Presenting Issue 16: Power Spectrum!





'Through the Kaleidoscope' ? A throw back to 'Through the Looking Glass' back in the day.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Also i'd like to take the time to point out how difficult it might be and how much time it might take (Again factoring the GR production in the pipeline) to create, adjust new proliferated power sets never mind creating an open customizable character creation process including powers.

I think this Issue despite some peoples negativity is fully fleshed out with things that will please many. They might not be large and noticeable changes but for some who cried for ease of use and day to day changes its nice to see they are fixing the foundations of this game clearly for bigger and better things to come.

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Yey Archery Corruptors! This issue is sold to me on that basis alone.
I like most other proliferation choices aswell (claw brutes! Stone assault!) I REALLY want broadsword brutes though! But I guess this leaves me something to look forward too, right?

Unlike for a lot people, power customisation wasn't on the top of my 'most wanted list'. But I appreciate the effort that went into it, and maybe even the need for it to stay competitive with the (now not so) future competition.
And,hey, more options are never a bad thing. I'm sure I'll find some uses for it

The difficulty changes are something I didn't expect, but my brute is looking forward to blitzing through 8 man villainous spawns. (Farmers already farm, this just removes the need to bother me about it. And as long as you don't use obvious exploits I couldn't care less about how you play your game.)

Between the AE en these new proliferations there's enough to keep me entertained till GR hits the shelves, so all's good in my book.

I'm not that fond of the Issue name though.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



am i the only person who thinks this is an awesome update

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Nope. This is shaping up to be the best issue since I12 for me personally (I13 & I15 felt lightweight, I14 lacked variety), mainly for the powerset proliferation - finally I can play an Archery/TA Corruptor! I've been waiting for that since CoV beta!

Claw/ Brutes, Rad/ Blasters and /Earth Doms sound yummy too.

Better control over difficulty settings is something I've wanted for ages too - some characters just thrive with bigger spawns.

Power customisation is just the tasty gravy on top of all that and I'm so glad it's not supporting the entirety of an issue on its own, like MA had to. Issues need to add a variety of stuff, to at least try and please everyone.

I can't wait to see what the unannounced features are - more QoL I suspect, but I'm hoping for some Dev-created arcs/missions, some costume pieces, more purple IO sets (for the categories that lack them, like Fear), some more yellow/orange IO sets (for Targeted AoE especially), more maps/tweaks for MA and hopefully some base additions too.



now i wonder how many goku and vegeta clones come up with yellow blasts



now i wonder how many goku and vegeta clones come up with yellow blasts

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Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



now i wonder how many goku and vegeta clones come up with yellow blasts

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Ooh, we could yell "kamehameha!" every time we use the power blast snipe. Hell, if we could set build-up to take 20 minutes to animate it'd be damn near perfect!

Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell

Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation



Nah, Buildup to go from Black hair to Yellow.



well, it would be neat to have a power-up costume change emote, it doesn't even have to be DBZ.
something like, your character screams with power and a flash of light comes from you.
a little bit like an explosion without the fire, they could call it power bust.



now i wonder how many goku and vegeta clones come up with yellow blasts

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Change neutron bomb to white and boom you got yourself a spirit bomb!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Nah, Buildup to go from Black hair to Yellow.

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But then they have to increase activation time to 1 episode, that is the avarage time he/she is going "AAAAHHHHHH AHHHHHHHA HHHHHHH" to get yellow hair.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Nah, Buildup to go from Black hair to Yellow.

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But then they have to increase activation time to 1 episode, that is the avarage time he/she is going "AAAAHHHHHH AHHHHHHHA HHHHHHH" to get yellow hair.

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Ah! That must be the reason why you cannot play a saiyan(sp) in the Dragon ball MMO.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




To be fair: All in I16 is things we've been asking for, for a long time - in that way it's good.

They said Power colour customization (let's face it, it's not power customization, it's colour customzation) was virtually impossible and they've been very quiet about the diff settings.

Thing is, if they'd done this 1 or 2 years ago we'd prolly mostly go WOOOOOOH! I'm still happy about it for one reason: They continue to revamp the engine/code and that's REALLY good news. But as content, with the little content we've had for quite some time, it feels quite cynical we're getting an explansion soon, and it seems to be the way for new content. It wasn't necessary to avoid content in the "free issues" because let's face it, we'll all buy the expansion anyway. So another content-thin/free issue is a let-down, especially since GR will take quite some time to be released with all the delays they'll run in to! ...and we all know they will!

I just really hope, one way or another, we'll soon see some serious "end-game" content. I think most of us really would like to have some serious fun with our biljons-of-inf-pumped-up lvl 50 alts...

I for one is not in the mood for another run of lvl 1-50 no matter what already-in-game power sets I can use. I have 20 great 50s I wanna use. I've spent too much time and inf on them not to. ..and I don't mean I wanna use them to PL yet another new alt. I wanna conquer the friggin' "free world", enslave the americans, get meself a bunch of concubines, an episode on "Cribs" and have an invitation to Oprah I can turn down!



Anyone still remember that youtube movie, from some guy who replaced several animations of SS for mostly EM animations? (demo made)

Would be freaking awsome if the alternate footstomp is indeed the hand-ground-punch thing and we can say goodbye to popeye move (ok it looks funny, but my on my granite it look silly).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



I see on the American thread, BAB mentioned a "customizable Helllfire Whip" for Demon Summoning MMs - I thought whips where one of those impossible powers, like water?

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Not Impossible, they just had to iron out the kinks.
Oh, ...and I'd go for the title of 'Issue 13: Pimp my Imp'.

Seriously though, 'Kaleidoscope' is pretty cool.



(Paragon's premier foot-based Martial Artist 'The Chiropodist' sinks to the floor head-in-hands in despair.)

Martial Arts did need some variety to be honest, but I always thought we'd see punches in a street-fighting set before a MA alternative, I'm quite surprised, pleasantly so.

I'm also hoping that the Devs don't cut corners by using any existing animations. I'm hoping Dual-Pistols has a little more flavour and character animations-wise with variety like CO's munitions set and powers like 'holdout pistol'.
I'm hoping BaB has been watching films like 'Equilibrium' and 'The Matrix' for Inspiration.



I hope so too, but making new animations aint my preference either. Dual blade for example imho is very very poorly animated, then i rather pickup the existing dual gun abilities (along with some modified AR attacks).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Surely the names of the MA powers will have to change then? Dont most of them have KICK in the name? THUNDER KICK!!!! *punch*

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Surely the names of the MA powers will have to change then? Dont most of them have KICK in the name? THUNDER KICK!!!! *punch*

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Falcon Punch?



Surely the names of the MA powers will have to change then? Dont most of them have KICK in the name? THUNDER KICK!!!! *punch*

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Falcon Punch?

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Falcon Fighting Power Pool
1. Punch
2. Punch
3. Punch
4. Punch
5. Punch
6. Punch
7. Punch
8. Falcon Kick
9. Falcon Punch

edit: i think i missed the taunt power... maybe Show Your Moves as power 5 or something

and "Elbow" and a Resurrect power ("Nooo!")

needs balancing, but it could work



I hope so too, but making new animations aint my preference either. Dual blade for example imho is very very poorly animated, then i rather pickup the existing dual gun abilities (along with some modified AR attacks).

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Maybe an alternate set of dual blade animations could use scissors, secateurs and shears.

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