Purples - Really?!?!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I probably should have been more clear in what I meant. Someone above mentioned recruitment asking for a tanker with 2k HP and 100 regen. I've never seen the likes of that. I have seen messages asking for kins and rads however. I don't really consider asking for a powerset as a specification, but I can certainly understand such an interpretation. Usually I just see people ask for buff/debuff. That's what I ask for as a rule.
Specification is a very generic word, and therefore would include AT, player type, powersets.......etcetera. Anything that qualifies a certain player would be deemed a specification.

I've never seen anyone ask for how many hit points a tanker had, either, although the fact many consider only stone tankers worthy of certain tasks kinda gets around that aspect by replacing the powerset specs with that of individual specs.

I have, however, seen people advertise their toon in such a manner.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
If a team is moronic enough to assume a rad will add nothing but LR on an AV, they aren't worth discussing. You can't buff away stupidity.
Not necessarily anything stupid about it (you're basing that on the assumption they didn't know any better, which isn't necessarily true). We both know the content is trivial enough that only a few people are really necessary to accomplish it. It isn't a matter of what a Rad can do, but a matter of what that team wanted them for, and how that player is treated in the team.

Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post

Also if someone was put out that people are specifically looking for a rad, they need to crank down the gain on their sensitivity meter.
It isn't necessarily a question of sensitivity. If someone is looking for a rad and you aren't one, you may feel less likely to reply. Some people will reply either way, offering up something else, but a lot of people won't. They may or may not get upset about it, but the message would have artificially limited your responses due to the qualifier.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
Not necessarily anything stupid about it (you're basing that on the assumption they didn't know any better, which isn't necessarily true). We both know the content is trivial enough that only a few people are really necessary to accomplish it. It isn't a matter of what a Rad can do, but a matter of what that team wanted them for, and how that player is treated in the team.
Yes, there is something necessarily stupid about it. A 30% absolute damage boost most of the time is something which will speed up any team (especially since you pretty much can't hit the resistance debuff cap without really working for it). Rad has too many good powers for any team to only want them for LR if they have any clue. Any team which wouldn't feel the rest of the rad powerset abilities, wouldn't need LR in the first place. Their damage would overcome any regen.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post

It isn't necessarily a question of sensitivity. If someone is looking for a rad and you aren't one, you may feel less likely to reply. Some people will reply either way, offering up something else, but a lot of people won't. They may or may not get upset about it, but the message would have artificially limited your responses due to the qualifier.
Yes, one would feel less likely to reply to a request for something they are not. They also would be less likely to comment that the sky is blue or water is wet.

As for 'artificially limited responses', yes that is the point of using a qualifier in the first place. I don't ask for a specific powerset when I don't want it. I don't ask for a kinetics buffer and expect a storm defender to reply and lecture me on the wonders of their powers (not that I ever get that specific, but nonetheless).

If someone can't take people asking for specific powersets, tough noogies. They, as I said, need to crank down their sensitivity meter. Teams aren't that hard to come by especially in the era of SSK.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
It isn't necessarily a question of sensitivity. If someone is looking for a rad and you aren't one, you may feel less likely to reply. Some people will reply either way, offering up something else, but a lot of people won't. They may or may not get upset about it, but the message would have artificially limited your responses due to the qualifier.
That is a valid point which is why I mostly prefer to use general looking for X members. However the inverse is also true, there are players who are shy and worry about teaming (possibly combined with a fear of rejection), if you put that you're looking for something specific and they match it they're more likely to respond than they would to a general LFM.

For the most part I'm happy to run TFs with pretty much whomever turns up (there are a few exceptions, for example I'm not going to run KHTF with 8 melee characters). Unlike Dechs most of the time I'll even take a pure healer if they want to come (because extra challenge settings are fun and mentally mocking them amuses me [yes, I'm a mean person]).



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Rad has too many good powers for any team to only want them for LR if they have any clue.
There is quite literally one time in the entire game (under specific circumstances) where I would rather the Rad have LR over EF: Running the Barracuda SF, during the final mission, while fighting Reichsman, right before he goes Untouchable, if there is no Mastermind on the team (since MMs get a temporary power that prevents him from going Untouchable).

There is literally no other circumstance where I would justify LR over EF (though I would never mind a teammate with both )




I dunno, 'Jerk mode' Honoree and Statesman would probably be up there as well.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
I dunno, 'Jerk mode' Honoree and Statesman would probably be up there as well.
Nah, they don't go Untouchable, for one, and they have about a tenth of Reichman's HP, so regeneration (and by extension, -regen) does less for them than it does for Reichsman.




Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
It's been that way. You've never gotten a tell asking for your powersets before? In a game where nearly any combination can defeat nearly anything, there is a lot of "gear checking" already.......we just don't always do it by counting purples.
Never. Just If i can tank do debuffs or damage. Oh and sometimes the healor tell but i usually ignore those.



It's been that way. You've never gotten a tell asking for your powersets before? In a game where nearly any combination can defeat nearly anything, there is a lot of "gear checking" already.......we just don't always do it by counting purples.
I don't really care about people asking about powersets in regards to buff or debuff-centric needs, although I mock them if they demand specific sets. Of course, if I got a recruit tell asking about my slotting, I'd have my laughs for the week.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
I don't really care about people asking about powersets in regards to buff or debuff-centric needs, although I mock them if they demand specific sets. Of course, if I got a recruit tell asking about my slotting, I'd have my laughs for the week.
I'd send back a tell explaining that I slot DOs since SOs are to expensive.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I'd send back a tell explaining that I slot DOs since SOs are to expensive.

Just tell them you're unslotted because you're saving up for purples.



so yeah...I got into this subject after reading this thread actually, and began to re-evalute the need for purple sets for my main Elec^3 of my namesake.

focusing on global bonuses alone, these are the differences between my current build, and a purpled out one (#'s are current build compared to going purpled out):

Regen: -3.07% effectiveness
Resists: +0.79% effectiveness
Defenses: -9.58%
Recharge: -23.39%
Damage: -3.09%
Total HP: -0.58%
Tech HP: +0.16% (Tech HP is my base hp x resists + (total HP - base), essentially what my HP "technically" is factoring in resists)
Acc: -13.45%
Recovery: +2.05%

TOTAL: -5.62% (with Tech HP factor), -6.35% (without tech HP factor)

now, i havent delved into power differences yet on a 1 on 1 basis, but looking at this, is purpling out really worth all that cash if it will mean a net gain of only around 6% on a good IO build?

(just a note on acc and rech: i have alot in each power allready just the way theyre slotted, it's not that drastic a change between the two builds even tho they are the highest differences here)



Originally Posted by Player99 View Post
(just a note on acc and rech: i have alot in each power allready just the way theyre slotted, it's not that drastic a change between the two builds even tho they are the highest differences here)

That's the thing though.......with purples you may not need nearly as much of each aspect into those powers, saving slots and allowing you to build in a totally different way. I'm certainly going to build completely different if I'm sitting on +70 global accuracy than I would with common or even set IOs.

Without seeing your build, this post of yours doesn't mean a whole lot because there are just so many ways to build.

It may or may not be a big enough change for you to want to slot purples (personally, I'm a big fan of frankenslotting blasters), but I have enough experience in slotting blasters to immediately think that they would have a huge difference on your build, simply because of global recharge alone. Not having defensive powers really cuts back on the spots for LOTGs unless you want to take certain power choices for that reason, and that makes purples for +recharge pretty valuable when really decking out a blaster.



i have 102.5% rech with my normal IO build.

133.8% purple build.

the increase on my powers for the most part after doing a 1on1 on each is about a [s]10%[/s] difference

as for acc: even against +3's with my IO build i only go to like 90% chance tohit...


on average the effects on my powers are as follows:

Damage: -2.56%
Acc: -24.89%
Rech: -22.07
End: 6.17%

Total: -10.83 Total -Acc factor: -6.15% Total -End: -16.5% Total Ignoring both: -12.31%

so depending on what i look at here...i have a range of 6-16% inferiority.

I think i may as well do the value ignoring accuracy, as the results are a tad scewed by having rediculously high %'s on the purple build (Short Circuit is at like 280% acc on the Purple) and End use is important even though I have Power sink...

so yeah, i (personally) dont think it is worth the Inf to purple out

eh, i guess it varies from person to person



The problem with your numbers is that most of them dont really mean anything.

For example:

- Slotting endurance reduction is only useful until you have endurance sustainability over your attack chain, so maybe currently you have too much.

- Slotting recharge is only useful until you have a seamless attack chain, but if you don't have that attack chain then recharge can increase your DPS much more than +damage.

- Slotting accuracy is only ever going to give you a 95% chance to hit, so again can be wasted.

What you need to take into account is that with purple sets bumping your global accuracy by something like +45% with 5 sets you can underslot the accuracy in many powers, saving you slots.

Also with the +50% global recharge from 5 sets you can start looking at optimum attack chains, even dropping certain powers that you might no longer use. That will again free up slots and can let you fit in more situational or utility powers increasing the overall effectiveness of your build.

Losing 5% here and 5% there means nothing unless we know how that translates into your attack chain and endurance consumption etc.

PS: I also find it hard to believe you only have a 90% chance to hit +3's with an IO'd build if you built it well. (Please don't take that as an insult)

Edit: And that is the beauty of purple sets. Because the bonus' are much bigger than usual you can get to your targets faster with less slots and powers, letting you have more room to better slot the other powers that don't take the purple sets.

It isn't that purple sets themselves are so amazing, but the knock-on effect they have on your other powers and slotting choices makes the build that much better.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



well, i could post my actual builds here if you really wanna know.

(the +3 example was just something to toss out...)

as for the bonuses you mention, alot of them stem from getting other bonuses.

For example, to get a +rech from a purple, you'll also be getting +acc.

and overall my powers didnt change much in effectiveness between my IO and Purple builds, and little change in my attack chains overall as even with my IO build by the time one of my powers animates the one i need after the next one is done recharging, and so on...



Originally Posted by Player99 View Post
and overall my powers didnt change much in effectiveness between my IO and Purple builds, and little change in my attack chains overall as even with my IO build by the time one of my powers animates the one i need after the next one is done recharging, and so on...
Ah cool, in that case if you are already at this point you have probably reached the limit of what +recharge can do for you, so purples won't be a great deal of help

The toons that benefit from that extra recharge (The best thing about purples imho - aside from the procs) the most are controllers and other characters with really really long recharge key powers that can't quite make the recharge they need any other way, or at least can't do so without some major sacrifices.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post




only a few build really *need* purples, otherwise you may end up like me and plan to pay millions of Inf for an overall 6% increase in effectivness.



I have to say that I'm very surprised that you are losing recharge on anything on average by putting in purples. Purple sets have the largest set-based recharge bonus anything can give, so you shouldn't be losing global recharge by replacing something with purple sets. Most of the purple sets offer 89.9% recharge slotting for the 5 pieces that aren't a proc. There aren't many non-purple sets that approach that, though you could do it via frankenslotting. (I sometimes don't slot the purple Dam/Rech if I want the proc in 5 slots, something I usually do in a fast-recharging power, and that still adds up to 59.6%).

So what I won't say you can't lose recharge overall from slotting purples, it's pretty surprising to me, and am curious what choices are causing it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by DarkInvado View Post
So I have to admit here that I have not played with purple sets much. I have made a couple of fully slotted heroes that have had a purple set, or the random proc thrown in but could someone help me out and WHY I would use purple sets in my build? I am going to makes some guesses here...

1) I want to have a team toon build and wont have to depend on def because I will either get it from my team mates, have team mates to heal me or I just plain will never solo.

2) I want to do something really well i.e. regen or recovery or damage but dont really care if that AV face plants me in 2.2 seconds because of... see above.

3) I really have lots and lots of money to spend and I will be slotting full PvP sets as well that I will have spent billions on just one full set.

In all seriousness, are there any types of toons who, using purples extensively, are survivable and good for soloing AVs and being the last hero standing when the **** hits the fan and the team is getting wiped?

If you could share some of your builds and describe what the builds are designed for that might help.

So... Really worth all that?
The only toons i have used purplels in are my 2 perma doms. My earth/fire has a set in his ST hold, with the proc in volcanic gases, and a set in his AOE Imbl, my mind/psi has 2 sets also in confuse and sleep.

They are effctive and worth it to me for perma dom, holding a boss in one shot is nice, and 90 seconds to a full end bar, and perma end free status protection. Otherwise no i havent seen a character yet i am willing to drop the money into for damage or such purple sets.

In doms they might not make you an AV killer, but they definately help for team or solo play.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
No different than the sort of elitism that looks down on others for caring for performance or investing a lot into their characters.
I don't mind someone investing into their characters, why should I? its how they wish to play the game. But a little common sense is needed her. There are people who rather boast about their purple collecting. Elitism is a two way street but secularism is always ignored. Like you ignored my point.

The funny thing is, there is no "My purples are better than yours" game unless you want there to be. If you don't care about purples and minmaxing, why do you feel threatened that someone else does and trumpets the fact? I can't help but suspect that accusations like these are ultimately rooted in your own insecurity.

Actually it exists, I didn't say the devs incorporated it into the gameplay, but rather that people can usually be found boasting. Then theres the common "I worked hard for this IO", I'm fine with how hard people try to get the new "shiny", but many have a hard time keeping it to themselves. The fact that you think me insecure already makes the claim that you collect IO's on the regular, so you're biased...not much credibility there...

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Purples are more of a thing for people that either:

A have self heals or buffs
B Already have strong defense or resistance
C Have lots of hitpoints
D Play support or team defense

I think thats really about it though. Unless you need +recharge for something you wont find yourself using purples very much. So far the only character i've wanted them on is my spines/fire.

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Purples provide large amounts of certain bonuses, in particular recharge speed but also things like regen and accuracy (repending on the purple). However, most do not provide any defense bonuses. That means they are very handy for characters who need a lot of recharge but do not need large amounts of defense, such as many Scrappers and Tankers or offensively-designed Blasters and Controllers. Perhaps the build most benefited by purples would be an Illusion / Rad Controller... once you get very high levels of recharge you get Phantom Army permanent, at which point you always have immortal pets taking the aggro and become essentially unkillable even with zero defense.

The other main use for purples is exemplaring. Since they always provide their set bonuses no matter how low you exemp down and the damage-based purple sets are highly overslotted for damage, a fully purpled Blaster or Scrapper can quickly solo or duo a Positron TF... they'll have near SO level damage even after the penalty for exemping plus they'll keep those big recharge bonuses.

Of course, purples are not always better. If you're a SR Scrapper and only need a few defense bonuses to softcap, then purples are great. If you are a Blaster who wants to pretend you're a Scrapper and solo +4/x8 spawns, you won't have room for many purples since you'll need massive amounts of ranged defense. I personally have never used purples, though I plan to on my current Controller... but only because he has a Confuse power and that set is cheaper than some rare non-purples.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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