Presenting Issue 16: Power Spectrum!




But what about a solo player farming spawns set for 8 - wouldn't that increase the flow of rare drops onto the market?

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Farm will increase, but so will the characters, and eventualy the non-purple people who still want them. Added that from 8 people it devide up to 4-5 teams now (many can solo 8 man groups), the droprate is still low yet the influence will continue to grow.

I will only see prices to rise, imho making it less and less interesting for new players or non farming people.

Certain recipes i bought in the old days for little 10mil going over 50-60mil already. My lotg slotted tank is now worth a freaking ammount of influence (only the 5 slot healset i got for 12mil total, now you sell 10mil each).

You can see the trend already on the forums, look at the guides and how they slot them, most go 100mil lowest and frankslotted go upto 1billion.

But even if they dont put this difficulty on MA, you can always find a mission that has right mobs and u still can do at 8 man. So i just gonna get all my farm characters ready and join the bandwagon, the only way to keep up with the prices.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Again.. has the WW/BM gotten reduced prices from this?

[/ QUOTE ]More to the point; it's raising the price of the common salvage too. 40-50 range comon salvage was going for 10 to 500 a piece if you were lucky (think I remember a score of Kinetic weapons going for the low-low price of 1 inf). Now they're moving into triple and quadruple digits

I was going to say mroe about the 'advanced' difficulty setting but I can't really put any pleasent words out to describe it.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.




I was going to say mroe about the 'advanced' difficulty setting but I can't really put any pleasent words out to describe it.

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I tried, but I think I failed in doing that. But I'm definitly not a fan of this.
And i think I will say it like this:
Devs, please stop and reconsider. You are making the game into a farm game! Even more then it already has been made into (The intention of MA was to create stories for player content. The result as ALWAYS: People are taking the shortest way to get max reward (You should know this by now) which we as players always will.) Instead of hammer down on MA farming we see the removal of things we can make stories from. And if this is bad... the player differculty thingy will make it even worse.
Positron had concerns when Jack Emmet was in charge of the massive amount of xp that was gained through a winter Event (according to an interview, which I atm cannot remember). Avatea, could you ask him please, where his concern for the quick xp is now?

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Again.. has the WW/BM gotten reduced prices from this?

[/ QUOTE ]More to the point; it's raising the price of the common salvage too. 40-50 range comon salvage was going for 10 to 500 a piece if you were lucky (think I remember a score of Kinetic weapons going for the low-low price of 1 inf). Now they're moving into triple and quadruple digits

I was going to say mroe about the 'advanced' difficulty setting but I can't really put any pleasent words out to describe it.

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I do think that INITIALLY the prices will go up and by quite a huge margin, wouldnt be suprised if theres a 40/50% increase.
However once the supply starts pouring in again [salvage now as well] and people start putting them on the market for a quick sale then it should slowly go back down to pre i14 prices.


Oh and good title? I'ld say:

Issue 16: Power of choice

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Not sure if it's been mentioned, as I can't be bothered to read the whole thread, but after comparing the list of customisable powersets and list of all regular powersets, everything's been mentioned besides epic archtypes, pain domination and ninjitsu. Can we assume that pain domination and ninjitsu were left off the list by mistake? Empathy and super reflexes aren't that dissimilar from them.



Those 2 were left off by accident, also poison was too apparantly.

But yeah they're defo on the list [no word on V/Heats/epics/power pools yet]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Stone melee was also misnamed 'Earth Melee" too. Unless we're getting that in i16
I was hoping for my Crab to be able to change the colour of his blasts, but I'm more happy.



The balance of resist vs defense (2:1) is already totaly out of balance.

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The forumala '2 resistance = 1 defence' is in terms of long migitation.



"Power Spectrum"? That ranks with "Power and Responsibility" as the crappest issue title yet

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And apart from this helpful piece of feedback, would you care to share your invaluable suggestion with us?

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Our benevolent master is becoming tired of snarky comments. (Not that I'm one to judge on snarky comments...)

I'm not nagging at you, heck no. I'm just kinda sad to see your optimism be eroded. You have my sympathies ;-; Such is the job of a community coordinator... putting up with us lot. You don't get paid enough for it.

Anyway, brighter note.

Sweet! I can get rid of my pink pom-poms, my puke-green radiation, my literal puke-green poison, my SHINE GET!! Invulnerability, my worn-green force fields, and my generic blue Illusion stuff!

Oh, as for the difficulty stuff, farming already makes a dent on the AE and on the market. Changing the difficulty won't have an appreciable long term effect in my opinion, but that's just me. What this feature will do for me is allow my Warshade to thrive solo. The same goes for any AoE-heavy character, who deals better with larger groups of even-con or yellow enemies rather than three reds.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



I see on the American thread, BAB mentioned a "customizable Helllfire Whip" for Demon Summoning MMs - I thought whips where one of those impossible powers, like water?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



"Power Spectrum"? That ranks with "Power and Responsibility" as the crappest issue title yet

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And apart from this helpful piece of feedback, would you care to share your invaluable suggestion with us?

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Its called an opinion, I beleive we are all entitled to one. Its also valid criticism which most businesses are happy to use, good, bad or indifferent. However being flamed/trolled by a moderator......whom do you advise?

As for what would be better, something like "Divergence" off the top of my head, and though rubbish, is more in keeping with the pithy issue names of old. "Power Spectrum" sounds weaker than coming straight out and calling it "Power Customisation", or "Yu c4n c0lor y0urz powahz blu!1!111!!"

**Acceptable "support" responses**

Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault



It is true that you, and everyone here is entitled to express their opinion.
However, this does not make being rude any less rude.



And it also helps if it's constructive - like saying "this sucks" isn't very helpful, but saying "I don't like this, I think this would be better" is way better.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




EDIT: And another thought - I wonder if we could choose invisible/no color, so Hasten could be made so much better?

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Well if you choose dark colours for auras they can often get lost in the background so you could probably disguise it that way but yes, I like your thought processes

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



"Power Spectrum"? That ranks with "Power and Responsibility" as the crappest issue title yet

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And apart from this helpful piece of feedback, would you care to share your invaluable suggestion with us?

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Its called an opinion, I beleive we are all entitled to one. Its also valid criticism which most businesses are happy to use, good, bad or indifferent. However being flamed/trolled by a moderator......whom do you advise?

As for what would be better, something like "Divergence" off the top of my head, and though rubbish, is more in keeping with the pithy issue names of old. "Power Spectrum" sounds weaker than coming straight out and calling it "Power Customisation", or "Yu c4n c0lor y0urz powahz blu!1!111!!"

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I don't thnk that you were flamed at all. I think you got exactly the response you deserved given your original comment.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



One who lives by snarky one-liners dies by snarky one-liners. Err... wait... THIS IS a snarky one-liner. I'm DOOOOMED!(tm)
Anyway, I'm not sure I would be able to play I16... But,if I would...

1) Power customization, - Nice in theory, and would have its uses (As someone mentioned, no more that puke-green anywhere on MY characters...) but, it also has its abuses... Especially if it would be allowed for MA critters. Seriously, coloring everything pink (or any other silly color) isn't funny. Even for the first time.

2) Proliferations, - well, some combinations seem to be interesting, like A/TA corruptor... Esp after we'd get GR. And Traps defenders...

3) Farming enhancements, err, advanced difficulty settings ruining the market, - tempest in a teapot, in my opinion. plus it has legit uses.

4) No new content, - what everyody said. MA is good and GR is surely immense work, but, please, is it really that difficult to add more than 1 story per issue? (Heroside, - 3 arcs in I13, none in I14, 1 in I15, none in I16, - averages to exactly 1 arc per issue. And Villains got just .5 arcs! )

5) No MA enhancements, - Ok, now with the debugger and selectable powers it's an OK system, but surely, a few maps or text editor improvements would be nice. (Although new difficulty options would be useful for MA designers.)

6) New character creation interface, YES! ME WANTS! NAU! I usually think of a character in the order reverse of that of the standard wizard interface, - Name, then looks/story, and THEN powers.



I'am really looking forward to issue 16 .. it will allow me to create some characters i allways wanted to play, but couldn't because of the limited power-pool selection.

BUT PLS @ Paragon Studios do a testrun of the german and french version this time .. i don't like to see another 3 days downtime of the servers again!



Oh, oh, so many new pieces of news!! Rogue, Issue 16, the interview with Posi talking about new Signature characters, double xp, riktis invasion... cool!!

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



As regards non-farming use of I16 difficulty flexibility, this is great news, Particularly for:
[*] People who often claimed that CoX was too easy with the 5 difficulty levels available might just be able to ramp up the difficulty to suit them and provide a challenge in the dev-content. This alone might take some people back to playing dev-content.
[*] MA authors should actually be able to test their arc spawns for teams of varying sizes even when solo (hopefully they'll put a difficulty overide in MA testing so authors aren't constantly bouncing back and forth to the difficulty-setter).

With possible knock-on effects for others of more teams doing dev-content again and better quality MA arcs (from better testing).

I just hope that the difficulty of spawns is dynamic based upon team sizes. So that the spawns still alter in size if team size changes (for remaining unspawned spawns and for subsequent missions).

If the effective team size is a fixed/static value that remains until the mission owner changes their settings it could dissuade people from:[*] adding more members to a team mid-mission, as the mission gets effectively easier;[*] continuing with a mission (without recruiting) if people leave the team mid-mission, as the mission gets harder and possibly too hard for the remaining team;[*] changing team sizes at all if it means having to pop to a difficulty-setter (and pay, which may be a problem at low levels) every time the team size alters.

So I'd hope the spawn size is dynamicly based on team size - after all it's worked fine that way up to now.

Though the example given of facing a 8-man spawn whilst solo would mean a team size modifier of at least +7 (possibly +8 if simulating 8man at CL:2 or CL:4, which both act as +1 teamsize) an dthis may not be sustainable to larger teams. The server may not be designed to spawn mobs for teams of 15/16 (8 man team with a +7/8 modifier), or some maps may not have room at spawn points for such big spawns. But if 15/16 man spawns aren't possible, I'd hope that the spawn size is still dynamic, but has a ceiling at a reasonable level (maybe 12/13 man spawn).

Of course, I trust that, even with the new flexibility, the existing 5 bands will still exist as the quick'n'easy method of setting difficulty for new player if no-one else.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



"Power Spectrum"? That ranks with "Power and Responsibility" as the crappest issue title yet

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And apart from this helpful piece of feedback, would you care to share your invaluable suggestion with us?

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Its called an opinion, I beleive we are all entitled to one. Its also valid criticism which most businesses are happy to use, good, bad or indifferent. However being flamed/trolled by a moderator......whom do you advise?

As for what would be better, something like "Divergence" off the top of my head, and though rubbish, is more in keeping with the pithy issue names of old. "Power Spectrum" sounds weaker than coming straight out and calling it "Power Customisation", or "Yu c4n c0lor y0urz powahz blu!1!111!!"

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What else did you expect? Everyone pandering to your opinion because, naturally, yours is superior to everyone elses?

Given this is what the Devs do and, I assume, they enjoy and care about what they do, they are perfectly within there rights to be a tad miffed if someone comes up with so crass a remark as that.

I know I wouldn't want to mod this bunch of hyenas...I think Avatea needs a recahrge of Hawaain sunlight.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I16 looks to be good, or I think so at anyrate. Lotta stuff in there that's taunting me
Sidenote: GG, spotted Necromancy and stuff in the customisable list, even if they got missed out they will be there, seeing as the MM pets were specifically mentioned =]

All in all, bring it on!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Yay! Love the idea of being able to really make my powersets look different to those of other toons.



I hope the pets are a bit more customisable to what we've seen in the MA customisation i.e: Only being able to change something minor that no one would notice.



I hope the pets are a bit more customisable to what we've seen in the MA customisation i.e: Only being able to change something minor that no one would notice.

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Where can u change your pets? o.0 (i hope u refer to MM pets?)

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




Sidenote: GG, spotted Necromancy and stuff in the customisable list, even if they got missed out they will be there, seeing as the MM pets were specifically mentioned =]

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are you sure they're definatly comming with i16?

Necromancy will include limited customization.

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That sounds more to me as if they'll be allowing us to customize the colour of the blasts (as it's the only MM primary set without a weapon iirc? correct me if i'm wrong ^^)