Issue 16 release date




The Devs hate releasing things on Monday because they don't have a full day to prep up for it.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
The Devs hate releasing things on Monday because they don't have a full day to prep up for it.

Sure they do. It's called Friday.



All I can tell you is their trend is to release things on Tuesdays.

Issues do tend to buck the trend, but about all you can say about them is a) they will NEVER release an issue on a Friday (note, boxed expansions might be different, I know they wanted CoV on Halloween, for example, and that was a working weekend for the devs), and b) even more than patches they don't like releasing issues on Mondays. It gives them that one day to look over everything before releasing it AFTER having two days for their minds to cleanse of work toxins.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



They can release it on Sept 1. That's a Tuesday. If not then then it should be in Sept depending on open beta. But we have to wait and wait....and post and post and then wait then post some more



Quick speculation here, but I suspect that I16 will have a very short Open Beta, maybe even none.

As we all know, for all previous Issues, players could always (?) use the character creator to tinker around without the hassel of copying a character.

This time, the Character Creator is the biggest part of the update, and if it went to Open Beta, there is a good chance the test server would see a ton of traffic (crashing the server perhaps)

By doing this via closed testing only, the devs essentially remove this potential headache.

This is pure speculation, but it seems logical.

The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, The Beta Tester
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 2, The Robot Mystery
More Info at....



But, they still need to 'stress test' it. See how far the thing will stretch, if too many people changing too many things at once will bork it.

It might be short, but there will be an open beta

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Originally Posted by Graeve_Digger View Post
Quick speculation here, but I suspect that I16 will have a very short Open Beta, maybe even none.

As we all know, for all previous Issues, players could always (?) use the character creator to tinker around without the hassel of copying a character.

This time, the Character Creator is the biggest part of the update, and if it went to Open Beta, there is a good chance the test server would see a ton of traffic (crashing the server perhaps)

By doing this via closed testing only, the devs essentially remove this potential headache.

This is pure speculation, but it seems logical.
Better to crash test than one or more of the live servers.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Whatever the case may be, I'm looking forward to i16 and Going Rogue for that matter. I have faith in the Devs that they'll do their best work possible and not let us down, it's all really exciting.

Something not so exciting for me right now... is being in the CO Open Beta.

My reaction was generally positive at first, I'm beginning to see it for what it is after 12 levels... just as everyone else describes it: WoW with superheroes.

The questing structure, the basic mechanics and GUI, the lack of encouragement for social teaming... it's everything stripped directly from WoW... and it's what made me stop playing WoW in the long run (back before ANY of the expansions).

About the only nice thing I can say about it is that I really love a lot of the animations for some of the attacks and travel powers. We need some overhauled animations like that for CoX (i.e. someone with superspeed ACTUALLY appearing to be running in the resulting stride style).

Beyond that, it just feels like I'm playing a really ugly early PS2 game ported to PC by an outside company without the slightest clue of how it was supposed to translate to a PC correctly.

Well, I seem to have gotten a tad off-topic. Anywho, just be patient for i16. It'll be here when they feel it's ready for prime time... which might not be too far off at all.

"Later, Ace!"
Robin Everheart

(Global: @Robin Everheart)
(Server: Virtue)



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
But, they still need to 'stress test' it. See how far the thing will stretch, if too many people changing too many things at once will bork it.

It might be short, but there will be an open beta

Agreed, if server traffic is going to bring down a server the developers will more than likely want it to be the test server. You never (or hardly ever) use your production environment as a test bed.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by Robin_Everheart View Post
Beyond that, it just feels like I'm playing a really ugly early PS2 game ported to PC by an outside company without the slightest clue of how it was supposed to translate to a PC correctly.
Dated.. but unavoidable..."All your heroes are belong to us!"



Very nice haha

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



Thank you... Thank you...




Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Actually, Aug 31st being a Monday makes it unlikely to be a release day.
Originally Posted by Soulie View Post
Why's that? It's not like it's a boxed expansion.

Actually, the only time they've ever released anything major on a Monday, it *was* a "boxed expansion." City of Villains came out on a Monday, but other than that, no major update (i.e., an actual "Issue") has been released on a Monday or a Friday.



Originally Posted by Robin_Everheart View Post
Whatever the case may be, I'm looking forward to i16 and Going Rogue for that matter. I have faith in the Devs that they'll do their best work possible and not let us down, it's all really exciting.
Dude, your avatar captures the spirit of the forums perfectly.

*bows to your amazing insightfulness*

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Well we can write off Sept 1 as a release day for I16. Unless they skip open beta and just release i. Then work out kinks as they appear. I wish we could get a red name to comment



Originally Posted by Blastman View Post
Well we can write off Sept 1 as a release day for I16. Unless they skip open beta and just release i. Then work out kinks as they appear. I wish we could get a red name to comment
Yeah it certainly is coming down to the wire if they had any serious plans to push it out the door by Sept 1st. Of course there's no "set-in-stone" rules to closed/open betas either. For all we know the Devs might decide that letting it go open beta over the weekend would be enough for this Issue. That would certainly allow it to "interfere" with that other game's headstart as much as possible.

The three key features publicly known about for I16 (power customization, mission difficulty settings, super-sidekicking) are all things that have been in closed beta for several weeks now. These features are not completely trivial but they are certainly less complex than say the entire AE system. If they all aren't already reasonably working this very minute then I'd say we might as well not even worry about this thing being ready by October if they are having -that- much trouble with it.

Basically Sept 1st is looking unlikely now, but I wouldn't say it's completely impossible quite yet.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Basically Sept 1st is looking unlikely now, but I wouldn't say it's completely impossible quite yet.
Well, what I can say, given as I have suddenly been called out of town for the rest of the week, is that it's safe to assume that either Open Beta will be coming before Friday, or that, at least, I'll get a Beta invite before that point!

On a less personal level, I really can't imagine i16 is even close to actually being live-ready, which means a CO-competing release is highly unlikely, which, in turn, to my mind, means the Devs can take a bit of time on this and make sure it goes particularly well, with plenty of testing and bug-busting. Or, summarily, if it's not going to be live in the next week (and I'd say 99% that won't happen), I wouldn't expect it until very late September/early October.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Well, what I can say, given as I have suddenly been called out of town for the rest of the week, is that it's safe to assume that either Open Beta will be coming before Friday, or that, at least, I'll get a Beta invite before that point!

On a less personal level, I really can't imagine i16 is even close to actually being live-ready, which means a CO-competing release is highly unlikely, which, in turn, to my mind, means the Devs can take a bit of time on this and make sure it goes particularly well, with plenty of testing and bug-busting. Or, summarily, if it's not going to be live in the next week (and I'd say 99% that won't happen), I wouldn't expect it until very late September/early October.
The problem with this "sensible Dev" assumption is that the Devs have already shown that when other games are concerned they are willing to be less than sensible.

I12 was released live the very same day Age of Conan went live after a very short (and probably not long enough) open beta period. Coincidentally I12 was the issue that gave us Cimerora, the "swords and shields" zone. Can you think of anything in I16 (*cough* Power Customization) that's directly aimed at what CO is offering?

I'm certainly not going to assume the Devs will push I16 too much just to meet the Sept 1st "deadline". But based on their past history I'm not prepared to put it past them this time.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
The problem with this "sensible Dev" assumption is that the Devs have already shown that when other games are concerned they are willing to be less than sensible.

I12 was released live the very same day Age of Conan went live after a very short (and probably not long enough) open beta period. Coincidentally I12 was the issue that gave us Cimerora, the "swords and shields" zone. Can you think of anything in I16 (*cough* Power Customization) that's directly aimed at what CO is offering?

I'm certainly not going to assume the Devs will push I16 too much just to meet the Sept 1st "deadline". But based on their past history I'm not prepared to put it past them this time.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that history repeats itself.

... namely, Champions getting two months of hype, then faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."