I16 Mission Architect XP Changes

Aliana Blue



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Custom mobs are "the same boring enemy groups", just wearing funny hats. They don't do anything you haven't seen before.
No, they don't have any powers that aren't supplied. Only concepts.

Personally, I wonder why we got an ancient Roman zone that didn't come stocked with fauns, satyrs, furies, and harpies. But now, if I seek to supply them, anyone who plays suffers an XP penalty versus mobs that are already harder than standard.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
How many times can you recycle the same boring enemy groups before it gets old?

Custom mobs are "the same boring enemy groups", just wearing funny hats. They don't do anything you haven't seen before.
Sure they do. They had set combinations previously not seen in-game before. They also had player created customized costumes to match the player created storyline to go with them.

Sorry, I enjoyed MA arcs with player created custom groups. Throwing in a single customized Council boss to a Council arc is entirely different than a fully designed enemy group.

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As is usual for COH devs they go from one extreme to the other.

This is simply mind-boggling.

I can appreciate wanting to make the AE more challenging or whatever the mind set is. But penalizing a player's creativity by totally nerfing XP on a custom character is NOT the way to do it. Number of powers alone does not equal a more difficult enemy so this metric is useless.

If you want to make sure that full xp is given for each custom character, then make the effort to create a bunch of custom "template" powersets that we can choose from and forget about all this infantile percentage scaling. This is the same stupidity that got us into trouble with base costs, enhancement effectiveness and various other issues we've had to bear over the last five years.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
According to who? You have a dev post to back that up?

How about the loading screen tip that says "use custom mobs sparingly"?
Quote the whole thing Venture. It also says they can be more difficult than standard critters. At higher levels, that's not necessarily true.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
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Originally Posted by Speedadkt View Post
If you want to make sure that full xp is given for each custom character, then make the effort to create a bunch of custom "template" powersets that we can choose from and forget about all this infantile percentage scaling
They have. Percentage scaling is only for completely hand-picked powers.

* Enemies created using the Standard setting will reward 75% of normal experience.
* Enemies created using the Hard and Extreme setting will reward 100% of normal experience.
* The total amount of experience an enemy is worth is split evenly between their two powerset choices. Their primary set adds an amount to the experience, and then the secondary set adds an amount.
* The specifics numbers for individual sets are as followed:

* Standard: 37.5%
* Hard/Extreme: 50%
* If you create a mob that has a standard primary and a hard secondary, they’ll be worth 87.5% of the normal experience (37.5% + 50%)
* A mob created with a hard primary and a hard secondary will be worth 100% experience (50% + 50%)
In a coming patch, according to Pohsyb, you can also customize these templates further by adding powers to them. So long as you have the powers required to make up one of the templates, the XP will be based from that rather than by the number of powers chosen.



I have mixed feelings on this one. I understand the mentality to reduce rewards for where the risk is purposefully reduced for the benefit of better results, but some of this is simply not consistent with the game, and goes as far as to penalize players for playing custom content that bears a consistent if not greater risk than developer-made content. Just look at your standard NPC foe, and you will find that they have very few abilities. NO enemies in the game come close to the number of abilities an 'extreme' custom enemy has.

A better solution might be to rate foes according to levels and attack numbers:a foe made for level 15 with two or three attacks is reasonable; just look at how many abilities a level 15 NPC has. A level 50 with only burst and slug? I could see how a reduction would be in order there. A foe with 9 attacks including something like a nuke and all armors including a tier 9 like unstoppable, that foe should be worth FAR more reward than a run of the mill gunner minion.

Just to be clear, I use custom enemies in every arc I've made. I can make them look like new foes, give them abilities not sported by common foes. (radiation, dark powers, and so on which are more uncommon.) I've played around here since the very start, forgive me if I, given advanced tools, wish to make foes that offer a new and novel play experience. I try very hard to make my foes difficult enough that my 50's must play well to win, but easy enough that I can do them with a quick pick up group that doesn't have an 'optimum' build and survive. If I get a team wipe on heroic, I've built the enemy group wrong.

Thumbs up on the enemy group thing, I can see how whole mobs of only minions being mowed down by AoE's would not be reasonable, just as the mobs of boss only mobs standing crazily about to be slapped down aren't. But the custom group things? C'mon folks, we can do this better. Custom groups too easy for their level should be worth less xp, fine, but tough foes should be worth more not even levels of reward. At the very least you should check those custom levels of difficulty and weight some choices: a boss with only healing aura and mesmerize is different than a boss with only fulcrum shift and energy transfer. If you have a problem with some custom powers, penalize the passive/'less dangerous' powers, not all of them. Elsewise, you will find yourselves perturbing the ones you actually made the mission architect for: the writers who are actually interested in making a story.

If you want to balance a system where intelligent people go line by line through choices to find exploits, use the same vantage point to close those exploits. simple as that. Oh, and it would be good if there was some way for a creator to be warned as they make a group if that foe would not give full rewards.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Thumbs up on the enemy group thing, I can see how whole mobs of only minions being mowed down by AoE's would not be reasonable, just as the mobs of boss only mobs standing crazily about to be slapped down aren't.
Since it sounds like with the difficulty slider you'll be able to downgrade bosses to Lieutenants no matter how high you set your spawn size, you can mow down mobs of the easier standard enemy groups fairly quickly with AoEs as well. Minions give lousy rewards anyway. Lieutenants aren't much more difficult for many builds, if you choose your enemy group wisely, and give significantly better rewards.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



"Now you aren't limited by any "required" powers when choosing the custom critter’s powers. For example, you can create Dual Pistol enemies without requiring them to have any thug mastermind pets."

I'm really happy about this. However...

"We know that a fair amount of the player base is concerned about Architect being used as a farming tool and we want to encourage players to focus more on writing story-based arcs."

I'm pretty confident these XP changes aren't going to encourage anything of the sort. While the basic idea seems okay to me--and is certainly preferable to the suggestions that've frequently appeared in this forum--I think the actual penalties are way too severe.

But, on the up-side, Horatio also says...

"I want to stress that we will be monitoring the scaling of experience with this system - these numbers are not set in stone."

So, I'm going to remain optimistic.

One of the design goals here is for MA to be a leveling alternative. In order for it to be viable as such, it needs to provide rewards comparable to regular content (RC) when MA is being used as intended.

It's already not doing that. No mission bonus, no arc bonus, and patrol XP doesn't apply. For someone like me--someone who's not into the whole farm/PL scene at all--if XP is the goal, AE is already something to be avoided. At present, the only time AE figures into my leveling is when I want to bypass RC that I've done eleventy bazillion times already.

These XP changes are just going to diminish AE even further for those of us who'd like to use it as it's intended to be used.

"We'll be keeping a close eye on how you all feel about these current changes and seeing what we can do to really strike that balance between giving you, the creators, full customization and the players you're writing for incentive to play your arcs."

I'm just not seeing any incentives here. Given these changes, the developers may want to also consider introducing arc bonuses to MA, scaled by how many missions are in an arc, or other incentives along those lines.

Frankly, I can work with MA being nothing more than a tool for SG plot development and the like.

But I'm pretty sure the developers want it to be more than that.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Custom mobs are "the same boring enemy groups", just wearing funny hats.
Even if that were true--which, strictly speaking, it really isn't--those "funny hats" are enough to breathe new life into the experience for a good number of people. Myself included.

It's already been shown to be an enormously popular feature of the system. If the developers genuinely want to incentivize MA story creation and story play, this just isn't going to provide the desired encouragement. I'm fairly sure it's actually going to have a dampening effect on that.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
How many times can you recycle the same boring enemy groups before it gets old?

Custom mobs are "the same boring enemy groups", just wearing funny hats. They don't do anything you haven't seen before.
Based on your posts in this thread I'm going to have to assume you've never fought a custom group that wasn't a clone of a standard NPC group, which means you've probably played one or two arcs.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I haven't tested it yet, but I hope that at the very least, the AE Editor now shows us how much our custom critters are worth on the XP scale, as we modify them. Without even judging the changes, I think that not being able to see beforehand how rewarding your critters are, is going to frustrate many authors who do care about making rewarding critters.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



My most recent stories have been made largely as showcases for the custom critters that were central to their plots. The ratings don't lie: single mission stories get played, multi-mission stories are not popular, and Very Long is box office poison. Up until this, the challenge has been to put enough interesting feature points in single missions to say that they do in fact have stories.

What burns me most about this was the fact that I bought extra story arc spaces, so I didn't have to cycle through my active roster and could experiment a bit more. Now I want my money back. I'm not going to bother publishing any more if this system goes live. I should have learned my lesson by now that MMOs will break your heart.

I will take down all my published stories when this threatens to go live. They will not be replaced; they take up too much space on my hard drive already. And frankly, I would encourage every story arc author who reads the forums to unpublish their arcs. This should be a communal effort. Let the old farms be all that remains.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
My most recent stories have been made largely as showcases for the custom critters that were central to their plots. The ratings don't lie: single mission stories get played, multi-mission stories are not popular, and Very Long is box office poison. Up until this, the challenge has been to put enough interesting feature points in single missions to say that they do in fact have stories.

What burns me most about this was the fact that I bought extra story arc spaces, so I didn't have to cycle through my active roster and could experiment a bit more. Now I want my money back. I'm not going to bother publishing any more if this system goes live. I should have learned my lesson by now that MMOs will break your heart.

I will take down all my published stories when this threatens to go live. They will not be replaced; they take up too much space on my hard drive already. And frankly, I would encourage every story arc author who reads the forums to unpublish their arcs. This should be a communal effort. Let the old farms be all that remains.
Wait, wait. Let me get this straight - these changes that were implemented to curb farming are pissing off more "normal" MA players than farmers? Wow, who didn't see that coming?

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
(In response to Venture)
Based on your posts in this thread I'm going to have to assume you've never fought a custom group that wasn't a clone of a standard NPC group, which means you've probably played one or two arcs.
Actually, Venture has reviewed quite a few arcs created by other players. He just thinks we should stick to canon as much as possible in story arcs that we create, which is something I vehemently disagree with myself.



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
Actually, Venture has reviewed quite a few arcs created by other players. He just thinks we should stick to canon as much as possible in story arcs that we create, which is something I vehemently disagree with myself.
Yeahhh... about that. Isn't the whole point of creating your own story arcs... creating your own content? If I wanted canon I'd play canon. Then again, I don't usually give two ***** about story unless it's the first time I've run a TF/SF so it's all a moot issue to me.

I'm guessing the reasons we were told to use custom mobs sparingly are the unpredictability factor (I don't know what sets these custom mobs are until they attack me, unless there's some other indicator, whereas I know what to expect when I see a normal NPC) and the huge amount of space they take up in an arc's filesize allotment.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Yeahhh... about that. Isn't the whole point of creating your own story arcs... creating your own content? If I wanted canon I'd play canon. Then again, I don't usually give two ***** about story unless it's the first time I've run a TF/SF so it's all a moot issue to me.
Right. Some people will want to make their own stories based on the canon, some may want some canon flavor while adding in new groups, and some will want to escape the world of Paragon City completely. Escaping that world will be much more difficult now if we want decent XP, so I'm sure Venture is happy about that.

My Mutant Clone Project arc has a new group (by the same name), but includes the Council for canon flavor. That arc will be gutted of XP, because the Mutant Clone Project group consists of minions and lieutenants (and no bosses) with "standard" settings. So I'll be removing that arc as soon as I16 launches. And there's no point in trying to fix the arc, so I'll just archive it and work on other ideas.

I'm guessing the reasons we were told to use custom mobs sparingly are the unpredictability factor (I don't know what sets these custom mobs are until they attack me, unless there's some other indicator, whereas I know what to expect when I see a normal NPC) and the huge amount of space they take up in an arc's filesize allotment.
The main reason we're told to use them sparingly is that they can be stupidly difficult and/or annoying if given certain combinations of powers, especially at low levels.

If you think Knives of Artemis can be annoying with all the caltrops, you haven't seen anything yet...



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Wait, wait. Let me get this straight - these changes that were implemented to curb farming are pissing off more "normal" MA players than farmers?
Not sure I'd go quite that far. Not yet, anyway.

But do the XP changes, as they stand, negatively impact the people who are, and have been, using MA as it was intended to be used?

I believe very much so.

I do think there is potential in this approach though, so I hope they adjust it further.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Wait, wait. Let me get this straight - these changes that were implemented to curb farming are pissing off more "normal" MA players than farmers? Wow, who didn't see that coming?
Yeah, pretty much, since, based on forum chatter, the farmers were all planning to go back to regular content with the enhanced difficulty options anyway.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Hitting a few points from upthread:

  • I'm closing in on 150 posted reviews, not counting arcs I played but didn't formally review. I have Seen It All. Custom mobs are a nearly insignificant part of the AE experience.
  • Arcs that exist only to showcase custom mobs are almost certainly not worth playing.
  • Mainstream authors for the last several centuries have limited themselves to stories about perfectly ordinary human beings that live in a world their readers are intimately familiar with, being as it is the one the readers themselves live in. Somehow, they have yet to run out of viable stories and continue to get paid for their work.
  • Corollary to the above, there are no stories that can be told outside of Paragon City that could not also be told within it, once you realize the story has nothing to do with what the costume and FX departments are doing.
The upshot of all this is that arcs that are stuffed to the gills with custom mobs almost always do so in an attempt to mask a weak or non-existent story.

If you don't care about story then you're in the wrong place to begin with. Bejeweled or an arcade shooter are probably more to your liking.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
If you don't care about story then you're in the wrong place to begin with. Bejeweled or an arcade shooter are probably more to your liking.
Hmm, well... there must've been at least some players who cared about XP/enhancements/drops, or they wouldn't've been added in the first place. I mean, wouldn't want this to be Bejeweled, would we?

I also don't give a damn how many arcs you've reviewed. Saying you've reviewed 150 arcs and know everything there is to know about the MA and its authors is like me saying I have 38 50s and know everything there is to know about the game and its powersets, or how I have more posts than you and therefore know more about the forums and the posters that use them.

I'm sorry that you can't come down off your perch long enough to understand that some people prefer to use custom critters as an aid to their story, not as a cover-up. If I wanted story, I'd read a book - story's nice and all but it doesn't help my character get any closer to level 50 or those purple sets I want.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I think if you make a good mission people will play it reguardless of exp, they just wont farm it which is what the changes are for. I`ve played good missions and enjoyed them and bad missions and quit them without noticing the amount of exp. then I played a hami farm for tons of exp. and was totally bored and havent returned to MA, so I welcome any changes to make it fun to play again, isnt that the whole idea to the game? This isnt a contest where the one who dies with the most 50s win.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Hitting a few points from upthread:
  • I'm closing in on 150 posted reviews, not counting arcs I played but didn't formally review. I have Seen It All. Custom mobs are a nearly insignificant part of the AE experience.
  • Arcs that exist only to showcase custom mobs are almost certainly not worth playing.
  • Mainstream authors for the last several centuries have limited themselves to stories about perfectly ordinary human beings that live in a world their readers are intimately familiar with, being as it is the one the readers themselves live in. Somehow, they have yet to run out of viable stories and continue to get paid for their work.
  • Corollary to the above, there are no stories that can be told outside of Paragon City that could not also be told within it, once you realize the story has nothing to do with what the costume and FX departments are doing.
The upshot of all this is that arcs that are stuffed to the gills with custom mobs almost always do so in an attempt to mask a weak or non-existent story.

If you don't care about story then you're in the wrong place to begin with. Bejeweled or an arcade shooter are probably more to your liking.
Then you've played and reviewed the wrong arcs, there are plenty of story focused arcs that are significantly enhanced by the custom mobs within them. I can think of at least 10 created by members of my SG alone. I don't write arcs, just play them and while most things can be done with standard VGs, the custom critters if well designed can add an awful lot. For example, there are very few masterminds in the standard groups, so they can make for an interesting fight, and I see stories using demon MMs a lot after GR.

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Originally Posted by BLACKJACK View Post
I think if you make a good mission people will play it reguardless of exp, they just wont farm it which is what the changes are for. I`ve played good missions and enjoyed them and bad missions and quit them without noticing the amount of exp. then I played a hami farm for tons of exp. and was totally bored and havent returned to MA, so I welcome any changes to make it fun to play again, isnt that the whole idea to the game? This isnt a contest where the one who dies with the most 50s win.
An observation, if I may:

Where did many players spend their time between I14 and now? The answer is, of course, MA farms. Why? Fast XP. Players like XP. The people who care more about the story than the rewards are like RPers and PvPers - still a valid style of play but definitely in the minority. If you take away the XP, you also take away the players who want that XP.

In short, if you're complaining right now that people aren't playing your arcs because they're all running farms, you'll soon be complaining that people aren't playing your arcs because they're off doing things that give better rewards for the time.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Custom mobs are a nearly insignificant part of the AE experience.
For you. You're in no position to speak for the rest of us. You certainly don't speak for me.

Again: custom mobs are a draw for both architects and players. That's been shown to be true.

Thus, if the developers want to incentivize MA to get more people to create stories and more people to play stories--which is the stated intent--significantly diminishing the rewards custom mobs offer is not the way to do it.

Arcs that exist only to showcase custom mobs are almost certainly not worth playing.
Only based on your own estimation and standards, and only in your experience.

Corollary to the above, there are no stories that can be told outside of Paragon City that could not also be told within it, once you realize the story has nothing to do with what the costume and FX departments are doing.
This is a visual medium. You might not care. That's fine. Other people do.

When I want to create an arc that's designed to meet your approval, professor, I'll let you know. Until then, I'll continue to use MA for my own enjoyment, and the enjoyment of those I'm creating the content for. Visuals play a role in that. The feeling that we're stepping outside the stock material also plays a role in that.

Your standards are of no consequence to me or to anyone else who doesn't embrace them... which is everyone outside of a very, very minute sliver of the player base.

So, please... stop framing them as if they're anything more than that. It may be appropriate in one of your review threads... but this ain't one of your review threads.

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