Issue 16 release date




Originally Posted by Shadow_Wail View Post
If NCSoft really feels like they are in trouble and have to rush issues to compete then they are personally looking at it from the wrong point of view. If they want to compete they must add more content and enough in-game events to keep the consumer base active. Going Rogue will be step in the right direction but in general, the Devs need to add more content, lore, stories. Giving us a few zone revamps, Fixing PvP in the future will help, adding new non-proliferated powersets.

In the long run, CoX has legitimate competition from DCUO and only for the large consumer pool of resources like movies, comics and a consumer base that is multi-demographical.
As I said before it doesn't really matter if CO (or even DCUO) ends up being a steaming pile of crap or not at this point.

Competition is competition. I'd much rather our Devs overreact to a threat that turns out to be minor than to believe people like you even if you are right in the long run. I'd rather not see the reverse where our Devs underestimate a potential competitor and get caught with their proverbial pants down.

Could that mean that our Devs might rush content out before it's absolutely ready? Sure it could. Remember that kind of thing has never really stopped them before anyway. Besides if a game like CO is such crap to begin with then making a few over-reactive "mistakes" shouldn't really matter much to us in the long run should it?

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Originally Posted by Shadow_Wail View Post
Be warned....long rant coming:

I don't see why some people are getting all clamored about CO...I understand DCUO since DCUO is an actually franchise that has decades of fans, decades of possible story additions and decades of established material. CO is just a copy of a copy.

From what my friend tells me about the beta for CO, we have nothing to worry about that game is a hotter piece of poo than warm manure.

I personally do not like the cartoon comic book look, reminds me of color by the numbers for the blind. It is too reminiscent of WoW and w/o the WoW standards.

I saw an interview where good ol' statesman is mentioning all of the things that "This" superhero MMO would have, he makes comments bout how "This" MMO will have detailed character creation, where you can place blasts locations or any of that.

As for DCUO, their base premise is the fan base and physics object...I hate that term...Physics Object...everything in physics can be an object...stoopid DC, instead they should call it interactables...sounds better.

But yea, DCUO is going for previous decades worth of integrity and intractables. CO is going for customization that we already have a heavy foothold on and by stating that they are the first to offer such details is a joke seeing as it was Jack Emert himself that made so many problem from what I recall.

If NCSoft really feels like they are in trouble and have to rush issues to compete then they are personally looking at it from the wrong point of view. If they want to compete they must add more content and enough in-game events to keep the consumer base active. Going Rogue will be step in the right direction but in general, the Devs need to add more content, lore, stories. Giving us a few zone revamps, Fixing PvP in the future will help, adding new non-proliferated powersets.

In the long run, CoX has legitimate competition from DCUO and only for the large consumer pool of resources like movies, comics and a consumer base that is multi-demographical.
I tend to think Champions Online will take a while to get going. Hell, they have Open beta ONLY if you've pre-ordwered; and a special limited (until 9/1/09 - CO 'go live' date) Lifetime Supscription off to CO for $200.00 (and as an 'added' perk, you get into the Star Trek Online closed beta later this year).

Now some folks might see this as 'Wow, what a deal'; BUT, honestly, if you fealt the game was really stellar; why offer a 'lifetime' subscription in the first place, and why limit open beta ONLY to re-orders? Sounds like the Crytic folks are praying they get a quick infusion of cash before the game ships and the non fanbois get a real crack at it. Why would I want a lifetime subscription to a game I might find unfun to actually play?



Dev's just need to take their time on this. Being in closed or open beta is a chance to see the major problems with the new Issue. if there are a few bugs at the release that is fine, provided they do not cause sever problems with stablility or client crashes. This Issue looks to be one of the best, yes I would like to play it today, but it is one of those things that I can wait for if it is going to make it better.
As far as CO goes, don't care about it, not worried about that game cause a problem for City of Heroes.



I have a feeling I-16 will go live Sept. 1st.

Even more likely is Aug 31st, since it's on a monday.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Starr View Post
I feel like the girl who turned into a blueberry in Willy Wanka...I want it NOWWWW!!!!
Wrong girl. The "I want it now!" one was the bad egg.

The blueberry one was the girl who always chewed gum.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Shadowpuff View Post
Hey! Where's my invite? You gave Mars one! grrr... You are going to create discord in our home! *stomps off*
Don't worry, maybe they'll take it away from him now!



Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
Hmmmm when does CO go live?? I figure for competition sake that i16 will be out at the same time or just before CO goes live.

The sooner the better!
I learned my lesson not to rush to a game that just came out of beta. It's always full of bugs... ex: War Hammer Online.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I learned my lesson not to rush to a game that just came out of beta. It's always full of bugs... ex: War Hammer Online.
Of course a game that just came out of beta is going to be full of bugs, why? beta's tend to be clossed for 1-2 reasons 1:less people you get a better idea of what the concess of the group feels is a necessity. 2: Less people to trow fits when something doesnt work like they think it should., Though in general anything that comes off a assembly line I.E. CO/War Hammer Online is going to be full of bugs people in the closed beta missed but thier lore and story will be better off in the long run if thier closed. As for not jumping in when a game comes stright from beta, thats a personal dessision that only you can make. Am i goin to jump in? yep cuse i wanna see where NCSoft takes it imo they did an amazing job makeing CoH but sicne thier leave the lore to the game seems to have been put on the back burner, and with CO useing a new engine itll be fun to play something new and shiny specially since the graphics in this game dont seem to be getting alot better. As for the mentioned cartoony look or comicy look. The devs over at CO said you could turn that feature off if you so liked.

With that said your wondering why im still here. Well cuse i dont play on turning CoH off till i find out if i will be enjoyin CO as much as i have enjoyed CoH.



Originally Posted by Myster_Hero View Post
Oh COH needs not worry about Champions, that game sucks i was in the beta, its a mesh of clunky graphics,and a COH/WOW wannabe

i16 looks to be very kool for this game 8)
As a Beta Tester on CO, I gave up on the game after a week. Cryptic blew it big time. What could have provided competition turned out to be no better than The Superhero League of Hoboken dos game.



Originally Posted by Shadow_Wail View Post
Be warned....long rant coming:

I don't see why some people are getting all clamored about CO...I understand DCUO since DCUO is an actually franchise that has decades of fans, decades of possible story additions and decades of established material. CO is just a copy of a copy.

From what my friend tells me about the beta for CO, we have nothing to worry about that game is a hotter piece of poo than warm manure.

I personally do not like the cartoon comic book look, reminds me of color by the numbers for the blind. It is too reminiscent of WoW and w/o the WoW standards.

I saw an interview where good ol' statesman is mentioning all of the things that "This" superhero MMO would have, he makes comments bout how "This" MMO will have detailed character creation, where you can place blasts locations or any of that.

As for DCUO, their base premise is the fan base and physics object...I hate that term...Physics Object...everything in physics can be an object...stoopid DC, instead they should call it interactables...sounds better.

But yea, DCUO is going for previous decades worth of integrity and intractables. CO is going for customization that we already have a heavy foothold on and by stating that they are the first to offer such details is a joke seeing as it was Jack Emert himself that made so many problem from what I recall.

If NCSoft really feels like they are in trouble and have to rush issues to compete then they are personally looking at it from the wrong point of view. If they want to compete they must add more content and enough in-game events to keep the consumer base active. Going Rogue will be step in the right direction but in general, the Devs need to add more content, lore, stories. Giving us a few zone revamps, Fixing PvP in the future will help, adding new non-proliferated powersets.

In the long run, CoX has legitimate competition from DCUO and only for the large consumer pool of resources like movies, comics and a consumer base that is multi-demographical.
As I said above, CO is not a threat at all. People are talking about switching to it ingame atm, but most will not make it past the free month.

You're wrong about one thing though...CO has better customization of our characters at this point. I mean, you get to control everything on them pretty much, and there are about 5 times more costume piece options than CoH.

I have a 1 GB video card, set on high, and CO still looked like crap. Really. And for a more advanced game? It's the laggiest game I've ever played...and I have a pretty good system.

Targeting is crap too in CO...since the environment is destructable, tabbing doesn't just select opponents, it selects things like rocks on hte ground, streetlights and more. Very frustrating...especially when you have to use your mouse to select a target (auto targeting does the same thing as tab; you could get your intended target or a car) and your opponent is next to a piece of the environment.

You cannot set waypoints on the map at all, and well...everything about the game is crap except for the costume options...and they even LOOK like crap because of the poor graphics (which have higher requirements than CoH does, go figure).



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well I've been playing this game pretty regularly since the beginning and I don't remember any "set-in-stone" fixed release dates for any Issue.

There might have been some "tentative" ballpark dates tossed out here or there and maybe that happened for Issue 5 in particular. But the Devs have never really been dumb enough to open themselves up for posting fixed dates for anything really.

As far as the "fellow idiots" who complained when expectations weren't met that's not just a situation this game has to deal with. That's been a general concern of software developers for decades. As a software engineer IRL I know it's always balancing act between meeting announced expectations and the realities of getting the job done.

As far as I can recall our Devs have always been mindful of these trade-offs. Silly people are going to be upset whether they understand what's going on or not.
Playing since beta, the only set in stone release date I've heard of is the release of the game itself, lol.



In the Positron interview posted today, he mentioned it going live in "summer/fall" - so I think it'll be mid september at the latest.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Retilian View Post
Of course a game that just came out of beta is going to be full of bugs, why? beta's tend to be clossed for 1-2 reasons 1:less people you get a better idea of what the concess of the group feels is a necessity. 2: Less people to trow fits when something doesnt work like they think it should., Though in general anything that comes off a assembly line I.E. CO/War Hammer Online is going to be full of bugs people in the closed beta missed but thier lore and story will be better off in the long run if thier closed. As for not jumping in when a game comes stright from beta, thats a personal dessision that only you can make. Am i goin to jump in? yep cuse i wanna see where NCSoft takes it imo they did an amazing job makeing CoH but sicne thier leave the lore to the game seems to have been put on the back burner, and with CO useing a new engine itll be fun to play something new and shiny specially since the graphics in this game dont seem to be getting alot better. As for the mentioned cartoony look or comicy look. The devs over at CO said you could turn that feature off if you so liked.

With that said your wondering why im still here. Well cuse i dont play on turning CoH off till i find out if i will be enjoyin CO as much as i have enjoyed CoH.
You don''t get it at all. Cryptic is counting on that too.

Look, I have always been a diehard cryptic fan. I mean, I swore I would be switching over when the game came out. Then they let me in closed beta.

You're sitting there saying "of course it has bugs..."

But you're not listening to what people are saying. It's a BAD GAME. It's not the bugs that make it bad, I know bugs can be fixed (ahem, CoH devs), but the design of the game is horrible from start to finish.

Listen to wisdom. Do not spend your money until you get exposed to the game. A week in, and you will be disgusted.



Originally Posted by Armsman View Post
I tend to think Champions Online will take a while to get going. Hell, they have Open beta ONLY if you've pre-ordwered; and a special limited (until 9/1/09 - CO 'go live' date) Lifetime Supscription off to CO for $200.00 (and as an 'added' perk, you get into the Star Trek Online closed beta later this year).

Now some folks might see this as 'Wow, what a deal'; BUT, honestly, if you fealt the game was really stellar; why offer a 'lifetime' subscription in the first place, and why limit open beta ONLY to re-orders? Sounds like the Crytic folks are praying they get a quick infusion of cash before the game ships and the non fanbois get a real crack at it. Why would I want a lifetime subscription to a game I might find unfun to actually play?
Cause it's less than what you would pay NC Soft for 3, 6 month CoX subscriptions, but you get access till the game closes. I'm not in the Closed Beta for either game, but the videos for CO look interesting, just with comic stylized graphics.

I actually think DCUO is more likely to trip over itself, you know, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. DC is likely overestimating interest in their game. It's hard to transition from print to interactive gaming. Age of Conan... which didn't have an Open Beta and couldn't even handle the numbers of players that signed up for the pre-start... is not anything like the written stories.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Here is my guess when i16 will go Live.

IF everything goes right and that's a Big IF, I'm saying 8/31/09.

edit: cause I didn't pay attention to what I typed the first time around.



Originally Posted by Haruu View Post
Oh man, Server ques are gonna be packed. Just imagine, I16 comes out the first friday of October, and we have 2x xp that weekend. I can't tell if I want this to happen this way or not.
There won't be a double xp in October. They do that twice a year and we just had the second one last month. As for the release date I predict middle of September just after CO launches



Originally Posted by Blastman View Post
There won't be a double xp in October. They do that twice a year and we just had the second one last month. As for the release date I predict middle of September just after CO launches
But, due to those server instability issues during DXP Weekend, we're getting another after I16.

Anyway, I predict release between late August and mid September.



Originally Posted by Myster_Hero View Post
Oh COH needs not worry about Champions, that game sucks i was in the beta, its a mesh of clunky graphics,and a COH/WOW wannabe

i16 looks to be very kool for this game 8)
I am also a beta tester for CO just to see what it's about and I agree... They meshed a good game, COH, with a stupid, overated game... WOW... I understand that WOW has made money and so has COH, but just because you combine them does not mean you will make more money than both combined... I wish they would have had a more original idea... It is basically WOW with super heroes! Horrible idea Cryptic!!! Shame on you!



Originally Posted by BigMoneyHustla View Post
Well, they have given us release dates before, which was issue 5 I believe ... and that was the only time they have.

And when will it be released?



When it's done™

You choose.
Issue 6 was the only issue I recall getting a firm release date. But that was because Issue 6 was the City of Villains issue and that had a firm release date of October 31st and the issue went live on October 28th due to the promised 3 day Head Start for people who pre-ordered.



I say it goes live on this date.

Originally Posted by Niviene View Post

Hero-Con will be taking place Saturday the 24th [u]AND[u] Sunday the 25th of October somewhere in San Jose!

More information coming soon...



The only MMO this game or any other MMO has to worry about is SWTOR.

Bioware aims for perfection and they've never disappointed.



I consulted my magic 8-ball and through my mystic rituals I divined the release dates.

But I can't tell you or I would imbalance the integrity of fate or some garbage like that, sorry.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
The only MMO this game or any other MMO has to worry about is SWTOR.

Bioware aims for perfection and they've never disappointed.
Too bad they didn't keep NWN2 in house so it didn't get messed up then.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
The only MMO this game or any other MMO has to worry about is SWTOR.

Bioware aims for perfection and they've never disappointed.

I don't think that is a fair statement. I would hazard a guess that a majority of any MMO player base is made up of people who are playing because they like the genre. I'm sure there are a host of folks that will jump ship from their current MMO just because they want to play the latest and greatest but for the most part you won't see a mass exodus for SWTOR from any game except maybe Star Wars Galaxies.

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