I16: Super-Sidekicking Explained

a tame rabbit



This is pretty awesome. You guys really need to offer a lifetime subscription option.



Originally Posted by Tarkenchi View Post
This is pretty awesome. You guys really need to offer a lifetime subscription option.
<_< bad business decision, we will pay WAY more over the long run.

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



This is absolutely fantastic, i've never been so stoked about an issue. My only concern is the boosting of leveling speed for 1-20. It's sort of.. easy enough.

The email fix sounds perfect, all this and then power customization? Ohgod.



Originally Posted by Tarkenchi View Post
You guys really need to offer a lifetime subscription option.
For the health of this game I'm willing to accept -never- having a lifetime sub offer for it. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
With Super-sidekicking this is no longer true.

Everyone (well not level 50's) get XP, even those characters that are exemplared. You can choose to go back to the old "extra Inf., no XP" way if you'd like, though, in Options.
Pure genius.



I'd like to say how very nice this system will make non-AE teams for my RP SGs. We've got a lot of characters of a lot of different levels. And until AE, it was always a challenge to find something for us to do together (if we didn't have half the team in the right level range), and mostly we ended up Flashbacking down to an arc that the very lowest level could do.

When AE came along, that problem was solved by AE missions with limited level ranges. And with i15, it got even better because the designers didn't have to play tricks to limit the range. But now, with i16, we'll all be able to do non-AE arcs with anyone, get xp with anyone, and rp with anyone while still 'playing the game.'

Thank you so much.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post

For a Farmer, who is always SOLO... They dont care. Because we just want to make our team size 6 WITHOUT BOTHERING anyone.

I am so happy.
Sorry sunshine, I just always think of anything of that sort as a farm due to the way I was growed up. Being brought in on my lvl 1 tank into a farm (bunch-o 50s running for the drops, me there for the PL) was called a farm, and I just assumed they were the same. In essence, it really is IMHO because some are farming drops/tickets and influence, some are PL'ing. That's just me though.

My apologies and I shall not make the same error again.

And yes, I am happy too.

Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.



(Which reminds me, we’ve added new features to the in-game Email system to either shut it off entirely, or only receive emails from people on your friends list and/or people in your Supergroup. Another step in the battle against annoying in-game spam.)
Shoot, not that the new SK system doesn't sound cool, but the email thing is excellent! Thanks for finally getting this in place Posi et al


Current implementation on Training Room is "character" friends list.
IMO, would be better to use Global Friends. I have almost no characters listed in my local friends on my characters these days. That's just my opinion of course. I suppose that I could always start using local friends again, but perhaps an option would be better (although probably harder to code, I know).



Quick question. Will the ONLY way to get the badges for SKing now be to be a team leader? i HATE leading teams with a passion (i'll up and quit a team if someone hands me the star.) Am i now going to be FORCED to lead a team to get those badges?



This is awesome! Talk about going above and beyond expectations. This is a QoL addition that has me chomping at the bit for I16 all the more.

Let's see...

pretty colors, new animations on some powers, teaming with any level range easily, and hero/villain team up from early levels via RWZ.

Thank you Devs. You guys just rock!



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
Also awsome for those of us that want the tsalorian weapons!
Not really, you'll still need to be high enough to get Levantera's missions to earn the Vanguard Recruit badge before you can earn Vanguard Merits.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
So one L50 SKing 7 level 1s to L50 and running around a map defeating things to level them up is easier than what we have now? Sounds to me like it would be far, far slower.
It is slower, but it is also easier to arrange. This isnt a blow to multi-boxers or to AE XP farms, in terms of ending them. It does make the level gains less ridiculous. But, you'll still see farms happening, even though you can set your mission to X number of players as desired. You'll still see power leveling going on, it will just be slower. Farmers are sometimes social too, and so you'll still have the same thing happening. It isnt like the farming or the power leveling is preventing people from joining your RPG catgirl boom box dancing team. It is the AE that does that. It is just SO convenient.

What you will see end is bridging requests.

Back to power leveling, a patient farmer will still power level friends or alternate account characters. You know, it is Saturday, a friend is online, the two of you bring 2 or 3 heavy killers and a bunch of level 1 alts on other accounts, and you run a bunch of AE missions or farms. Get on teamspeak or vent and chew the fat. Hang out, whack stuff. Do that on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, 4 days in a row when on vacation, etc. After a couple of months, you'll still have a shiny unplayed power leveled character sitting there, ready to roll. You know, instead of having 4 power leveled characters sitting there waiting for you, which is what you can do with bridging.

So, slower, yes. Easier, yes.


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Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Everyone (well not level 50's) get XP, even those characters that are exemplared. You can choose to go back to the old "extra Inf., no XP" way if you'd like, though, in Options.
This needs to be made simpler. Also, since people often exemp with the INTENT of not receiving XP, turning off XP earning should also be made easier (i.e. easier to FIND).

Having to drill down through a huge list of menu items is too time-consuming.

Simple solution: I know we can switch in and out of SG mode from the command line. I believe we can do the same to turn XP earning on and off. If the old/new exemp choice can be done at the command line also, it will be easily accessible for the people that actually care about it without cluttering up the interface.

P.S. Overall, very nice. I would rate the OP as 85% awesome, 10% not yet clear on the details and 5% that I don't like.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Super-sidekicking applies to Mission Architect as well.
Glad to see this will effect the AE, maybe, just maybe we can get people to run real ingame content with the new Super Sidekicking feature and the new difficulty system. And hopefully it will help the market some.

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Originally Posted by slaveteri View Post
Quick question. Will the ONLY way to get the badges for SKing now be to be a team leader? i HATE leading teams with a passion (i'll up and quit a team if someone hands me the star.) Am i now going to be FORCED to lead a team to get those badges?
Well Posi did mention the possibility of reviewing current badge requirements and adjusting them for all of this accordingly. I'd be willing to bet the mentor badges are among the ones he's talking about.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



One word: AWESOME!

I can't say how much I like this stuff. Things like ITF will be much, much easier to organize now. Also goodbye to bridge/pad requests! Wee!

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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Another thought, If the auto SK applies to RWZ and other similar zones that currently have level requirements, and you are in one of those zones when the team leader selects a mission that is owned by a player that is not that minimum level, are you all dumped from the zone?

This might sound trivial but it is something to think about.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Yup, but the requirements still exist on the Hamidon zones and the PVP zones.
Would it be possible to remove (or change) the exploration badges and history plaques that are currently located in PvP zones for villains?

For example, all of the hero accolades will be potentially attainable by a level 1 hero.

On villain side, for at least the stat-boosting accolades, a character has to be able to enter Bloody Bay (Swashbuckler-Born in Battle), Siren's Call (again, Swashbuckler-Born in Battle) and Warburg (Arachnos Rising-Marshal, Weapon of Mass Destruction-Marshal, Triumphant-Born in Battle).

Proposed solutions:
Remove the exploration badges/history badges that are in PvP zones from accolades.

Replace the exploration badges/history badges that are in PvP zones from accolades. Issue: Those that currently have the requirements fulfilled will lose the accolades, unless they have the new badges required. Or you'll have to override the existing accolades to 'grandfather' them in.

Move the exploration badges/history plaques to another location outside PvP zones. Issue: Breaks continuity.

Remove history plaques in PvP zones from being a part of earning the associated history badge, i.e. making the plaques not associated with any known badge.


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Any chance the ability to Exemp OURSELVES will be added? So we streetsweep in any zone or whatever use we might think of? Maybe as a part of the new difficulty settings?

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



Holy smokes! You guys are going to get me 20% faster towards SOs and Stamina? That is awesome! These new features are going to be amazing for playing with my friends. I thank you sooooo much for streamlining the sidekicking experience.

Whoa! I just noticed the old emotes are back (sort of)!

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Originally Posted by ShadowNate View Post
Any chance the ability to Exemp OURSELVES will be added? So we streetsweep in any zone or whatever use we might think of? Maybe as a part of the new difficulty settings?
I really like that idea, especially when your consider badging. The example that I would give is when your try to get the badge associated with the Marcones, but once your hit one they all run. This certainly would be easier if you could exemplar yourself



Originally Posted by slaveteri View Post
Quick question. Will the ONLY way to get the badges for SKing now be to be a team leader? i HATE leading teams with a passion (i'll up and quit a team if someone hands me the star.) Am i now going to be FORCED to lead a team to get those badges?
No. When you are NOT in a mission, people will be SK'ed/exemped to the team leader. When you ARE in a mission, people will be SK'ed/exemped to the MISSION OWNER.

So someone else can have the star and you'll get the SK badge credit if the team is doing your mission.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Hmm, why is un-auto-Exing so clunky? Why do you have to quit the team? Why not just use the existing UI element of the UnEx button in the team window? That sounds much simpler to me. You click it, you're your natural level again. Click it again, now that it says "Exem," you're exemplared to the team leader again. Much less clunky.

I'd imagine those elements of the UI are going away, as if Im reading this correctly, SKing is going away.

I know -alot- of people that are going to be unhappy with this, and it's probably biggest spin job of a candy coated nerf that I have ever bore witness to in 10 years of MMOing, but..

I agree with it, so Im not complaining, and the fact Pos owned up to the "negative" impact it has in his statement does a lot to increase my respect for this dev team.

And previously, I pretty much just hated you guys.

Though Im still unhappy you hid my angry smiley icon. > : (



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post

I'll never get to play Heck's second arc at this rate >.<

Hey, how about maybe throwing that into the first veteran reward or something? "Congrats, we know you've been through this before. Have a boost next time."
That's what the Earn NO XP toggle under option is for ya know