I16 Mission Architect XP Changes

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Aha, this could explain why my custom soldiers are producing 0xp. So much for being able to customize power choices.

By taking out Slug and replacing it with Full Auto, I've apparently somehow neutered my soldiers, making them too weak to be worth xp?

Do these Devs actually THINK about things before they change them?
As a 57 month veteran of CoH I have to admit that the existing canon stories have been getting a bit old. Then along came AE and I saw new life being brought into the CoH universe. Yes, there were farms, but there was also alot of great STORY ARC missions out there too!

Then along comes i16 and neuters so much perfectly good content (The kind that NCSoft have supposedly tried to encourage) as the above quote illustrates so well... I understand their rationale regarding farms, but issue 16 hurts legitimate users of the AE TOO MUCH!

How much player outrage will NCSoft accept before they fix their "fix"?
Does NCSoft want to give the AE a slow lingering death?
Do these Devs actually THINK about things before they change them?

Enquiring minds like mine would love to know...



Originally Posted by HeroicGamer2 View Post
As a 57 month veteran of CoH I have to admit that the existing canon stories have been getting a bit old. Then along came AE and I saw new life being brought into the CoH universe. Yes, there were farms, but there was also alot of great STORY ARC missions out there too!

Then along comes i16 and neuters so much perfectly good content (The kind that NCSoft have supposedly tried to encourage) as the above quote illustrates so well... I understand their rationale regarding farms, but issue 16 hurts legitimate users of the AE TOO MUCH!

How much player outrage will NCSoft accept before they fix their "fix"?
Does NCSoft want to give the AE a slow lingering death?
Do these Devs actually THINK about things before they change them?

Enquiring minds like mine would love to know...
Don't you know? ANY amount of damaging the game is acceptable, so long as it stops just one ebil farmer...

For Great Justice!



Originally Posted by EternalDominion View Post
What harm do the "boss farms" cause to the non-farming community?
Biggest annoyance of farming, to me, was that boss farms crowned the granite tanker and pure healer empath king and queen of the metagame. (Alongside fire/kin, emperor for all eternity, of course.) That made it harder for my debuffer and controller types to get PuGs -- who needs debuffs and mezzes when they scale down to insignificance against +2 or +4 bosses? Also made it harder to be successful with PuGs against non-farm tasks, due to the large number of players running three builds, rather than just one, that were specialized for farms and not necessarily good for anything else.

Having to re-playtest my arcs to check XP rewards, and facing the possibility of busting 100k with forced filler mobs, though, that's a much bigger annoyance. Especially since the all-boss spawn "problem" could've been solved much more nicely, the way hazard zones do it: all-boss spawns in hazard zones are smaller.



Just my 2 cents....

After leveling a brute and scrapper both to 50 without too much use of the AE I'm a little burnt out on the slower leveling that comes with running regular missions. At this point I'm more interested in seeing how different AT's and builds play.., the AE farms made this alot easier and enjoyable especially for someone like me who works 8 hours a day, has things to do around the house, and then wants to sit and enjoy a MMO for a bit without having to play for 2-3 days just to gain a level. I still enjoy the content the game has to offer by running TF's, RWZ raids, helping SG mates, etc.., but the way it's looking right now I don't know if I'm up for running any more toons to 50 as it's just too time consuming. The AE(and the time it could save) is one of the many reason I came to CoX over "that other MMO".

What about an optional(can be toggled on or off) XP bonus based on the number of or after a certain number of lvl 50 toons on an account

Or have the AE locked until a toon on that server reaches lvl 50., similar to the way Epic AT's are unlocked

Or even have a minimum level restriction on the AE..,

Just don't completely nerf the AE for those of us who want to enjoy the game in a different way now that we've played through both sides multiple times.



Originally Posted by HellPyre View Post
Actually maybe you should just go read comics if the story is all your interested in. Perhaps you should quit complaining about how everyone plays an MMO and play it the way you want. Then you and others like you might quit screwing up good MMO's for those who play for other reasons than "story".

I don't give two farts about COH's story anymore. It was mildly interesting the first two times I leveled to 50 before ED. I came back because I wanted to try different builds, IOs, and other villain/hero concepts. To me the stories are better done in a comic than in this game.

At this point I'm just being a whiney puss, because that is apparently how you get things done in COX, otherwise this AE "fix" would have never occurred.

AE came out, people flocked back to play it, PlayNC rejoiced as their pocket books got full. Positron had a cow because OMG people might level faster than he thought about in his little game world. A bunch of Role-Players whined because no one wanted to group with them anymore.... boo whoo. Guess what no one wanted to group with you before. So now you get your game back! gratz! Enjoy. I hope PlayNC takes a HUGE hit in subs over this and fires Positron. He can then experience life in a recession and have plenty of time to make up stories of how he used to be a big shot gave dev in a game with super heroes.

As opposed to before AE, where you dealt with... anybody want to team? Anybody out there? Is there anyone playing this game?

Ghost Town of Heroes and Villains is what you'll be playing shortly.
-snicker- dooooooom

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
I meant wait and see what players do in the long run. That can also be extended to wait and see what the devs do with this in the long run as they've said they're probably not done with all this yet. Nothing is set in stone and there are always at least a few hardcore X players out there who will be doing something (playing ITFs, writing bios for their toons, playing AE arcs, hunting badges, creating toons based on Naruto characters, you name it) no matter what changes are made or what problems exist. So pulling your arcs from your sig is still making it less likely that anyone will play them. (I would also argue that it at leats partially invalidates claiming "no one's playing my arcs now that they changed the XP" in the future. You know, should you feel the urge to do so)
I did not advertise my arc (Level 3 to 20), because I had not finished it, but I left it published so that I could play and update it with my alts, and if anybody else happened to wander by and see what I had, they could play it (And hopefully give useful feedback.). Also to tell you the truth I never notice the advertised Arcs in all of your sigs. I have learned to just ignore advertising in general. I had to remove my arc from published, because only getting 1/3 xp for everything in the mission, including MOBs that can be tougher than the Dev critters that were also part of the mission makes it badly broken.

The premise of my arc was that a bunch of low level Dev factions had joined together with an unknown faction, and were playing with a ritual that could remove and transfer magical energy from one individual to another. The new Faction was Hellions, Skulls, Outcast, & Trolls (Shamanic Magic.), along with an unknown faction called Morrwolves. I called the new faction LMU, and I put random Minions, Lts, & Bosses from each of the Dev factions in the custom group along with my custom critters from the Morrwolf faction, which also consisted of Minions, Lt, & Boss.

When I checked my mission after I16 everything in the mission was only getting 1/3 xp. Custom critters and Dev critters alike. When I removed the custom critters from the custom group everything in the mission went to 0 xp. This meant that all the Hellion, Skull, Outcast, & Troll, Lts and Minions wandering around in my mission was worth no xp. The only way I could fix my mission was to remove the Custom group and install a Dev group (Hellions), which removed the whole premise of my story.

I put a lot of time into this Arc, and it is badly broken. Unlike my Dev group Boss farm, that took me all of a half hour to make, You will never see anything but one specific type of minion and one specific type of Lt/ Boss in this Arc. There are no ambushes, destructibles, escorts, rescues or any real plot in this Arc, but it’s still worth full xp.

I’m frustrated and discouraged because I have no idea how to fix my Story arc so that it is the story that I started with, and not some Dev acceptable bastardization.



So let me get this straight. You created something that a very large majority of players really enjoyed...so you take it away?




Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Bad changes based on Flawed/Biased/Unknown circumstances almost never turn out to be overall beneficial to the cause.

My opinion on these particular changes?


The reason my farming will take longer?

Not these changes, it has more to do with the SSK system. Otherwise the XP efficentcy has been reduced a staggering 25-35%. The group I farm, I down a 6 man spawn in about 5 seconds, or, FC+FS+FB+FC. I literally spend more time traveling in my mission then actually killing.

What are these changes really doing?

Killing AE story Arcs. No, Really.

The difference for a 49 toon running an AE all boss farm on Dreck map and a 49 running a liberate TV map using patrol XP, using pre-16 data is that, the 49 running RC was making more XP due to the maps being run through faster and the Patrol XP.

In conclusion, I'm Neutral to these changes, they don't bother me, they don't impede me, they don't even register. I am quite certain these are some of the most useless changes yet.



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
Bad changes based on Flawed/Biased/Unknown circumstances almost never turn out to be overall beneficial to the cause.

My opinion on these particular changes?


The reason my farming will take longer?

Not these changes, it has more to do with the SSK system. Otherwise the XP efficentcy has been reduced a staggering 25-35%. The group I farm, I down a 6 man spawn in about 5 seconds, or, FC+FS+FB+FC. I literally spend more time traveling in my mission then actually killing.

What are these changes really doing?

Killing AE story Arcs. No, Really.

The difference for a 49 toon running an AE all boss farm on Dreck map and a 49 running a liberate TV map using patrol XP, using pre-16 data is that, the 49 running RC was making more XP due to the maps being run through faster and the Patrol XP.

In conclusion, I'm Neutral to these changes, they don't bother me, they don't impede me, they don't even register. I am quite certain these are some of the most useless changes yet.
I16's AE changes worked fine.


I just did a mission with some friends and got 1000 tickets. In fact to be honest apart from the SHUTTING UP in Atlas I can't tell any difference.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]



Originally Posted by MrDead View Post
I16's AE changes worked fine.


I just did a mission with some friends and got 1000 tickets. In fact to be honest apart from the SHUTTING UP in Atlas I can't tell any difference.
so you just want a private MA to use, got it. An empty room is not in any way a success.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
so you just want a private MA to use, got it. An empty room is not in any way a success.
I certainly disagree. The Atlas MA should be empty. Every new person who joins the game should NOT be greeted with 'lvl 10 lfae kn pay 10mil' 100 times a minute...

If they want to learn how to farm after they've left the FIRST ZONE you enter in game fine.
This makes me ecstatic.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u]http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes[u]



Originally Posted by MrDead View Post
I certainly disagree. The Atlas MA should be empty. Every new person who joins the game should NOT be greeted with 'lvl 10 lfae kn pay 10mil' 100 times a minute...

If they want to learn how to farm after they've left the FIRST ZONE you enter in game fine.
This makes me ecstatic.
So you'd rather it be like the villian side?

Cap is where you go for AE on villians, not Mercy.

New player logs in to villians, fresh from the tutorial, assuming they didn't skip it. Gets a mission. Starts running around. Thinks hey maybe this game is an MMO, lemme see if I can get a team..

Hello anyone out there? Hello?


AT least on the hero side a new player gets exposed to a zone with lots of people in it, doing ANYTHING. So they don't get the ghost town feel.

Sure they may get in a farm, and get leveled up and not know what an inspiration is. Here is where being a good player versus a crappy player comes in.

A crappy player will just leech on purpose, noticing they don't have to do anything at all. They'll get bored, quit the game. Fine. You don't like those players anyway, who cares.

A good MMO player will ask questions... Like why am I doing this farm? What are these tickets for? What are these inspirations? Wow, what class is that that is standing there like a beast tanking that? Thats the player that will quickly catch on, level up, figure out they can get to "end game" quickly and not have to mess around with the crap leveling. They may even be a great player someday. They wont however, go well neat game, but takes to long to level, I'm going back to XYZ MMO where i have a max level toon. Thanks!

Technically the first zone, is the tutorial. It should be forced on the first toon you make. Period.



I kspent three days learning how to use the Mission Architect, making my first story arc, and then three more days running it and fixing every tiny mistake. It's a really good story about an evil witch corrupting fairies and it's got custom trolls, high kicking goat men, gnomes, some great allies to rescue, and more. I ran it a few times with groups and everybody liked it.

I tried to take a group through my story arc after the XP changes and all but one other member of my team quit within five minutes when they saw the low, low XP.

Please fix this XP thing or Architect Entertainment will soon be out of business!



I miss donut run. It was a friends mission.

You had to raid the trolls and save the donuts from them so paragon police dept could start their day. It was a lvl 1-25 story arc.


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



The changes are still rediculous. The devs obviously put very little thought into them. XP equalizes for the most part if you're running all Boss, All LT, all minion or mixed groups. The actual numbers in terms of XP efficentcy went like, Minions, Boss, Mixed, LTs.

The difference between minions and lts being a measly approximate 3.5%.

So in truth, if they had applied JUST these changes and not the SSK ones, you would have seen very little change in it.

Disclaimer, These are my numbers, run from my own experience and own recordings, doubt them if you want, they are accurate.