way, missing twice as much which results in doing, in a best case scenario (missing -res will reduce damage further) doing only half the damage I could do.
Not arguing your core point, but dropping from 95% to 90% hit rate isn't anywhere near cutting your damage in half.

I do agree that purples are worth it. What else are you going to do with your pretend money?




Not arguing your core point, but dropping from 95% to 90% hit rate isn't anywhere near cutting your damage in half.
You're right, what I said there made absolutely no sense. It's completely wrong.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Purples often aren't the best if you planning on a specific build.

Typed defence for your Invuln or Willpower Tanker/Brute/Scrapper...they're useless since they offer almost no typed defence bonuses other than Psi.
And here's a counter point to that.

I play a SS/WP Brute, and you're correct, I slotted my attacks with Kinetic Combats for the typed defenses. And I slotted heavily elsewhere focusing on typed defenses.

Once I had my build all worked out, and realized I had the means (read: infamy) to add purples, I began working towards the places in my build where purples would fit.

Two will go into my PPP attacks, Gloom and Dark Obliteration, with Apocalypse & Ragnarok replacing Devastation x3 & Thunderstrike x3 (frankenslotted) & 5 slotted Positron's Blast.

1 will go into Footstomp, replacing the 5x Obliteration I have there now (the 6th slot is the force feedback proc).

Disregarding the minor improvements, added recovery, regen, damage bonus - that's a full 18% increase in recharge. That's huge.

And the only real sacrifice is 2.5% def vs. Energy & Negative. Which, since I'm already beyond 30% vs both of those with 1200% regen - it's hardly noticeable.

So that's a case where purples clearly make dramatic improvements to a build.

As others have said, it largely depends on the build in question.

As the OPs general question of "why?", I can only answer that it adds an extra layer of character building for me. It's something to strive toward, so that I can improve on a character that I dedicate 75% of my play time to.

Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven
NOT do mindless and repetitive amounts of math and jimmy-riggin' to get an extra .5% of something to be able to do something else an extra time so that some ridiculous activity is doable that I shouldn't really be doing in the first place!
The devs decide what should or shouldn't be done in game. They showed their decisiveness quite clearly with I16's changes to the MA.

I'll gamble that they understand the numbers behind the ATs & how they interact with IOs, and what kind of performance AT X can get out of them better than 98% of the player base.

They knew what they were doing when they added IOs and Purple sets. They added a facet to the game that would appeal to hard core players, perfectionists and number lovers in a game that is heavily casual friendly.

I'm new here, but from my perspective IOs & Purple sets added an amazing level of depth to character building compared to what existed prior.

And the beauty of all this is you can still play to 50, play on teams, solo and run TFs all with just Single Origin enhancements.

It's basically a bit of something for everyone.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Thank you for presenting a false dichotomy.
I presented this as a response to an existing false dichotomy. You presented the dichotomy that people are either vain or they don't want purples. If anything, what I presented was reductio ad absurdum, showing that the dichotomy you originally presented is preposterous when taken to its logical extreme - that any pursuit of power in an MMO is driven by vanity.

There are many reasons why people want level 50 characters.
Would you bother to grace us with some of them? Besides, of course, the pursuit of greater power.

Personally, I don't really "want" level 50 characters (Beyond the first one that is, unlocking Kheldians was a goal for me to be sure.)... but I know that if I play any character long enough that it will get there. Now, one could ask why I wouldn't simply turn XP off if that is my attitude. Well, it would get pretty darn repetitive playing the same missions endlessly on the same character in the same level range.
So you don't ever covet getting your next power? Never wish for more slots in a power you just got? You never prefer SOs to DOs or training enhancements? You don't ever pine for more accuracy or better endurance management?

And this is exactly where I stop caring in this argument. Bigger numbers =/= bigger fun. They certainly CAN, but I have plenty of fun without ever having used a purple for anything but a market sale.
Which says nothing about their worth. It speaks only about their worth to you. You, personally, do not value the benefits they provide. That does not mean they do not provide them. It also does not mean that others might not value those benefits, possibly greatly.

Sure, many powers can use certain attributes in greater amounts... but isn't part of the fun of the game in being challenged?
Allow me to introduce you to my little friends, the difficulty contact and the hazard zones/areas. Those folks crowded behind them are not the Verizon network but the Giant Monsters and AVs in the game.

Just because you can find sufficient challenge at low difficulty settings or attacking "team content" with the aid of a team doesn't mean that it's not also challenging to play at higher settings or to tackle things designed for a (large) team solo (or with a small one).

If endurance and recharge and regen and ToHit and all of the other attributes are not an issue for your character... why bother playing?
Oh, it's so amusing now that you opened this post with an appeal to false dichotomy. Seriously, as if there's no middle ground between our baseline and infinite endurance... Oh, and it's impossible to get to where you never miss - 5% minimum chance and all that.

Are you really so unfamiliar with the game that you think that missing as little as possibly or being able to go for a really long time without running out of endurance means there's no challenge? Seriously? Minimizing those factors doesn't mean you'll win in any given situation - especially if we rise to the kinds of challenges I mentioned above. It's going to make you more likely to survive in extreme conditions.

Perhaps more importantly, you're really discounting that different people think different things are fun. Is missing fun? Is running out of endurance? How about waiting around longer for powers to recharge? They aren't fun to me. I'd rather be right in there, smashing or blasting or whatever my character does. It's the thrill of the fight that I savor, not the downtime enforced by spending all my power or ready actions, then waiting for them to come back. Sure, there's some satisfaction from planning out a fight based on limited resources, but that's not what I find most fun about the game, so I limit how much I have to deal with it and focus on what I think is fun - the fighting.

Many people argue that you need purples to do certain things, and that they only have fun doing those particular things. Well, I have to ask how they can justify playing a game in which 100% of the content doesn't matter, but doing a few things that they have built out of the content (but technically aren't something the Devs intended to be done) worth their time.
Wait, the difficulty "slider" doesn't work with content? Weird, I thought that's how you used it - you turned it on and then ran missions.

Beyond that, though, seriously, this is yet another false dichotomy. There's nothing that says you can't enjoy having really powerful characters and do content at the same time. Do you know I solo most of my characters through the game still because I like having full contact bars? And yet I build characters with purple sets at 50. I've been playing this game since its release and I've seen and done seriously just about everything it offers in terms of content. Content is easy to consume. Then what do you do? Why, you keep running it over and over...wait, how is that really different from the thing you said would get boring, being the same level forever? Here's a hint... for most players it's not that different. Even running it again on a different character isn't that different. So we look for new ways to approach it - such as at higher difficulties or when solo instead of on a team. Or perhaps a lot faster than normal when it's known to be slow.

I think that making your character more powerful for power's sake or to be able to say that X AV got soloed, or I have 837% of X attribute is all about vanity.
If one runs around proclaiming it, you might be right - they might be being vain. Not everyone does that. Not everyone who ever mentions that they play that way is being vain - sometimes it's necessary to explain that you play that way when putting context around conversation - like, oh, why someone might actually value purple IOs.

To me, playing the numbers game is so far removed from an escapist mentality as to be ridiculous. Planning builds, and crunching numbers takes you away from the fun of the game, IMO, that's why I spend so little time dealing with my enhancements, and why I don't sit around trying to build a team of 8 every time. I want to ESCAPE from life for a bit and actually friggin' play a game.
Funny, I never knew spending time in Mid's planner was part of my "real life". I never realized before now that when I thought about how to optimize a character, I was still thinking about having to pay bills, care for my lawn, my projects at work, or how screwed I'd be if I lost my job due to the economic downturn. Who knew that spending time crunching numbers could never be escapist on its own! You have opened my eyes! ... OK, not really.

What's funny is that people aren't in here impugning your idea of fun. You're on a soapbox proclaiming how inconceivable it is that other people could find things fun that you do not. You're coming about as close as possible to trying to say they're actually wrong to enjoy these things as you can without saying it in those words.

Take the blinders off. Accept that other people might enjoy things you don't, and that they don't have to be vain for that to be true. The game has the room for that. Keep in mind that the devs actually empowered these playstyles - they gave us difficulty settings that let us solo large team content, or AVs without a team. They acknowledged that people enjoy doing these things. Maybe its time that you did too.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



If that's what you want to spend time working towards, sure, it's worth it. I'd certainly do it if I wanted to play my 50s rather than different characters. Gives you something else to strive for. I could see putting together all the pieces as something like putting together a collection - some satisfaction with each piece acquired. I do this with normal sets on my way to 50, I would see this as the next step - a chance to keep building a character. Do you *need* to? Nah, of course not - you're already at or near 50. You don't need to do anything. But you have that option.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

Take the blinders off. Accept that other people might enjoy things you don't, and that they don't have to be vain for that to be true. The game has the room for that. Keep in mind that the devs actually empowered these playstyles - they gave us difficulty settings that let us solo large team content, or AVs without a team. They acknowledged that people enjoy doing these things. Maybe its time that you did too.
Very true.

some like some play styles, some don't.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by DarkInvado View Post
So I have to admit here that I have not played with purple sets much. I have made a couple of fully slotted heroes that have had a purple set, or the random proc thrown in but could someone help me out and WHY I would use purple sets in my build? I am going to makes some guesses here...

1) I want to have a team toon build and wont have to depend on def because I will either get it from my team mates, have team mates to heal me or I just plain will never solo.

2) I want to do something really well i.e. regen or recovery or damage but dont really care if that AV face plants me in 2.2 seconds because of... see above.

3) I really have lots and lots of money to spend and I will be slotting full PvP sets as well that I will have spent billions on just one full set.

In all seriousness, are there any types of toons who, using purples extensively, are survivable and good for soloing AVs and being the last hero standing when the **** hits the fan and the team is getting wiped?

If you could share some of your builds and describe what the builds are designed for that might help.

So... Really worth all that?
None of it is really necessary but some of it is quite fun. I have 3 builds that I spend a lot of time with: my purpled out Spines/Dark Scrapper, Purpled out Ill/Rad troller, and my IO'd out softcapped dark/shield scrapper.

The Spines/Dark is about 12 seconds short of perma hasten, DR is up around every 30 seconds, and he farms like a madman.

The Ill/Rad has perma hasten, perma PA, perma AM, and is generally a beast full of fun on teams and TF's.

The Dark/Shield has no purples but several LoTG +recharges, Numina Unique, and is soft capped on defense. She is my AV solo'er and lately my only played toon because I just have to much fun with her!

Definitely none of these things are "required" but they do make these 3 characters stand out in my roster!



I sell any purples. I would have to have some intention that I find irresistable for me to try to place them into my build. Some people produce grand builds with them but I think most people should be realistic. I am more likely to be bored with a character before I min/max that far or be bored with the character having min/maxxed that far. I like some weaknesses. Immortal characters are boring.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I am more likely to be bored with a character before I min/max that far or be bored with the character having min/maxxed that far.
Just bear in mind that some people essentially never bore of some of their characters. I still play characters I created in the first month of this game's existence.

Anyone who thinks their character is immortal just needs to jump in a pile of +4 Arachnos spawned for 8 players. (And trust me, it takes a lot less than that to kill lots of heavily IO'd characters.)

Edit: Just about any large quantity of Rularuu would work, too.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Some people produce grand builds with them but I think most people should be realistic.
In a game based on playing superheroes?

I am more likely to be bored with a character before I min/max that far or be bored with the character having min/maxxed that far. I like some weaknesses. Immortal characters are boring.
The game now gives us the flexibility to present a challenge to even the most min-maxed character.

I mean, I get that some folks just don't care about performance, and that's great. But the game is designed in such a way that that even 'extreme' builds are a realistic goal for nearly any player, and is flexible enough to challenge those builds with suitably difficult content.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Purples aren't worth it to me, because of how i play the game.

I'm the type of guy who has fun building the hero, and the concept, more then min maxing out his/her/it's powers. I enjoy having a small army of heros and villians i can play, instead of one or two really really powerful ones.

I've got 30 level 50 heros/villians. (20 heros 10 villians) They are all IO'ed out. But not min/maxed to the extream. The money and time it'd take too purple all of the out... I tend to franken slot, and by cheaper IO's, focusing on getting the most out of each individual power then more then getting a ton of set bonuses. Set bonues to me are a secondary priority, nice, but never at the expense of a powers effectiveness.

This approuch allows me to have 30 "good" playable toons to pick from, at the expence of having one really tricked out toon. All of my guys play at a level i'm happy with, in a teaming enviroment. None of them can solo AV's or GM's, but that's not really something that intrestes me.

but all of the above is how i enjoy the game. Others, like Bill, find more enjoyment in having one over the top kick @$$ powerhouse that can do nearly anything by himself. And that's great.

It's kind of nice to have a game that allows two people with differents tastes to enjoy different aspecs of the same game now isn't it?

So, my advice is, if your into Min/Maxing, Purples are worth it. If not, then, it's prolly overkill.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
Purples aren't worth it to me, because of how i play the game.

I'm the type of guy who has fun building the hero, and the concept, more then min maxing out his/her/it's powers. I enjoy having a small army of heros and villians i can play, instead of one or two really really powerful ones.

I've got 30 level 50 heros/villians. (20 heros 10 villians) They are all IO'ed out. But not min/maxed to the extream. The money and time it'd take too purple all of the out... I tend to franken slot, and by cheaper IO's, focusing on getting the most out of each individual power then more then getting a ton of set bonuses. Set bonues to me are a secondary priority, nice, but never at the expense of a powers effectiveness.

This approuch allows me to have 30 "good" playable toons to pick from, at the expence of having one really tricked out toon. All of my guys play at a level i'm happy with, in a teaming enviroment. None of them can solo AV's or GM's, but that's not really something that intrestes me.

but all of the above is how i enjoy the game. Others, like Bill, find more enjoyment in having one over the top kick @$$ powerhouse that can do nearly anything by himself. And that's great.

It's kind of nice to have a game that allows two people with differents tastes to enjoy different aspecs of the same game now isn't it?

So, my advice is, if your into Min/Maxing, Purples are worth it. If not, then, it's prolly overkill.
I'm probably half agreeing, half disagreeing with you. Yes, heavily purpling is part of min/maxing - but paying a bit extra (or turning a lucky drop into INF to buy one) for an interesting proc, or just extra strength on something (past a normal set or IO value) is worth it, too. Even if you don't min/max, throwing (say) Contagious Confusion into a confuse (or arctic air,) or a chance for hold into an AOE immobilize, could well be worth it for you.

Not min/maxing. Just something "extra."