What armor is this?




Ignore the legs, but please anyone who could tell me, what armor piece is that on the top of my character?

I have not seen it before, or at least, never on a Huge toon, and I don't have the Vanguard pieces (particularly not on this guy). I switched into supergroup settings and not only were his legs no longer stone, but his top area too not stone and replaced with this armor. The back view is after I'd gone up to the tailor and made sure all my parts were working correctly, but in sgmode settings, it still showed up this way.


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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
That... doesn't look familiar. Hrm.
Agreed....new piece leak into the creator perhaps?

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Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
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It mysteriously turned up along with the clockwork gauntlets in Issue 16...nobody is quite sure what it is suppose to be yet but it's probably a foreshadowing for something in Going Rogue...



The abdomen area reminds me of Praetorian clockwork.



I also don't recognize that. However I do know one thing......


Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



hmm can you make the Clockwork gauntlets with that top to see if they sync up?

Would make life easier to tell if they're suppose to match.

Edit: Looking at the back there's a clear 'slot' where the exposed spine is suppose to go which might be part of the Praetorian Clockwork chestpiece OR we may be getting selectable options for the back...dun dun duuuuunnnn



I swear I've seen that before in the options and named, now I'll have to go and look.

Yup, I just looked it up. It's the Enforcer armor set.

I'd post screen shots, but for some reason, I can no longer get screen shots from the character creator ever since I upgraded to Windows 7. When I try to hit Printscreen and then paste it into Paint, I just get a big black field. Printscreen still puts a screenshot into the CoH when I'm ingame though. So strange.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I swear I've seen that before in the options and named, now I'll have to go and look.

Yup, I just looked it up. It's the Enforcer armor set.

I'd post screen shots, but for some reason, I can no longer get screen shots from the character creator ever since I upgraded to Windows 7. When I try to hit Printscreen and then paste it into Paint, I just get a big black field. Printscreen still puts a screenshot into the CoH when I'm ingame though. So strange.
Is the enforcer different in the Armour Tab as opposed to the Tight tab? 'cus I just checked ParagonWiki, and this doesn't look like Enforcer.

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Make the colors match, they looks the same to me.



It didn't look like enforcer when I went through and checked, actually. It looks nothing at all like Enforcer.

this is enforcer

It's also not exoproto

It's not the Vanguard, though a little close.

So yeah I think it's an accidental unlock. I couldn't get it to appear ON the character, this was just in the supergroup mode settings.

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Zek you're a h4x0rz!



Not on purpose!! All I wanted to do was update my sg colors!

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Is the enforcer different in the Armour Tab as opposed to the Tight tab? 'cus I just checked ParagonWiki, and this doesn't look like Enforcer.

YAh dude that's enforcer light, and it's been in there as far as I can remember......I dunno....



It's pretty clearly no armor I've ever seen.

That's several of them together, Rocky's armor top looks nothing like either of them. Superficially, yes, but the 'background' of the angled pieces is radically different from the piece on the right, and it's just not LIKE the other.

So... well, whatever it is, it's neat, and hopefully we'll be able to see more of it later on when GR or Issue 17 go live!

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Combination of misreading and me being unclear. I was saying that the OPs armour didn't look like the enforcer armour, and then I posted a picture of the enforcer armour as a quick comparison reference.
yup, that was my bad. =S durr on me lol



was that a whole set you stumbled upon, Zek? OR just the piece?



Another ho-hum layered armor tight pattern. Because Ulterior, Justice, Enforcer, Stealth, Valkyrie, Onomichi Warrior, etc. aren't enough, I guess for some people.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Whining about a costume piece that isn't even released yet? Really?
Every issue or so we get a boring new armor layer pattern just like that. I'd like to see some different new costume options. Why does it matter if it is released or not? I see a picture of a new armor set, I give my opinion. Am I not allowed to express my opinion? Or only if it's positive? I don't think I was particularly harsh, it's just not my cup of tea.



Originally Posted by Not_Rhino View Post
Every issue or so we get a boring new armor layer pattern just like that. I'd like to see some different new costume options. Why does it matter if it is released or not? I see a picture of a new armor set, I give my opinion. Am I not allowed to express my opinion? Or only if it's positive? I don't think I was particularly harsh, it's just not my cup of tea.



I'd rather see new color PATTERNS added rather than new textures. New patterns can be added onto almost any texture and make it good to look at no matter how plain.... but when the TEXTURES are complex, they look like CRAP when joined with complex patterns that aren't "designed" for them. It really restricts the possible good looking combinations.