Hibernate modification suggestion
Villian Hibernate has become very popular. It's used prodigiously on Protector in RV. From my experience due to it's fast activation times (.5 sec) it can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in most situations, dare I say practically all. IMO its effectiveness should be reduced mildly in some way. A few suggestions off the top of my head (pick only one): Increase the recharge time. Increase the cast or activation time. Allow a phased player to attack someone in Hibernate. Add a significant travel suppression when the toggle drops (that would also be consistent with having just come out of deep-freeze). Apply a short interruptability to it.

Guessing since you said villain hibernate you are mainly a hero player. Guess what, villains have had to put up with this since day one. Know what they did, dealt with it. If someone can outsmart you in a zone to get away out of hiber give em a gg and call it that. Hibernate for most pvpers is a death sentence, for those that is is not you probably were not going to kill anyways.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Well for stalkers, leaving hibernate is very easy. Kinda automatic actually. Especially considering they all have phase too. But yeah, you can tell a lot about a player by the way they come out of hibernoob.
I also know another automatic way to get out that can be done by anybody, but don't want to discuss that here
Team up and hit them with a couple -regen powers right before they click it. They emerge with no more hp than they went in with. Ha ha double Heat Exhaust and they'll not only gain no hp they might even drop out of it due to the -recovery cause lots of people don't really slot it up.
Cast aoe around hiber even stalker would have problems to get out...hibernate isnt so great for stalker tbh since it roots you..if i have room i would personally rather take phase...
Other thing if phased person can attack person in hiber....what is the point to have hiber then? you can get attacked but can't do anything um....plz no
Also, if you take corr or dom hibernating, once they get out, there are usually 20 heroes waiting to snap them....
ALSO, you can still die in hibernate, once you activate it and someone uses long animation attack their attack still hurts you ( trust me i saw many ppl dying in hiber froms sharks and such).
AND ALSO, there is a bug, if you get mezzed in the time you activate hiber hiber simply drops...
As Con said vills had to face hibernating heroes all the time and we didn't cry about it so much so just learn to deal with it, simply as it is.
Yeah, hibernate's a pretty stupid power to have so readily available. So dumb.
On a server like Protector where you're lucky to even find 1 enemy in a pvp zone hibernate is much more of a "get out of jail free" card than it is in busier zones on other servers.
I like the ideas of a) increasing the recharge time, b) making it interruptible, and c) adding significant travel suppression to a player when exiting hibernate.
Less hibernating heroes/villains + more kills/deaths = better pvp
I have an idea. Get rid of suppression altogether, so good players can evade by using actual skill, as before. Then hibernate can just be removed from the game. Sound good?
I've thought about this a few times. I use hibernate quite regularly and honestly I think it could use something to make it a little less powerful. The idea I came up with was giving the ice a health bar. Do enough damage to it and it breaks taking the player out of hibernate. It should have high HP and/or high resist so it would take a team to work it down not just a single player. Not that I want it nerfed, but that's the only option I would be happy with. It would still be useful, but there would be a way to take a player out of hiber with a competent team. The suggestions offered by the OP are a bit much IMO.
Yeah, hibernate's a pretty stupid power to have so readily available. So dumb.
On a server like Protector where you're lucky to even find 1 enemy in a pvp zone hibernate is much more of a "get out of jail free" card than it is in busier zones on other servers. I like the ideas of a) increasing the recharge time, b) making it interruptible, and c) adding significant travel suppression to a player when exiting hibernate. Less hibernating heroes/villains + more kills/deaths = better pvp |
I've thought about this a few times. I use hibernate quite regularly and honestly I think it could use something to make it a little less powerful. The idea I came up with was giving the ice a health bar. Do enough damage to it and it breaks taking the player out of hibernate. It should have high HP and/or high resist so it would take a team to work it down not just a single player. Not that I want it nerfed, but that's the only option I would be happy with. It would still be useful, but there would be a way to take a player out of hiber with a competent team. The suggestions offered by the OP are a bit much IMO.
The only time where Hibernate becomes annoying is when the player uses another phase power in conjunction with it, and can exit Hibernate with zero risk without any outside assistance (assuming the 30-second phase period hasn't expired).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Yeah, even rest got nerfed... rest.
Still, I think if hiber was to get a weakness other then a team camping and waiting it out, it should be something on the lines of a destroyable ice block.
But lets stop talking about this before it actually does get nerfed...
You assume that more kills and deaths equates to better PvP. |
All of the running/phasing/hibernating has always been pretty stupid. The change to allow phased players to attack phased players was a great change, and should have been in place years ago. Hibernate was a stupid power to proliferate across powersets/AT's and has had a negative effect on pvp.
Well, considering you think that evasion is some elite skill and running away from your enemy makes for good pvp, I'm not surprised we disagree.
All of the running/phasing/hibernating has always been pretty stupid. The change to allow phased players to attack phased players was a great change, and should have been in place years ago. Hibernate was a stupid power to proliferate across powersets/AT's and has had a negative effect on pvp. |
I agree, I like the change to phase shift. Fantastic change. However, I like hibernate, because I get a majority of my kills off KB+stun once the hibernoob is free.
Don't think of hibernate as a way to cheat you out of a kill. Think of it as an opportunity, they are essentially Caging themselves.
So no, it doesn't need a nerf. You just need to get smart with how you deal with hibernoobs.
Isn't it amazing how people are complaining about hibernate now? When blasters were abusing this bs for ages nobody was crying now that vills got it everyone went QQ.
No, because people complained about hibernoob back when only ice tanks and blasters had it. Its one of the reasons the phase/hiber timer got added. Now people just have more to complain about.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less if they ever change Hibernate. It doesn't bother me. I just think the way it works is stupid, always have.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less if they ever change Hibernate. It doesn't bother me. I just think the way it works is stupid, always have.
It's a cage effect that allows them to recover and regen, but do nothing else. Meanwhile you have all the opportunity you need to pop reds, park your heavy, throw your debuff/slow toggles on them, prepare KB.
The person with hibernate is taking plenty of risks by using hibernate.
Well, considering you think that evasion is some elite skill and running away from your enemy makes for good pvp, I'm not surprised we disagree.
All of the running/phasing/hibernating has always been pretty stupid. The change to allow phased players to attack phased players was a great change, and should have been in place years ago. Hibernate was a stupid power to proliferate across powersets/AT's and has had a negative effect on pvp. |
Since there are no real objectives in PvP other than the side missions in PvP zones (Shivans, neighborhood battles, nukes, pillboxes), the only goal is simple: get kills and try not to die. If I need to duck behind a building to get out of line of sight, or keep my opponent chasing me while I regen HP or recover endurance until I believe I have the upper hand, them's the breaks. If you don't like it you've got two options, really: either respec out of your travel powers and phase, or deal with it. Ask just about any ladder player from before I13 and they'll tell you that yes, evasion is a skill, and yes travel suppression put a dent in the ability to evade by essentially tying both combatants together. Again, that's not good PvP. Good PvP is the ability to engage and disengage as you need to, not engage and disengage as the mechanics of the game think it's best.
(On a side note, probably the main reasons Hibernate and Power Boost got proliferated was for PvP parity and because it's going to result in much less whining if you give powers to more ATs than if you take powers away from the ATs that already have them.)
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Well, considering you think that evasion is some elite skill and running away from your enemy makes for good pvp, I'm not surprised we disagree.
All of the running/phasing/hibernating has always been pretty stupid. The change to allow phased players to attack phased players was a great change, and should have been in place years ago. Hibernate was a stupid power to proliferate across powersets/AT's and has had a negative effect on pvp. |
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

FCers killed pvp.
Hrmm... i13 kind of forces escape builds. I would like to see less damage across the board and the removal of hib to all things but ice tanks, essentially forcing builds into concealment. More fight commitment, prolonged fights and no true escape. Everyone has phase, everything is balanced.
I'd rather play zots and crambles than coh.
Villian Hibernate has become very popular. It's used prodigiously on Protector in RV. From my experience due to it's fast activation times (.5 sec) it can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in most situations, dare I say practically all. IMO its effectiveness should be reduced mildly in some way. A few suggestions off the top of my head (pick only one): Increase the recharge time. Increase the cast or activation time. Allow a phased player to attack someone in Hibernate. Add a significant travel suppression when the toggle drops (that would also be consistent with having just come out of deep-freeze). Apply a short interruptability to it.