So do you think Cross Server Teaming Will Ever Come?
this is a tricky subject. some people want to be on less populated severs, other feel that their server has a specific feel that they prefer. honestly i wouldnt mind it, as im pretty much a pug ho and will team with anyone who is not a complete twit, but some people have significant objections, and will voice them if this were to come to pass.
When they announced the availability of server transfers some time back, they included a disclaimer that would lead me to believe it is at least something they have considered. I wouldn't dare speculate as to when or if it ever becomes a reality or what the mechanics of it might be, though.
I remember quite a few issues back (several YEARS ago), when I was with the W00t Radio staff. We (I was on a panel with Jester and some of the other staff) were interviewing, then Community Relations lead, CuppaJo for an episode of Jester's Court prior to an issue release. One of the questions submitted by a listener was in regards to the possibility of one day seeing Customizable Powers. At that time, still under the Cryptic banner, it was something they had looked at, but was simply not feasible. Now... here we are.
So anyone who speculates that it can not be done is underestimating the creativity, innovation, and ability of the staff currently working on the CoX product line.
- Garielle
At this point I'm sure they *could*, but the question is whether they *should* give this option.
Right now, Test is closed for beta, but the test server *is* available to everyone. You want your dream team? Copy over to test, and you've got it.
I would not want a serverless environment, and the devs have said (in person, at cons and such) that they really aren't trying for that. I would think that a great test for it though, would be to put the Arena this way, but then it might get sticky with "we only want this server's people" or things like that.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Honestly, I've seen a few good ideas for "cross-server" environments. I'm among those who would really prefer to keep the individual shards individual, but incorporate some way to temporarily transfer to a new server. While there, your name would be temporarily appended with your home server, you wouldn't be able to join SG/VGs or earn prestige for your home SG, but you could go and play with friends.
Honestly, I hope that they can do this, and do it at a fairly early level: early 20s at the latest, the point where rerolling on a new server is less attractive because the character is starting to come together. Since RWZ is going to be opened up, maybe a mission through their portal to unlock cross-dimensional travel, given by a new level 20+ contact? Sharing resources to fight the Rikti across many Paragon Cities...
More pie-in-the-sky, this would also be a nice way to introduce divergent servers. Faultline is rebuilt in one reality, but the heroes lose public confidence in another, and the Faultline reconstruction falters or even is pushed back by Arachnos. The Rikti are in full offense on servers that don't run regular raids and LGTFs, but the staunch opposition they face in another reality has them fighting on the defensive or even in a retreat. Differing server states based on player actions would be a very interesting thing, especially when players can recruit help from other servers to counteract (or accelerate) those changes.
119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.
I'm among those who would really prefer to keep the individual shards individual, but incorporate some way to temporarily transfer to a new server. While there, your name would be temporarily appended with your home server, |
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Could always team up on the Test server when it's "Open".
No progress on the original characters, but it still allows the ability for characters from different servers to team up.
This has been used as a get-around for quite a while.
The Test server tends to be "Open" more than it is "Closed". It's probably "Open" over 60% of the time, if not 70%. I understand that the Testing for GR that it will be "Closed" for several months, but it is a way to be able to team with characters from several different servers.
cross-server teaming seems like it would defeat the purpose of having separate servers to begin with
i guess if/when some servers merge that might count
Cross Server PvP zones would rock my socks. And I haven't PVP'd since they changed it.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
I think we'll get it eventually, and the harbinger will be cross-server PvP zones.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Yeah, I think cross-server PvP is the biggest need here - cross-server PvE would be neat, but not as much of a priority.
ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-
Wouldn't this still cause naming problems? Like wouldn't Heroman on Freedom have trouble if he joined some buddies for a misison on Virtue if there was already a Heroman on Virtue?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Wouldn't this still cause naming problems? Like wouldn't Heroman on Freedom have trouble if he joined some buddies for a misison on Virtue if there was already a Heroman on Virtue?
My fave from the past is the 'server tag', adding the server of origin to player info to differentiate between the various alternate reality versions of heroes & villains.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I think it would be kinda neat if those crafty Devs were to find a way to integrate the servers so seamlessly that Inconceivable-Man on Zukunft might bump into Inconceivable-Man on Virtue while bidding on some recipes at Wentworth's on Talos Island, and decide to join a Task Force together.
It would probably require a lot of work, but if they could manage to do that no server would ever be less populated that the most populated one. And that, for some, might be considered a good thing.
@Nanas (on Defiant)
The name thing could be fixed a number of ways.
As someone already mentioned: 'Servername@Localname' could work, or you could simply do it by 'Globalname@Localname'
This is how Champs does it, all lines in the chatbox display 'Globalname@Localname'. Although, there is an option to turn this function off so it will only display the 'Localname'.
Anyhow, I do remember some long long time ago, a red-name did post something about a serverless environment but never did mention a timeframe, and personally, from a hardware stand-point. I think this would be a good idea.
Clustering the servers together means loads/processes can be spread across the -whole- server farm. Things like mother/hami raids and invasions could have more processing power allocated, resulting in less lag on these overall.
Still, I agree on the idea of keeping the servers mostly seperated, as others have said, like alternate dimensions that you could travel to and from using Portal Corp and the like. I like Lakanna's ideas on what you could then use each of the servers for, but I can think of several reasons why they might be roadblocked.
For example, "Hey! Why did -my- server get over-run by Rikti and THOSE didn't! *mad*"
Anyhow, I do remember some long long time ago, a red-name did post something about a serverless environment but never did mention a timeframe, and personally, from a hardware stand-point. I think this would be a good idea.
It was about making sure they were covered if it ever happened, and they were careful to stress that it didn't mean something like that ever would happen; no actual statement regarding a plans for serverless configuration or even server consolidation, but it sparked quite a lot of debates, some of which continue raging to this day.
Personally, I like that Virtue is different from Freedom is different from Justice is different from Triumph, and I think consolidation is both a logistical nightmare and completely unnecessary. But temporary transfers so you could team on another server for a few hours or a weekend? Cross-server PvP? Those I'd be okay with.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
The name thing could be fixed a number of ways.
As someone already mentioned: 'Servername@Localname' could work, or you could simply do it by 'Globalname@Localname' This is how Champs does it, all lines in the chatbox display 'Globalname@Localname'. Although, there is an option to turn this function off so it will only display the 'Localname'. Anyhow, I do remember some long long time ago, a red-name did post something about a serverless environment but never did mention a timeframe, and personally, from a hardware stand-point. I think this would be a good idea. Clustering the servers together means loads/processes can be spread across the -whole- server farm. Things like mother/hami raids and invasions could have more processing power allocated, resulting in less lag on these overall. Still, I agree on the idea of keeping the servers mostly seperated, as others have said, like alternate dimensions that you could travel to and from using Portal Corp and the like. I like Lakanna's ideas on what you could then use each of the servers for, but I can think of several reasons why they might be roadblocked. For example, "Hey! Why did -my- server get over-run by Rikti and THOSE didn't! *mad*" |
Nobody at NCSoft has ever, to my knowledge, announced anything even remotely resembling a plan to one day go "serverless." What you may be thinking of (and this confused a lot of people) was a statement from back when server transfers were first announced, to the effect of, "there are no refunds for transfers. Ever. So if, someday, we were to decide to consolidate servers or change the game over to a single-sever ("serverless") model, you don't get your ten bucks back because that transfer we sold you five years earlier isn't necessary anymore."
It was about making sure they were covered if it ever happened, and they were careful to stress that it didn't mean something like that ever would happen; no actual statement regarding a plans for serverless configuration or even server consolidation, but it sparked quite a lot of debates, some of which continue raging to this day. Personally, I like that Virtue is different from Freedom is different from Justice is different from Triumph, and I think consolidation is both a logistical nightmare and completely unnecessary. But temporary transfers so you could team on another server for a few hours or a weekend? Cross-server PvP? Those I'd be okay with. |
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
Personally, I like that Virtue is different from Freedom is different from Justice is different from Triumph, and I think consolidation is both a logistical nightmare and completely unnecessary. But temporary transfers so you could team on another server for a few hours or a weekend? Cross-server PvP? Those I'd be okay with.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Mirai_Teirusu is correct. it was a long time ago, but I think it was Posi that mentioned one day they'd really like to go serverless and have everyone on the one, single server, although possibly with individual shards.
I'd love it to happen but wouldn't hold my breath (unless you're *really* good at surviving without oxygen for a couple of years).
. . . Personally, I like that Virtue is different from Freedom is different from Justice is different from Triumph, and I think consolidation is both a logistical nightmare and completely unnecessary. But temporary transfers so you could team on another server for a few hours or a weekend? Cross-server PvP? Those I'd be okay with.
Mirai_Teirusu is correct. it was a long time ago, but I think it was Posi that mentioned one day . . . .
I see no reason for all the work it would be. . .
I play with friends on ALL the servers regularly ALREADY.
Even easier to play with a friend on another alt on another server,
after the Super-SK goes into effect.
and less reason to actually take an alt to a different server. . . . just make a duplicate, and auto-sk to team with any friend you like!
Yeah. None of the rest of us have any links or proof or evidence either. . I see no reason for all the work it would be. . . I play with friends on ALL the servers regularly ALREADY. Even easier to play with a friend on another alt on another server, after the Super-SK goes into effect. and less reason to actually take an alt to a different server. . . . just make a duplicate, and auto-sk to team with any friend you like! . |
Unless you happen to be on the wrong side of the EU/US divide of course. Which is why me wants it. I don't particularly want to choose just EU or US side (not paying subs for both thank you) and I'd love my hard paid for Vet attacks US side too, a cross divide serverless or semi-serverless enviroment would be a godsend.
On the other hand, I think it would be the least likely or last to actually be done, if it ever was.
Nobody at NCSoft has ever, to my knowledge, announced anything even remotely resembling a plan to one day go "serverless." What you may be thinking of (and this confused a lot of people) was a statement from back when server transfers were first announced, to the effect of, "there are no refunds for transfers. Ever. So if, someday, we were to decide to consolidate servers or change the game over to a single-sever ("serverless") model, you don't get your ten bucks back because that transfer we sold you five years earlier isn't necessary anymore."
It was about making sure they were covered if it ever happened, and they were careful to stress that it didn't mean something like that ever would happen; no actual statement regarding a plans for serverless configuration or even server consolidation, but it sparked quite a lot of debates, some of which continue raging to this day. |
Frankly, I'd hate to see it happen.
Edit: Except for the PVP zones, perhaps, so all ten PVPers left in the game can play with each other more easily.

Unless you happen to be on the wrong side of the EU/US divide of course. Which is why me wants it. I don't particularly want to choose just EU or US side (not paying subs for both thank you) and I'd love my hard paid for Vet attacks US side too, a cross divide serverless or semi-serverless enviroment would be a godsend.
Or prime-minister, what you prefer

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Given that the Devs seem to be coming up with a way to give us practically everything else I've been wanting in this game, I'm curious as to how long we'll have to wait before we'll be able to team with our friends on different servers ...
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