Devs, you did a horrid job
I'm there with you brother.
Come I16 I have to buy more slots so I can make my Rad/Fire Blaster, Spines/Elec Scrapper, Claws/WP Brute and Fire/Earth Dom. Why yes, I do like damage.
My character list on the wiki has this on the bottom:
Prepare ye for the altfest of 2009: Issue 16: Power Spectrum! I'm doomed. DOOMED! |

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Only thing special I'm doing is turning my TA/Archery to the dark side, A/TA will work a lot better for her. Otherwise PP this go round doesn't have much to offer me. Everyone who's changing colors is just doing so as-is.
Now, when GR hits, that's when I foresee some new characters popping up.
I am looking at 20 new characters for Issue 16 and then someday GR will give me yet more.
I'll be needing to buy more slots again.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Well, I'm please to say I'm not gunna be making any new chars when i16 goes live... *newalt*....except for that one*newalt*...ok, those two and that*newalt*..right, no mo*newalt*..but*newalt*...wait now*newalt*please s*newalt*.ahhh*newalt**newalt**newalt*
Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes he get you, rips your head off, sucks out your eyes, pulls out your spleen, humps your leg and pees in your boots
Only thing special I'm doing is turning my TA/Archery to the dark side, A/TA will work a lot better for her. Otherwise PP this go round doesn't have much to offer me. Everyone who's changing colors is just doing so as-is.
Now, when GR hits, that's when I foresee some new characters popping up. |
oddly enough, exact opposite here, i have waited thru all the PP, never getting anything out of it, never complained mind you, but i realized that there will come a time when they have nothing left to proliferate other then the stuff i want

so, does this thread count as "step one" in our twelve step altaholics program?
Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.
screw your joke, i want "FREEM"
Was just talking to a few friends about this. To me, it almost feels like I'm getting new powersets. I now have so many new themes and ideas in my head. I finally ran up all my slots on Victory (inluding the Vet slots).
Currently trying to decide whether to buy or play a second server, heh.
Actions speak louder than Vets.

I'm probably going to end up spending all of next Double XP Weekend in the tailor.
Light Powers here I come!
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
Other than creating a radiation/* blaster, I don't think i16 will add to my altitis in any appreciable way. I'll be glad that I can color my villains' electricity blue-white, but to me, playing an electric/electric blaster with purple blasts of "eldritch magic" will not feel any different than playing a normal old elec/elec blaster with normal-colored powers.
Now if I could customize the powers to the point of making the blasts look (beyond color) and sound differently, I'd be more tempted to make new toons. If I could make energy blast look and "sound" more like a laser beam for example.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Now if I could customize the powers to the point of making the blasts look (beyond color) and sound differently, I'd be more tempted to make new toons. If I could make energy blast look and "sound" more like a laser beam for example.
New themes will come. I'd bet the farm on it. Will we get themes as varied as say Flash Gordon-esque dual raygun pistols for energy blast is another question... but with the tech in place, it's only a matter of time. In fact I wouldn't be too surprised if GR didn't include a few new themes for existing sets as yet another angle to hook folks.
Of curing my altitis. I don't (didn't) play characters with repeated powersets, I have a Fire Blast Corruptor, I could never play another fire blast character. But now, with i16, I can color fire to fit many different themes. My electric attacks can truly be chaos magic as they were meant to be, leaving me with the choice to create another electric character who use electricity for another concept. One of the things keeping my altitis in check was the keeping to unique powersets. This will no longer be the case because to me, concept > gameplay. Damn you, I say.
I like regen. I really do. I have one level 50 with it, and she simply cannot wait for it to be another color. So when it becomes customizable I will definitely be using it more. And this also goes for /empathy.
Maybe I will actually roll a Spines Scrapper for once. And maybe now I can actually make Rad/rad fit the concept I had in mind....
I'll never get past the character creator now. It was bad enough trying to settle on a color theme for my costumes. Now, I have to make REALLY important decisions that could affect my character's entire concept like, 'What color should his/her powers be...?'
For instance, let's say Energy Melee. What color do I wanna punch people's face in with? White, like a hot white flash of pain? Black like the darkness of a decending unconsciousness? Red like blood?
And let's say I chose red. Now, how does this color work with my costume colors?
It's too much. Close the box. Close the box! Before it's too late!
I'll change a couple of animations and colors for my martial arts and regen powers
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I've come to accept that I16 will take at least a week of my life colouring powers on different alts to make them match themes or concepts. Then doing it again to make sure they don't clash with the different costumes D:
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Oh hell, I started doing this before I16 was even in closed beta.
I have two freakin' Broadsword/Shield Defense Scrappers simply because they wouldn't dare to share their themes on just one character:
What a waste of character space, some might say. Not I!
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I've come to accept that I16 will take at least a week of my life colouring powers on different alts to make them match themes or concepts. Then doing it again to make sure they don't clash with the different costumes D:

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'm probably gonna have to buy more slots soon!
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
Nemesis plot for sure.
i wonder if any of the villain groups will be looked over and have any of their colors changed?
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Of curing my altitis. I don't (didn't) play characters with repeated powersets, I have a Fire Blast Corruptor, I could never play another fire blast character. But now, with i16, I can color fire to fit many different themes. My electric attacks can truly be chaos magic as they were meant to be, leaving me with the choice to create another electric character who use electricity for another concept. One of the things keeping my altitis in check was the keeping to unique powersets. This will no longer be the case because to me, concept > gameplay. Damn you, I say.
Some of my characters