Earnable Respec
Just to mention there are also Veteran Reward Activateable Respec's...
Claimed the same way as the Veteran Reward Powers and Costume Change Tokens.
Just my 2 Inf...
Aye I mentioned that
This would benifit people who didnt have vet respec to claim anyway
Which he states he has already used up... frankly I think it's a bit of a storm in a glass of water. You get a free respecification every time a new issue comes out, there's recipes to be bought/earned, there's 3 to be earned (4 if you're a villain)... I really don't see the point of implementing what the OP is suggesting especially if you take into account that they can be bought for free in the Test server and based on that use the ones you do have on Live to make your toons just so. Or use a third party program like Mids to plan ahead on the build.
But, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Which he states he has already used up... frankly I think it's a bit of a storm in a glass of water. You get a free respecification every time a new issue comes out, there's recipes to be bought/earned, there's 3 to be earned (4 if you're a villain)... I really don't see the point of implementing what the OP is suggesting especially if you take into account that they can be bought for free in the Test server and based on that use the ones you do have on Live to make your toons just so. Or use a third party program like Mids to plan ahead on the build.
But, as the saying goes, your mileage may vary.
[/ QUOTE ]
I use mids all the time, & I am improving my builds all the time, hense why Ive used all mine up
The only problem is, on test server you cannot test just how good your toon is gonna be (for the situations your thinking off) when he is completly finished with all your recipes etc are in place.
Personally, why cant they make the respec's "re-earnable" once we've used the original earned one from the same contact, instead of creating a problem where one shouldnt have excisted in the 1st place by saying you can only earn 1 respec from each contact...- forever
Again if they feel this is a silly idea, then why cant we buy respec recipes with say 100 merits, or 50...
Or even buy them at a reasonable price from a trainer rather than be bent over & [censored] by the price of them at the AH's
[RANT]I didnt understand why this was never changed as Ive been told its been like this since the start, you've always only been able to earn 3 respecs in total, however I think I understand why it hasnt been changed in recent issues...I see the devs actually will sell you a respec from their in game store, for £6...
What a shocker, I'm expecting a charge soon for the oxygen I breath soon while playing the game...they might as well they charge for everything else[/RANT]
[/ QUOTE ]
Over-react, much?
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

I like the merit idea. I almost chocked to death when I looked up the price of the respec out of curiosity thinking it may put me back 10-20 mill (which is more than I was willing to pay at the time) and seeing it for 200mill (price has come down recently I see).
As an avid non-farmer making lots of inf doesn't come easy to me
I don't see why respeccing powers is so hard. The Devs keep trying to make powers more appealing, maybe they would be if it was easier to try powers out and then respec if needs be. Sure, powers are supposed to be what defines a character, but in theory its the same as charging a toon every time they change their costume (not in Tailor, but from one to the other)
More availalbe respecs, gets my vote.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I don't see why respeccing powers is so hard. The Devs keep trying to make powers more appealing, maybe they would be if it was easier to try powers out and then respec if needs be. Sure, powers are supposed to be what defines a character, but in theory its the same as charging a toon every time they change their costume (not in Tailor, but from one to the other)
[/ QUOTE ]
Reslotting... Think about it!
You don't actually change your powers you just change their power.
and more respecs? Not useful to me but for others it might be so /signed
Are any suggestions as simple as this ever added to the game..
I cant recall any "simple suggestions" like this one, that has made it into game
Reslotting... Think about it!
You don't actually change your powers you just change their power.
[/ QUOTE ]This idea has plenty of merit... Respecs for me now, is all about changing the number of slots or changing IO sets.. not about changing powers. Maybe this suggestion could be taken on and developed, I'm sure a lot of ppl would use this feature... depending on it's cost (Real money, Inf, Recipe or something else.)
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
Are any suggestions as simple as this ever added to the game..
I cant recall any "simple suggestions" like this one, that has made it into game
[/ QUOTE ]
Although we see good ideas being implemented, it was probably so long ago that they were suggested that nobody who suggested them is still alive*cough* I mean playing, I meant playing!
Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
I say: why not?!
If respecs are so freely available anyway then it wont make a difference if we remove the limit.
They are in place to improve a build which in turn improves the players enjoyment in the game. Perhaps a better way to do this(as it mainly effects veteran toons) would be for the limit to reset to 0 after X amount of patrol hours.
I would like to see this put into the game! Also would like to be able to take more than 10 enhancements out of the build at once as well...say im stripping a fully IO'd toon tht has multiple purples etc etc i have to either earn or buy 5 or 6 respecs just to get the darn enhancers tht i paid for back off of him =(
/not signed. Here's why:
* The "Show Details" option you get when you choose your powers gives a rough idea about what the power is and what it does. (although I would like to see a small window showing the powers animation to give an idea about what it looks like for IC reasons. I seem to remember this was going to be available on the CoH website a couple of years ago, anyone know if anything came of it ?)
* A player that's made some dodgy decisions about a power choice is still going to be effective in PvE.
* Mids planner means that you can make as many respecs as you like to fine tune your build without actually using a respec.
* If you burn through all your earned, vet and issue respecs that quickly because you're not happy with the build, roll something else, cos you're never going to be happy with it.
* We don't know that this is an "easy" modification because none of us are devs at NC.
* With a bit of planning and care by the player, this "problem" can easily be worked around.
* There must be a reason why there's a limit from the point of view of potential exploitation.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
i'm not too fussed about the Respec suggestion but Princey is spot on about the 10 enhancement cap. I've been asking for this to change for ages.
The current system was okay till inventions.
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
i'm not too fussed about the Respec suggestion but Princey is spot on about the 10 enhancement cap. I've been asking for this to change for ages.
The current system was okay till inventions.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm far more concerned about this point than the number of respecs, too. I recently rebuilt an old character who'd had a nearly full set of synthetic hami-os in, switching her to an IO build. Painful. Had a similar experience switching a toon between two IO builds - and I wasn't even moving where any slots were. It uses up way too many respecs just trying to move enhancements out because of the limit of carrying ten, and a lot of hamis and IOs are just too expensive to throw away.
With inventions, we need some way to be able to remove enhancements from a build. Aside from the immense cost of respec recipes, it's also time consuming and irritating to have to rebuild a character several times in a row just to get the enhancements out.
I can understand maybe not wanting people to just re-cycle the same SOs and standard IOs over and over, so even if it were something along the lines of only set IOs and HOs being removable, that'd do. And I'd be fine with it being something I needed to earn, like a respec, as long as it could be repeatedly earnt. Or even a small number of merits giving a token that lets you remove X enhancements.
I guess the other, perhaps simpler thing would be letting us carry a lot of enhancements, but the devs seem to veer away from letting us have a lot of storage. It'd be interesting if we had something where we could actually carry 126 (total slots at 50 + standard 10, I think) enhancements, but past the usual limit of 10, this could only be added to by a respec. So if you respecced a toon and took out 30 enhancements, you'd not be able to gain any mob drop enhancements, buy any, take any from storage, or make any. But you would be able to go and drop those 30 enhancements off in your SG storage.
Your deadly wrong on the "careful planning arguement", with the IO sets there are quite literly hundreds of ways you can slot your toon in a way in which you are gonna get the set bonuses that are most benifitial to you.
I rebuilt my tank "Super B" Super Strength/Invunerable on mids at the start of i13 & have spent a good majority of i13 gathering all the IOs & recipes I need to make it a reality. However now nearing the end of i13, I have tweaked it even further, the power choices are all the same, however I need 2 or 3 slots shifted about in order to get the full benifit from the set bonuses I am aiming for that will make him even better as they are in line with the similar set bonuses Ive already picked up.
Of course this is an easy thing to impliment, I know little about game coding etc, are you seriously trying to argue against that taking the limit of earnable respecs would be any harder than some of the more useless & equally small changes we've seen implimented over the last 4 or 5 issues..
I agree with Renty & Princy as well, & in a similar way in clashes with this idea as well, as I have 1 set I'd like to remove from my build. Belive me 1 day there will be people who find themselves on the same boat as me, there favourate main character will be respecless after using all 3 of its earned respecs & all 3 of its vet respecs, & then find a way to better their toon. Or they might find they have 200m worth of IO's in 1 power, then find out they could use another set & get something better out of the bonuses availabe for 1/5th the cost & need to find a way to remove the particular set..
Of course this is an easy thing to impliment, I know little about game coding etc,
[/ QUOTE ]
Always the best position to make confident assertions from.
Your deadly wrong on the "careful planning arguement", with the IO sets there are quite literly hundreds of ways you can slot your toon in a way in which you are gonna get the set bonuses that are most benifitial to you.
I rebuilt my tank "Super B" Super Strength/Invunerable on mids at the start of i13 & have spent a good majority of i13 gathering all the IOs & recipes I need to make it a reality. However now nearing the end of i13, I have tweaked it even further, the power choices are all the same, however I need 2 or 3 slots shifted about in order to get the full benifit from the set bonuses I am aiming for that will make him even better as they are in line with the similar set bonuses Ive already picked up.
Of course this is an easy thing to impliment, I know little about game coding etc, are you seriously trying to argue against that taking the limit of earnable respecs would be any harder than some of the more useless & equally small changes we've seen implimented over the last 4 or 5 issues..
I agree with Renty & Princy as well, & in a similar way in clashes with this idea as well, as I have 1 set I'd like to remove from my build. Belive me 1 day there will be people who find themselves on the same boat as me, there favourate main character will be respecless after using all 3 of its earned respecs & all 3 of its vet respecs, & then find a way to better their toon. Or they might find they have 200m worth of IO's in 1 power, then find out they could use another set & get something better out of the bonuses availabe for 1/5th the cost & need to find a way to remove the particular set..
[/ QUOTE ]
With IOs you could respec nearly every time you get some inf so a repeatable TF for respec or even the ability to use in game inf (even a hideous amount 0 would be a nice touch.I know you can buy them for irl cash but why should we ..........
* The "Show Details" option you get when you choose your powers gives a rough idea about what the power is and what it does. (although I would like to see a small window showing the powers animation to give an idea about what it looks like for IC reasons. I seem to remember this was going to be available on the CoH website a couple of years ago, anyone know if anything came of it ?)
* A player that's made some dodgy decisions about a power choice is still going to be effective in PvE.
* Mids planner means that you can make as many respecs as you like to fine tune your build without actually using a respec.
* If you burn through all your earned, vet and issue respecs that quickly because you're not happy with the build, roll something else, cos you're never going to be happy with it.
* We don't know that this is an "easy" modification because none of us are devs at NC.
* With a bit of planning and care by the player, this "problem" can easily be worked around.
* There must be a reason why there's a limit from the point of view of potential exploitation.
[/ QUOTE ]
This pretty much summed my view on the subject
Your deadly wrong on the "careful planning arguement", with the IO sets there are quite literly hundreds of ways you can slot your toon in a way in which you are gonna get the set bonuses that are most benifitial to you.
And? With careful planning you can choose the right way of building your character. I don't see how he's wrong with that argument.
I rebuilt my tank "Super B" Super Strength/Invunerable on mids at the start of i13 & have spent a good majority of i13 gathering all the IOs & recipes I need to make it a reality. However now nearing the end of i13, I have tweaked it even further, the power choices are all the same, however I need 2 or 3 slots shifted about in order to get the full benifit from the set bonuses I am aiming for that will make him even better as they are in line with the similar set bonuses Ive already picked up.
Well, you know, with this thing they call "careful planning" you could've avoided this. If you had paid some more attention to the kind of set bonuses you had you might've seen that using a couple of slots in different locations you could get bonuses that stack better with existing bonuses.
Of course this is an easy thing to impliment, I know little about game coding etc, are you seriously trying to argue against that taking the limit of earnable respecs would be any harder than some of the more useless & equally small changes we've seen implimented over the last 4 or 5 issues..
Oh my. They always say their suggestion is easy to implement. But how do they know? Have you ever coded anything using the same game engine as CoX? Do you know if it will affect something else too apart from the limitation to the amount of respecs? If not, please, do NOT say you have experience over this kind of stuff.
Also as noted in the quotation above, it seems, as if they have a reason to keep a limit to the amount of respecs. Whatever it may be, it is a part of their design decisions, and we know the devs have never been keen on changing them.
I agree with Renty & Princy as well, & in a similar way in clashes with this idea as well, as I have 1 set I'd like to remove from my build. Belive me 1 day there will be people who find themselves on the same boat as me, there favourate main character will be respecless after using all 3 of its earned respecs & all 3 of its vet respecs, & then find a way to better their toon. Or they might find they have 200m worth of IO's in 1 power, then find out they could use another set & get something better out of the bonuses availabe for 1/5th the cost & need to find a way to remove the particular set..
Well, if you're able to reslot a 200M set with a 40M set I dont believe I would hesitate spending the 30mil on a respec recipe to get that set out of the power.
On the other hand, I do agree it would be very useful to have "slot shuffling" type of respecs. Also something to take enhancements out of slots would be nice. Maybe a vendor sold recipe that takes out an IO and places it into your inventory. Or more drastically, locks it into BM/WW and only lets you sell it to keep enhancement sale flowing.
[/ QUOTE ]
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Your deadly wrong on the "careful planning arguement", with the IO sets there are quite literly hundreds of ways you can slot your toon in a way in which you are gonna get the set bonuses that are most benifitial to you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which is why Mids is out there as I said in my original post. You can explore all of those variations with that without using a single respec. In fact Mids will give you one thing that a respec wont: exact numbers for your set bonuses on the fly.
I rebuilt my tank "Super B" Super Strength/Invunerable on mids at the start of i13 & have spent a good majority of i13 gathering all the IOs & recipes I need to make it a reality. However now nearing the end of i13, I have tweaked it even further, the power choices are all the same, however I need 2 or 3 slots shifted about in order to get the full benifit from the set bonuses I am aiming for that will make him even better as they are in line with the similar set bonuses Ive already picked up.
[/ QUOTE ]
So you've planned it using Mids, and tweaked it again. Well there's a good chance that i14 will see a freespec, so you can use that can't you.
Of course this is an easy thing to impliment
[/ QUOTE ]
I know little about game coding etc
[/ QUOTE ]
Classic. Just classic.
are you seriously trying to argue against that taking the limit of earnable respecs would be any harder than some of the more useless & equally small changes we've seen implimented over the last 4 or 5 issues..
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes. I don't know anything about coding. Even if I did, I've never seen how CoX is coded. With those two basic pieces of information, what possible basis could I have for saying otherwise?
I agree with Renty & Princy as well, & in a similar way in clashes with this idea as well, as I have 1 set I'd like to remove from my build. Belive me 1 day there will be people who find themselves on the same boat as me, there favourate main character will be respecless after using all 3 of its earned respecs & all 3 of its vet respecs, & then find a way to better their toon. Or they might find they have 200m worth of IO's in 1 power, then find out they could use another set & get something better out of the bonuses availabe for 1/5th the cost & need to find a way to remove the particular set..
[/ QUOTE ]
I find this odd. I'm a 33 month veteran. I'm not sure how many respecs off the bat that entitles me to (at least, without looking it up) but since the vet rewards were introduced, I've never done a respec trial, nor have I ever bought a respec recipe. Why? 'Cos I've never needed ones that weren't supplied for nowt.
I'll say again, if you're burning that many respecs between vet rewards and freespecs, you really need to look at the way you're doing things rather than ask for the game to be changed.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
I find this odd. I'm a 33 month veteran. I'm not sure how many respecs off the bat that entitles me to (at least, without looking it up) but since the vet rewards were introduced, I've never done a respec trial, nor have I ever bought a respec recipe. Why? 'Cos I've never needed ones that weren't supplied for nowt.
I'll say again, if you're burning that many respecs between vet rewards and freespecs, you really need to look at the way you're doing things rather than ask for the game to be changed.
[/ QUOTE ]
48 months here and on my main PvP toons i haven't got a single respec. While i do use mids it can't help me to foresee huge changes like the ones seen in i13.
Take my fire blaster for example, i had to drop fireball and inferno because of the changes. 2 moves that were 6 slotted. That's already 2 IO's that are stuck in the build and that's before i start making other alterations.
Yes we get a free respec with every new issue but it doesn't solve the problem of swapping more than 10 enhancements. I've used up to 7 respec's to totally clear out a toon of enhancements before deletion.
Have you never enhanced a move with set IO's while you were waiting for the influence to buy purples?
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
I find this odd. I'm a 33 month veteran. I'm not sure how many respecs off the bat that entitles me to (at least, without looking it up) but since the vet rewards were introduced, I've never done a respec trial, nor have I ever bought a respec recipe. Why? 'Cos I've never needed ones that weren't supplied for nowt.
I'll say again, if you're burning that many respecs between vet rewards and freespecs, you really need to look at the way you're doing things rather than ask for the game to be changed.
[/ QUOTE ]
48 months here and on my main PvP toons i haven't got a single respec. While i do use mids it can't help me to foresee huge changes like the ones seen in i13.
[/ QUOTE ]
but i13 came with a a free speck so that shouldnt have cost you a actual respec
Recently found out that you can only gain a total of 1 respec from each respec tf, meaning theres a total of 3 earnable respecs to be earned in the game.
I cant help but think its such a silly idea to stop allowing us to gain more than one, I myself have earned one from each, but due to the constant pvp changes & IO changes, I often find myself needing more than the 1 free respec givin at the release of each issue, hense why all 2 or 3 of my vet respecs are gone
Is it such a hard thing that we can re-earn a new respec, once we have used the one we earned from the same trial the last time?
I'm well aware theres a respec recipe that drops, however whats the chances of you actually getting one dropped exactly when you need it...& the price of them is the price of a half decent IO at the current moment! 40m!
[RANT]I didnt understand why this was never changed as Ive been told its been like this since the start, you've always only been able to earn 3 respecs in total, however I think I understand why it hasnt been changed in recent issues...I see the devs actually will sell you a respec from their in game store, for £6...
What a shocker, I'm expecting a charge soon for the oxygen I breath soon while playing the game...they might as well they charge for everything else[/RANT]
Anyway, I wanna earn more than 1 respec from each tf, & for such a small & minor issue that will benifit the games users I cant see a problem