Drop rates for purple IO's down drastically?
The current price of purples is what it is because of farmers. Farmers went to AE to max their inf/hour and thus cut down the amount of purples entering the system, as there is no way to get purples from playing the AE. Then with their huge loads of money they buy the few purples that enter the market at high prices, which causes the prices to constantly go higher.
Outside of AE, though, you are able to get purples from missions where enemies are level 47 or higher.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
That's funny cause just after making this post I did another run and got 2 purple drops. So that's 2 in 20 runs. Still not a great average but hopefully my luck will change over the next few runs.
well, you can get purple drops every run or it might even be a month in between. that's the way the RNG works. and dsorrow, you can drop purples from AE if you do devs choice or hall of fame missions. as long as they drop regular rewards it is possible.
You should get roughly one purple for every 1000 enemies you defeat. Work out roughly how many dudes there are when you set the map for 8 and then you can work out approximately how many runs it should take per purple. You'd be better running it set for 6 or 7 with just one person on the map, though.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Silas, just because the drop rate is 1 in a 1000 doesn't mean you'll get 1 every 1000. You may kill 300 and get 0, then kill 1000 and get 3.
OP, it's just chance drops. I average about 2 per week on my demon farm. It's a level 49 farm that i got at level 47. My spawn sizes are only 3-5 depending on how many fillers. Usually i just use my 3 accounts. Then again, it depends on how many runs you do also, i only do 1 or 2 a day.
Just wait until I16 and you will see purples galore.
It sucks when you have high hopes of farming for purples and after so many runs you get none... But I too took out my fire/kin recently to solo 6 man spawns for drops... All in all I have recieved 3 purple drops in about 11 runs. A Hectabomb Dam/End and 2 Armaggeddon's Acc/Dam/Recharge.
@Psycho Jas
random number generator is random
If you're farming drops you should set the difficulty to 2 or 4. It increases the amount of critters which increases your drops/chances.
@Poison Idea
Guilty of being tight.
Just bad luck. And as noted aove, running an 8-man Invincible gives you less enemies than running it on difficulty 2 or 4. Higher-level enemies also don't offer any higher drop percentage than fighting greens, so you might want to consider setting the difficulty down to 2 for faster runs with more enemies per map.
119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.
I'm saving up for a buying spree.
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My City Was Gone
The current price of purples is what it is because of farmers. Farmers went to AE to max their inf/hour and thus cut down the amount of purples entering the system, as there is no way to get purples from playing the AE. Then with their huge loads of money they buy the few purples that enter the market at high prices, which causes the prices to constantly go higher.
Repeat Offenders

I will go months without seeing a purple drop and then I will get several in a short period.
I know we never see buses at Paragon bus stops, but I'm sure that one day 3 will turn up at once.
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my toons
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and it will also enable part-time farmers like me who dislike asking for fillers to generate far more drops. I can't wait to run my fire/rad through his zombie farm mission with the population slider maxed out. Spawned for one, spawned for eight....they all burn the same, but I'll be generating many, many more drop opportunities per run.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Been awhile since I actually farmed a Battle Maiden mission but been doing it the last few days since I had a chance to check prices for alot of the purples (been doing AE missions to save up and fully slot out my tank) and was amazed at how high they have climbed. I caught a quite few that were nearing 500mil per IO.
Anyway... as I said I have been doing it for the last few days now and I have got absolutely NO purple drops from those runs.
A little info on the runs....
Team of 8 mapped mission on invincible/level 5 with 2 level 50 fire/kin trollers runnin it (I control both toons).
I averaged 15 mins per run give or take with setting up mission and finding fills.
I've run a total of 19 runs and have had ZERO purple drops during that time between 2 players in mission. Tons of regular enhancements, IO's and salvage but NO purple drops what so ever.
My question is... Have the devs changed the drops? Have they made them not drop from certain missions or enemies? Am I just REALLY REALLY unlucky? lol
Any info would be greatly appreciative.