So what do people think of the Rep Meter?




Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Fixed, for a terrble hidden desire.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
We agree!



To eat things which are not food.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm sorely tempted by the animated barbara bush.

Or as NG calls her, Baaaarbaaaara



So... par for the course?



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
this thread has taken a turn for the disturbing!
It's still on topic - we're just discussing your reputation now

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I want to see how negative I can go. Ah, hell I'll just disable it. I don't need to start some flame war with a real troll to see if they can out-negative me.



Originally Posted by CDN_Guardian View Post
I want to see how negative I can go. Ah, hell I'll just disable it. I don't need to start some flame war with a real troll to see if they can out-negative me.
You can get it assigned to you even if the meter's turned off (and see it on your UserCP). It's just that nobody else will see it.



What I find really curious about this is it seems that you can break all the rules you like in the rep feedback. In the name of experimentation, anyone out there willing to help me see if rep references avoid the whole obscenity filter? It seems to be a pretty easily abused system then. Anyone mind if I send them some profane words - or want to send me some profane words - in the name of science?

Not that I agree with the obscenity filter's current settings, but whatever. I miss my ability to commit obscene tmisis.



Is there a way to turn off what people say on your page? I dont want my page filled up with rep comments, I liked your comment, I hated your comment comments. I wish this stuff wasnt here darnit. Wouldnt be so bad if you could purge your page when you wanted to.

Oh Talen, I would but I would hate to take the chance and get banned for it. I already push my luck on these forums when I wake up in the morning. I should know better than to post before I am awake.

All I can say is, you first lol..I dont mind at all to see if it goes through and what happens.

EDIT: Well, I sent you some goodies there Talon.

Blue letters hurt my eyes!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
What I find really curious about this is it seems that you can break all the rules you like in the rep feedback. In the name of experimentation, anyone out there willing to help me see if rep references avoid the whole obscenity filter? It seems to be a pretty easily abused system then. Anyone mind if I send them some profane words - or want to send me some profane words - in the name of science?

Not that I agree with the obscenity filter's current settings, but whatever. I miss my ability to commit obscene tmisis.
You can send obscenitys to me; I might even learn a new one
I'm sure board mods will be able to see who has sent something though, so for real flaming it might not be as anonymous as flamers may think.


I can see rep being used as a way of disagreeing with a post, maybe becasue I think similar just happened to me. I'd rather people actually responded if they think an idea/opinion is crud rather than backhandly giving neg rep.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Is there a way to turn off what people say on your page? I dont want my page filled up with rep comments, I liked your comment, I hated your comment comments. I wish this stuff wasnt here darnit. Wouldnt be so bad if you could purge your page when you wanted to.
You can collapse the comments section by clicking the little minus sign to the right of the top of the list.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
You can colapse the comments section by clicking the little minus sign to the right of the top of the list.
Yeah, I figured that out GG. I would just like the option to clean my page when I wanted to. You know, like you can with PMs and threads you post in. I'm a neat freak. I like to keep my page clean



Good news; it seems actual obscenities, like 'person from the country of Id' is censored, but little things like accusing someone of trolling (against the TOS) and slurring someone's sexuality are fine.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Good news; it seems actual obscenities, like 'person from the country of Id' is censored, but little things like accusing someone of trolling (against the TOS) and slurring someone's sexuality are fine.

So, pretty much what I sent you was censored? I hope so, cause I wouldn't want that stuff on my page....heh



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I was the puppy kicker voter! So is neg-rep giving anonymous?
Yup, both negative and positive are anonymous unless you say like.. "I hate you and you smell like fungus. -Chompie"

Except then that could be someone else anyway pretending to be you. Man, I am loving this rep-game already. So much intrigue! So much mindgames! Hmmmm!

Originally Posted by BlueRabbit View Post
Let me get this straight: you want people to rate you red? Whatever for? Is it some kind of social experience designed to fondle with our synaptic pathways?
Who, me?

Well, first of all, it seems really hard to get into the red. I see a lot of multi-green posters, but I've seen maybe a single person with two red dots. I'm curious.

Secondly, I like being confusing.

Thirdly, I'm curious as to how people react to a straight-up demand of "give me negative rep" cause it's like... will it be like reverse psychology? Will people disregard and give rep as expected? Will I be percieved differently with different rep levels?(unlikely!) It's interesting!

Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
What I find really curious about this is it seems that you can break all the rules you like in the rep feedback. In the name of experimentation, anyone out there willing to help me see if rep references avoid the whole obscenity filter? It seems to be a pretty easily abused system then. Anyone mind if I send them some profane words - or want to send me some profane words - in the name of science?

Not that I agree with the obscenity filter's current settings, but whatever. I miss my ability to commit obscene tmisis.
Oooh, pick me! ***** me out!
Oh, too late. Man, I suck.



Sounds like lovely news.

Edit: I keep getting rated good, and I don't post as much anymore. :O I think I have a stalker.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
So, pretty much what I sent you was censored? I hope so, cause I wouldn't want that stuff on my page....heh
All of it, yeah. Interesting stuff, this rep system.



Yup, both negative and positive are anonymous unless you say like.. "I hate you and you smell like fungus. -Chompie"

Except then that could be someone else anyway pretending to be you. Man, I am loving this rep-game already. So much intrigue! So much mindgames! Hmmmm!
Ok, let's give it a try then.

Oh wait, was I supposed to change the last bit too?

"I hate you and you smell like fungus. -Chompie"

edit: I did however give you good rep in the process.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
I did however give you good rep in the process.

I hate fungus AND positive rep. This puts me up to 107th place in the rep rankings. This is unacceptable!



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
I think it's funny that you have a higher rep than Niviene at the moment.
Really? Doubtful that's the case now that someone has apparently gone on a rep assassination bender in my case, but that implies I give a damn. Something tells me that when s/he runs out of rep allowances for the day, s/he is just going to start mod-reporting my posts. Why can I never be the object of fixation for people that are WORTH it?

Meh - to quote someone on another forum I frequent, I refuse to let the "mouth-breathing retards with the social skills of a rabid fox" get me down, when quite frankly there are hundreds of other forumites here who are far more polite, well-bred, interesting, and intelligent.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



when quite frankly there are hundreds of other forumites here who are far more polite, well-bred, interesting, and intelligent.
Yet strangely enough, I am sitting on top again, probably the most impolite, inbred, boring, and idiotic person I know.

Apparently idiots rise to the top, because UniqueDragon is right up there with me, where he should be. But you certainly are NOT an idiots Samuraiko.

EDIT: because idiots is not censored, but the singular is for some reason? Huh? So multiple idiots are okay, but one is just BAD? That makes sense...