Self-Exemplar: Would you use it?




I was thinking about safeguard mission badges, and super-sidekicking that's upcoming with Issue 16. It occurred to me that it would be really useful to be able to just set my security level to the right level for the mission and not have to deal with finding another player of the correct level and a similar interest in repeatedly banging out safeguards for badging purposes.

That's when it struck me that that next logical step after super-sidekicking, from an exemplar standpoint, is to eliminate the exemplar entirely and just let a higher-level player masquerade as a low level player if she wants to do that. It even makes some sense given how fast the low levels blow through now and Issue 16 looks to be speeding that up even further.

Sure, you get to level 50 but one day you have a hankering to go mano-a-mano with Doc Vahzilok because you leveled way past him before you even got the contacts for the mission. Why not be able to do that?

I realize this belongs in Suggestions, but I posted it here primarily to get a feel for whether this is really an ability that people would find interesting or if it's just my own little quirk that I might find it more interesting to fight a bunch of bone-daddies at their own level than spend an hour wiping out greys in order to get the badge for it.

If the game supplied a way for you to voluntarily "exemplar" yourself to a lower security level of your choice, with all of the attendant restrictions that normally accompany an exemplar, but that you'd otherwise be free to join or leave teams or receive missions from your past contacts in the exemplared level range, would you use it?



Honestly? Yes. I'd actually really like it for getting badges. Sure I can go around and beat up on grey-con Family or Skulls (or whomever), but it's so much more fun if I go around and actually have to fight them instead of just one or two shotting the guys.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



I'd use it. Especially if it'd let me top off my contacts. I have this weird thing about doing that. I sometimes turn XP off on my favorite new characters just to "see and do it all"... and I hate that we so easily outlevel lowbie (sub 25) content currently. (Not that I want leveling to slow down, I'd just like to be able to talk to old contacts and get a pop up letting me know I'll be self exemping if I take Tony Kords missions or whatever.)



I would we got the same problems red-side (speaking of which any one got kings row mayhem on freedom? @Rivona) with both the Invader and Force of Nature badges all tho with orboro it makes no sense just from a Contact Point of view.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I'd be all for it.



This is an awesome idea. I would freakin' love this!



I'd certainly like it. If for no other reason than going back red-side to get missed Mayhem mission exploration badges for Invader.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I could farm DA without "exploiting" Oroborous!

sign me up!
You still farm DA?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Wouldn't this kinda make Ouroboros pointless?
In it's current form, yes. But the current form kinda suck anyway.

I would like Ouroboros to be used for mission we cannot get otherwise, like go fight the 5th Column invasion with Atlas or stop the CoTs from killing Marcus Cole and Stephan Richter to be the ones to open Pandora's Box, helping Back Alley Brawler fight Superadine production, etc....

Ouroboros should let us visit history, not just run the same arcs we can already get anyway.

The OP's idea would also remove one of the stupidest part of outleveling contacts...

"Welcome to Croatoa where the realm of Magic is seeping through the cracks into our world, where Reality is about to go to Hell in a hand basket and the Universe in on the verge of collapsing.

You are too powerful to be here, why dont you go annoy one of your other contacts.

Heh! it's just peoples stuck in a buring building, dont you have more important things to take care of, Superman?

I dont remember that line...

Yes I would use that feature, a lot.

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Wouldn't this kinda make Ouroboros pointless?
Ouroboros is already pointless. However, to address the question, it would only nullify one aspect of Ouroboros - the ability to access outleveled content. The real "point" of Ouroboros is the signature character task forces and the ability to re-run storylines you've already finished to either reclaim the temp power rewards or to play with a customized challenge level for fun and/or badges.

As it stands, running around in the "past" when you're clearly still in the same time/universe as you always are AND you're unable to join any teams due to the task force interface is one of the most immersion-breaking activities in the game.

Never mind that your "time-traveling" activities never have any real effect on anything.

Now, if we could jump into a time machine and revisit the Calvin Scott Task Force AND there was a whole series of such content that lived for a limited time in the main story universe but that could be accessible in "the past" via the time machine, then Ouroboros would have a point.

That's another kettle of fish, though.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Wouldn't this kinda make Ouroboros pointless?
Several people are agreeing it would make Ouroboros pointless, but I disagree.

Ouroboros allows you to re-run content. It also streamlines canon content down to major story arcs, story arc zone arcs and badge missions. There is value in both. And this feature would probably go a long way toward reducing any request that ALL content be made accessible via the pillar of ice and flame.



I like it and I'd use it.

If we're talking about logical steps, though... I'd rather see the TF requirements go, first (and I'm not taking "no" as an answer, even from Posi himself ).



Yes, I'd use the feature suggested by the OP. Yes, I agree with Nihilii about removing TF/SF min team size requirements. Yes, I would continue using Ouroboros for the same reasons I do now.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Wouldn't this kinda make Ouroboros pointless?
Of course not. People still need to get from Talos to Atlas Park.



I would, yeah.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Of course not. People still need to get from Talos to Atlas Park.
It's a good place to buy Inspirations too.

It's an excellent idea that I'm sure a lot of players will use. Off the bat I wouldn't use it though because I can't STAND the pre-stamina game and have experienced all the low level content at some point in time.

But I'm sure I'll find a way to put it to good use, I mean one can never have enough level 15 procs...

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Several people are agreeing it would make Ouroboros pointless, but I disagree.

Ouroboros allows you to re-run content. It also streamlines canon content down to major story arcs, story arc zone arcs and badge missions. There is value in both. And this feature would probably go a long way toward reducing any request that ALL content be made accessible via the pillar of ice and flame.

This makes a lot more sense. Open all the available content via Ouroboros... Ouroboros is a very good way of visiting outlevelled arcs - so if there's anything missing from that, much better to add it in than to produce another "new" system.

Another point is that if you allow people to "self-exemplar" they could potentially stick at a certain level ad-infinitum and that makes me uneasy.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet_Shocker View Post
Another point is that if you allow people to "self-exemplar" they could potentially stick at a certain level ad-infinitum and that makes me uneasy.
They already can, by turning off XP. And in Issue 16, if you have a friend who is willing to turn off XP, you can exemplar to them and stay at their level indefinitely while still gaining XP. You can run level 15 content, with level 20 powers, all the way to level 50 if you want.

... in fact, you could level to 50 on Posi TF runs with stamina. Huh.

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Originally Posted by Scarlet_Shocker View Post
This makes a lot more sense. Open all the available content via Ouroboros... Ouroboros is a very good way of visiting outlevelled arcs - so if there's anything missing from that, much better to add it in than to produce another "new" system.

Another point is that if you allow people to "self-exemplar" they could potentially stick at a certain level ad-infinitum and that makes me uneasy.

They can currently do that by turning off XP. I've turned XP off on a level 15 toon I have so that I can roll random recipes in hope of getting low level procs.

I have no plans on ever turning XP back on with that toon.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
They already can, by turning off XP. And in Issue 16, if you have a friend who is willing to turn off XP, you can exemplar to them and stay at their level indefinitely while still gaining XP. You can run level 15 content, with level 20 powers, all the way to level 50 if you want.

... in fact, you could level to 50 on Posi TF runs with stamina. Huh.
Hax! Exploitz!

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Personally, I'd rather they just get rid of mob levels altogether. Apply the invasion mob conning code to all mobs, so that they're always SOME kind of a threat.

Just because you're 10 levels higher than a mob does not mean that suddenly his bullets don't hurt, and that arresting him won't earn you some gratitude from the city.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I was thinking about safeguard mission badges, and super-sidekicking that's upcoming with Issue 16. It occurred to me that it would be really useful to be able to just set my security level to the right level for the mission and not have to deal with finding another player of the correct level and a similar interest in repeatedly banging out safeguards for badging purposes.
I was thinking that it would be a good to be able to do this as well.
It could be added to the difficulty setting contacts as another slider option to be able to play as your level or lower.
Yes, it would be helpful to get safeguards at a lower level and to play them at a more challenging setting if so desired.
It would be also good for playing the lower level arcs so that you don't have to cut-off your xp for fear of out-leveling them.

This would be a way for solo-ers to take advantage of the SSK system. There are a good deal of them. I try to team, but there are times that I solo that I would like to run lower level arcs that have been locked out.

I can see how this might interfere with Ouroboros, but I had always felt that was for replaying missions versus playing them in the first place.