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  1. Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D
    When: Monday, April 9, 2012. 7PM Eastern - 11 PM Eastern.
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Cozmic

    DJ Cyclos ducks & covers for a night off as DJ Cozmic takes over his timeslot for the annual Uncle Coz Birthday Show. Expect Groove. Expect Weird. Expect Weird Groove. Expect to have an Audio Cthulhu ooze out of your speakers. That is all. Tune in:
  2. BionicMoose

    The Cape status

    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    sides shecky would hit me with a rolled up newspaper
    That's better than what he usually hits me with.
  3. BionicMoose

    Fright Fest!

    Holy spork... you really CAN see me from orbit!

    The party was Groovtastic, Ferret! And it looks like I missed seeing a lot of the best stuff.
  4. The Wedding of DJ Cozmic and Quana (10/29/11)
    Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D
    When: Saturday, October 29th 8:00 PM - Saturday, October 29th 11:00 PM EST
    Hosted By:
    The Cape Radio and DJ Shecky

    "Here comes the bride..." with goggles! Join DJ Cozmic & Quana as they finally tie the knot! DJ Templar officiates the wedding while DJ Shecky provides the music. See exactly what the Whonktabinga is wearing and remember: The Cape is not responsible for seared eyeballs or broken brains. It all happens on October 29, 2011 at The Pocket D!
  5. No flyer for this, because the Groove don' need no steekin' FLYER!

    October 7, 2011, from 9 PM Eastern til midnight: The Celestial Groovehammer with DJ Cozmic.

    Join me, Uncle Coz, as I fill in for DJ Angel and bring the Groove to your waiting eardrums.

    Brainstems WILL be rocked.
  6. DJ Cozmic, in his outfit from Posthaste's Mardi Gras Mothership Raid. (Virtue server.)

  7. BionicMoose

    Post a Character

    Here's a pic (in CCG card format):

    In-Game Bio: Sometimes, the universe just says "What the #@$%!" That's the only explanation for DJ Cozmic. Guaranteed to blind rabid wombats at 60 paces. Owns stock in several sunglasses manufacturers and window tinting companies.

    And here's the info on VirtueVerse.

    VirtueVerse Page

    Not responsible for retina damage or screaming disco nightmares.
  8. Sunday, Sept. 26 from 2P til 6P Eastern in Pocket D: DJ Cozmic broadcasts on The Cape Radio. We recommend that those planning to listen should install skid pads on their brains. Thank you.
  9. It's actually more of a "You're stuck with us for at LEAST another 6 years. KNOW FEAR! MUUUHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!"
  10. It's almost time... the playlist is ready.... the broadcast unit is primed....

    .. prepare yourself for.... A DISCO CHRISTMAS!!!!
  11. From 2P til 5P on December 25, DJ Cozmic will be LIVE on The Cape Radio, Freaking Out Your Holiday!

    Be there or be a Space Wampus!
  12. Thank you, thank you very much. Here, have a Petrified Elvis.
  13. Yeah, like, it's tonight, and stuff.
  14. Yeah. That's right. Tonight. 10P Eastern. The Cape Radio.
  15. OK, it's just come about that I'll be filling in for DJ Shecky in the Underground timeslot starting at 8 PM Eastern. I'm not quite sure WHAT I'll do yet......

  16. December 9th on The Cape Radio, 10 PM Eastern...

    ... it's DJ Cozmic's Annual Holiday Bash!

    Bringing you the Holiday Groove... and maybe a little Weird mixed in!
  17. DJ Cozmic.

    He dresses like an explosion in a warehouse filled with rejected spandex designs.

    While male, he has managed to give birth. In Pocket D. During another DJ's show. The child was a fully grown catgirl mystical attorney with fae wings and a sentient afro.

    He also has a sentient afro. He just doesn't see it.

    2 words: Kilt Possums.

    Tends to vent swarms of random creatures from his tights.

    Occasionally sneaks up on people and seals his lips to the back of their skulls like a remora. There is no reason for this. Not even he knows why he does it. Although he did once suck a Max Headroom joke out of a cyborg's cranium.

    This is but a brief sample. Like his brief jerky. Yes, he wears underwear made of preserved beef. He's also attempted to weave a thong out of bacon.
  18. BionicMoose

    Walkin' away.

    I so need a Funky Walk. Kinda of like what you'd do if you had the Bee Gees, James Brown and Earth-Wind and Fire on a loop in your brain for eternity.
  19. Yeah, I so need a Funky Walk toggle for DJ Cozmic.
  20. You've obviously never seen one of the DJ Cozmic vs. DJ Shecky madhouses....
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I like my like my coffee like I like my women. In a plastic cup.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    2 Catgirls....

    .. no. No way am I gonna finish that sentence.

  22. A little reminder bump, as this is coming up a week from tomorrow. Get your requests in!
  23. BE A TUBE SPUD! DJ Cozmic's Couch Potato Crop will be coming to you live on The Cape! Sunday, July 19 from 3PM til 6PM EST! TV Theme Music and songs about TV shows!

    Request your favorite TV show themes, or songs about TV shows in this thread, or in the request thread in my forum at The Cape Radio's site!