So do you think Cross Server Teaming Will Ever Come?




Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Carnifax for president!!

Or prime-minister, what you prefer
Presidents get to lounge about doing nothing but meeting dignitaries and going to rugby matches (at least ours does), whereas Prime Ministers get to break economies, get given out to and look like gormless floundering eejits so I'll go with President please (Irish stylee so I don't have to actually do anything but turn up at sporting events and banquets).

Do I actually think cross divide, cross-server teaming will come? Probably not at this stage of the games life, there'd be a fair whack of scary work involved. But I'd like it to.



They will have to make a choice one way or another, already seen with AE that the actual impact of such is way bigger EU side then US side. Bright side we have a serverless AH, else we would have a serious economic crisis

With upcomming GR, provided it is a seperate zone like RWZ, i dont really see a very bright future for EU side. And without proper advertising as such they do US side, no fresh blood and merely waiting for those there to leave. (be it Aion, be it Co, or whatever reason).

I always said, just give them a choice. Sure, i can rebuild all my characters US side (wouldnt even take that long), but my badges, my veteran, that basicly 'forces' me to stay EU.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!