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  1. taekoUSA

    My Mind.psi

    Total Domination is your best hold. You want to take that at the earliest...I think that is 18. So move that up.

    Hasten can be moved out after you have taken Total Domination. Total Domination will be your first power that has a real long recharge.

    I took Drain Psyche at 20 and pushed out Stamina until 30. Stamina was not really an issue wit Drain Psyche.

    Over all I have to say I have found this particular dom build disappointing. I felt I bloomed way to late vs other Doms like plant or Earth. Earth and plant actually have powersets that contribute to the team starting a lvl 8. And thier graphics look much better- you actually FEEL like you are contibuting to the team more due to the pixels that take over your entire PC screen.

    The damage was horrible until lvl 38 shockwave. Don't listen to people that try to tell you your damage output is the least resisted so it's really great. That may be true, but the RANGE animation time for your damage to cast and then slowly travel thru the air and by the time it finally reaches it's target is forever and a huge penalty.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
    How would someone who is new know that since they are a noob?
    1. At character creation the Devs could as one line under Tanker - "This is not recommended for the inexperience player yada yada"
    2. Hey noob! Join a fricken Sg and learn about what to do.
    3. Hey noob! Use your help and other chat channles to get some advice.
    4. Hey noob! Check out the forums for help.

    My first MMO I started with was Everquest (the first one). We had no manual. There was no forums on the internet to help with. If you leveled your character to just lvl 30 it took forever and there was only one way to RESPEC a bad build- DELETE. And the MMO still thrived in the beginng with a 28k modem. And I use to walk to school barefoot in the snow...uphill....The games today have become sooo easy it's really hard to not figure out what to do. And that is half the fun. Figuring things out.

    Really there is just too much wAAA Waaaing over how " I don't feel UBER and like superman at lvl 20..FIX THIS!"
  3. Artic Air has benefits, but in a tight build I would not call it a "MUST HAVE."
  4. Every AT should NOT be noob friendly. If you are a noob and you don't know what you are doing yet, don't play a tank. There are plenty of other noob friendly AT you can play until you get a better handle on this game. This game is too easy to begin with already.
  5. I have four tanks, and never had MAJOR endurance issues pre 20. I have to belive you are playing a tank wrong if your blue bar is always at zero.
  6. My first brute was Invul/electric. It was a very tough brute. Did not cost me much to make it even tougher. but I don't play it anymore. It can tank.

    My next brute is Shield/electric. Shield is a blast. It started out not as tough as my invul, but now I got it IOed out and it's very tough. But it costs lots of cash. Great for farming.

    I am working on a Electric/Claws. Lvl 22 now. So far it feels tough. Great damage and can take hits. I know once I get it leveled, it will be my best single target toon.

    I have a WP tank and the Psi resistance is nice. But will power has no heal. And no resistance to enduance drain. Electric does have a Heal and Endurance drain resistances, but leaves you vulnerable to psi. I went with Electirc instead of WP for my brute. I find the heal and endurance factors + Damage aura outweighs the Psi hole.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Fulcrum Shift plus fully-slotted Rain of Arrows. *SHUDDER*
    Yeah Rain of Arrows is your cannon. Don't pass this up. Everything is well ..meh...you are a defender after all~ There is one more attack you might want to take. I think it's called Fire arrow or combustion arrow ..something like that. It's a Single target attack and it is also very good. Everything else from a DPS stand point I found a pass.

    Acrobatics has been a big help for my Def Kin. I would not worry about rezzing. The team can just bring thier own wakies. It's not expected of you.

    finally get use to "SB please." It will get annoying fast, but it is your job.
  8. I would have lvled with combustion starting at lvl 6. It's a great lowbie AOE for soloing and aggro control. It really is just too good for the first 25 lvls to pass up. You don't need Hasten. Fire Sword...meh its a pass. You will do better with surounding yourself with 6 mobs and AOEing them down with combustion. When I lvl tanks, I have a plan for the first 25-35 lvls, and then I will respec into something for the last 15 lvls. I would try and get tough by lvl 22 -24 range; tough will make a BIG difference for when you side kick back down for TFs all the way to 50.

    Personally I would not take a travel power. I would go to PI and buy a raptor pack. Move Boxing up early as another attack in the chain. Forget Speed or fly pools.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garrott View Post
    Something else to remember is that if a Brute is reaching that cap through fury they have to maintain the people attacking them or them attacking to high enough level to keep up at the cap.

    For a scrapper if they are buffed to hit their cap, it just stays there until the buff wears out.
    but on teams, my scapper is going to do less damage than a Brute if we are both sharing the same team buffs on an ITF?
  10. I have a Will power BA tank and I am enjoying it very much.
  11. A low cost build I am working on to give you some ideas. I only have 2 purple enhancers I think. But it gives me all the stats I am looking for. Any improvements anyone wants to add to it is appreciated. I have sand of mu to fill in my attack chain. But if you want to add incenerate, go for it. I find I have more than enough attacks with out Sand of Mu. I use this tank for TFs (lvl20 to 50) and special events with no problems. My idea of a tank is not DPS but meat shield + aggro control.

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.601

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    WarShark: Level 50 Technology Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Invulnerability
    Secondary Power Set: Fiery Melee
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Ancillary Pool: Earth Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Temp Invulnerability -- RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(A), RctvArm-ResDam:40(3), RctvArm-EndRdx:40(3), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(37), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+:30(42)
    Level 1: Scorch -- Zinger-Taunt:30(A), Zinger-Taunt/Rchg:30(11), Zinger-Taunt/Rchg/Rng:30(13), Zinger-Acc/Rchg:50(15), Zinger-Taunt/Rng:30(43), Zinger-Dam%:30(45)
    Level 2: Dull Pain -- Mrcl-Heal:40(A), Mrcl-Heal/Rchg:40(5), Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:40(5)
    Level 4: Resist Physical Damage -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(7), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg:40(7), RctvArm-ResDam:40(40)
    Level 6: Combustion -- Erad-Acc/Rchg:30(A), Erad-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:30(11), Erad-Dmg/Rchg:30(15), Acc-I:50(17), EndRdx-I:50(17)
    Level 8: Unyielding -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(9), RctvArm-EndRdx:40(9), RctvArm-ResDam:40(43)
    Level 10: Taunt -- Mocking-Taunt:50(A), Mocking-Taunt/Rchg:50(13), Mocking-Taunt/Rchg/Rng:50(23), Mocking-Taunt/Rng:50(36)
    Level 12: Boxing -- Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(A), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun:50(19), S'ngH'mkr-Acc/Dmg:35(27), S'ngH'mkr-Dmg/EndRdx:35(33), S'ngH'mkr-Dmg/Rchg:35(45), S'ngH'mkr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:35(50)
    Level 14: Hurdle -- Jump(A)
    Level 16: Health -- Heal-I:50(A)
    Level 18: Invincibility -- DefBuff-I:50(A), DefBuff-I:50(19), EndRdx-I:50(34)
    Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(21), EndMod-I:50(21)
    Level 22: Tough -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(A), RctvArm-EndRdx:40(23), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg:40(25), RctvArm-ResDam:40(33)
    Level 24: Weave -- EndRdx-I:50(A), DefBuff-I:50(25), DefBuff-I:50(33)
    Level 26: Tough Hide -- DefBuff-I:50(A), DefBuff-I:50(27)
    Level 28: Fire Sword Circle -- Oblit-Dmg:50(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg:50(29), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg:50(29), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(31), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(31), Oblit-%Dam:50(31)
    Level 30: Resist Energies -- RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(A), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(34), RctvArm-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg:40(34), RctvArm-ResDam:40(42)
    Level 32: Combat Jumping -- DefBuff-I:40(A)
    Level 35: Build Up -- GSFC-ToHit:50(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg:50(36), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx:50(36), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx:50(37), GSFC-ToHit/EndRdx:50(37), GSFC-Build%:50(42)
    Level 38: Greater Fire Sword -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg:35(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx:35(39), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg:35(39), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:35(39), Acc-I:50(40), EndRdx-I:50(40)
    Level 41: Stone Prison -- Enf'dOp-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Enf'dOp-EndRdx/Immob:50(43), Enf'dOp-Acc/EndRdx:50(45), Enf'dOp-Immob/Rng:50(46), Enf'dOp-Acc/Immob/Rchg:50(46), Enf'dOp-Acc/Immob:50(46)
    Level 44: Quick Sand -- Slow-I:50(A)
    Level 47: Fossilize -- NrncSD-Acc/Rchg:30(A), NrncSD-EndRdx/Hold:30(48), NrncSD-Acc/EndRdx:30(48), NrncSD-Hold/Rng:30(48), NrncSD-Acc/Hold/Rchg:30(50), NrncSD-Dam%:30(50)
    Level 49: Resist Elements -- ResDam-I:50(A)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Dmg(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Run(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Heal(A)
    Level 1: Gauntlet
    Set Bonus Totals:
    • 8% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Fire)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Cold)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Energy)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Negative)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    • 8% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    • 28.9% Defense(Smashing)
    • 28.9% Defense(Lethal)
    • 4.25% Defense(Fire)
    • 4.25% Defense(Cold)
    • 13.6% Defense(Energy)
    • 13.6% Defense(Negative)
    • 3% Defense(Psionic)
    • 24.9% Defense(Melee)
    • 10.2% Defense(Ranged)
    • 5.5% Defense(AoE)
    • 3.6% Max End
    • 16% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 2% Enhancement(Held)
    • 13.8% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 3% Enhancement(Immobilize)
    • 5% FlySpeed
    • 147.6 HP (7.88%) HitPoints
    • 5% JumpHeight
    • 5% JumpSpeed
    • MezResist(Held) 2.75%
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 12.7%
    • MezResist(Stun) 2.2%
    • MezResist(Terrorized) 2.75%
    • 9% (0.15 End/sec) Recovery
    • 10% (0.78 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 1.88% Resistance(Negative)
    • 5% RunSpeed
    Set Bonuses:
    Reactive Armor
    (Temp Invulnerability)
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 1.1%
    • 1.25% Defense(Energy,Negative), 0.63% Defense(Ranged)
    • 1.25% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 0.63% Defense(Melee)
    Steadfast Protection
    (Temp Invulnerability)
    • 3% Defense(All)
    Perfect Zinger
    • MezResist(Terrorized) 2.75%
    • 10% (0.78 HP/sec) Regeneration
    • 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 2.5% DamageBuff(All)
    • 3.13% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 1.56% Defense(Melee)
    (Dull Pain)
    • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
    • 35.1 HP (1.88%) HitPoints
    Reactive Armor
    (Resist Physical Damage)
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 1.1%
    • 1.25% Defense(Energy,Negative), 0.63% Defense(Ranged)
    • 1.25% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 0.63% Defense(Melee)
    • 1.8% Max End
    • 3.13% Defense(Energy,Negative), 1.56% Defense(Ranged)
    Reactive Armor
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 1.1%
    • 1.25% Defense(Energy,Negative), 0.63% Defense(Ranged)
    • 1.25% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 0.63% Defense(Melee)
    Mocking Beratement
    • 1.8% Max End
    • MezResist(Held) 2.75%
    • 2.5% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 1.25% Defense(Melee)
    Absolute Amazement
    • 4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery
    Smashing Haymaker
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
    • 21.1 HP (1.13%) HitPoints
    • 1.88% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 0.94% Defense(Melee)
    Reactive Armor
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 1.1%
    • 1.25% Defense(Energy,Negative), 0.63% Defense(Ranged)
    • 1.25% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 0.63% Defense(Melee)
    (Fire Sword Circle)
    • MezResist(Stun) 2.2%
    • 3% DamageBuff(All)
    • 9% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 3.75% Defense(Melee), 1.88% Defense(Lethal), 1.88% Defense(Smashing)
    Reactive Armor
    (Resist Energies)
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 1.1%
    • 1.25% Defense(Energy,Negative), 0.63% Defense(Ranged)
    • 1.25% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 0.63% Defense(Melee)
    Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control
    (Build Up)
    • 5% JumpSpeed, 5% JumpHeight, 5% FlySpeed, 5% RunSpeed
    • 35.1 HP (1.88%) HitPoints
    • 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery
    • 2.5% DamageBuff(All)
    • 2.5% Defense(Melee), 1.25% Defense(Lethal), 1.25% Defense(Smashing), 2.5% Defense(Ranged), 1.25% Defense(Energy), 1.25% Defense(Negative), 2.5% Defense(AoE), 1.25% Defense(Fire), 1.25% Defense(Cold)
    Kinetic Combat
    (Greater Fire Sword)
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 2.75%
    • 28.1 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
    • 3.75% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 1.88% Defense(Melee)
    Enfeebled Operation
    (Stone Prison)
    • 3% Enhancement(Immobilize)
    • 1.88% Resistance(Negative)
    • 2.5% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 1.25% Defense(Melee)
    • 3.75% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    • 3.13% Defense(Melee), 1.56% Defense(Lethal), 1.56% Defense(Smashing)
    Neuronic Shutdown
    • MezResist(Immobilize) 2.2%
    • 28.1 HP (1.5%) HitPoints
    • 7% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    • 2% Enhancement(Held)
    • 2.5% Defense(Melee), 1.25% Defense(Lethal), 1.25% Defense(Smashing)
  12. When Rogue goes live, the traps Defender will get pushed up by the Traps MM...
  13. Easy Fix to a Traps defender is to make Poison traps a range power. Make it a something the defender can just toss on the ground with in a 10 ft radius... like a grenade. You drop in on the herd, it triggers off....boom. If you do this with the Def Traps set it would make it more workable. I would not recommend doing this for MM or other ATs, just Def.

    Having to walk up in the middle of all the may hem and drop a trap in the middle is not good for a Def that can't heal.
  14. taekoUSA

    Need new tank

    You and your team will not notice what little differences there are between a WM and Axe.
  15. Yeah Caltrops sucks. It's only good for an emergency, otherwise please don't use it. It's right up there with KB. What's sad is I see 2-4 year veteran badges on people who are spamming caltrops. They should know better.
  16. taekoUSA


    What I hate about fury:

    1. When you get more than one brute on a team competing for fury, niether does a good job of generating fury. This can also lead to messy situations as you have brutes running off in different directions splitting team.

    2. Going rogue will mean Tanks tuants will be competiting with Brutes fury. I predict this will be even more disheartening. CoV teams will love to have a tank instead of a Brute I predict.

    Brutes might turn into that great soloing class like MMs, but for teams there are better choices like scrappers and tanks. Brutes are lost somewhere in between like the White Drawf.
  17. Serum could be the answer. Lower its recharge time a bit. And make it so it works on ALL of your henchman. Also, change the janitor look on the first three henchman. Looks matter for City of heroes.
  18. I like this game but the biggest problem with this game over the years have been the whinny threads like this...All it has achieved over the years are powersets that all in general way to powerful and a game that keeps getting too easy and watered down.
  19. What do you mean by a team tank? What that means to me is Damage is not that important to you because you have a team backing you up. It also means things like Herding and absorbing damage are going to be important. Finally being a team tank usually means holding AGGRO is going to be a priority. Is this what you are looking for? If not....what?
  20. If you look at the entire Electric powerset and include Lightning rod...this power set is more on the OP side... therefore your request to look at Chain Induction in a vacume and beef it up is DENIED. My two cents.
  21. "You are still describing the player being at fault, not the powerset"

    Don't take it personally I don't re state everything you say. I find it kinda annoying when people feel the need to repost everything someone else already said. Also, don't get miffed if I don't respond to all your points. I am responding to the poster. I not here to debate where the fault lies...powerset and players. In fact I like how things are right since I play an Invul tank. I am just making a observation as to what has actually happened in game.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Calash View Post
    Never said they were created equal, only that they are each good at different things.

    I am sorry for what appears to be some bad team experiences you have had but you should never let bad players impact your judgment of a powerset. (Tankers only, I know other AT's can do massive farming..that is another discussion).
    lol you misunderstood what side of the fence I was on... I was the INVUL tanker that would show up and save the day. It was not a bad experience for me...it was a GREAT exp for me as I would get secret tells from team members that would say, "Thank god you showed up!" etc.

    I felt sorry for the other lvl 50 tanks....so that was as about as far as my bad experience. Now in general for missions and just playing and having fun, you are right. All tanks can get the job done. But if you are talking TF AVs or 54boss AE mish, or a HIGH Difficulty setting who ya gonna call? Yeah that's right. You know what I am talking about. Yes I know we don't do 54 AE boss farming anymore. But, when we did, it was like the tide finally went out and exposed which tanks were swimming with out a bathing suit.