Discussion - Positron Discusses Issue 16 on MMORPG.com!




With Issue 16: Powers Spectrum on the horizon, Lead Designer Matt “Positron” Miller discusses power customization and how it came to fruition. Check out what Matt has to say about bringing a much desired feature to life in this Developer Diary on MMORPG



Interesting article.



Not often that the mods get scooped.

But I guess that's what happens when you have a bunch of rabid players wanting info on I-16.


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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



To that end, every character in the game will receive a free Tailor session for every costume slot they have unlocked, when Issue 16 is released on the Live servers this summer/fall.
AWSOME! Was wondering about this. Guess that means the power customization goes through the tailor as well. THAT is going to be a busy day in Icon and the Facemaker shops! They might want to consider adding a few more NPCs in there.



Great article and an excellent way of giving kudos to those that worked so hard on this.

My personal favorite line in the article was:

"To that end, every character in the game will receive a free Tailor session for every costume slot they have unlocked, when Issue 16 is released on the Live servers this summer/fall. This is our special thanks to our players for never giving up on suggesting the feature to us, no matter how "impossible" we might have said it was to do in the past."
Thanks CoH Team!! I'm waiting with bated breath for Issue 16 to go live!



Can't wait to see this live. I have a hero from back in I-1 when power customization was just a pipe dream that has been waiting at level 14 just for this. I think I may park my characters at the tailor now so they'll have plenty of discount tickets for release.

(yes, yes, I know its not that expensive, but hey, who doesn't like a discount?)



The devs had to keep their mouths shut for a year? And longer? My extreme sympathies to you. Whenever I've bought a surprise gift for my wife that I knew she would flip over once she got it, it would be all I could do to keep a straight face. Actually keeping the secret required a physical effort on my part.

No one gets paid enough for that. Wow.

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me...it was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



I recently purchased the SuperScience pack in order to change the body type/size of existing alts. I only used this on 2 alts (changing from Giant to "normal" Male). This made a really big difference in my enjoyment of those 2 characters, as their new size now better reflects their background/costume/powers.

I think I'll view Power Customization the same way. On the majority of my alts, I'll be perfectly happy with the default options and not even think twice about altering colors. However, on a few characters, this option may make all the difference in a character becoming a "favorite" vs. one I may consider deleting.

Thanks to the Developers for coming up with this feature. It's a great idea that most of us will appreciate and use on at least a semi-regular basis. I'm glad to see that, 5 years in, we're not only getting new features added to this game, but some really incredible and fun new ways of playing. Great job!

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Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Thanks to the Developers for coming up with this feature. It's a great idea that most of us will appreciate and use on at least a semi-regular basis. I'm glad to see that, 5 years in, we're not only getting new features added to this game, but some really incredible and fun new ways of playing. Great job!

I think its safe to say this one will make the game much more enjoyable for almost everyone. My first toon, who I still play regularly is a spines scrapper. Always envisioned him with with sharper, meaner looking spines instead of him being the banana-scrapper he is now. That was the first thing I looked for to change with power customization and had to stop myself from jumping around the office in joy once I saw the video of from comic-con. I can't wait to play the real version of my character once this feature is live!*

*Well...almost. Still need to change the color of his eye lasers, energy torrent, and pool power auras...but its a LOT closer than he was.



Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post

I think its safe to say this one will make the game much more enjoyable for almost everyone. My first toon, who I still play regularly is a spines scrapper. Always envisioned him with with sharper, meaner looking spines instead of him being the banana-scrapper he is now. That was the first thing I looked for to change with power customization and had to stop myself from jumping around the office in joy once I saw the video of from comic-con. I can't wait to play the real version of my character once this feature is live!*

*Well...almost. Still need to change the color of his eye lasers, energy torrent, and pool power auras...but its a LOT closer than he was.
I don't agree with the articles Title.

If Power customization is "Overcoming the Impossible." What will the article title read once they decide to finally tackle the issues with PvP? "Attempting the impossible?"



Wow...only 10 responses to work PvP in there....someone's slacking.

Anyhoo...thanks for sharing the thoughts, Posi. Helps us get some perspective on time when the Devs say things are gonna take a while.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
What will the article title read once they decide to finally tackle the issues with PvP? "Attempting the impossible?"
The title for that article will be "Ignoring the Irrelevant"

This is a service-oriented business, and it's all
about keeping the player happy over the long term.
So you have to listen and pay attention. If a large
portion of your playerbase is screaming about
some change, you be wise to listen. - Raph Koster



It sure will be fun, technicolor fun, when I16 goes live! Over a year of secrecy, that's how important it is to not tip your hand to this group of players, can you imagine the forum discussions if this had have been announced then!

Looking forward to the feature, several of my toons will be fine-tuned for color once this hits live. Thanks Devs!

K5K - The Killbot 5000
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Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
The devs had to keep their mouths shut for a year? And longer? My extreme sympathies to you. Whenever I've bought a surprise gift for my wife that I knew she would flip over once she got it, it would be all I could do to keep a straight face. Actually keeping the secret required a physical effort on my part.

No one gets paid enough for that. Wow.
This is normal for them. I'm reasonably sure they've been working longer than a year on Going Rogue. They're working on new end game stuff and ways to make level 50 characters more powerful (per video from Comicon) that they can't talk about either. I believe one of the devs mentioned that the AE system took "only" 8 months, and he was totally impressed at how fast that was. There's always new stuff in the pipeline they can't talk about.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



I'm jumping for joy! xD when i first heard about i16 I was happy that we were going to be able to change our power colors but in general...I didn't think they would allow us to change every single power and to that costume slot as well...man o man this is so sweet.

Thanks so much CoH team

-Sardan*"There's always new stuff in the pipeline they can't talk about."

Makes you wonder what else they got behind those closed doors :O!!

~Amidst the blue skies, a link from past to future. The sheltering wings of the protector~



Originally Posted by Volkz View Post
Makes you wonder what else they got behind those closed doors :O!!

Kind of like what/when Sunstorm said, "man I wish I could tell you guys what I'm working on now...but I can't...(and no it's not CoP)."

Or something along those lines heh.

And hooray for PC!

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You know, I don't think I've ever really thanked the dev team for anything, or even shared the appreciation I have for what they do for I always thought that since it was their job, and not their passion to do this kind of stuff... But now as I read the article and see all the people thanking them and such... I too will extend my hand n saying thanks guys for the hard work, dedication, n time that you kind folk have put into setting up what is the greatest MMOG of the super powers genre.

And I'm not so sure that the ach, patr, n pool powers didn't get the color treatment as well....



This is a good example of how perserverance pays off. Myself and several others have asked for this since the game launched. It really should have been a no-brainer that people would want to be able to customize how thier powers would look. When I first started playing I was actually surprised that we we couldn't change the powers' colors. Kudos to the devs for finally deciding to take the time to do this, and kudos to those that kept bringing it up and thereby showing the devs how badly wanted this feature was in spite of a segment of the forum posters raking them over the coals whenever someone would suggest it.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
This is normal for them. I'm reasonably sure they've been working longer than a year on Going Rogue. They're working on new end game stuff and ways to make level 50 characters more powerful (per video from Comicon) that they can't talk about either. I believe one of the devs mentioned that the AE system took "only" 8 months, and he was totally impressed at how fast that was. There's always new stuff in the pipeline they can't talk about.

Makes one wonder how long the team in charge of bases/raids, etc have been under the Cone of Silence..



Count me in as another one giving the devs massive Kudos on this one as well!
For the longest time I have had no desire to play a spines scrapper, due to the repulsive look of the powerset. Now I can't wait to make one and turn it loose. I'm also exited about the proliferated powersets, I sense an electric scrapper or two in my future as well.

And power customization? Woo Freaking Hoo! I've got several characters who will be using this for sure!

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Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I'm excited about this issue, not only for what it offers, but what it opens the door to.

- Possible alternate animations for more power sets. At this point, I think even NEW animations are possible, considering the size of their team now.

- New auras and costume colors. It's been suggested I think (by players, not devs), that with the new palettes for some powers, there needs to be an expanded costume palette to match. And while it might not have been suggested yet, I hope the devs can borrow some of the fx from powers to use as auras. For example, as a fire blaster, your hands light on fire when you press an attack, even if there's no enemy near by. If we could keep that on at all times, it would be awesome.



Yeah, I'm really starting to wonder what ELSE is coming in another year that they can't even hint about right now. Hmmm....

I call total merger to a SERVERLESS SYSTEM!!!!! You heard it here first folks!



Originally Posted by Clobbertime View Post
Kudos to the devs for finally deciding to take the time to do this,
Well, they didn't have the ability until recently; not with sacrificing everything else for it. Look at weapon customization; someone came up with a method of customizing weapons that didn't take the same kind of manpower and they promptly gave it to us.

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