Presenting Issue 16: Power Spectrum!




I'd like to know why Khelds don't get to colour THEIR powers? And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice, or yellow dark powers etc. Changing the colour of ANY of them is just as "nonsensical" as it would be for Khelds, so doesn't really apply.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I'd like to know why Khelds don't get to colour THEIR powers? And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice, or yellow dark powers etc. Changing the colour of ANY of them is just as "nonsensical" as it would be for Khelds, so doesn't really apply.

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I share the hate.. i wanted a pink looking granite

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice

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Bad choice. Fire can burn pretty much any colour. Didn't you do flame tests for detecting metals in chemistry? And ice could refract any colour as well. Red dark powers does seem a bit odd, but the idea is to vary the roleplay aspect.

Now, Khelds do have a specific roleplay background...

i wanted a pink looking granite

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure why you couldn't have that before this upgrade, actually. Give it (more) time.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I share the hate.. i wanted a pink looking granite

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ok, you just made me think of something bad >_<
kaaaaaameeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaageeeeeeeeeyyyyy...... haaaaaaaaaa



And ice could refract any colour as well.

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surely a see through squid and rhino can refract colour too



I cant wait for this i16, its gonna be off the head
Dark Purple fire blasts and fiery aura( if its possible) :P

49 level 50's(CoH/V), cant be arsed to list em all :P



Bah i now have the pre issue blues!!! So many character concepts in my head and i cant make them until issue 16 gets here which is a good few months away!!!

For people who are saying this isnt huge, a lot of us chose the powers PURELY for the way it looks Now my master illusion character can be the ULTIMATE illusionist!!

Gold illusion attacks!
Gold flash!
Golden decoys! [doubt you can colour them but would be awesome]
Golden radiation!
Golden fireballs! [fire epic]

Oh my main is so happy right now! But what about my fire/dark hmmm, for some reason im tempted to turn his fire attacks white and the darkness firey red

If you can change the colours of the storm cloud/lightning bolts + hurricanes then i'ld be very tempted to make an evil storm character.

100% making a traps/sonic defender though. Traps is my favourite powerset ingame and so happy i get to play with it now heroside. Expect my traps defender to be my new main for quite a while!!! Healing trap activated

Another scrappe has to be made with red/golden electrical powers to try and make it seem like an actual energy aura instead of electric. Elec/shield!! Here i come!!! Ok what else . . . . .

A rad blaster does sound VERY appealing to me, though i am unsure what i'ld like to team it up with. The best thing for me in this issue is that all character concepts can now finally be made true. Before, if i wanted to use the rad powerset i had to think of a concept to fit with radiation. Now i can simply re-colour it and make it out as something else! Rad blast? Meet energy blast v2!!!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Woo, can make another assault rifle toon but this time a defender
Which brings the total amount of my gun toting toons up to... five.

Shame you can't change the colour of the flamethrower.

It's not running away. It's advancing in reverse!



And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice

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Bad choice. Fire can burn pretty much any colour. Didn't you do flame tests for detecting metals in chemistry? And ice could refract any colour as well. Red dark powers does seem a bit odd, but the idea is to vary the roleplay aspect.

Now, Khelds do have a specific roleplay background...

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the in game reason.

The other reason is EATs are played by a smaller proportion of players, and have a greater number of powers to be altered.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm scared! I agree with FFM again! This is getting very disturbing! Why shouldn't a poor alien exposed to all sorts af things be affected? Fighting in radiation and all sorts of goooey stuff might change that white/black/blueish into... vomit green!

Yeah, makes sense... Sick of all that's happened - or NOT happened, the poor kheld's stomach can't handle it anymore, transorning into a squid he spills his guts and turn vomit green with the added ability to leave a trail of slimey goo after himself that might make people loose their balance ice slick-style.

...or someone just stomp on that squid, same effect!



I think Praf hit the nail on the head.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Did i read right.. brutes with claws?

Serious, ever seen a granite doing a backflip? I soooooo gonna make one

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Did i read right.. brutes with claws?

Serious, ever seen a granite doing a backflip? I soooooo gonna make one

[/ QUOTE ]

/em backflip?

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



yay!hell has officially frozen over!
I am happy.

This will keep a LOT of people (like ME) from going to CO. Cause COH looks better anyway(IMHO), and if they could implement customzable colors even though for a while it seemed they never would, they will manage to keep up with anything CO will come up with(custom power animations, hoverboards etc.)

a good example of how we all benefit from a little competition.



I have been thinking. Now that we have the tech for changing animations of powers... will we get the "/flyemote"'s in form of alternate animations for Flight?



And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice

[/ QUOTE ]

Bad choice. Fire can burn pretty much any colour. Didn't you do flame tests for detecting metals in chemistry? And ice could refract any colour as well. Red dark powers does seem a bit odd, but the idea is to vary the roleplay aspect.

Now, Khelds do have a specific roleplay background...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, but my PB isn't actually a Kheld... he's a member of a much older alien race, who just happens to have shape changing abilities, (which now thanks to SB3 i can have real fun with) So being able to change the colours of his powers would make sense RP wise!!

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



I struggled on how to put what I think about this into words. so I shall do it in the way of a old budwiser advert :P.

Poeple said NO you cant give a corrupter pink dark balls, but you dared to dream, when others said less you siad MOAR mr colour my power dev we salute you, because nothing says I hate you better than a pink fluffy ball of screaming skulls.

On a more serious note im a bit iffy about stalkers with a broad sword I mean arnt they ment to be sneaky?.

All in all good stuff, now wheres my drink.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.



If khelds in different colours doesn't make sense, how do you defend a MA/stone brute's ability to jump kick and back flip while stil unable to pass over even a minute little obstacle?

Well, at least I can finally have an evil Nictus once GR comes. Annoyed I'll have to pay for that, but I'd still pay for the questionable content anyway.



Funny reading some people's comments about silly colours for powers etc..

Well, if your that serious about what colours powers "should be" or "Should not be" then you don't have to take other players with "wrong" coloured powers very seriously do you. Enjoy your own tweaked power colours and let others enjoy their own, it is a game after all, everyone pays a subscription.

Personally I think a lot of the more mature players will change their power colours to something appropriate to their character (I know my Hero's ice powers will have a lot less blue in it) and if they RP, it will be something explainable too.



I have been thinking. Now that we have the tech for changing animations of powers... will we get the "/flyemote"'s in form of alternate animations for Flight?

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/signed this is the first thing i thought of when they started changes power animations... Please please please incorporate this!



And don't give me any dribble about it being endemic to what they are, because the exact same reasoning can apply to green fireballs or pink ice

[/ QUOTE ]

Bad choice. Fire can burn pretty much any colour. Didn't you do flame tests for detecting metals in chemistry? And ice could refract any colour as well. Red dark powers does seem a bit odd, but the idea is to vary the roleplay aspect.

Now, Khelds do have a specific roleplay background...

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This is the in game reason.

The other reason is EATs are played by a smaller proportion of players, and have a greater number of powers to be altered.

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Not to mention that many of those powers would take more extreme work to customise.

And there's the BOTH reason: if you aren't playing a kheldian 'as designed' then you aren't playing a kheldian. You should, therefore, not be doing the kheldian arcs, but those are hard-wired into the kheldian ATs.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I have been thinking. Now that we have the tech for changing animations of powers... will we get the "/flyemote"'s in form of alternate animations for Flight?

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/signed this is the first thing i thought of when they started changes power animations... Please please please incorporate this!

[/ QUOTE ]

Out of interest, are the two things even vaguely related?

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I have been thinking. Now that we have the tech for changing animations of powers... will we get the "/flyemote"'s in form of alternate animations for Flight?

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/signed this is the first thing i thought of when they started changes power animations... Please please please incorporate this!

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Out of interest, are the two things even vaguely related?

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I guess so - I16 allows people to pick animations for Martial Arts and Super Strength, so wondering and/or hoping they extend the idea to the Flight pool seems totally ok

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I have been thinking. Now that we have the tech for changing animations of powers... will we get the "/flyemote"'s in form of alternate animations for Flight?

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/signed this is the first thing i thought of when they started changes power animations... Please please please incorporate this!

[/ QUOTE ]

Out of interest, are the two things even vaguely related?

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I guess so - I16 allows people to pick animations for Martial Arts and Super Strength, so wondering and/or hoping they extend the idea to the Flight pool seems totally ok

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Agreed, they seem perfectly related to me. I would prefer my characters to automatically fly in a chosen style than having to use a keybind or type the emote command out.



Here's hoping the weapon sets get new animations afterwards :P

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