What armor is this?




Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'd rather see new color PATTERNS added rather than new textures. New patterns can be added onto almost any texture and make it good to look at no matter how plain.... but when the TEXTURES are complex, they look like CRAP when joined with complex patterns that aren't "designed" for them. It really restricts the possible good looking combinations.
I agree. New patterns are much more useful, new textures are extremely limited and very situational, and tend to make your character look very generic since there isn't a whole lot of flexibility with them.



Originally Posted by Not_Rhino View Post
Every issue or so we get a boring new armor layer pattern just like that. I'd like to see some different new costume options. Why does it matter if it is released or not? I see a picture of a new armor set, I give my opinion. Am I not allowed to express my opinion? Or only if it's positive? I don't think I was particularly harsh, it's just not my cup of tea.
Except that we don't. Out of the pieces you mentioned, only Ulterior (and perhaps Enforcer in regards to layout) is anything like this. Not to mention that for all we know it could be an NPC costume piece.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is part of the new Clockwork set, though I may be wrong.

And I agree, it looks halfway between ExoProto and Enforcer, and I think we're gaining a few too many 'light armour' costume sets already. It'd like to see some more variety in costume pieces, something to compete with CO.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Except that we don't. Out of the pieces you mentioned, only Ulterior (and perhaps Enforcer in regards to layout) is anything like this. Not to mention that for all we know it could be an NPC costume piece.
Well, maybe your eye is more discerning because you actually use these pieces, but I rarely use them because I don't like being locked into the generic, single-pattern look, so I rarely use them, and I can't see a huge difference between things like Ulterior, Enforcer, Exoproto, Vanguard, etc. Are there differences in the details? Sure. But I could still use virtually any one of them to accomplish a robot suit theme or whatever I'm going after.



Thank you for 'contributing' to the thread.

I like it, it's a nice new addition. In answer to an earlier question: this wasn't unlocked ON the character at all. This was only visible in the supergroup mode Settings area, where I lost the texture of the bottom half as well as changed this top. Since I'd never seen it before I was kinda O.o about it. There were no other alterations visible. It did not appear in the tailor at all.

For my part, I like subtle differences between parts. It's the coloration that matters with those and while some already do have their own custom pattern I would like to see ALL parts have ALL their patterns on ALL pieces of the body. Not to "compete with" any other game, but because I want the whole SET to look nice, not just piecemeal sometimes.

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'd rather see new color PATTERNS added rather than new textures. New patterns can be added onto almost any texture and make it good to look at no matter how plain.... but when the TEXTURES are complex, they look like CRAP when joined with complex patterns that aren't "designed" for them. It really restricts the possible good looking combinations.

I think there's still a lot of potential untapped with patterns.

On the thought that the OP pictured armor is "the Clockwork set": is said set supposed to be identical to Praetorian Clockwork? If you see the closeup of the P.C. at 21:10 on the Hero Con keynote address on Youtube, you notice that unit looks very, very similar to the Clockwork costume swag given out to the attendees (with a few minor tweeks on the players' version. That pattern has similarities, but is largely different from the OP's image:



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'd rather see new color PATTERNS added rather than new textures. New patterns can be added onto almost any texture and make it good to look at no matter how plain.... but when the TEXTURES are complex, they look like CRAP when joined with complex patterns that aren't "designed" for them. It really restricts the possible good looking combinations.
Part of the problem with patterns, though, is that many of them *don't* match up except with their mates - I know I've used a belt for a cheat (to hide that the sides, for instance, don't "really" match up, without the belt there'd be a step) more often than not.

I'd love to see some of the patterns redone, frankly, so that there were only a couple of "join points" - you know X set of tops would match bottom 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 14-20, and so forth.

(Admittedly, that's a problem with some of the textured ones, as well. I think Assassin bottoms and the Angelic top are probably the ones I've used the most that "work" with more of the side stripes, top paterns, etc. as well as the older sets.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Part of the problem with patterns, though, is that many of them *don't* match up except with their mates - I know I've used a belt for a cheat (to hide that the sides, for instance, don't "really" match up, without the belt there'd be a step) more often than not.

I'd love to see some of the patterns redone, frankly, so that there were only a couple of "join points" - you know X set of tops would match bottom 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 14-20, and so forth.

(Admittedly, that's a problem with some of the textured ones, as well. I think Assassin bottoms and the Angelic top are probably the ones I've used the most that "work" with more of the side stripes, top paterns, etc. as well as the older sets.)
Even without the patterns, I always use a belt because the connection just looks awkward without one. Kinda wish it didn't, but eh, I like belts and CoH has a nice variety of them so I am not too bothered by it.



Originally Posted by 8_Ball View Post
Agreed....new piece leak into the creator perhaps?
I won't disclose my source, but this seems to be correct. There is (read: probably will be) a full set of said armor available...



Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
wild speculation, we're looking at a costume piece from the next origin pack?

I think there were some reports from Hero-Con where ninjas were mentioned in regards to the next pack. To me, this means it'll be the Natural Booster. And that new armor piece looks neither "Natural" nor "ninja."

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Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post

I think there were some reports from Hero-Con where ninjas were mentioned in regards to the next pack. To me, this means it'll be the Natural Booster. And that new armor piece looks neither "Natural" nor "ninja."
Considering that Jay hinted that his original theme for the Natural pack was 'thugs, yo homey!", Ninja is a step up

The picture in the OP looks like a new armor pattern. Definitely

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Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
was that a whole set you stumbled upon, Zek? OR just the piece?
I want it. Badly. *glances at pigg files* Soooo badly. >___< But enough of that other than to say I've seen it and it IS AWESOME. No "Jay was here!" marking on these ones though.

Edited to add.. it's not part of the Clockwork pieces. <.<



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Save the costume and then open up the .costume file in notepad to see what the parts are called.



Given how 'Meh' most of the light armour looks (Enforcer, I'm looking at you) this looks good. This is on par with Vanguard armour for looking nice.

Either way, more good vibes for Going Rogue

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Not_Rhino View Post
Well, maybe your eye is more discerning because you actually use these pieces, but I rarely use them because I don't like being locked into the generic, single-pattern look, so I rarely use them, and I can't see a huge difference between things like Ulterior, Enforcer, Exoproto, Vanguard, etc. Are there differences in the details? Sure. But I could still use virtually any one of them to accomplish a robot suit theme or whatever I'm going after.
I don't know about Ulterior (I thought that's what the pic was, but I seem to have been wrong), but I can definitely tell you that Enforcer and ExoProto are nothing alike. Enforcer has interlocking metal plates that are actually shiny (and will no doubt be reflecting, come Going Rogue) whereas ExoProto has overlapping, ornate plates held together with belts and clips for a much less "plate armour" look and a much more "stealth suit" appearance. Ironically, the actual Stealth set doesn't look like a stealth suit at all, but rather a lot more like a cat suit. Personally, I used the ExoProto to replace my old Buckled Leather costume to replicate that Solid Snake look I've been aiming for since 2004.

I've not tried Vanguard yet because of its cost, and if Ulterior looks like anything, it looks the most like Justice, which together look more like embossed leather than layered armour, to be honest, and Sinister's "stitched leather" is an actually unique concept in the game, with only the "rough patches fur" set from 2004 coming anywhere close.

Really, though, not liking them is fine, as long as you accept that some people DO like them and enjoy the variety they present. It's like complaining we have too many tech armour pieces, when no two really look alike (OK, Tech Crey is only slightly redundant with Tech Wired, but besides that...). Tech Sleek is sleek and shiny, Tech Crey is scratched, dirty and gritty, Tech Wired is your typical cyberpunk armour with exposed wiring and a more utilitarian design, whereas the actual Cyberpunk armour is on the very bottom of the "shoddy tech" field of cyberpunk. Techbot is on a whole different level entirely, opting for a shiny chest plate and thigh plates over wire undersuit, which is actually a design that's almost completely unique to it, 3D chest details notwithstanding. I guess Armour Plate could also count for a tech armour set, though that's more a man-shaped steam boiler with chain mail joints.

Either way, I'd have to see a full suit of this with its corresponding pattern to judge whether or not it's good. I used to think Ulterior was pretty bad just based on browsing through it in the editor, but seeing what people have done with it, I changed my mind.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Ulterior works best as complimenting a more complex outfit, it looks kinda blah on its own.

Steampunk doesn't really look steampunk to me either.



Yea we need more Steampunk stuff like...


Not that I'm bitter or any thing..............

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
*Hands Clouded a McDonalds hamburger*



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Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Yea we need more Steampunk stuff like...


Not that I'm bitter or any thing..............

Hmm. Bitter? Nah...

Just annoyed that Jay designed STUPID LOOKING CLUB FOOTED BOOTS.
And maybe some more skeletal robotic and steampunk bits, rather than leaving us hanging with just the torso and legs.

So...yeah, tad bitter. I concur.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
I have not seen it before, or at least, never on a Huge toon, and I don't have the Vanguard pieces (particularly not on this guy).
It doesn't matter what the character has access to. The costumes on the SG screen are MASSIVELY borked. Different armors, missing pieces, tights instead of armor, etc. Now that they've overhauled the tailor, they really need to get the SG screen in tune with it.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Save the costume and then open up the .costume file in notepad to see what the parts are called.
Unless I misunderstood, the OP does not have that armor. It simply shows up on their character when they go into the SG screen to change SG color settings. Many of my costumes get all screwed up on that screen.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Unless I misunderstood, the OP does not have that armor. It simply shows up on their character when they go into the SG screen to change SG color settings. Many of my costumes get all screwed up on that screen.
Correct. Do my posts keep disappearing? I know I answered that twice now:

This did not appear anywhere I could actually alter the COSTUME parts. I was in the SG Settings window ONLY. And has been observed (frequently) the SG settings window is often flat-out wrong.

I wonder if it may be wrong more often on very old characters or ones who haven't really had any costume changes done to them ever. This toon's 4-5 years old, and has only ever had 2 costumes, and never changed.

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