Double XP Weekend Plans

Ad Astra



[edited to add: I know it's not this weekend, it's the 8th]

I've never been playing COH when they had a double xp weekend, to my knowledge. I'm not sure how much more activity there will be and how much better I'll be to level.

My hopes/plans are to get my level 40 scrapper to 50. This would include a respec trial. And I'd like to do the one that gives you the roman armor, not so much for the armor, which would be cool but I have Valkrie, but it sounds cool.

I'd also like to get my lev 10 tank to 24 and then run a respec trial. I made a mistake at lev 2, if you can believe that, so I'm playing catchup trying to get my core powers. A little frustrating. Hopefully some of that will be in Croatoa.

So, is it going to be a lot busier and what do you guys want to accomplish?



Seeing as how it's a double XP AND reactivation weekend, I'm going to stay off the servers.



I'll be on quite a bit on Liberty ( Hero side ) and Justice ( Villian side ) that weekend . My toons on Liberty are Terminator 13 ( 50 ) , Duke Togo ( 35 ) and Nova Factor ( 38 ) , so if you want to team on that server , I'm down .

On Justice my toons are Se'thur ( 21 ) , Razor Ramon ( 21 ) and Rick Rude ( 16 ) .

Hope your leveling works out for you



Solo altaholic newb here:

I'll be spending as much time doing whatever I'm in the mood for, as my spouse will allow. Hopefully the weather will be lousey so she won't want to go for any of those long hikes in the woods that have recently cut into my CoH time. I might try to get my lvl 24 blaster to 30 (my highest level character) or I might feel like bringing some other toons up to speed. I DO plan to use the re-activation feature to log on my wife's lapsed account and invite all my alts to my personal SG.



Getting a level 40 to 50 is certainly feasible. On a typical Maria Jenkins Arc (Lots of AVs) the XP accumulates fast anyway, doubled its crazy fast.

It all depends on your ability to get on such a team.

Yes, the servers will be a whole lot busier.

I haven't even thought about any goals for myself. I have no-one I especially desperate to level fast, so I will likely just go with the flow of my coalition mates, and likely bring a support character from my stable.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Just a reminder with the new SSK and ability to earn XP when exemplared down, you don't even have to do the 40-50 stuff to get to 50.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'm kinda hoping to get my level 44 Corr to 50 (finally - she was created during CoV pre-start weekend) to unlock the VEATs.

Other than that, I have a few characters who kinda specialize in Double XP Weekend - a Grav/Rad Controller, a FF Defender, 3 Emps at various levels. All in demand for DXP teams who don't get played as much at other times.

Postagulous - I don't want to try to tell you how to play your characters - but a level 2 Tank that is "messed up" is easier to delete and start again (especialy on DXP Weekend) than to try to "save". If you delete & re-roll right now, the baby tank should be up to reasonably good levels (at least high teens) before DXP and then you don't have to make time for the Respec Trial unless you want to do it for the XP & drops (and to see what it's like, of course, if you have never done one).

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



If no one is running the AV story arcs (Tina MacIntyre/Maria Jenkins), grab a team of about 4 and run arcs in the RWZ. A well-balanced team will run through the stories incredibly fast, and with the story arc bonuses, you will be leveling up very quickly.

If you plan to do ITF, make sure you've already run the Midnighter arc that unlocks access to Cimerora.

Good luck!



I have a level 43 defender and a level 43 tanker that I hope to get to 50, or at least close. After that, I'll either work on my level 33 WS or see if I can push a Soldier and a Widow to 24. If my normal Sunday group runs, I'll also play my level 36 corruptor for a little bit.

...I forgot what experience means.



Not sure, might get my Katana/Regen to her 40s. And get my shiny new Dark/AR to the 20s.

Probably spen half my time Editing my Base. Fell one of those spurts coming on.

Enjoy your day please.



I'm gonna try to get my Level 48 Brute, Rosa Kreuz, to 50. I want a Crab Spider so dang much, you guys.

Of course, the way things are going, I may get Rosa to 50 before next weekend, in which case my new Crab Spider will be seeing a lot of play time.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



I'll be playing!

More specifically, kicking pixels with friends, helping new folks and returnees.

I have long-term very uncommitted goals of getting one of each AT to 50, but I drop that in a heartbeat for the above situations.

May get my corrupter and peacebringer (both 44-45) to 50 over the weekend, or at least, further in that direction. is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



Either I'll be playing mah Mind/Fire Dom and kicking serious *** while helping out anyone in the helpchannel, or I'll be doing something else, cause I generally avoid DXP weekends. Too much of the "failed to create instance, went to sleep waiting for server response" sort of thing.

Maybe I'll work on my TD. Or whip up an unusual Draft-style league for CMC.



I will be playing whichever toon of mine is the most difficult to solo or find teams with. Maybe some gimp defender that I haven't played since the last 2xpwknd. It's definitely a good time to get those pesky teen level toons into their twenties.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Postagulous - I don't know how long you've been actively subscribed to the game, but based on your 2006 registration date, I have to wonder if you aren't at least a 9-month Vet. If you are, you should have a Veteran Reward Respec (Vetspec) available for every character on your account. If you haven't already burned that, I'd use it to straighten out your tank rather than playing him/her through 14 more levels with a build you don't like.

And even if you don't have any Vetspecs, at level 10 you unlock the abilty to create a second build, so you could reselect all your powers from level one on that build and avoid the "mistake" you made at level 2.

My plans for 2xXP weekend don't include anything specific. I'll probably jump on to lots fo different toons throughout the weekend and get a few levels for each rather than trying to push one or two up eight or ten levels. If anything, I might concentrate on my Virtue heroes, or my Guardian villains since none of them are higher than 20 at the moment.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I have a couple level-pacts that are going to get some hot XP lovin'.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I have a couple level-pacts that are going to get some hot XP lovin'.
I have about 17 level pacts, and at least a few of them will get some hot XP lovin'.

Been running TF's and doing normal stuff this week. Not doing any farming because I will probably do that all weekend.



1) Play some SF/TF/arcs with some SG members who don't play often but are always around for DXP, along with a bit of how-have-you-been-lately side chats with friends. Which leads to...

2) Prepare (now in advance) for a few characters to rise in levels by bidding/buying/crafting IO recipes for future level slots. Fast leveling and quick mission play will mean not much time to spend on getting IO enhancements for the new powers/slots. Also, availability and prices of things will be out of whack all weekend. Which leads to...

3) Make a few (or tens of, or hundred of) millions of inf on the market. DXP weekend might as well be DINF weekend!



I'm not really sure what I'm going to do.

I might take my latest toon, a Fire/Emp troller, up high enough to get her the fire imps I've had my eye on.

Past that, I have a handful of toons sitting in the late 30s/early 40s that is might be nice to finish off (I rarely play toons once they hit 50 it seems). Then again, since they've been claimed by altitis in the past, they can be easily ignored in favor of starting yet another toon as well. And I've got that Mind/Mind Dom at like 7th that's been cool so far, maybe I should level her up...

Here's hoping I don't just deer-in-the-headlights like so o_o at the 'choose server page'.



I'll probably spend most of my time on my lvl 35 Bane and lvl 32 Elec/NRG Stalker this weekend, followed by a random number of other alts who may need a level or two.

Most importantly (for CoH, that is), I WON'T be playing Champions Online this weekend, which I've been doing much of the past 5 weeks.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Postagulous - I don't want to try to tell you how to play your characters - but a level 2 Tank that is "messed up" is easier to delete and start again (especialy on DXP Weekend) than to try to "save".
I'm actually realizing that my instincts were better than the advice I had read. I only have three core attacks at level 16 and not taking the one they dissed would cripple me IMO. I don't care if I'm two levs behind on getting the toggles I mostly keep off.

Thanks for spelling my name right.

Oh, and what face are you using on that avatar?



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
Oh, and what face are you using on that avatar?
That's the cyborg face!



My very first hero, created 4 years ago, is only at level 45. He'll be my first priority.

And my very first villain, created about 2 months later, is now level 28. Might push for 40.