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  1. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />

    as for the OP 110% /signed from me and to add:

    -dual blade and bradsword scabbards
    -handgun holdsters
    -assault rifle strapped to back

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good ideas! I hope the devs/designers are listening.
  2. Hi@all, especially Paragon Studios,

    what i would like to see is that there are other costume pieces instead of capes. Possibly different backpacks, tentacles (biological, mechanicle, hybrid) or some kind of machinery to put on the back of our characters.

    Can we expect something like that in the future? Maybe with a booster-pack?
  3. I'am really looking forward to issue 16 .. it will allow me to create some characters i allways wanted to play, but couldn't because of the limited power-pool selection.

    BUT PLS @ Paragon Studios do a testrun of the german and french version this time .. i don't like to see another 3 days downtime of the servers again!
  4. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />

    Oh well, lets hope it will enable booster 3

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't want to disappoint you, but i think it will "enable" Zukunft and Vigilance
  5. _Maledicus_

    Issue 15 Launch

    [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />

    We hope to have the problem resolved within the next day or so.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can't be serious?!
  6. _Maledicus_

    Preise erh?ht??

    Danke für eure Antworten, dann ist's ja geklärt. Ich hatte da immer die 11,99 stehen, allerdings stand/steht da nirgends die Währung .. daher wohl die Verwirrung.

  7. _Maledicus_

    Preise erh?ht??

    Guten morgen,

    ich habe neulich in den in-game Store geschaut und die Preise für weitere Charakterslots (zB. vorher 5 Charakterslots für 11.99,- jetzt für 17.99,-) haben sich drastisch erhöht! Kann das sein, oder ist das ein Fehler im Zusammenhang mit Issue 14?
