Whos you Most Distrubing Villain/Hero




For myself , it is Acts of Khorne


A Follower of Khorne [A God of Chaos from Warhammer and Warhammer 40k]. She is a Serial Killer and skull collector. Her war paint is the Blood of her slain foes. She is a Roleplay character on Virtue, not that I would imagine many would want to talk to her. She talks alot about Killing and her idea of a romatic evening will involve a lot of bloodletting and death. She not a Black Widow though, but few men could deal with her uses of Blood. I have a number of Binds for her [she a stalker] assassian A strike Bind, Taunt Bind, And a Flirt bind, also the stardard Run, Ready have been chance too. Teaming with her is interesting.

Further for Newspaper mission I only take take stuff or kill people missions. kidnapping is really not something she can't do.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Captain Cuddles.



My ex has a villain named Tainted Innocence.

She's a twelve year old girl who was kidnapped, tortured (including having her eyes plucked out), and *****. Then she got a hold of a knife and killed her captor, then fingerpainted on the wall with his blood. She's quite psychotic and about as evil a character as I've seen.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Don't ask Hickman.

Ah dang, I summoned him to this thread.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



Masochica, a Spines/Regen scrapper. Formerly from the Rogue Isles, she underwent an experimental procedure done by a scientist that her parents, who work for Arachnos, knew to treat her medical condition (Fibrodysplasia ossificans progessiva, causes tissue to ossify and become like bone when damaged.)

It worked, in a sense, giving her the regenerative abilities and biological control to shift her bones about, but left her in constant pain and having a slight issue of needing to rearrange her bones and blast out chunks at times. And it turned her skin and hair blue. And she wound up getting a symbiotic second skin added as she was destroying her clothing.

She's now a perky, happy-go-lucky free spirit who's mind adapted to enjoy the constant agony she was in, and now larks about in Paragon City after an incident with Facebook, a Wolf Huntsman and some cross dressing got her in trouble with the Spiders.

She also pins her second skin back with little bone hooks from her body to shape it into new styles.



Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
Don't ask Hickman.

Ah dang, I summoned him to this thread.
Nah, you gotta say it 3 times, like this:






My most disturbing villain would be Troubled. He was a deeply sick man who became a serial killer , and upon his capture was put into a program testing anti-psychotic pharmaceuticals. He reacted very badly to one untested drug, and it unlocked powerful psychic abilities.

Since he now sees with his mind, he sewed his eyelids shut. One of his favorite activities is to “mind-jack” into his victims as he slowly tortures them, so he can feel all the pain they do.

My most disturbing hero would be my main. He was a scientist/engineer who got picked on relentlessly as a kid. He was grievously injured in a lab explosion, and was gifted a super-powered tech suit by Crey so he could continue his work for them. Well, he took that new power and used it to cause as much mayhem as he wanted…payback for all of his torture of being a geek.

All of his super-powered systems were partially controlled by a rudimentary AI that slowly gained consciousness. The AI finally got fed up with the human’s evil ways and took over. The human is still in there, but full control of the body is in the hands of the more humane AI.



Well my hero franchise of Ectomys would have to be. He started out as a blaster and has since leveled every arch type to 50. Basically just so I could finish telling his story in the bio.

A surgically altered fallen marine that shakes off the shackles of his country who made him into this antiterrorist fighter. In the process he realizes he was once a man with feelings. Blah blah takes to cloning (ill/kin troller) as he realizes he can't be in so many trouble spots at once and regain his former life as well. As the cloning testing continues he realizes he needs more parts when he dawns the ectomy harvester moniker (dual/ dark). Vice ectomy was a what if story. Ectomy is host for Kheld a street cop wanting to be detective but can't transform because of paragons predujice "Earth is for humans lets keep it that way". How he hated those billboards blah blah.

I realize nobody wants to hear the rest just got rolling there I guess. Basically I wish people would flip back a few years to when we ALL used to write and read bios. When we invited strangers aboard just so they could share and read the stories we we're writing.

It had proved to be a blast back in the day. Maybe when dual pistols come out I might dust him off for one more run.

Villain side COP Circus of Power



Back when COV was announced (as well as the stalker AT,) a character leapt to mind. Basically the child of disciplinarians, she... broke. Killed the family pet early (which was blamed on 'gangs' in the neighborhood.) Eventually she got into art, and made some very odd scenes, with some rather distorted flowers. Her folks later found she'd been using pictures of crime scenes (and various wounds, blood spatters and the like) as source material.

They took her to a psychiatrist, who made the mistake (after scanning the notes) of asking her to "make him a flower." She complied, managing to kill him with a sharpened pencil, and used the wound as inspiration.

Needless to say, she was locked away. When she broke out with the rest of the inmates, she went back to her 'hobby,' picking and choosing her inspiration (fatally, of course.) What tends to add the 'disturbing' to her is that (before, during, and after the kill) she'll make up little sing-song rhymes as she goes about her business.

She hasn't hit 50 yet.



I have over 60 heroes and villains now... the only origin stories I would consider "disturbed" are these...

Tell me which one YOU think is the most disturbed:

Assisted Afterlife

Emilio Sandiego was only 8 years old when his grandfather asked him to kill him. The old man was in the final, agonizing stages of a terminal illness. He was bedridden and reliant upon life support to keep him breathing. He had begged his son to pull the plug but Emilio's father had refused and argued with the doctors to try stronger pain medication. When his grandfather asked him to set him free, Emilio listened, hearing the beloved old man's desperation and desire to be released from the pain of life. Emilio agreed then watched in fascination as the doctors and nurses scurried like ants to reverse what he had done. But all in vain; death had been triumphant and his grandfather's expression was one of peace. From that moment on Emilio found his life's work; to free as many as he could from the pain of life... to assist them as he had his grandfather.

Surgeon’s Canvas

Had she once had a name? She assumed she had, though she could no longer remember it. That had been before the doctor. That had been before her... changes. She did not know if her skin had always been so albino pale and surely she had not always had so many teeth or such a long jaw. Her blood was yellow and that couldn't be right. Then there was the matter of her lower body; where her thick white skin only appeared in patches showing the dark red meat of the muscle beneath to be seen. As though she weren't quite... finished yet. She didn't look like the other humans she saw, though she was assured she had been born one. But the doctor told her she was beautiful; that she was his living work of art.


Angela Manderlake was born gifted with powerful psychic abilities. In most cases this would have resulted in her family sending her to a special school to learn to control them, but they were devoutly religious and believed ardently that gifts from the Most Holy should not be touched by man. So she grew up knowing the worst of human thought. She watched her own family, heard their mouths denounce others as being unholy and impure, condemning them for their sin. She knew their thoughts and the hypocrisy of their ridicule of others. She felt little but disdain for most members of her family except for her mother, whom she loved beyond all else. But even her beloved mother was subject to this disease of contradiction. So, Angela decided to "fix" her. She forced her mother's thoughts onto the paths of righteousness turning her inadvertantly into a lobotomized zombie. That had been when Angela was eight years old. Things have not improved since that time.

Arctic Armageddon

Danielle Williams' mutant powers first manifested themselves at birth; or during birth to be more accurate. As her mother's contractions hit they immediately numbed then frost began to gather upon the curved peak of her stomach. Her mother's death profoundly affected Dani's father, who never forgave his daughter for the death of his wife. She would never know which father he would be next; cruel and abusive, cold and distant or those rare occasions when he would shower her with affection. One time he went too far and Dani ended up in the hospital at the age of fifteen. Two days after her return home they found her father dead in their apartment. His eyes had been frozen solid and the words "Snow Blind" carved into his forehead.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Lord Typo. He uses his power to alter letters to create subtle errors in medical and heavy equipment documentation to cause accidents that result in death and mutilation. In his spare time he induces errors in internet forum posts to strengthen and refine his powers. (It's like a cardio workout for him.) You may even have unknowingly been a victim.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Captain Cuddles.
Need more Information.


Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Surgeon’s Canvas

Had she once had a name? She assumed she had, though she could no longer remember it. That had been before the doctor. That had been before her... changes. She did not know if her skin had always been so albino pale and surely she had not always had so many teeth or such a long jaw. Her blood was yellow and that couldn't be right. Then there was the matter of her lower body; where her thick white skin only appeared in patches showing the dark red meat of the muscle beneath to be seen. As though she weren't quite... finished yet. She didn't look like the other humans she saw, though she was assured she had been born one. But the doctor told her she was beautiful; that she was his living work of art.
We have a winner!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
My ex has a villain named Tainted Innocence.

She's a twelve year old girl who was kidnapped, tortured (including having her eyes plucked out), and *****. Then she got a hold of a knife and killed her captor, then fingerpainted on the wall with his blood. She's quite psychotic and about as evil a character as I've seen.
Jessica is very much like this (except the eyes and what I assume ***** stands for). She was originally created in Neverwinter Nights as an npc - kidnapped by kobolds after they killed her parents. She watched all the other children die before she was rescued by a paladin. He was mortified to find her a little later in the now-dead kobold caves with a large magical knife and a depleted magical wand. She was only 9 at the time.

She's now a dominator in the Rogue Isles having been betrayed by a pet demon she kept in a crystal. He flung her across dimensions to save himself because she scared him.



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
Need more Information.

Disturbing Grandma

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Check my Sig for my main one, second has to be Demonic Gateway (elec/dark corr) and Blood Reaper (using his blood to control robots)



Hmmm. Probably Miss Skinless, my Dark/Regen. She was formerly a lab technician, who was thrown into a vat of mutagenic, corrosive chemicals. The mutagenic effects granted her superhuman healing even as the corrosives burnt off her skin. Worse, her powers always "heal" her to the state she was in when she gained her powers; with her skin burned away, her eyes and lips and tongue burnt off. Surgeons were able to implant cybernetic eyes and an artificial voicebox, but nothing more. In constant agony, more than half insane she roams the city hunting down and destroying villains like those who mutilated her.

Her various costumes always have exposed parts of the "bio-organic" skin texture, colored red. She has mechanical eye and mouth parts. She has a "wrapped in white bandages and barbed wire" costume, and a white trenchcoat outfit. With Issue 16, most of her powers were colored red, Dark Palette for a nice bloody looking effect.

Her battlecry : "Share my painpainPAIN!!"

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I've never PLAYED a disturbing character, but I have played WITH one. It was on Justice when I was getting my villain to 50.

A little "girl" named Orchid Lily I think. Her bio said something about her trying to bring back her Mom or something with an ancient spell book ... but instead it killed her and "brought her back" as some sort of zombie/ghost thing. She kept talking to my character about her being dead, wishing she could feel anything... while at the same time saying that my character reminded me of her "daddy" that used to torture her and sexually abuse her, and she suggested albeit indirectly that I could do all sorts of nasty evil gross and sick things to her "living corpse". And she said "I don't mind, I'm dead after all, it doesn't bother me. Whatever makes you happy."

Needless to say it made for a VERY disturbing, creepy and surreal gaming experience for that double XP weekend. But she was a good player to have on the team gamewise, and to be honest, I couldn't bring myself to submit a petition... I was fascinated by just how far into the character this person went, they NEVER broke character not once, for hours.




The Iron Grave.

he was one of the mindless zombies destroyed in the zombie apocalypse events, but a mad scientist got to him, and in a desperate need to "save the zombie's life" he repaired his body and put him in a suit of experimental power armor. so now he wanders the Rogue isles as a BULLETPROOF ZOMBIE.

Chat Handle: @Aether Crash -- Guardian
Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper

Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Surgeon’s Canvas

Had she once had a name? She assumed she had, though she could no longer remember it. That had been before the doctor. That had been before her... changes. She did not know if her skin had always been so albino pale and surely she had not always had so many teeth or such a long jaw. Her blood was yellow and that couldn't be right. Then there was the matter of her lower body; where her thick white skin only appeared in patches showing the dark red meat of the muscle beneath to be seen. As though she weren't quite... finished yet. She didn't look like the other humans she saw, though she was assured she had been born one. But the doctor told her she was beautiful; that she was his living work of art.
My skin crawled, it actually crawled. I've heard that expression before, but I've never actually experienced it.

Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
I'm not falling for THAT again.

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post

Need I say more?

the horror... the horror... the horror...

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
the horror... the horror... the horror...

Eh, I've seen worse. Hell, I've MADE worse for ***** and giggles.



Dead Thought

Gave himself psychic powers through chemical experimentation and gadgets. But, then he was killed by supervillains. To his horror, it seems that his success at augmenting his mental powers has also permanently welded his consciousness to a rotting corpse. Unable to find peace, he's taking his frustrations out on the criminal element of Paragon City

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



I don't have the time right now to grab a snapshot but I'll edit this post later to add one. My most disturbing toon should have been a villain but I created him before CoV. His name is "The Velvet Fruitfly". Obviously he is a gay hero (no I'm not gay and I'm not a homophobe either). I created him mainly for comic relief. His utterly disturbing battlecry is "Lookout $target here comes the hemorrhoid express!!"