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here's a quick tip on how and when to use Time Bomb effectively
Times when time bomb can be effectively utilized:
hope this helps -
This is a suggestion for a pseudo-pet power for the Mind Control set that would replace either Telekinesis or Total Domination and become the new tier 9 power (Mass Confusion being moved up to TK/TD's tier). Is it necessary? No, but I think it would be cool.
Basically the idea is the set gains a power called Mind Control which, as the name implies, allows you to assume control over an enemy. Instead of a click power Mind Control would be a toggle, allowing you to capture an enemy up to boss level who will follow you around as a pet until the toggle is turned off; either voluntarily by the player, by getting mezzed or running out of endurance (endurance cost per second would vary based on the rank of the controlled mob). To prevent overpowered pets some sort of stat modifier would have to be implemented to adjust the controlled mob's stats to that of other controller pets (the mob's rank would only determine it's powers). The Mind Control power differs from confusion in that it would allow you a better degree of control over the mob in addition to experience gain from any kills it makes. It also differs from other controller pets in that your pet's powers can vary wildly however it costs endurance to keep them from turning on you.
Of course, there are many other considerations to make when designing a power of this nature. I realize it's a lot of work for one power but I believe it would improve the set while keeping it's unique flair. Anyway, please share your thoughts. -
i would literally pay 10 dollars for a set of michael jackson dance emotes
I love Martial Arts, my only gripe is that as flashy as the attacks are, I don't feel they're flashy enough. I think cobra strike's animations are excellent; the weak power they're attached to doesn't do them justice.
e; I fully support this booster pack under the condition that the parts would only be accessible to characters on Virtue. -
On the subject of beautiful costumes, here's Butts.
People kept making fun of his name, so he learned martial arts. From a certain Razor Ramon HG, who he has a tribute costume to. -
hear are some sugestions i think would make the game alot better and more fun for ppl pls read and tell me wat u think. tia
1: free up names of unused chacters its realy hard to get a good name nowadays i litrally spend like 30 minutes trying to come up w/ something but its alwasy taken. champions online has a system where names are tied to globals i think taht would be nice to have in coh.
b. the abillity to pick up and throw stuff would be cool. u could pick up cars or telephone poles or even pedestrains lol the amt of weight u can lift would be based on ur lvl and at or somethin.
3. make fly faster srsly its slower tahn a crippled glacier u ever watch superman he flys really fast unlike the turtles in this game.
4. make it so heroes can go to the rouge isles and villians can go to pargon city and make it so u can flag urself for pvp so u can fight anywhere, i think this would encorage pvp alot its dead right now if u havent noticed.
thanks for readin /sign if u like.
5: vEHICLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
this is literally the best update for devices/traps
4 simple steps to badassery:
1. Plant a time bomb in a group of mobs.
2. Walk away dramatically.
3. ????
4. Profit!
be sure not to turn around to look though or you'll lose cool points -
This is a cool idea to breath life into the old zones and I hope to see it implemented one day.
I think it'd be nice if we could put details on our character's backs, and on the backs of jackets in particular. Pretty simple idea, what do you guys think?