I16 Mission Architect XP Changes

Aliana Blue



What about infamy???

The XP changes (the possible penalty) should apply directly to inf. If not, then XP farms will meta-morph to inf farms. Previously, you could do both which I think contributes to inflation. In fact, why give inf at all for AE missions or non dev choice ones?

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Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
What about infamy???

The XP changes (the possible penalty) should apply directly to inf. If not, then XP farms will meta-morph to inf farms. Previously, you could do both which I think contributes to inflation. In fact, why give inf at all for AE missions or non dev choice ones?
They do apply to inf, and to tickets as well.

*Sigh* AE missions give inf because inf is part of the basic reward mechanic of the game.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
If your custom characters are there to serve the story, that they yield less XP should not matter - they are story edifices primarily.
I think this assertion is based on an oversimplification of players' preferences. You and Venture seem to be concerned with story to an extent that almost makes other aspects of the game irrelevant. That's fine and I understand it. But based on everyone I've encountered in the game and the forums, it seems that those who put story on the same level are in the extreme minority.

Much more common, I'd wager, are those that prioritize multiple aspects of the game more evenly. Of course I don't have any way of knowing what the majority of players prioritize or what they value, but in my experience most people value rewards and dynamic combat consciously, and value visual diversity and story subconsciously. So, if you were to ask anyone at random in the game what they want to do, they'd respond as if they were trying to maximize their rewards and they'd revel in the combat while they did so. What you hear people slip out while doing these consciously selected activities is that this map is really cool, or this story is really awesome, or they love this faction, etc - or in inverse, not this map again, I'm sick of fighting this faction, this story makes no sense, etc.

The fact that Positron has stated that they intend AE to be primarily for telling stories suggests that they share your value bias. Unfortunately, I think that limiting the AE to story-driven content excludes many "valid" uses of it that people enjoy, maybe more people than enjoy stories. Some want as much of a challenge as possible, some want lots of allies they can use to steamroll the map, some want mechanical tricks and clever use of triggers, some want silly joke missions, some want to face cool new groups, some want to face groups with novel power combinations. Most people probably want a combination of many of these things. So I don't think it's wise of the devs to try to restrict AE in that way, since I suspect that those who value story so highly are tiny in number.

So it seems to be a non-sequitur to state that if you care about story then XP shouldn't matter to you. Most people value both things. It's also a non-sequitur to say that since you can tell your story with existing factions that there's no need for custom factions. People want custom factions for their own sake. It comes down to whether story is just one, often small, aspect of why people enjoy this game and AE.

Now, having said all that, I fully understand and agree with reining in extreme PLing which I think is harmful to the game, and I think that's the primary purpose of the change on test. I also don't disagree with the approach they've taken with custom mob XP - I just think it's too heavy handed right now.

I disagree with you and Venture that this change is intended to curb use of custom factions - I believe it's just a side effect of their main effort. I might be wrong, though, since I think Positron is on your side when it comes to story vs everything else. But he's also not the only dev, so who knows.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
You managed to respond to them far more eloquently than I tend to have the patience to.

The number one thing that is important in any content in any video game is whether it is engaging to the player or not. Objectively, that is the purpose of a video game: to engage the player. If I'm bored, it doesn't matter if Shakespeare wrote the screenplay, Stephen Spielberg directed, and Scarlett Johannsen runs around naked the whole time: It still fails to accomplish the primary goal of any content in a game.

The movie analogy is easy to make, but they're unique mediums. Sure, movies, games, comics and books can all draw from each other, but they're all separate mediums. Movies, comics and the written word have the advantage of having a nebulous enough goal as to be able to do almost anything they want to and get away with it. Games don't, though. They can aspire to a lot of the same goals, but if your player walks away or stops interacting with the game, you're done.

If I'm playing a video game and I'm doing something that makes me not want to play anymore, then the designer of that content (or the game itself) has failed.

So, tout a narrow definition of a "good" story all you want, but this is a video game. If your arc doesn't make me want to keep playing this video game, then you've written a bad arc. Since goals are a piece of what we enjoy about this game (because accomplishing something is great whether its eating all the dots on your screen, hopping to the top of that blocky pyramid, or getting your dozenth level 50) then if content fails to be sufficiently rewarding, it will be unappealing to the majority of people who play video games. This is true in this game as well as any that has ever or likely will ever exist. Its one thing to say "Go do this boring task to get this reward" if that reward is something the player desires and the task is something they're willing to do for that reward. If it isn't, then they won't perform that task, no matter how easy it might be.

I've spent hours doing things like picking cotton and killing animals in the hopes of picking up that piece of leather I need in Age of Conan, but those boring, menial tasks lead to other, more interesting things. I'll be damned if I'll play a mission for no reward in this game.

Presuming that anything comes before "engaging" is just plain wrong. Since most folks who play any kind of video game are doing it to accomplish some goal within that game, removing rewards completely or even making them extremely out of whack with other content is going to drive a whole lot of people away from regularly using the MA for its stated purpose. I completely agree with removing exploits and cutting down on some of the broken mechanics, but this is draconian and extreme.



Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Combined Release Notes for Issue 16
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Mission Architect

Defender: Oil Slick Arrow no longer cons friendly and can again be targeted by player in a MA mission.
The experience rewards for custom mobs in Mission Architect have been changed.
Enemies created using the Standard setting will reward 75% of normal experience.
Enemies created using the Hard and Extreme setting will reward 100% of normal experience.
The total amount of experience an enemy is worth is split evenly between their two powerset choices. Their primary set adds an amount to the experience, and then the secondary set adds an amount.
The specifics numbers for individual sets are as followed:
Standard: 37.5%
Hard/Extreme: 50%
If you create a mob that has a standard primary and a hard secondary, they’ll be worth 87.5% of the normal experience (37.5% + 50%)
A mob created with a hard primary and a hard secondary will be worth 100% experience (50% + 50%)

This is the notes from the patch, and it does not mention anything about the Custom Powers breakdown percentages in the Ops post, nor does it mention the part about needing all of the common levels in Custom critter groups (Which I agree with.). I could not find what thread they are a part of, but I’m going to say something about the breakdown list anyways

The Custom powers breakdown list does not reflect what is actual happening within Custom Power groups. There are power groups such as Cold Domination that only have six powers in their list. If I go by the breakdown list I could select Cold Domination Custom, and that critter would only be worth 70%xp of a equal Dev created critter, even if I select all of the powers of both groups. Anybody who has actually dealt with custom critters knows that this is ludicrous. Most Custom critters even at the “Standard/Standard” setting could wipe the floor with most of the Dev created critters. If you doubt it just put a battle in a mission, Custom critters against equal Dev critters, and see who is left standing. It’s a good way to see how balanced your Custom critters are.

If this list came from a Dev it shows that the Dev does not know how the Custom Powers system is setup, nor the strength of Custom critters, and the Dev probably should not be even messing with this part of the AE system until they do know how it actually works.

As for the numbers that are listed in the patch, the Devs have always preached risk=reward, yet this setup violates that mantra right from the get-go. Standard pretty much mean’s same-as, so if a Custom Critter is set to Standard/Standard, then that critter should be getting the same xp as an equal level Dev critter. If the Devs do not believe that a Custom standard critter is equal to a equal level Dev critter, then they need to change the wording to reflect this. Standard should be made Easy (35%), Hard should be made Standard (50%), and Extreme should be made Hard (Say 65%). This change in the percentage in the Hard category reflects risk=reward xp of the Hard catigory. If I make a critter that is Hard(Extreme)/Hard(Extreme) then the xp should reflect that.

As I have stated before my experience with creating Custom critters in the AE is that even a current Standard/Standard Custom critter can beat most equal level Dev created critters, and the ability to deal with a Dev critter is what should be the measurement of “Standard”, and xp of a “Standard” Custom critter should reflect that.

Again if you want to measure the ability of a Custom critter, have them duke it out with an equal Dev critter, and see who is left standing.



Originally Posted by Geek_Boy View Post
If I'm bored, it doesn't matter if Shakespeare wrote the screenplay, Stephen Spielberg directed, and Scarlett Johannsen runs around naked the whole time
Other factors notwithstanding, if Scarlett Johannsen is running around naked and you are bored, you are probably dead.

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
Other factors notwithstanding, if Scarlett Johannsen is running around naked and you are bored, you are probably dead.
Believe it or not, there are some people, some heterosexual men even, that don't find the generic blonde bombshell of the month at all appealing.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Believe it or not, there are some people, some heterosexual men even, that don't find the generic blonde bombshell of the month at all appealing.
*pumps fist in agreement*



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
If this list came from a Dev it shows that the Dev does not know how the Custom Powers system is setup, nor the strength of Custom critters, and the Dev probably should not be even messing with this part of the AE system until they do know how it actually works.
It's becoming par for the course now after the last issue. Remember how many complaints there were about the Reichsman TF/SFs in issue 15 and how they trampled all over canon? Then it was admitted that the Dev who wrote them not only was ignorant of much of the game lore and apparently nobody checked over it to catch these things before it went into Beta and ended up going live?

What the heck is going on with the developers these days?



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Believe it or not, there are some people, some heterosexual men even, that don't find the generic blonde bombshell of the month at all appealing.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



My opinion is that the XP change is going to have minimal impact on farmers, but a devastating impact on most story-oriented arcs, especially high-creativity arcs making lots of use of custom enemies.

The minion-LT-boss grouping thing is going to have minimal effects on farmers, since the ones who were regular-mission farming (Battle Maiden, etc.) were already having to deal with mixed spawns. Farmers will take a few minutes to change up their AE farm-mission enemies to whatever the optimal mix du jour is, and move right along.

Similarly, farmers tend not to use a lot of custom mobs in AE, because the standard ones work just fine. If there are highly customized powerset choices that are especially weak, I don't know what they are. (Certainly I've LOOKED, trying to come up with reasonable custom enemies that won't pwn level 10 teams in low-level arcs.)

People who are using the architect "as intended", on the other hand, tend to have a lot of customs. My arc "Brute Squad vs. Hero Scouts and the Soccer Mom", for instance, is 100% customs. Although all the powersets are standard-level, the comments I've gotten indicate that the arc is challenging but soloable by all ATs -- not constant-faceplant territory, but just enough that you're having to pay attention. (This is about my ideal: I want a player to have to stay alert and play reasonably intelligently, but not be helpless.) If I were to bump up the difficulty, I'm pretty certain that it would be too hard. Moreover, I believe that the current level of challenge is equivalent to fighting a high-level standard group, since I've got a wide mix of powersets, melee, ranged, control, healing, etc. in the mob group.

My prediction is that this is pretty much going to kill actual story-oriented play in MA, because there'll be no way of telling, when you look at a mission, what its XP value is going to be. MA standard enemies are ALREADY harder than normal enemies. I'm not sure what bit of insanity (beyond deliberately trying to level slowly) would drive a player to both super-size his challenge level AND get nerfed XP for it.

Farmers, on the other hand, will chug along just fine.



Originally Posted by Jeuraud View Post
This is the notes from the patch, and it does not mention anything about the Custom Powers breakdown percentages in the Ops post, nor does it mention the part about needing all of the common levels in Custom critter groups (Which I agree with.). I could not find what thread they are a part of, but I’m going to say something about the breakdown list anyways

The Custom powers breakdown list does not reflect what is actual happening within Custom Power groups. There are power groups such as Cold Domination that only have six powers in their list. If I go by the breakdown list I could select Cold Domination Custom, and that critter would only be worth 70%xp of a equal Dev created critter, even if I select all of the powers of both groups. Anybody who has actually dealt with custom critters knows that this is ludicrous. Most Custom critters even at the “Standard/Standard” setting could wipe the floor with most of the Dev created critters. If you doubt it just put a battle in a mission, Custom critters against equal Dev critters, and see who is left standing. It’s a good way to see how balanced your Custom critters are.

If this list came from a Dev it shows that the Dev does not know how the Custom Powers system is setup, nor the strength of Custom critters, and the Dev probably should not be even messing with this part of the AE system until they do know how it actually works.

As for the numbers that are listed in the patch, the Devs have always preached risk=reward, yet this setup violates that mantra right from the get-go. Standard pretty much mean’s same-as, so if a Custom Critter is set to Standard/Standard, then that critter should be getting the same xp as an equal level Dev critter. If the Devs do not believe that a Custom standard critter is equal to a equal level Dev critter, then they need to change the wording to reflect this. Standard should be made Easy (35%), Hard should be made Standard (50%), and Extreme should be made Hard (Say 65%). This change in the percentage in the Hard category reflects risk=reward xp of the Hard catigory. If I make a critter that is Hard(Extreme)/Hard(Extreme) then the xp should reflect that.

As I have stated before my experience with creating Custom critters in the AE is that even a current Standard/Standard Custom critter can beat most equal level Dev created critters, and the ability to deal with a Dev critter is what should be the measurement of “Standard”, and xp of a “Standard” Custom critter should reflect that.

Again if you want to measure the ability of a Custom critter, have them duke it out with an equal Dev critter, and see who is left standing.
/e 100% agreement



The way I'd handle the "custom power selection" part of the XP would be to compare the selected powers with standard/hard/extreme selections of the same powerset.

A custom selection includes all the Standard powers? It gets Standard XP. Includes all the Hard ones? Hard XP. And so on. Nerfs come when you're below standard, if possible I'd add some weight to the powers so as to make more dangerous powers worth more XP - so if you remove the hardest hitting from some set, for example, you lose more XP than if you remove a crappy one - instead of just counting powers. Ranged attack from melee sets removes all XP if removed.

Yes, this potentially leaves the possibility of making custom critters that are more dangerous than standard selections with custom selected powers but still worth less XP, but removes the ridiculousness of needing custom selections to have damn near everything to approach pre-selected sets. You could even select some powers in the sets that, if added, lessen the XP nerf of removing the key powers from Standard (this would be easy in offensive sets, probably not so much in defensive or control sets because "utility" powers may not add that much to difficulty).

Of course, something like that would be a heck of a lot more complex, but there you go.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

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The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Originally Posted by Amberyl View Post
I am in complete and total agreement with you. Very well spoken.



It will take some playing time for me to figure out how I feel about these changes. On one hand I've never been a big fan of regular farms but enjoyed some of the AE farms because of the fun mob types. But I would enjoy those mobs even if they're were minions, Lts. and Bosses in the mix. Frankly, I was a little tired of the same Freaks and CoTs, and sewer teams.

On the other hand, I worry about regular arcs like my "Wicked, Wicked Wonderland" (#1224) getting any more play with these changes. It has minions and Lts and maybe one or two boss battles -- but no bosses just in the regular mobs. This arc was constructed this way because initial feedback was that bosses were too hard - especially since the arc mobs contain multiple debuffers.

I was pleasantly surprised when "Wicked" went surpassed my fondest hope of getting 50 people to play it. And now well over 200 people have played it.

Seems to me that the new rules that penalize custom critters will have the exact opposite affect on AE creation as was intended. While I'm sure that there are a LOT of players who didn't use AE just for an unfair experience advantage, I'm concerned that a LOT of players won't want to use it for an unfair experience DISadvantage, as well.

I know I won't throw in more bosses into "Wicked, Wicked Wonderland" just for the added experience. My story only warrants TWO bosses.

Not sure the devs had a viable choice here, though. Seems to me that fixing it vs. not fixting was a real Catch-22.



FWIW, at least for soloists bosses need to be enabled specifically for them to spawn. If you have room for and can make a boss, you can add one. You can promote a lieutenant to boss if you have more than one lieutenants. Or you can add a dummy boss from a standard group. Call him Biff the Understudy or some such.

If I keep any missions live, I will probably pull all the custom groups and replace them with tutti-frutti colored Council and 5th Column. I will add descriptions to them telling players what they are supposed to be imagining in their stead.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Yes, but the kind of people who care about that kind of thing aren't going to be looking for stories in the first place. They're looking for maniac slammer or freakshow boss spawns. Of course, those have their own kick in the teeth.
Not sure I agree here. There is a lot of room between "looking for awesome XPZ" and "Looking to get more than 10% of the XP I would get from a canon mission." It's not quite as simple as making it farmers versus story players.

A problem with the system is that there is a very big range of "XP Potential" that custom mobs could fit between. They could be worth 10% of standard XP or 90%. However, the only warning we get in bright orange is "Custom enemies in mission." It's a lot easier for people who care at all about their experience gain to just avoid stories with the warning than to have them "try it and see."



It seems to me all the problems and complaints with MA deals with those that abuse it for farming and Pling. Why cant the devs just monitor the game and crack down on the offenders? Trace the spams selling inf & PL to the game accounts. Get after not only those that create farm missions but also the team leaders who form and run the farm missions. If this is being abused by a small portion then get rid of them and not punish all who choses to use MA as it was attended to be used.



Originally Posted by BLACKJACK View Post
It seems to me all the problems and complaints with MA deals with those that abuse it for farming and Pling. Why cant the devs just monitor the game and crack down on the offenders? Trace the spams selling inf & PL to the game accounts. Get after not only those that create farm missions but also the team leaders who form and run the farm missions. If this is being abused by a small portion then get rid of them and not punish all who choses to use MA as it was attended to be used.
Maybe because they tried that already and all it got them was a shitstorm on the forums and a load of bad press?

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Or you know, they could have simply implemented the reduced XP for groups without minions thing and seen how that went for a month rather than throwing unneeded variables into the problem.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Or you know, they could have simply implemented the reduced XP for groups without minions thing and seen how that went for a month rather than throwing unneeded variables into the problem.

I was just thinking that. Personally i'm kinda glad devs lowered exp on AE, but they may have overdone it. If they maybe only kept the "25% exp drop for only bosses" idea, AE farming would drop a good bit while most normal AE arcs use all 3 types of baddies.

The only problem i really see to that idea is that i could still see a bunch of farmers in AP; they might just create minions and luietenants in their farm missions. One of the big problems about AE to me is how packed Atlas is, maybe with what devs are currently doing most farmers will go back to Battle Maiden/Demons.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Or you know, they could have simply implemented the reduced XP for groups without minions thing and seen how that went for a month rather than throwing unneeded variables into the problem.
We have a winner!

And Craigen, I personally don't care where people decide to hang out and don't quite understand why so many people do. I have always avoided Atlas because a lot of people were hanging out there being annoying already. For me, the AE spam is no more or less annoying than whatever else I was seeing in Atlas to begin with (people ******** about the game, discussing politics, showing how "ironically" racist or sexist they are, etc). I don't want you to think I'm picking on you since I agreed 100% with the rest of what you had to say. I just don't see a problem with people congregating here or there for whatever reason. For me, it just puts them all in one place that I can easily avoid.



Originally Posted by Daeron View Post
It's about time something was done about this problem. Thanks for taking care of this. Maybe now people will get out of the AE and actually play the game again.

ding,ding,ding we have the right answer here!!!anything to bring people out of that dark theater(sees the little old man going back to rewind the same film playing back to back to back etc,etc,etc...)this will help this game to be what it truly is...



Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
ding,ding,ding we have the right answer here!!!anything to bring people out of that dark theater(sees the little old man going back to rewind the same film playing back to back to back etc,etc,etc...)this will help this game to be what it truly is...
you mean a game where folks farm in PI 24/7?

Oh and you can still easily build farms with REGULAR critters in the AE, btw.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Like others, I am concerned about the long-term effect the XP cuts for power customization will have. I totally support the decision to penalize XP for arcs that don't include a normal minion-lieutenant-boss spread, and I understand the potential for abuse in a system with custom group power editing.

Nevertheless, my concern boils down to this: many custom critters can be just as challenging, or even more so, than normal CoH enemies. Editing power selection for custom enemies is something I've long been waiting for, as it could help me smooth out unwanted annoyances in my groups of custom enemies. (E.g., if I've made several different custom enemies, but each of them has a power that slows enemies in an area, I'd want to cut out some or all of the slowing powers so that players are not frustrated by stacked slows.)

But often, I feel like many custom enemies are best balanced at some point between the Standard and Hard settings. And if such custom groups could still wipe the floor with regular CoH groups, and yet be worth less XP, then that feels philosophically wrong.

In any event - I understand and respect the large internal debate the Devs have undoubtedly been having over how to best balance rewards in the AE system. And I would make the following suggestion for consideration:

It would seem that the intended use of the AE system is to promote the creation of new stories that are fun and engaging to play. At the same time, there is a valid concern that if rewards do not match that for other parts of the game, such stories will go unplayed and unnoticed. So, what if stories that were successfully chosen for Dev's Choice status were set to give full XP rewards? Such stories would indicate that they had met the Dev standards for being a worthy arc, and might possibly raise incentive to create AE material that met these standards.