What armor is this?




Would just like to note to the people saying the devs need to add new patterns: they do, just not as often. They recently released Vines (which is very nice).

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
This did not appear anywhere I could actually alter the COSTUME parts. I was in the SG Settings window ONLY.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post

Well, for this particular piece maybe but not for the bug that causes it heheh but thanks

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I swear I've seen that before in the options and named, now I'll have to go and look.

Yup, I just looked it up. It's the Enforcer armor set.

I'd post screen shots, but for some reason, I can no longer get screen shots from the character creator ever since I upgraded to Windows 7. When I try to hit Printscreen and then paste it into Paint, I just get a big black field. Printscreen still puts a screenshot into the CoH when I'm ingame though. So strange.
I have that problem and I dont have Windows 7, so that's not the issue.

Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Ulterior works best as complimenting a more complex outfit, it looks kinda blah on its own.

Steampunk doesn't really look steampunk to me either.
It saddens me somewhat how little good Steampunk stuff we have.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I don't know about Ulterior (I thought that's what the pic was, but I seem to have been wrong), but I can definitely tell you that Enforcer and ExoProto are nothing alike. Enforcer has interlocking metal plates that are actually shiny (and will no doubt be reflecting, come Going Rogue) whereas ExoProto has overlapping, ornate plates held together with belts and clips for a much less "plate armour" look and a much more "stealth suit" appearance. Ironically, the actual Stealth set doesn't look like a stealth suit at all, but rather a lot more like a cat suit. Personally, I used the ExoProto to replace my old Buckled Leather costume to replicate that Solid Snake look I've been aiming for since 2004.
Well, catsuits are generally what counts as "stealth" so it works. ExoProto to me looks bio-tech. Not so much belts and clips as sinew-ish looking things.

I've not tried Vanguard yet because of its cost, and if Ulterior looks like anything, it looks the most like Justice, which together look more like embossed leather than layered armour, to be honest, and Sinister's "stitched leather" is an actually unique concept in the game, with only the "rough patches fur" set from 2004 coming anywhere close.
I'll agree with Ulterior being at least somewhat similar to Justice, though they have very distinct patterns and specular effects.

Really, though, not liking them is fine, as long as you accept that some people DO like them and enjoy the variety they present.
Just thought I'd clarify myself - you're free to dislike whatever you want, but comparing vastly different costume parts in order to complain that everything we get is samey is nonsensical. Admitting that you don't even use the pieces so you can't even tell them apart...that speaks for itself. (Not actually talking to you, of course, Sam.)

Either way, I'd have to see a full suit of this with its corresponding pattern to judge whether or not it's good. I used to think Ulterior was pretty bad just based on browsing through it in the editor, but seeing what people have done with it, I changed my mind.
Something that a lot of people overlook is that you can use the Ulterior pattern separate from the actual texture piece. I'm not much a fan of the actual parts, but it's a pretty good pattern.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Well, catsuits are generally what counts as "stealth" so it works. ExoProto to me looks bio-tech. Not so much belts and clips as sinew-ish looking things.
We see things a bit differently, then. While catsuits do tend to be what counts for stealthy, they really mostly go with athletic characters, e.i. those who can pass for cat burglars. When I think stealth suit, though, I think stealth game, and those usually have a brawny man in the lead who isn't so much athletic and wears less of a catsuit and more of a combination of fatigues and super-tech armour. Solid Snake is probably the best example of this, though the original Metal Gear Solid didn't have enough detail definition to let me know WHAT he was wearing.

ExoProto is sort of that - a very complicated, very incomprehensible suit of sleek super-tech armour. Granted, if you two-coloured it, it might look like tech sewn into the body, but I run mine uni-colour (and all black) and it actually works pretty well for a stealth suit. It also DOES have canvas belts and buckles, by the way.

I'll agree with Ulterior being at least somewhat similar to Justice, though they have very distinct patterns and specular effects.
Certainly they're different in detail, and done by different people, no less. I'm only saying they're in sort of a similar style, sort like how the ExoProto dual-coloured sort of matches the Cyborg Pack pieces, even though it's actually different when you look at it. Having things in the same style is not bad, I was just saying that Ulterior is not comparable to Vanguard or Enforcer in the slightest, and only to Justice if it's comparable to anything at all.

Just thought I'd clarify myself - you're free to dislike whatever you want, but comparing vastly different costume parts in order to complain that everything we get is samey is nonsensical. Admitting that you don't even use the pieces so you can't even tell them apart...that speaks for itself. (Not actually talking to you, of course, Sam.)
Yeah, while "I don't like it" is a perfectly valid argument, "I don't like it so it sucks" isn't. Not in any incarnation. I actually went through the exact same thing with walking yesterday, and I feel somewhat vindicated to see it in the patch notes today

Something that a lot of people overlook is that you can use the Ulterior pattern separate from the actual texture piece. I'm not much a fan of the actual parts, but it's a pretty good pattern.
I need to work with the Ulterior set a little more, but I have to say that seeing the texture without the pattern and the pattern without the texture is what originally led me to believe it was bad. I haven't seen them in a while, so my opinion of them separately may have changed, but it wasn't until I saw them used together and woven into a costume with other pieces that I thought "Oh, wow! What set is that? I want to try it! Ulterior? Seriously? Man, was my impression wrong!"

One thing of note - as with all costume sets, if you use every piece of it and go for a complete set with all the details and trimmings, you end up looking RIDICULOUS. This was true for Justice and Sinister, it was true for Enforcer, it's actually true for Vanguard, it's SO VERY TRUE for Valkyrie... Whole sets with nothing but the sets all coloured the same just look silly, and I have not seen them look anything but, myself. As always, mixing and matching between sets to add some variety and some interesting elements to the set is far superior.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
One thing of note - as with all costume sets, if you use every piece of it and go for a complete set with all the details and trimmings, you end up looking RIDICULOUS. This was true for Justice and Sinister, it was true for Enforcer, it's actually true for Vanguard, it's SO VERY TRUE for Valkyrie... Whole sets with nothing but the sets all coloured the same just look silly, and I have not seen them look anything but, myself. As always, mixing and matching between sets to add some variety and some interesting elements to the set is far superior.
I think Justice pulls together nicely (but I've always thought it is a bit bulky), and Enforcer is workable (it mostly suffers from a lack of leg details). I can't entirely say on Vanguard since I've never actually looked at it too hard (what good is a costume set I can't get until over halfway through the game?).

But very true for Sinister, Valkyrie, and Ulterior I'll definitely agree. The pieces are just too overwhelmingly busy, or have overly ostentatious details.

Though like how you use ExoProto - color matters a lot too. Justice is probably far more garish if you use strong colors, but using a dark blue with desaturated blue highlights has served me well for one my characters.

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Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post
It saddens me somewhat how little good Steampunk stuff we have.

I wish they'd add a more steampunkish version of the Piston boots. Or heck, just redo the recipe boots. They look.. kinda chunky in both size (hard to match up at the knee with the size difference) and general look, too.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
It's pretty clearly no armor I've ever seen.

That's several of them together, Rocky's armor top looks nothing like either of them. Superficially, yes, but the 'background' of the angled pieces is radically different from the piece on the right, and it's just not LIKE the other.

So... well, whatever it is, it's neat, and hopefully we'll be able to see more of it later on when GR or Issue 17 go live!
Yeah, that's new for sure. I've gotten all the power packs and have all the vet rewards and have never seen it before. Belive me, i'd have used it by now it i had it, it's right up my alley. Hoping we get it soon.

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Doesn't look right to me. Looks like it's got jumbled

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