Blaster Balance
You're getting your 5th powers soon, though they may not be the ones you mentioned.
I generally agree, though. Blasters either need a little bit more defensive potential from powers or more damage. Updating snipe and nuke powers seems like a good start!
I'm a blaster at heart, have been since May of 2005. The only 50's I have are blasters. That said I think your gonna have a hard time finding anyone to support this idea.
You said it yourself. "Blasters got a much needed boost with the new inherent some issues back."
Even if it wasn't enough to really balance the AT it was still an improvement.
I'd be afraid of the community backlash if blasters were improved again. With so many other AT's needing help/fixes.
I'm extremely hopeful that we will get some QOL work at some point, just wouldn't expect anything before next year at the earliest. Of course, they'll be scrambling to work on GR problems at that point.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
tl;dr warning!
![]() Blasters got a much needed boost with the new inherent some issues back. Where as it certainly helped matters, it hardly balances the AT vs. the new kids on the block. Spine Scrappers or VEATs or even Shield/Super Strength Tankers have comparable or better damage AoE than most Blaster sets. These ATs though, have excellent survivability and get mez protection while Blasters in general only get to perfect their faceplant specials. ![]() Lets compare Energy Blast with Spines for Scrappers (both being on a 1.125 scalar): Power Bolt: End: 5.2, Rech: 4, Range: 80, Cast: 1, Dam: 62.6 DPA: 62.6 vs. Lunge: End: 5.2, Rech: 4, Range: 7, Cast: 1.63, Dam: 88.8 DPA: 54.5 (ST ranged vs. ST melee) Power Blast: End: 8.53, Rech: 8, Range: 80, Cast: 1.63, Dam: 102.6 DPA: 63 vs. Ripper: End: 11, Rech: 11, Range: 7, Arc: 90 degrees, Cast: 2.17, Dam: 167 DPA: 77 (ST ranged vs. wide melee cone) Energy Torrent: End: 11.9, Rech: 12, Range: 40, Arc: 45 degrees, Cast: 1.07, Dam: 60.1 DPA: 56 vs. Throw Spines: End: 13, Rech: 12, Range: 30, Arc: 90 degrees, Cast: 1.63, Dam: 100 (Both cones, Throw Spines with superior area of effect) DPA: 61 Explosive Blast: End: 15.2, Rech: 16, Range: 80, Radius: 15, Cast: 1.67, Dam: 56,3 DPA: 34 vs. Spine Burst: End: 15.2, Rech: 16, Radius: 15, Cast: 3, Dam: 82 DPA: 27 (Ranged AoE vs. PbAoE) Power Burst: End: 10.4, Rech: 10, Range: 40, Cast: 2, Dam: 132.6 DPA: 66 vs. Impale: End: 5.2, Rech: 8, Range: 40, Cast: 2.43, Dam: 137.9 DPA: 57 (Both ranged ST) Clearly a Spines Scrapper outdamages an Energy Blaster both in AoE and ST damage outside nukes (which use is highly situational). All Scrapper Epic pools have several ranged attacks, single target and area of effect, which make further ensures that the best Blaster in CoX in fact, isn't a Blaster at all. Despite this fact, Blasters remain one of the most popular ATs. Why? Because the AT encourages fast paced and exciting play. The AT is also very attractive to new players as Blasters are strong early levels, but becomes relatively weaker compared to all other ATs as you progress. Going Rogue is soon upon us and we will likely be faced with stiff competition from villain ATs as well. Why would anyone pick an Energy/Ice/Psychic/Electricity blaster over a VEAT in a team setting? VEATs have more AoE potential, while being able to break soft cap in all positional defenses as well as having several team buffs and benefitting more from pool powers. I feel that Blasters then is in need of a little pick me up, here is what I would do: General: Sniper powers are mainly only useful solo and as an IO mule. Even solo, my Blasters tend only to use them as a break from tedium. The game has soooo moved on since hover sniping was considered a bad exploit. Increase damage with at least 50% for these powers. Nukes are largely situational. Blasters as an AT already suffer from lack of endurance management tools (outside of /Fire and /Electricity and to a lesser part /Energy) and nukes compound this issue. Make nukes cause endurance crash as before, but get rid of the 15 sec recovery stop. Alternately, make it similar to EM Pulse, where you get to keep your endurance but can't recover endurance for 15 sec. Flame Mastery: Add 5th power. Smoke or Melt Armor (faster recharge and lower duration than Tanker version). Force Mastery: Add 5th power. Repulsion Bomb or better yet, Energy Absorption (Blasters are endurance intensive, but is the only AT blueside w/o any endurance management tools in their ansciliaries). Radiation Manipulation: Make a thematic secondary to the upcoming blast primary. Specific powers: Short Circuit: Up damage by 25%. Spine Burst will still be superior. Voltanic Sentinel: Increase duration to 240. Recasting this power really is a chore and Blasters need to blast. Gun Drone: As above. Lower cast and endurance cost. Frozen Aura: Add damage compartment as done with Tanker version. Scare: Make it a small radius AoE on a longer timer. Any and all imput is welcome so long as its at least a little bit constructive. Any more powers/sets which are lacklustre and not mentioned here? ![]() |
For example, let's look at something that goes well with Energy Blast: Energy Manipulation.
Energy Punch: 109 damage in 0.83 seconds for a DPA of 131. Nearly twice the best Spines attack.
Bone Smasher: 144 damage in 1.5 seconds for a DPA of 96. Still better than the best Spines attack.
Total Focus: 198 damage in 3.3 seconds for a rather mediocre DPA of 60, plus a 100% mag 3 stun.
And don't forget, most blasters will have both Aim AND Build-Up to even further increase their damage.
Blasters certainly do NOT need any type of buffing. Contrary to your assertion that blasters get weaker as they level up, in my experience, once a blaster gets into their APP powers, they become pure engines of destruction with good survivability if played well.
Are you delusional?
Blasters still get the job done, they're straight up damage. But lets look through your general list to be fair.
Do what they do, they snipe and have the longest range. They deal a fair amount of damage, even my Doms snipe does nice damage. Snipes are situational yes, but that's not because of damage. It's because they can be interrupted, boosting the damage wont give snipes anymore use.
A nuke is a massive buildup of "power" from the blaster that comes from within. The power is extremely exhausting, it fits thematically. Hence why Archery and Assault Rifles "nukes" do not drain. Doubtful a change will come that will let you deal a lot of AoE damage w/o heavy penalties.
All epics are getting updated in i16 so its a mute point.
Rad Manip
Will come, just wait, currently there are no melee radiation attacks. (Shivans dont count for player models) This issue IIRC they wanted to port sets that required the least amount of work.
Short Circuit
Ok, this made me laugh hard, you're comparing a scrapper AoE power to a power that's main focus is to drain endurance. lawls. I'll leave it at that seeing as its a seriously sad attempt.
Voltaic Sentinel
Blasters are not pet type ATs, you need a better stance as to why this needs to be done. I don't see a balance issue here.
Gun Drone
Same as above, but let me also add its a secondary power.
Frozen Aura
Why, are you somehow lacking damage from your primary?
Another one that made me laugh, make a mind/* Dom if you really want this.
Blasters still remain among the most popular in any powerset combo. My Fire/Mental is just nuts for AoE damage, Fireball + Psywave almost equals my nukes power. Scare doesn't need to be an AoE, its also a secondary power so by design weaker.
Mind you, I'm speaking from my personal experiences. I just don't feel the examples you made warrant a buff.
Comparing "average" to the best of the pack can go both ways. How does a Broadsword/Inv scrapper compare to AR/Mental in AOE?
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
My Fire/Mental is just nuts for AoE damage, Fireball + Psywave almost equals my nukes power.
Unless that's what you meant, of course.
Mind you, I'm speaking from my personal experiences. I just don't feel the examples you made warrant a buff. |
The damage-vs-defense equation in this game has always been very screwy with respect to ranged ATs versus melee ATs. I expect that will never change, and I'm fine with it -- but the truth is that Scrappers and Brutes are almost as good as Blasters are in terms of damage potential, while maintaining vastly superior survivability.
The OP doesn't prove anything in particular, and I probably would have chosen different sets for comparison purposes if I were inclined to make the same case -- but his conclusions aren't totally wrong, either. They're just really old news.
You failed to take into account animation time. If you look at the actual DPA figures, which I added in above, you will see that the two sets are much closer in terms of actual damage output. So, your assertion that "Clearly a Spines Scrapper outdamages an Energy Blaster" is wrong to begin with. You also did not even look at secondary powersets.
DPA does not tell the whole truth either. Sustainable damage is where its at in most situations. Recharge is not a factor in your DPA numbers, Area of Effect is also not a consideration, nor is the ability to actually make good on them as mentioned above.
And don't forget, most blasters will have both Aim AND Build-Up to even further increase their damage. |
Do what they do, they snipe and have the longest range. They deal a fair amount of damage, even my Doms snipe does nice damage. Snipes are situational yes, but that's not because of damage. It's because they can be interrupted, boosting the damage wont give snipes anymore use. |
Nukes A nuke is a massive buildup of "power" from the blaster that comes from within. The power is extremely exhausting, it fits thematically. Hence why Archery and Assault Rifles "nukes" do not drain. Doubtful a change will come that will let you deal a lot of AoE damage w/o heavy penalties. |
Epics All epics are getting updated in i16 so its a mute point. |

Short Circuit Ok, this made me laugh hard, you're comparing a scrapper AoE power to a power that's main focus is to drain endurance. lawls. I'll leave it at that seeing as its a seriously sad attempt. |
Voltaic Sentinel Blasters are not pet type ATs, you need a better stance as to why this needs to be done. I don't see a balance issue here. |
Frozen Aura Why, are you somehow lacking damage from your primary? |
Scare Another one that made me laugh, make a mind/* Dom if you really want this. |
The OP doesn't prove anything in particular, and I probably would have chosen different sets for comparison purposes if I were inclined to make the same case -- but his conclusions aren't totally wrong, either. They're just really old news.

Comparing "average" to the best of the pack can go both ways. How does a Broadsword/Inv scrapper compare to AR/Mental in AOE?

And how would the AR/Mental (gah! overkill on the cones!
![]() |
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Blasters are fine as is. Even with this weak comparison between lolEnergy and Spines does not warrant a buff at all. Compare Fire Blast to Spines next time.
1. They have no inherent resistance.
2. They have no inherent defense.
3. They have no inherent healing powers other than Drain Psyche.
4. They have no inherent mez protection, and the only AT without such.
5. They have very few mitigation tools.
That's a lot to give up for a high damage level. So no, no other AT therefore should come close to their damage. Spines scrappers should not be able to outdamage a blaster. A controller with a Fulcrum Shifted fireball should not outdamage a Fire Blasters fireball. Etc. Etc.

Given the long cast and interruptable nature, snipes will always be situational. Claiming a significant damage boost would not make them more useful is ludicrous though. It would make a Blaster actually consider using snipes to take out one particularly dangerous opponent instead of always opening with the same move.
I agree. But I hate having my tier 9 virtually unused because of the endurance crash. The power simply doesn't mesh well with todays fast paced game. Many spawns are already Shield Bashed and/or Foot Stomped half to oblivion by a single Tanker before my blaster get to attack anyway - a nuke would be overkill. Somehow making the tier 9 powers less situational would be a good thing IMO. |
The endurance drain functions in conjunction with one power from one set and two powers from another, so to say that its main focus is to drain endurance is overstating matters a bit. I won't get into the feasability of drains, it's an all or nothing thing in PVE, but suffice to say that if successful it simply provides a little bit of the survivability Scrappers have through their secondaries. I feel a damage boost is definitely warranted in a underperforming set. |
I added this suggestion (and the similar for Gun Drone) not for balance, but to make the sets more smooth to play. Getting rid of a little bit of tedious micromanagement is a good thing. |
Frozen Aura for Blasters is the by far most gimped tier 9 power in the game. Adding a damage compartment would make /Ice Blasters actually consider getting the power. Besides that, it would give the secondary more 'ooomph' compared to big hitters like /Energy, /Electricity and /Mental. It would also afford Blasters with weak AoEs to consider the set to compensate the lacking AoEs in their primary. |
Glad I was able amuse you. I think Mental performs decently as is, I just don't believe in the inane way developers approach balance in this game. Like one crap power ever outbalances a overpowered one (they are simply skipped). I added this suggestion to make the power at least become a consideration. An 8-rad AoE with 40-60 sec timer would make it a balanced power as opposed to an eminently skippable one. |
The problem is that no other AT should compare to Blaster damage. In all honesty, Blasters should do at least double the damage they do now.
1. They have no inherent resistance. 2. They have no inherent defense. 3. They have no inherent healing powers other than Drain Psyche. 4. They have no inherent mez protection, and the only AT without such. 5. They have very few mitigation tools. That's a lot to give up for a high damage level. So no, no other AT therefore should come close to their damage. Spines scrappers should not be able to outdamage a blaster. A controller with a Fulcrum Shifted fireball should not outdamage a Fire Blasters fireball. Etc. Etc. |
Spines again, lets all balance the whole game around spines. Why not buff my energy melee brutes whirling hands to deal insane AoE damage. Lets ignore it's EMs ability for ST output and focus on just that. It's gets silly if decide to compare say fire blast to spines and you get different results
I don't understand why you're comparing a damage boosted fireball to a non-damage boosted fireball. With buildup and aim, blasters fireball deals more damage than controllers. What's dealing the extra damage on the controller is their inherent Containment. Blasters still deal more upfront damage w/o any boost needed.
Blasters are fine the way the are. The only buff that I could see happening is the snipe change that Dominators got being ported over to Blasters.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
I'd like a more damaging snipe, especially for sets like Assault Rifle or Electricity, that don't have a hard-hitting single-target attack. They should be capable of one-shotting minions at least. It's mostly a case of wanting my situational power to actually be situational, rather than just a set mule.
Other than that, a Blaster in the hands of an experienced player is as much easy-mode as a Scrapper or Brute.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I don't like threads like this one.
First of all, the OP, as been pointed out by others, makes a comparison between a single target blaster and an AoE-oriented scrapper and then leaps to the conclusion that the blaster must be inferior because the numbers say so.
Second, it's pretty clear to me (as an owner of a level 50, heavily IO'ed spines scrapper and several level 50 blasters) that the OP hasn't played the ATs in question. Theory craft is amusing, but it's just that...theory. In actual practice, a spines scrapper, while it does respectable damage, is completely overshadowed by an AoE oriented blaster and overshadowed in single target damage by *any* blaster.
I say this with confidence because a single target attack chain (unless there's crits) of lunge, ripper and impale will not impress anyone. Further, in AoEs, spine burst, while it does good damage roots and has a long animation. Throw spines is excellent and has a huge cone but it's not nearly as spammable as something like fireball and isn't close to the damage as something like flame thrower. I also have energy torrent as well too, but while it is a good power and complements throw spines, it's not going to wow anybody by itself.
Third, it's pretty clear to me that the devs are moving in the direction of interchangeable ATs. Every AT can do damage. And to me the choice of damage comes down to whether you want something ranged (blasters, spines/claws scrapper) or melee (scrappers, blappers). Villain ATs cloud this picture even more. And I have a couple of brutes (an Electric/Shield and SS/Fire) that can rival many blasters in AoE damage, and yet there's no outrage that brutes will take away the job of blasters. No single AT is utterly dispensable; no single AT is utterly required. That's why you have all defender teams which trivialize any content in this game and they don't require *any* damage AT.
Blasters are just fine. The change to defiance pretty much guarantees that they outdamage just about everything, though, as I mentioned before, many ATs can fill in for blasters on a given team.
Personally, I think Castle and crew has done a pretty good job of making the blaster AT attractive and functional. I see none of the issues brought up by the OP.
Just to point out, Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers also have no resistance, defense or mez protection. Only if you take the powersets that provide the protection do you get it at all in fact.
Spines again, lets all balance the whole game around spines. Why not buff my energy melee brutes whirling hands to deal insane AoE damage. Lets ignore it's EMs ability for ST output and focus on just that. It's gets silly if decide to compare say fire blast to spines and you get different results I don't understand why you're comparing a damage boosted fireball to a non-damage boosted fireball. With buildup and aim, blasters fireball deals more damage than controllers. What's dealing the extra damage on the controller is their inherent Containment. Blasters still deal more upfront damage w/o any boost needed. |

Adressing the Blaster secondaries would require a lot of work as the difference between Energy and Devices or Ice, for instance, is humongeous in the damage department.
Also, if purely comparing damage as you do with your inclusion of attacks from the secondary set, then you don't take into consideration that a Scrapper has survivability that ensures the damage potential can be met, while a Blapper would not be able to consistently do so due to the lack of survivability. |
But, on the issue of survivability, between their damage output and the controls that just about every Blaster set has available to them, survivability is not nearly the problem you make it out to be. Oh & let's not forget the ability to continue attacking even when mezzed that Defiance grants. Dead enemies can't hurt you.
Not to mention only half of the sets provides those kind of DPA attacks. |
Charged Brawl: 131 DPA
Havoc Punch: 96 DPA
Fire Sword: 98 DPA
Ring of Fire: 82 DPA
Ice Sword: 82 DPA
Frozen Fists: 68 DPA
Mind Probe: 78 DPA
Even the 'weakest', most control heavy Blaster secondaries all provide melee attacks that exceed the DPA of the best Spines attack you mentioned, Ripper at 77 DPA. The only exception, being Devices.
DPA does not tell the whole truth either. Sustainable damage is where its at in most situations. Recharge is not a factor in your DPA numbers, |
Area of Effect is also not a consideration |
If you want to examine AOE performance, more appropriate comparisons would be Spines vs. Archery, Assault Rifle or Fire. All of which far surpass Spines (or any other Scrapper set) in the sustainable AOE department.
While Scrappers have Build-Up, Follow Up (basically a permanent BU with enough recharge), Fiery Embrace, Quickness, Against All Odds (basically a permanent BU/Aim in large teams). Your point being? |
The Blaster inherent, Defiance, also boosts damage by a not inconsiderable amount.
Defenders, Controllers, and Masterminds can get defense and status protection from Force Field. Defenders, Controllers, and Corruptors can get resistance and status protection from Sonic Resonance. Controllers also have access to status protection from Indomitable Will in Psionic Mastery.
4. They have no inherent mez protection, and the only AT without such. |
5. They have very few mitigation tools. |
Assault Rifle
Stun, Knockback
Electrical Blast
Energy Blast
Fire Blast
Who needs control? Everything is dead.
Ice Blast
-Rech, -Speed, and 2 Holds
Psychic Blast
-Rech, Knockback, Sleep, Stun
Sonic Blast
Knockback, Sleep, Stun
Secondary Sets
Electricity Manipulation
Immobilize, Stun, Hold, Knockback
Energy Manipulation
Knockback, 2 Stuns, and to top it off Power Boost.
Immobilize, -Rech, -Speed, Stun, -to hit
Fire Manipulation
Immobilize, -Speed
Ice Manipulation
-Rech, -Speed, Immobilize, -dmg, Knockdown, Hold, Sleep
Mental Manipulation
Immobilize, -Rech, Knockback, Confuse, Fear
Now, what was it you were saying about lack of mitigation tools?
If you want to examine AOE performance, more appropriate comparisons would be Spines vs. Archery, Assault Rifle or Fire. All of which far surpass Spines (or any other Scrapper set) in the sustainable AOE department. |
Spine Burst - damage 82, rech 16 , act 3, end 15.2 (radius 15)
Quills - Act 2, end 0.52/s, damage 10.3 (radius 8)
Ripper - damage 167, rech 11, act 2.17, end 11, arc 90 degrees
Fiery Aura:
Blazing Aura - damage 13.8, act 2, end 0.52/s, radius 8
*Burn - damage 166.8, rech 25, act 2.03, duration 10, end 5.2, radius 8
*Fiery Embrace - dam buff 100% for 10s (non-fire attacks), dam buff 120% for 20s (fire attacks), rech 180, act 0.73, end 7.8
Fire Blast:
Fire Ball - damage 78.8, rech 16, act 1, end 15.2 (radius 15)
Fire Breath - damage 109.8, rech 16, act 2.67, end 15.2, arc 30*
Mental Manipulation:
Psychic Scream: damage 65.1, rech 12, act 2.67, end 11.9 (arc 30)
Psychic Shockwave: damage 68.8, rech 20, act 1.97, end 10.2, radius 15
World of Confusion - damage 7.51, act 4, end 0.13, radius 8
Thus, with ~140% recharge (which is approximately 2 generic IOs worth of recharge in each power, plus Hasten):
The Spines can run an AoE attack chain of Spine Burst, Ripper, wait ~4.5 seconds, repeat
If we assume that Build Up is up 1/4th of the time (which is what 140% recharge would get us, roughly -- a 37.5 second cooldown), that Fiery Embrace is up for ~13% of the time for non-fire attacks and 26% of the time for fire attacks -- and that each attack power is enhanced to the ED soft cap of 95%, then:
In a space of 9.67 seconds, Spine Burst and Ripper have delivered an average of 191.06 + 389.11 = 580.17
Quills delivers an average of ~12 DPS, and Blazing Aura delivers an average of ~17.3 DPS.
580.17 / 9.67 = ~60 DPS
60 + 12 + 17.3 = 89.3 AoE DPS
That's without Burn, and without crits.
The Blaster, with the same amount of recharge, can chain together Shockwave, Ball, Breath, Scream with a 1.96 second gap between cycles.
Build Up and Aim are each up 1/4th of the time. For the sake of simplicity and to give the Blaster the benefit of the doubt (because a strict average of Build Up/Aim/Fiery Embrace tends to diminish their actual effect on AoE output, given the time spent walking between spawns), I'm going to pretend that Aim has the same damage bonus as Build Up (100% versus 62.5%). Further, I'm going to assume a constant 40% damage buff from Defiance, which I believe is a very liberal estimate.
I'm also going to pretend that the Blaster doesn't have to jump in and out to position those cones.
Shockwave becomes 68.8 * (1 + 0.95 + 0.5 + 0.4) = 196.08
Fire Ball becomes 78.8 * (1 + 0.95 + 0.5 + 0.4) = 224.58
Fire Breath becomes 312.93.
Psychic Scream becomes 185.535.
Total is 919.125 over 10.27 seconds. 919.125 / 10.27 = 89.496 AoE DPS.
If we wanted to add World of Confusion's average contribution, as if the Blaster were standing in melee the entire time (and as if anyone would actually enhance that power for damage), then we could stick on another 5.35 DPS.
And that would basically account for the entire difference.
In real game terms, things are of course slightly different. I usually have either Aim or Build Up up to start my AoE chain, whereas for the Spines/Fire it wouldn't be a given, and I didn't bother accounting for positioning time or for Arcanatime.
That said, the case I'm making here doesn't require a great deal of rigor in the analysis, and I believe that the allowances I made in the Blaster's favor -- assuming basically max Defiance, raising Aim's average contribution to match Build Up's, failing to give the Scrapper the benefit of criticals -- more than make up for any practical, comparative inaccuracy. Where I rounded any number, it was for the Scrapper, and always downward.
The fact is that we're talking about an eyelash's difference, practically speaking, between the two builds' AoE damage output. The main offensive advantage the Fire/Mental Blaster enjoys over the Spines/Fire Scrapper is that the Fire/Mental still has very good single-target damage, relative to other Blasters, whereas the Spines build is only a mediocre ST damage dealer by Scrapper standards.
But when comparing supposed strength to strength, it's pretty clear that whatever advantage the Fire/Mental may enjoy is near imperceptible.
As I said before, I don't personally think that Blasters are in particular need of anything, and I don't believe that -- even if it were proved beyond doubt that Scrappers always match or even slightly outperform their Blaster counterparts (which clearly isn't true) -- the devs would feel, or even should feel, compelled to do anything about it.
I also believe that, on the whole, Scrappers have less AoE damage available to them than do Blasters, and that as a general principle, Blasters have an easier time of delivering damage in teams which offer a sufficient amount of buff/debuff support.
That said, if you are just looking at damage output versus survivability, it's pretty clear that Scrappers are far closer to Blasters in terms of the former than Blasters are to Scrappers in terms of the latter. By orders of magnitude, in many cases. This should come as no surprise; it's always been this way, and in fact, before the Defiance buffs and accompanying buff to the Blaster damage scalar, the balance was even more skewed in favor of Scrappers.
It's not debatable. What is debatable is whether you think anything should be done about it. Except for maybe some very minor tweaking here and there, I don't; I personally enjoy playing both ATs, and a marked survivability boost for Blasters in the name of balance would also make them less distinctive. A marked offensive boost would make them ludicrously powerful.

Sustainable AoE damage? A very rough calc, below, gives the lie to your statement -- which is, I think, an understandable and likely widespread misconception based on anecdotal experience.
You left out a couple important factors however.
Scrapper melee PbAOE's affect a maximum of 10 targets.
Scrapper melee cones affect a maximum of 5 targets.
Blaster targeted AOE's affect a max of 16 targets. (60% more damage potential).
Blaster cones affect a max of 10 targets (100% more damage potential).
Those factors have a significant effect on damage output when on large teams.
I also believe that, on the whole, Scrappers have less AoE damage available to them than do Blasters, and that as a general principle, Blasters have an easier time of delivering damage in teams which offer a sufficient amount of buff/debuff support. |
tl;dr warning!

Blasters got a much needed boost with the new inherent some issues back. Where as it certainly helped matters, it hardly balances the AT vs. the new kids on the block. Spine Scrappers or VEATs or even Shield/Super Strength Tankers have comparable or better damage AoE than most Blaster sets. These ATs though, have excellent survivability and get mez protection while Blasters in general only get to perfect their faceplant specials.
Lets compare Energy Blast with Spines for Scrappers (both being on a 1.125 scalar):
Power Bolt: End: 5.2, Rech: 4, Range: 80, Cast: 1, Dam: 62.6
Lunge: End: 5.2, Rech: 4, Range: 7, Cast: 1.63, Dam: 88.8
(ST ranged vs. ST melee)
Power Blast: End: 8.53, Rech: 8, Range: 80, Cast: 1.63, Dam: 102.6
Ripper: End: 11, Rech: 11, Range: 7, Arc: 90 degrees, Cast: 2.17, Dam: 167
(ST ranged vs. wide melee cone)
Energy Torrent: End: 11.9, Rech: 12, Range: 40, Arc: 45 degrees, Cast: 1.07, Dam: 60.1
Throw Spines: End: 13, Rech: 12, Range: 30, Arc: 90 degrees, Cast: 1.63, Dam: 100
(Both cones, Throw Spines with superior area of effect)
Explosive Blast: End: 15.2, Rech: 16, Range: 80, Radius: 15, Cast: 1.67, Dam: 56,3
Spine Burst: End: 15.2, Rech: 16, Radius: 15, Cast: 3, Dam: 82
(Ranged AoE vs. PbAoE)
Power Burst: End: 10.4, Rech: 10, Range: 40, Cast: 2, Dam: 132.6
Impale: End: 5.2, Rech: 8, Range: 40, Cast: 2.43, Dam: 137.9
(Both ranged ST)
Clearly a Spines Scrapper outdamages an Energy Blaster both in AoE and ST damage outside nukes (which use is highly situational). All Scrapper Epic pools have several ranged attacks, single target and area of effect, which make further ensures that the best Blaster in CoX in fact, isn't a Blaster at all.
Despite this fact, Blasters remain one of the most popular ATs. Why? Because the AT encourages fast paced and exciting play. The AT is also very attractive to new players as Blasters are strong early levels, but becomes relatively weaker compared to all other ATs as you progress.
Going Rogue is soon upon us and we will likely be faced with stiff competition from villain ATs as well. Why would anyone pick an Energy/Ice/Psychic/Electricity blaster over a VEAT in a team setting? VEATs have more AoE potential, while being able to break soft cap in all positional defenses as well as having several team buffs and benefitting more from pool powers.
I feel that Blasters then is in need of a little pick me up, here is what I would do:
Sniper powers are mainly only useful solo and as an IO mule. Even solo, my Blasters tend only to use them as a break from tedium. The game has soooo moved on since hover sniping was considered a bad exploit. Increase damage with at least 50% for these powers.
Nukes are largely situational. Blasters as an AT already suffer from lack of endurance management tools (outside of /Fire and /Electricity and to a lesser part /Energy) and nukes compound this issue. Make nukes cause endurance crash as before, but get rid of the 15 sec recovery stop. Alternately, make it similar to EM Pulse, where you get to keep your endurance but can't recover endurance for 15 sec.
Flame Mastery: Add 5th power. Smoke or Melt Armor (faster recharge and lower duration than Tanker version).
Force Mastery: Add 5th power. Repulsion Bomb or better yet, Energy Absorption (Blasters are endurance intensive, but is the only AT blueside w/o any endurance management tools in their ansciliaries).
Radiation Manipulation: Make a thematic secondary to the upcoming blast primary.
Specific powers:
Short Circuit: Up damage by 25%. Spine Burst will still be superior.
Voltanic Sentinel: Increase duration to 240. Recasting this power really is a chore and Blasters need to blast.
Gun Drone: As above. Lower cast and endurance cost.
Frozen Aura: Add damage compartment as done with Tanker version.
Scare: Make it a small radius AoE on a longer timer.
Any and all imput is welcome so long as its at least a little bit constructive. Any more powers/sets which are lacklustre and not mentioned here?