Whos you Most Distrubing Villain/Hero




All of mine have quirks of one type or another but the most disturbing probably is Whispering Swan.

A young, successful professional singer, who was already showing signs of stress related depression when the club she was performing in was destroyed during the Rikti Invasion. Although she was pulled from the wreckage, debris crushed her throat, destroying her voice, leaving her with nothing more than a harsh whisper.
Although she underwent several months of physical and psychological treatment, her depression grew worse when she realized she would never sing again. Being highly religious, she continually prayed that her voice would come back. After two years of no improvement, she lost all her faith and turned to "the darker powers." As usual in cases like this, she got what she asked for, but not what she wanted. Instead of her beautiful singing voice, she got a lethal scream.
There was no turning back for her. What was depression turned to rage and disillusionment and hatred for everyone she blamed for what had happened to her. Since she was already mentally unstable, that meant EVERYONE. Anyone who crossed her path was likely to die, and many have.
Particular foci for her hatred are Longbow (for letting it happen), CoT (for decieving her), Rikti (for obvious reasons), and anybody else that happens to get on her bad side (which, as it has been pointed out, is the outside)

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
I don't fear this any more because I remember not to look!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I once had a MA arc that revolved around a villain who basically was the "Dictator of America" and who wanted to do to the handicapped what Hitler did to the Jews. The disturbing part was that his name was the "Liberator of Tyranny." He claimed that he was going to liberate humanity from the 'Tyranny' of handicapped people!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



First, two of mine, that are disturbing only to me, and then one of a friend's that genuinely freaks me out.

- The Lammergeier (AR/Kinetics corruptor). A lammergeier is an interesting-looking kind of vulture, notable for its ability to crack the bones of sheep and other medium-sized animals. The character is one of my very few Mutation-origin characters, born with weak telekinetic powers. In the vein of '90's-era Batman villains, he has an obsessive interest in something ordinary, in his case, birdwatching (thus the name), and his greatest dream has always been to make himself fly. As a young man in then-East Germany, he applied to several super-soldier programs and was rejected. Finally, he began working with the 5th Column when they promised to grant him flight. He struck off on his own around the time of the Council overthrow and now roams the Rogue Isles, killing anyone weaker than himself and experimenting on the bodies of fallen foes, seeking to improve his telekinetics.

Nothing particularly horrifying here as such, but the Lammergeier is probably my most "evil" character. He's just a rotten guy. I mean, he took up with the 5th Column, the most apalling group in the story, assisting them with their evilness not because he cared about their cause, but for his own, selfish reasons. The only thing scarier than a frigging super-powered Nazi is a guy who helps them commit the same atrocities just because it's the best deal for him. The guy just creeps me out, so even though I think he has one of the better backstories I've done, a great costume, and would make a great villain in a comic or other story, I can't stand to play him for very long. I keep rooting for the enemies to defeat him. I've had him around for at least two years now, and he's still only level 10 or so.

- On the other end of the spectrum, we have the original backstory of another corruptor, Rain Scarecrow (fire/storm), inspired by the Mellencamp song, among many other things. A man with a profound sense of social responsibility, he was raised to believe that "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem," a dogma he takes very seriously and literally. To him, anyone who doesn't actively oppose suffering and oppression is just as bad as someone who causes it. He robs banks because he believes no one should be putting money in a building when other people are impoverished. He attacks enemies for things like failing to give change to beggars on the street, not joining in protests, or just plain being complacent. He believes the Citizen Crime Fighting act is an abomination; he considers heroes to be wicked for capturing criminals rather than agitating for social change. Ultimately, in his eyes, everyone is guilty, and everyone needs to be punished.

This character grew out of experiences with people I'd met in my work, among other things. In the end, though, he was just too strident to keep playing in a game that's supposed to be an escape from my everyday life. Much like the Lammergeier, I made him up specifically because I didn't agree with the philosophy he represented, and I just couldn't maintain the level of outrage necessary to play him. However, I liked the character's look and powers a great deal, so I scrapped his backstory and created a whole new one for him. I made him an actual, animated scarecrow rather than a man dressed like one and wove in Granny Beldam and a strange, horror-story like origin, involving a possible suicide in a farmhouse in Croatoa during a thunderstorm. I found this magical machine much easier to deal with than the perpetually outraged man out to punish society, and I recently got the character to 50.

Those two are my own characters, and I just found them disturbing for personal reasons. For disturbing in general, consider a friend's character, the mastermind . . .

- Mr. Rictus (necro/posion, I think). I've never actually seen this character, and I don't want to; he scares me too much. Rictus began his career as a pediatrician dealing with chronically ill children. It upset him seeing their sad little faces every day. So he began carving smiles on their faces with knives, then graduated to poisoning them with toxins that fixed grins on their faces, a la Joker. Eventually, he even learned to animate dead bodies using the toxins he'd studied. Mr. Rictus honestly doesn't understand why everyone considers him a villain. He just wants to make everyone happy. Permanently.

The friend who created this guy eventually left the game, after creating many memorable heroes and villains, some almost as twisted as Rictus, so inspiring, some comedic. Some years later, I ran across the Wanted comic, which featured a character with a similar name who was supposed to be terrifying. I still find the original Mr. Rictus much freakier.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Molesto the Clown, corruptor

"What does this balloon sculpture look like to you, Numina?"
"Come sit on Molesto's lap, Longbow Eagle..."

Amir Al-Muminin, mastermind

"The paradise of ninety-nine virgins is not for you. Wolf Spider Enforcer!"
"It is indeed an honour to die for the True Faith!"

Androphonissa, tanker

"Nothing wrong with this Praefectus Castrorum that can't be fixed with a small loop of piano wire."
"I will cut them off!"

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Got one that classifies as disturbing
Lady Arachne
She is a beautiful woman with a weird love for spiders. She loved the look of the Man himself "Lord Recluse" and did get some spider legs for herself. And augmented her body with them.
Her fascination did not end there. She did came across a mad enough doctor that had created a small factory to produce robotic spiders, small enough to be inserted into a woman.
She underwent the transformation and got that "factory" inserted in her womb. Now...
You know? That's disturbing enough for me...

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



I got a few disturbed characters of my own. I always wonder what can make a people turn bad.

The broken dolly

Miss Stitch

Minds of the criminally insane: Case Miss Stitch.

A truly Psychotic girl. Sexual abused by her own family, betrayed by her boyfriend to be turned over to a crazy student of Vazhilonik. He practiced his trade on her, rebuilding her as a twisted barbie doll, opening her up and stitching improved parts together. Then when he had learned enough, he left her battered body to die and moved to other projects. Somehow she survived and her former torturer was so amused by this fact that he learned her some of his secrets and then turned her loose on the streets. She started by killing her own family in a scene of crazed bloodshed. She got arrested and was send to a criminal insane ward of the zig where she escaped only to dig up the bodies of her parents family and friends to animate. Why is not for certain? To be whole again? To have her loved ones with her for ever without them being able to betray her again?

The Avenger

Mumbara Chtulhu

"Die you must.

But tell story first. Me lived in forest. Peaceful forest, my home it was. It was a good time. Then white man came. With stories and lies. Gifts they brought. Gifts of poisons and gifts of disease. Tribe went ill, forest went ill. White man did not care. They watched. Watched and took notes. To our plea of help they did not listen. Whole tribe died but not me. I grew stronger, more healthy, tribe spoke to me in my head. Their spirits could not rest. The white man took me to this place. Success they said. Specimen they said. But the voices grew stronger and I know what I have to do.

So white man now you die so that the spirits of my tribe can rest."

The completely lost and quite psychotic

Nether Pixie

"Here I was minding my own business frolicking in the trees on the island with my sisters when this hunk of a pirate showed up. He was so different from the other boys I've met until then that I was absolutely smitten. He was so cute when he said things like "Ahrrrr" or "Walk the plank". Then after he and his crew had dug a good hole to hide their booty they turned on him and killed him!

What was a lovesick pixie to do? She foolishly went to the Sea Witch to help her out. She got her wish to, but at a price. She resurrected him but took the energy form me. Blasting her into this strange place.

It took me so long to get out of that netherrealm. And my former sisters say that I have changed. Sure I have grown a bit but they didn't have to exile me. Sigh.

You know I wonder where my captain is, have you seen him? I must find him."

Or the sick of being the victim


"On the rogue islands nobody cares if you scream unless they like it that way. So as a young girl she learned the hard way to not be the one who screams but to be the one who makes other people scream. She knew that she needed to belong to the toughest gang to stay on top of things. No gang on the island are tougher then those who serve Lord Recluse. So she joined his ranks. Having failed to meet the criteria for the widows she proved to be tough enough to be an enlisted soldier. From here on things will go up as she has no intention of being just another grunt."



Is it bad that I'm not disturbed in the slightest by "Disturbing Grandma"?



Personally, I tend to parse "disturbing" as different from "disgusting" and so I don't really have any people cut up, tortured or psychotic, but I have a few who are close.

Alexander is a villain who truly believes he is a hero, ridding the world of evil. His speeches are convincing, but his actions are so brutal and merciless that he's probably one of the cruellest villains out there, because his cruelty is fuelled by a belief that he is doing the right thing. The most horrifying aspect of it, to me, is his ability to make good sound evil and evil sound good in a way that's actually convincing and belieavable.

Cheryl is an immensely powerful psychic. Powerful enough to rip an eldritch demon out of its eternal prison by mistake. With this demon constantly clawing to take control of her mind and finally free itself, her psychic powers manifest as hideous visions in those around her, disgusting deformations in the world around her and malicious forces that seek to harm and kill. Despite all this, she is a hero, struggling to force her will on her own mind and harness her powers towards the forces of good.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The Mad Butcher. He's a DB/WP brute I made as an homage to those seeming unstoppable maniacs from the horror movies, like Michael Meyers and Jason. But he isn't just a mindless killing machine, he's a very successful businessman who owns and operates one of the most popular chains of meat markets in the Isles. 'The Butcher's Bill Fine Meats. To get it any fresher you'd have to kill it yourself!'



The worst I really have Elder Machina: His basic concept is taking the idea that the Necronomicon is bound in human flesh and written in human blood to a different level that basically mean, he has human form and the secrets of the old ones would be read in his blood. Despite this, he tries to be a hero (partly because none of the villain powersets worked and if he wanted to be evil, he'd just give himself to any old insane magi and let them summon Chuthullu) though he still has problems...

Like his tendency to randomly bleed strange things (blood, oil, tears, insects), the fact that the eldritch machinery that makes up part of his body (I also based him off of an idea that said the Necronomicon was more of a machine than a book in our sense) cannot be stared at for prolonged periods without hurting your eyes, having a stroke, going insane, and then there's the fact that he doesn't "get up" it's more like he reshapes himself into an erect stance.
In general, a lot of his problems stem from the fact that he's made of alien geometries, impossible objects, and a little bit of squick.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



DJ Cozmic.

He dresses like an explosion in a warehouse filled with rejected spandex designs.

While male, he has managed to give birth. In Pocket D. During another DJ's show. The child was a fully grown catgirl mystical attorney with fae wings and a sentient afro.

He also has a sentient afro. He just doesn't see it.

2 words: Kilt Possums.

Tends to vent swarms of random creatures from his tights.

Occasionally sneaks up on people and seals his lips to the back of their skulls like a remora. There is no reason for this. Not even he knows why he does it. Although he did once suck a Max Headroom joke out of a cyborg's cranium.

This is but a brief sample. Like his brief jerky. Yes, he wears underwear made of preserved beef. He's also attempted to weave a thong out of bacon.

DJ Cozmic, The Cape Radio's resident disaster!



He may not be exactly on the same level as most of these characters, but I have a level 50 Elec Melee/WP brute named Damon B. McCoy.

Damon is the semi-identical evil twin cousin of my Illusion/Kinetic hero, Simon McCoy. Simon is one of my most favorite characters to play ... so much so that I have built another version of him on another server that I'm leveling just so I could have the fun of getting him to 50 again. Simon's backstory is that he's a mutant who didn't realize he was one until an encounter with the Vahzilok. Surviving that incident, Simon went on to become a hero of Paragon though he never took an alias and didn't even start to wear a costume until he was forced to do so to allow him to get close enough to the Countess Crey after she framed him for a crime he did not commit (see the final Countess Crey arc for more details).

Before Simon's mutation activated, Simon and Damon looked like virtual identical twins. (After his powers manifested, Simoon's skin took on a golden hue.) The Countess kidnapped Damon and experimented on him in hopes of learning something about the McCoy genetic code that would allow her to A) Defeat Simon B) Make even MORE money.

It didn't quite work out that way.

Damon WAS a mutant. His powers DID manifest, but he was a Brute instead of a Controller. He used his newfound powers to escape and started wreaking havoc in Paragon until Simon was obliged to capture him and send him to the Zig.

Damon doesn't like Crey AT ALL, and he's not happy with Simon either as he feels that he never would have been kidnapped and tortured if Simon had simply taken on an alias and costumed identity when he began his costumed career. Damon also isn't thrilled with Paragon law enforcement in general as they haven't shut down the Countess.

The thing about Damon is that he's not an over-the-top "Grr, I'm evil!" sort of guy. Damon doesn't consider himself evil at all. Like his cousin, he's a fun-loving guy who's great to have on your team. He loves going into a fight that taxes him to see if he's got the stuff to come out on top.

Aside from his powers, the main difference between Damon and Simon, the reason that he's a villain instead of a hero, is that Damon doesn't care about the consequences. He doesn't set out to kill anyone or harm innocent bystanders-- he may even feel bad about it when it happens-- but that doesn't stop him from doing so again.

To give you an example of what I mean, here's something in his backstory: Damon meets a Longbow soldier in Pocket D. They hit it off. Simon meets her as well and warns her about his cousin, but she doesn't pay attention-- especially after Damon saves her life in the RWZ. They start a romance of sorts.

Then she's called on to defend the Peregrine Island bank from a villain attack, and who does she see beating the heck out of her friends but her brand new bad-boy boyfriend!
She tells him to stop-- not only does he not listen, but he decks her as well.

Later on, they meet in Pocket D and Damon can't understand why she's mad at him. After all, she understands the way things work-- and any injuries he gave her or her friends are healed by the advance Rikti tech-- so why is she mad at him?

And that's the thing about Damon that makes him one of my more disturbing villains. Not that he's some deliberately evil guy, but that he isn't. He just doesn't care what happens to other people.

And he'll never undersand why that matters.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Is it bad that I'm not disturbed in the slightest by "Disturbing Grandma"?
You might be if you watched me roleplay her. She's a senior citizen who discovered her fire powers when she began having hot flashes, and now she's out there GGILF-ing it up.

By the way, I've been disturbed by the title of this thread for hours now!

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



A have quite a few. When I make a villain....!

Radiant Killer (Fire/Rad) -

The Praetorian twin to my main rad/rad defender, he is a psychotic super-genius who was once the head of a large resistance group. When they were sabotaged from within, his best friend was decapitated by Marauder in front of him. When he attempted to contact Primal Earth for help, he was sent spiraling through an unfinished warp gate. Coupled with an already unstable depression, the reality bending energies of the portal tore his mind away from him. Now he seeks to destroy any and all things that have to do with Marcus Cole, and that includes us. He likes burning things and laughing maliciously while doing it.

Enoch Sisters (DM/Fire, Dark/Cold, Ice/Ice) -

Easily some of the most malicious toons I ever did make. The Enoch sisters (Jessica, Alyssa, and Sandra) are a group of Mu-descendant siblings that wantonly abuse their mystical background. Their bodies are inscribed in head-to-toe tattoos that allow them to make pacts with demons of the worst sort. Oh, they are also bat-**** crazy. Two of them actually believe that devouring people gives them power; the other merely tears their limbs off and watches them die. All three of them appear as beautiful young woman until their powers manifest, turning into aged hags with demon wings. Seriously, they devour people and torture them.

Scrap Arm -

Newly made. Natalya is a gymnast and model from Eastern Europe who walked into the wrong Czech bank at the wrong time. A psychotic criminal shot most of the people and put a gun to Natalya's head. He forced her to torture most of the others, and then used the vault doors to rip off her right arm and left hand. Bleeding to death, she managed to make it to her feet and get her legs around the mans neck. Before he could even scream, she about snapped his head right off. When she awoke, she had temporary prosthesis in place, the kind with the hook/grabber ends. She promptly stabbed the first nurse through the eyes and butchered the entire hospital floor.



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
You might be if you watched me roleplay her. She's a senior citizen who discovered her fire powers when she began having hot flashes, and now she's out there GGILF-ing it up.

By the way, I've been disturbed by the title of this thread for hours now!

Sorry, still not disturbed. Sexual deviancy in the elderly doesn't really bother me.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Sorry, still not disturbed. Sexual deviancy in the elderly doesn't really bother me.
Then come over here and sit on Granny's lap...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Hey, I never said that I wanted to PARTICIPATE in elderly sexual deviancy. But I have no problem WATCHING.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Hey, I never said that I wanted to PARTICIPATE in elderly sexual deviancy. But I have no problem WATCHING.
Probably a smart move. Granny is all hands. She put the "octo" in octogenarian...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I only have one avatar - so that's probably disturbing to the multi-alt types
You know those horrors that are too much to comprehend, so your mind just shuts down?

Kinda like Candlejack, only you get to finish your sen



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
By the way, I've been disturbed by the title of this thread for hours now!
Is a misspelled contraction that disturbing for you? I mean, sure, it sends me into neurotic spasms, but I've been known to collapse over spelling and grammar mistakes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Is a misspelled contraction that disturbing for you? I mean, sure, it sends me into neurotic spasms, but I've been known to collapse over spelling and grammar mistakes.
what doesn't who Is contrat to Who's

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
what doesn't who Is contrsvt to Who's

My brain just exploded. Again.