Whos you Most Distrubing Villain/Hero




Lord Atom.

He' like the Joker, crossed with Barry the Chopper from Fullmetal alchemist, crossed with a suit of power armour containing a nukes worth of cycling and recycling radiation. He's quite, quite mad. And has about -100% mercy, compasion or kindness.

He's my one really Evil character, one who I look back over and think "Wait...I played that? Oo; "

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I have a couple of contenders. Some of these never made it further than level 5. I just thought they were humorous, and also possibly unfit for a MMO intended for kids.

Ann Colder. A Cold/Assault Rifle Corruptor. She was a lawyer on the Paula Jones case who later became infamous as a TV pundit and best selling author. Few knew that the secret of her success was cutting a deal with Baal in the third circle of Hell (New Jersey). She later accused the demon of being unpatriotic, so he cursed her with powers to fit her personality.

Grey Agenda. A Thug/Dark Mastermind with the dark powers colored grey. Growing up, Grey Bryant knew he was different from the other boys. For one thing, he was completely grey. For years he endured abuse from those who called him unnatural, before hatching a nefarious scheme to find others and make them grey as well.

Necronomicarn. A Necro/Storm Mastermind. Cletus McClintock was a mechanic on a traveling carnival. One night while he was fixing the ferris wheel, a strange storm passed through. It turned out the ride had been assembled on top of the secret burial place of the ancient Necronomicon, and a virgin aboard one of the cars had said the magic words ("Wee!")! The ride was struck by lightning, killing everyone on board except the now-super-powered Cletus, who presses the riders into service as members of the carnie undead.



Originally Posted by fibblins View Post
On the subject of beautiful costumes, here's Butts.

People kept making fun of his name, so he learned martial arts. From a certain Razor Ramon HG, who he has a tribute costume to.
Okay that's awesome. I would TOTALLY play that character.



My toon is Warpact a bots/ff mm who kidnaps children to understand fear in humans.He presents himself as the "dad" to brain modified children and tells them stories of boogeymen in the closet,monsters under the bed,and monsters stalking the children in their "home".
These said monsters are constantly on the lookout to kill the kids after bedtime,he also threatens them with beatings if they cry out in the night.Yea sorta sick but I patterned him after my old man.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I'll see that and raise you Commander Aggrivation (spelled wrong on purpose), who I had to dust off first because she had over 900 days offline.

She's a team-oriented Controller with useful powers like Dimension Shift, Sonic Cage, and Recall Friend, which she uses at every opportunity. She also has Grant Invisibility for all the Tanks who need it.
I lolled.



Okay, first off, I've heard of Steelclaw's Surgeon's Canvas before, and thought that was good and creepy back then, too. So definately one of my favorites.

Second, Lady Arete's Lady Arachne reminds me of my own Arachnophelia. (Intentional misspelling, her real name is Ophelia, and Arachnophilia was already taken) She's completely obsessed with spiders, to the point of wanting to become a Crab Spider specifically to have herself fitted with the backpack. I don't know if she'd go so far as to have the little factory implanted in her, though...

My most disturbing character is one I came up recently, for a Widow concept. I have a Claws/Inv Scrapper who is an AI from the 26th century. She travelled to her past with her partner, Alan Midnight, to investigate apparent changes in their history. What they found was that it was another version of Alan, from another 26th century, that is changing the past. The two Alans are each trying to make their own future happen instead of the other's.

The evil Alan (who unlike the good Alan is a cyborg as well) has several AIs, but still his most powerful is a version of Rachel. He was trying to get some components advanced enough to build a body for her, when an Arachnos Widow, coincidentally named Rachel, happened to stumble across him. She tried to stop him, and so the evil Alan brutally killed her. Then, amused by the coincidence of her name, he implanted her with a cybernetic brain, and downloaded his AI into her. Then he sent his "reprogrammed" Rachel back into Arachnos's army to act as a spy for him.

The original Rachel personality is almost completely gone, but enough remains to be disturbing. And she says creepy things in combat, like, "I'm really a real Arachnos Widow, and not an AI that's reprogrammed her brain or something." This is a parody of the good Rachel, who flirts with her foes to attract their attention and act as a tank for Alan. With the good Rachel it is just kind of cute and funny, but when the evil Rachel tries to flirt, it goes all wrong. (Since she is not flesh herself, she doesn't quite understand "flesh creatures")

Actually, the half human half machine character is pretty much a theme for me. One of my main heroes is a teenaged girl named Sandy, who was implanted with devices that were supposed to help her walk, but then they went out of control and "ate" her from the inside out. (Crey was involved, of course) What's disturbing here is her backstory, the transformation into a cyborg was incredibly painful, and even though it's stabilized so she's about half human, she has to constantly struggle to control her machine half, which is programmed for combat. Her worst nightmare, that she will lose control and become a machine, actually happened to her Praetorian version, which I picture as looking something like a zombie stretched out on a mechanical frame. Even more disturbing, the alternate Sandy is still in there somewhere, although her mind is totally gone. She can only watch as her body rampages through the Rogue Isles and kills everyone it runs across.

There is also my Dark Corruptor which is a robot, but a demonic entity has been bound to it by a spell. (Crey again) So it feeds on human life. It has no need for money or power, the things that drive most villains, but it just takes missions so it has plenty of prey to drain to keep up its energy. Originally I role played it as not speaking at all, although now I will have it say just the very minimum to accomplish the "objective", in a robotic tone.

My Dominator, Dragon Lord Morgon, was a wizard back in the middle ages, who discovered a spell that allowed him to take over to body of any creature. So, he used it to switch bodies with a dragon. He was so powerful that he almost conquered the world, but the Circle of Thorns stopped him and imprisoned him. He recently managed to get free, but the spells still limit him to a half human form. What's disturbing, though, is that he is incredibly sadistic, he learned his body swapping spell by torturing and experimenting on people, and he continues his research in the present. But he's very cordial and polite, and in fact seems almost noble in his bearing. So it's only occasionally he says something that makes you go, "Wait, what?"

Yeah, body snatching seems to be the common theme here...

Oh, and for crazy costumes, I have Psycommando. He's not really disturbing, but kind of wacky. He's an ex-soldier, that seems to have lost touch with reality. He thinks he's spreading a message of peace and love and passing out flowers and sunshine, but instead he's mowing people down with his machine gun. He's an MM, so his henchmen are actually the sane ones, and are constantly commenting about how "this whack job is going to get us killed".

The costume is not as much of an eyesore as it COULD be, but that's not really the point....



My most disturbing character is also my main villain. War Hog: a DM/ELE Brute that is basically an insane killing machine and a scientific genius. He actually has a tragic back story that is merely alluded to in his bio.

War Hog's Bio:

I could tell you some tragic story about toxic waste and an uncle with big hands.
Oh, to make you see, to explain how society and happenstance shaped the monster
before you.

Well go read another bio, twerp, if you have a hankerin' for cliche. Sympathy is a blunt
object I employ to steal and murder these days. And while I refuse bludgeon you with
sympathy here, I'll gladly wring your oily redness with my fists.

Now get lost before Tabitha tells me she wants to hear the timbre of blood drops on

Huh... so you don't see Tabitha either? Another runt said the same thing right before
she lulled my knuckles to cleave his face.

Oh, listen closely now, as her verse wells up! The refrain is but a clatter of skull shards
and brain matter.


So tell me twerp-- did you finally hear her sweet siren's song? My beloved is obsessed
with gore and viscera. I but oblige for a morsel of her symphony.



Radioactive Brain (my first MM) : Radioactive Brain was once a simple soldier working for Longbow. After several missions into the Abyss (at the time I said the PTS), he began to have strange feelings all across his skin. One day, it finally all came undone. His skin turned dark green, and began to split in parts. He was driven mad by the pain. He blamed Longbow, and Arachnos, heck he blamed for world for what he had become. He got it in his mind, that somehow collecting the brains of his enemies would help him return to normal. So after every enemy he came across was defeated (killed) he would pop off the top of their skulls, and take their brains. He eventually would try to cram all the brains of his dead enemies in his own head, in the hopes of gaining their "smarts." It didn't work, but it made for a great fear factor. Eventually, he found a unit of soldiers... after stealing their brains, he was able (Using SCIENCE!) to bring their bodies back, and use their brains, attached to his, to control the bodies as his little undead-soldier minions. (He would have a 2nd costume that was a really demented clown... I'd get pics, but this toons been deleted for a good two years now.)

*Edited since the first two stories weren't disturbing, funny, or any meld of the two.*

"Loyalists: Our way is the only way."



My scrapper Jessica Raleigh is becoming disturbing, slowly but surely. ^_^;

Her painful lack of success in the field of magic has led her to pursue certain...alternatives. Namely the rather drastic act of binding three separate demons into her own body.

Since they are primordial creatures she is able to bend them to her will with relative ease, making two manifest as a sword and shield as befits their nature: the former being very vicious and aggressive while the latter stubborn and reclusive.
The third serves to benefit her directly, affording her the general superpowered resilience the game does to all characters (being able to absorb machinegun fire, falling great heights etc.) and also letting her take to the skies on pretty, colour-coordinated wings.

However, the very restraints she uses to keep them under control also limit the power they can provide. Lessening the severity of her hold over them releases more of their potential, but also has the effect of causing them to shift to a more natural state, with the effect it has on her own body being the most unnerving.

Unfortunately for Jessica, the third demon has done an excellent job of disguising how ancient and horrific it really is from her. I have a costume in mind to represent it's complete consumption of her body based on the 'huge' phenotype, which may come in handy when Going Rogue arrives.

This is all mostly inspired by what happens to Princess Jelanda in Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth ('disturbing' does not even come close) so I suppose it's some form of therapy since Jessica can control what happens to her.....mostly ¬_¬.



That's easy.

Sasayaki is a Ninja blade/Regen Stalker, and what makes her so disturbing is that she thinks what she does (murder) is funny. She finds humor in everything around her and is always cracking jokes and making fun of others, all while she's stealing their lives. A cold-blooded assassin with a twisted, deranged sense of humor basically.

But my explanation as to why she is that way is because she was driven insane by the accidental death of her husband at the hands of Longbow, whom she has sworn her revenge against.




She is a Sonic/Kinetic Corruptor.

She yells at you all the time and sucks the life out of you. Reminds me of my mother-in-law.



The Attendant.

After young Abigail Moore finally saw the nightmare god she was being sacrificed to, she tore her own eyes out because she couldn't comprehend what her brain was telling her she was looking at. As the god slowly remade her in it's own realm, her ability to talk was forcibly removed as well. She "sees" now via telepathy and communicates by simple gestures and disturbing telepathic imagery.

Her main costume has a white "nurse" outfit with straight black hair, gray skin, her eye sockets caked with dried blood, her mouth sewn shut, and fresh blood on her hands. The overall costume is sort of an homage to the Silent Hill nurses, and the powerdown and powerup emotes work surprisingly well to imitate the nurses jittery movements.

Sorry, don't have any pics. ^_^

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.