A Modest Proposal
hear are some sugestions i think would make the game alot better and more fun for ppl pls read and tell me wat u think. tia
1: free up names of unused chacters its realy hard to get a good name nowadays i litrally spend like 30 minutes trying to come up w/ something but its alwasy taken. champions online has a system where names are tied to globals i think taht would be nice to have in coh. |
Name freeing scripts are run on occasion. They've run twice, perhaps three times in the past. The first time, it was inactive over 90 days and under 35. The second time, it dropped to under 6, since that's where the names were being freed up - it didn't really seem to make much of a difference. I'd expect it to be run again before Going Rogue is released.
b. the abillity to pick up and throw stuff would be cool. u could pick up cars or telephone poles or even pedestrains lol the amt of weight u can lift would be based on ur lvl and at or somethin. |
3. make fly faster srsly its slower tahn a crippled glacier u ever watch superman he flys really fast unlike the turtles in this game. |
4. make it so heroes can go to the rouge isles and villians can go to pargon city and make it so u can flag urself for pvp so u can fight anywhere, i think this would encorage pvp alot its dead right now if u havent noticed. |
PVP isn't as unpopular as it is because it's tucked away in four zones and the arena, PVP is dead because people *just aren't interested* in it in this game, for the most part. And this is coming from someone who, casually, DOES PVP. The PVP rules for powers being so different doesn't particularly help, either.
And the word is Rogue. R O G U E. Rouge = makeup. Unless you want to fight Loreal and Avon, you want to go to the ROGUE isles. (Yes, I *really* wish people would finally get that straight. It was bad enough with the Isles - now we have an entire expansion people are going to spell wrong.)
I thought Super Speed was capped for tech reasons and fly was capped to balance its maneuverability against super speed vertical limit.
Also I see this whole post is a joke but could someone explain to me the pitfalls of a PvP optional flag the player had control over (not talking about a duel option where you get a pop up request). Only problem I could see is two dinguses fighting it out while on mission...but anyone who does that would probably been the type to over pull for fun anyways.
Wow, it's like he carefully went through the history of this board and picked the worst ideas that have already been mooted a million times apiece, then threw in "speed up fly" just to round out the set.
We should totally merge the servers as well.
The only thing I can agree on is that fly needs to speed up. I don't care about freaking balance, it's a travel power, I don't use it in combat anyway...
I know, it's totally unrealistic and it won't happen but it's stays kinda a downer that fly is so incredibly slow
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Also I see this whole post is a joke but could someone explain to me the pitfalls of a PvP optional flag the player had control over (not talking about a duel option where you get a pop up request). Only problem I could see is two dinguses fighting it out while on mission...but anyone who does that would probably been the type to over pull for fun anyways.
First one is easy - certain people, myself among them, do not want to be exposed to active PvP. We don't go to the PvP zones for a reason. The mere presence of PvP changes attitudes and alters the nature of the game, even if you can avoid it.
Secondly, it's just ugly to have villains in hero zones committing crimes and destroying property and not be able to do anything about it because you suck at PvP. It'd yank me clear out of my state of immersion. Granted, high-level NPC villains sort of do that, too, but all they do is stand around. If we had villains UNDERCOVER in hero zones so you couldn't tell they were villains (which might be an option with Going Rogue) then I can see that, but PvP is, again, out of the question.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Wow, it's like he carefully went through the history of this board and picked the worst ideas that have already been mooted a million times apiece, then threw in "speed up fly" just to round out the set.
Reading this thread is kinda like going to your boss with a proposal written on napkins with crayon.......
I thought Super Speed was capped for tech reasons and fly was capped to balance its maneuverability against super speed vertical limit.
Also I see this whole post is a joke but could someone explain to me the pitfalls of a PvP optional flag the player had control over (not talking about a duel option where you get a pop up request). Only problem I could see is two dinguses fighting it out while on mission...but anyone who does that would probably been the type to over pull for fun anyways.
The problem with a system that lets people fight anywhere is they can and will promptly gravitate to the spot they find most convenient, which is conversely the spot anyone not interested in PvP would find the most inconvenient. In SWG it meant wannabe jedi and bounty hunters pissing off the entertainers in the cantina, or a ton of added lag at the starports because of the running gun battles.
Short answer: it may be fun for the people doing it, but it rarely is for anyone else.
PS- such a change does nothing to make finding PvP matches easier. Truth be told it makes it harder. Hard enough finding willing peeps at your playtime when there are only 4 zones for them to be in, letting them wander through 30+ with multiple easy exits for each one would be impossible.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
1: free up names of unused chacters its realy hard to get a good name nowadays i litrally spend like 30 minutes trying to come up w/ something but its alwasy taken. champions online has a system where names are tied to globals i think taht would be nice to have in coh.
b. the abillity to pick up and throw stuff would be cool. u could pick up cars or telephone poles or even pedestrains lol the amt of weight u can lift would be based on ur lvl and at or somethin. |
And as for that "lol" comment? If you can't take your suggestions seriously, why should anyone else?
3. make fly faster srsly its slower tahn a crippled glacier u ever watch superman he flys really fast unlike the turtles in this game. |
4. make it so heroes can go to the rouge isles and villians can go to pargon city and make it so u can flag urself for pvp so u can fight anywhere, i think this would encorage pvp alot its dead right now if u havent noticed. |
We have BB, Siren's, Warburg, RV and the Arena for PvP.
The entire Redside PvE game has only 7 zones (and access to Co-op RWZ, Cimmerora and Pocket D for holiday events)
Opinion: Spreading out the PvP locations would spread out the PvPers to the point that they wouldn't find each other, thus resulting in NO PvP.
The lack of PvP is more due to the way that PvP is set up.
I'm going to Siren's call to research.
1: free up names of unused chacters its realy hard to get a good name nowadays i litrally spend like 30 minutes trying to come up w/ something but its alwasy taken. champions online has a system where names are tied to globals i think taht would be nice to have in coh.
b. the abillity to pick up and throw stuff would be cool. u could pick up cars or telephone poles or even pedestrains lol the amt of weight u can lift would be based on ur lvl and at or somethin.
3. make fly faster srsly its slower tahn a crippled glacier u ever watch superman he flys really fast unlike the turtles in this game.
You already can set up a PvP match anywhere. They gave us the arena option in our menu. There is a reason that the PvP zones and arenas are empty. Most people don't PvP in this game. Its not that people don't know about it. Anyone that has been around since PvP was added should remember all the complaints about how people were forced into the PvP zones before they could get new missions. Adding PvP everywhere/anywhere would just piss off the largest part of the player base and spread out the already thin PvP population. If you really want to dual someone you just met on the streets, you can just set up an arena match and challenge them. Don't be surprised when they slap you on ignore and run off though.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
Fibblins - They are not uncommon suggestions, but not generally well-regarded.
Non-unique names: Many players feel proprietary about the names they have. There is also the assumption that desirable names are tied up on inactive characters, which is not provable. Among other concerns: If two players, one good guy who has proven himself a friendly and valuable teammate, and one cretinous jerk who has proven to be agony on the hoof as a teammate, both play as Superguy, the concern is that the first player will be tarred with the brush created by the second.
Faster fly: I won't complain. Love fly, yes it is slow. My understanding is that it is as fast as the graphics engine can handle. If they ever crank that limitation up, I will be among those applauding.
Destructible/usable environment: Same as above. Many-many issues would have to be resolved in setting it up, though.
Open PvP: Would be a deal breaker for me. I'd unsubscribe rather than deal with it.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
Most people don't PvP in this game. Its not that people don't know about it. Anyone that has been around since PvP was added should remember all the complaints about how people were forced into the PvP zones before they could get new missions.
When PVP zones were first introduced, the contact was *inside* the PVP zone. The fact they were moved *out* so quickly should give an idea about just how eager to PVP much of the playerbase is. (Well, that and PVP zone emptiness.)
Nom Nom Nom

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Faster fly: I won't complain. Love fly, yes it is slow. My understanding is that it is as fast as the graphics engine can handle. If they ever crank that limitation up, I will be among those applauding.
Teleport > Super Speed > Super Jump > Fly
But in terms of convenience:
Fly > Super Jump > Super Speed > Teleport
You know, I've seen that sort of argument in multiple MMOs and I really don't understand it. As long as the missions in question aren't required to complete a story arc then as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter. If you don't want to enter the PvP zone then you don't do the mission, no one is forcing you to do it.
Ever eat Nutripaste?
Proposal is already implemented.
You know, I've seen that sort of argument in multiple MMOs and I really don't understand it. As long as the missions in question aren't required to complete a story arc then as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter. If you don't want to enter the PvP zone then you don't do the mission, no one is forcing you to do it. |
It's not that going into a PvP zone was required to finish an arc. It's actually that here (way back in the bad times) you had to enter the PvP zone to even get the next arc.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
You know, I've seen that sort of argument in multiple MMOs and I really don't understand it. As long as the missions in question aren't required to complete a story arc then as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter. If you don't want to enter the PvP zone then you don't do the mission, no one is forcing you to do it.
You could not get any other missions FROM your contacts at the time.
And IIRC, heroes didn't have Safeguard missions at the time, either. (Those introduced one issue further along.)
So, yes, you were forced to do it. Or, y'know, have no missions of your own for 10 levels (15 = BB, 20 = SC.) And yes, when they were introduced, you most certainly *did* have to enter the PVP zone to do it - and to make it more fun, redside, mastermind pets on release did zero damage to players, the BB hospital (redside) had no roof, there was no 30 second rez timer and far fewer drones - so to *exit* the zone, at times, you had to log out, back in, and hope you didn't have a long load eat up your 30 seconds.
A couple of reasons:
First one is easy - certain people, myself among them, do not want to be exposed to active PvP. We don't go to the PvP zones for a reason. The mere presence of PvP changes attitudes and alters the nature of the game, even if you can avoid it. Secondly, it's just ugly to have villains in hero zones committing crimes and destroying property and not be able to do anything about it because you suck at PvP. It'd yank me clear out of my state of immersion. Granted, high-level NPC villains sort of do that, too, but all they do is stand around. If we had villains UNDERCOVER in hero zones so you couldn't tell they were villains (which might be an option with Going Rogue) then I can see that, but PvP is, again, out of the question. |
While I can't agree with immerssion part (could always be the villain is better than the hero, and thus why the hero cant beat him...how is that immerssion breaking?).
I do agree with the attitude change. Don't need the sad talk from PvPers who cant win gracefully or the winners who cant win the same way,
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
hear are some sugestions i think would make the game alot better and more fun for ppl pls read and tell me wat u think. tia
1: free up names of unused chacters its realy hard to get a good name nowadays i litrally spend like 30 minutes trying to come up w/ something but its alwasy taken. champions online has a system where names are tied to globals i think taht would be nice to have in coh.
b. the abillity to pick up and throw stuff would be cool. u could pick up cars or telephone poles or even pedestrains lol the amt of weight u can lift would be based on ur lvl and at or somethin.
3. make fly faster srsly its slower tahn a crippled glacier u ever watch superman he flys really fast unlike the turtles in this game.
4. make it so heroes can go to the rouge isles and villians can go to pargon city and make it so u can flag urself for pvp so u can fight anywhere, i think this would encorage pvp alot its dead right now if u havent noticed.
thanks for readin /sign if u like.
5: vEHICLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!