Cashing in Fifties
Can't say it wouldn't be nice to get 'something' if you remade a level 50 character.
As in some minor buff/special title or whatever might be nice to have, though how it could be mplemented, i have no real idea.
That said, i doubt we'll ever see anything like it done so..
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I really like the "I deleted my 50 and all I got was this lousy badge" idea. That would crack me up.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
When Going Rogue is released there is going to be a way for 50s to gain additional power. It hasn't been announced if this will be through gaining more powers or enhancement slots or whatever but they will be able to enhance themselves in some way. I believe it was also said that this will only be for those who remain loyal to their faction. Those who switch sides will not get this.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
* A nest egg. The deleted character's influence is split into 5 packages and rewarded over the next character's life, every 10 levels. The enhancements are similarly hidden in a treasure trove which can be found by completing a special mission at level 50. The trove will function as a SG base enhancement bin but only for the character who found it. It will contain all the enhancements the level 50 character had at the time of deletion. There would be 5 different treasure missions, one for each origin, with corresponding Trove locations in different places. The Magic origin Trove could for example be found in Potter's Field on Sharkhead, or in Dark Astoria.
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* A nest egg. The deleted character's influence is split into 5 packages and rewarded over the next character's life, every 10 levels. The enhancements are similarly hidden in a treasure trove which can be found by completing a special mission at level 50.

One thing I could get behind is retention of costume piece unlocks on a reroll. Also, retention of badges that can no longer be earned. Then again, I think that both of those things should be account-wide anyway.
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When Going Rogue is released there is going to be a way for 50s to gain additional power. It hasn't been announced if this will be through gaining more powers or enhancement slots or whatever but they will be able to enhance themselves in some way. I believe it was also said that this will only be for those who remain loyal to their faction. Those who switch sides will not get this.
My favourite server is filling up with level 50s I'm less and less likely to play again.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could "cash in" characters we don't use and get some kind of benefit from them for the alt that will replace them? I'm not sure what kind of benefit it should be. I only know that it shouldn't be an xp bonus, nor a way to start at a higher level. It shouldn't be anything that would make people want to PL their way to 50 just to get this benefit for another character. I've got a few ideas: * A special title; "Son of [deleted character name]", or whatever. * Special badges; "I deleted my level 50 [archetype] and all I got was this lousy badge" * A permanent temporary power related to the powerset or archetype of the deleted character. Might be too useful/too much work. * A nest egg. The deleted character's influence is split into 5 packages and rewarded over the next character's life, every 10 levels. The enhancements are similarly hidden in a treasure trove which can be found by completing a special mission at level 50. The trove will function as a SG base enhancement bin but only for the character who found it. It will contain all the enhancements the level 50 character had at the time of deletion. There would be 5 different treasure missions, one for each origin, with corresponding Trove locations in different places. The Magic origin Trove could for example be found in Potter's Field on Sharkhead, or in Dark Astoria. * Something else. |
First off if i was to do this, you can be damn sure that i would have before taken all the influence off the toon, respec out any worthwhile stuff etc etc. So splitting up his influence isnt a good enough reason.
I dont think a XP boost is a good idea either, but i dont see why being able to replace a level 50 with a standard level 20-22 character with no other benefits is a bad thing. I fail to see how it makes good sense to PL a character up to level 50 and then turn it in for a 22 you want. So i think that arguement you made is kinda pointless. But ya i prob have a few characters i wouldnt mind replacing with a 20 or 22 if given the chance.
Don't really know if I'm for or against this, but how would the game connect deleting one character to make another?
Also, 2 little thoughts.
1. Why not make a "death mission" for deleting that character. Basically at any level you go and see a specific contact and take a mission that leads to the end of your hero or villain. Then when you go to create a character you'll have a special reward token saved from that character to be used on any character you choose to make.
2. Base the rewards given for your new toon upon the level of the toon that died.
lvl 1 - 9: 500 inf starting bonus to next toon
lvl 10 - 19: 1 temp power recipe (your choice) from currently existing temp power recipes
lvl 20 - 29: 1 common IO recipe (your choice)
lvl 30 - 39: All unlocked costume pieces for this toon available on next toon (if thats possible)
lvl 40 - 49: 1 respec (normal respec, not the freespecs or recipes)
lvl 50: 50 reward merits
All of these things would be stackable, so if you deleted a lvl 15 he would also get the 500 inf starting bonus and deleting a 50 would get you all of the prizes.
Side note: I'm just throwing stuff randomly on the levels to help illustrate the idea feel free to replace them with something that seems more relevant, fair, and/or less exploitable.
I've got a few ideas:
* A special title; "Son of [deleted character name]", or whatever. * Special badges; "I deleted my level 50 [archetype] and all I got was this lousy badge" |
I would go for the badge: "Reincarnated" for any L40+ (or L30+?) deleted and remade.
This reminds me a little of the "bones" feature in Nethack. Sometimes when a Nethack character dies, the next one will find his corpse on the appropriate dungeon level. You have to fight your previous self's ghost to get his stuff, and it's all cursed, but still.
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"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I posted on this idea before (the whole what to do with your 50s for those that dont play them anymore).
The suggestions I had were:
1. a mission for lvl 50 heroes/villains only. Perhaps a 1 way trip to the Rikti Homeworld to stop a gate from being activated. once there you have no access to any of the support mechanisms on our world (no insp vendors, no ouro travel, no emergency teleport) defeat means just that, defeat. if the mission is completed (and the devs include a way home) the surviving heroes get some large reward. Fallen heroes/villains get honoured on a memorial wall (name, small piccy, date of death) ,sort of a tomb of the unknown soldier in Rome affair rather than the vets wall in Washington. Those that fail the TF are honoured as well but their names are written in silver, not gold
2. Character's are retired to run their SGs: they become a contact in the SG base or just a contact for the SG and become a source of origin based SG missions (maybe like newspaper based missions)
3. Server Event: lvl 50 toons are neded to take down incoming meteors carrying Shivan and god knows what else. minimum of 4 toons required: they have to detonate a device at four points on the meteor interior simultaneously, unfortunately, they have to press the plunger by hand (no radio waves etc). Mis time it and you fail the TF (unless there's another to take your place). meanwhile the rest of the team are fighting off shivans and some nice unique enemies created just for the occasion.
4. and finally on the 1 way ticket kick: Ouroboros. You and as many 50s as you can get your hands on, (lets say lvl 45+ just to be fair) agree to undertake a mission waaaay back in time, (or way forward) beyond your lifespan resulting in detrimental side effects ( random bouts of -acc, -regen, - recovery , -dam, or more than one of the previous along with constant and continuous hp loss which doesnt interrupt abilities!). On the mission you have to fight a primal evil trying to stop the creation of the well of furies (heroes will want to save states etc and vils will want to save/overthrow recluse) maybe the first age of Rularuu? or a Rularuu resurgance? those that succeed in the TF can either stay and fight waves of enemies or try to find a way home (TF part 2? through the well of furies? up against the ancient greek pantheon? Travel through Hades?). Those that fall in the TF are remembered by a set of IOs appearing named after them and boosting one aspect of their powers (so for me it would be maybe Evangel's Despair: sniping/stealth IOs that gives Procs - I love procs - or Melvins Grinding Gears: Bots/Pets IO that gives bonus to pets and Bots in particular. the IOs appear in game as drops and anyone finding them has the option to read the details and learn your now-dead hero's bio/badge history. Heroes that survive the Well TF can travel through the well itself and make their way back to their own time:
TF2: Caverns of Hades: like the Eden Trial cave set but the holes can lead to alternate times (other TFs) and are one-way. Once you enter an area you have to travel to find the way back into the cavern and try another exit point until you make it home to your own time. queue paragon city celebration, queue time travel affected IO/Enhancement rewards and the adoration of the masses.
Once you have returned though, you are locked out of Ouro as the distance through time travelled has changed your toon fundamentally. again, if you die, you're gone. if your team mates find some way to rez you, well and good but if you log off while defeated, you go permanently. some precaution would have to be made against 1 team member recalling 7 corpses behind him/her as he/she ghosts through....
One of the last times a level cap raise came up Castle said that even if the cap was raised, we wouldn't get more powers or enhancement slots but that he did have ideas for for future advancement, so I'd be shocked if Going Rogue gave us either of those. And while we have been told there are rewards for not switching sides, I highly doubt the post 50 advancement is it.
I like the original suggestion.
Also, a free server transfer, or access to a special trial mission to earn a free server transfer, would be a great reward for a level 50 character. Then you can move your retired characters off your active server if you wish.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

My favourite server is filling up with level 50s I'm less and less likely to play again.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could "cash in" characters we don't use and get some kind of benefit from them for the alt that will replace them?
I'm not sure what kind of benefit it should be. I only know that it shouldn't be an xp bonus, nor a way to start at a higher level. It shouldn't be anything that would make people want to PL their way to 50 just to get this benefit for another character.
I've got a few ideas:
* A special title; "Son of [deleted character name]", or whatever.
* Special badges; "I deleted my level 50 [archetype] and all I got was this lousy badge"
* A permanent temporary power related to the powerset or archetype of the deleted character. Might be too useful/too much work.
* A nest egg. The deleted character's influence is split into 5 packages and rewarded over the next character's life, every 10 levels. The enhancements are similarly hidden in a treasure trove which can be found by completing a special mission at level 50. The trove will function as a SG base enhancement bin but only for the character who found it. It will contain all the enhancements the level 50 character had at the time of deletion. There would be 5 different treasure missions, one for each origin, with corresponding Trove locations in different places. The Magic origin Trove could for example be found in Potter's Field on Sharkhead, or in Dark Astoria.
* Something else.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522