Why do Weapons = Fantasy




A on going theme on these boards seems to be that any weapon set added to the game is a indication that the Devs are attempting to drag in the WoW (fantasy) crowd.

My question is why do people believe this? (please consider my following points)

This game is based around comic books (not sci fi as some seem to think) comic books cover a wide and varied assortment of subjects and very often intermingle science fiction and fantasy.

and while the power using members of the main line comic book worlds (DC, Marvel etc) probably out number the weapon users there are still a good number of heroes and villains that wield weapons individuals like Captain America, Thor, Green Arrow, Swordsman, Black Knight, Colleen Wing, Dead pool, and any ninja based character you want to name.

There's also the background of city of heroes its self to consider it draws pretty heavily on Greek mythology as well as dipping into the Arthurian legends (Hero 1) Irish legends (Croatoa) so its not a great leap to imagine that there's one or 2 enchanted blades lying around just waiting for a wood be hero to stumble across them.

Also there's the question of magic if the claim that adding new weapons is pandering to the WoW crowd what about other powers surly a energy blast is just another way of saying magical blast? weather control, encasing a target in ice, surrounding a target in a ring of fire, causing fire to rain from the skies and lets not forget the ye old faithful fire ball these could all be considered magical attacks and i bet at least some of them appear in WoW and other fantasy based games so should the devs stop introducing these powers as well?

So again my question why do people believe weapon set = Fantasy?

fixing really stupid spelling mistake



Personally, I don't think that at all. What I *do* think makes people think the game is heading that way is the perception that there are more fantasy styled weapon MODELS, as well as costume pieces, and that this is what makes them think the game is heading that way.

Of course, it's all quite silly and totally wrong... Comic books are FULL of fantasy styled costumes and weaponry...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Its like a MMO Benny Hill scene, CoX is chasing WoW for the fantasy weapons, WoW is chasing AoC for the barbaric looking armor that is the only option to wear after lvl70s, and AoC is chasing .... hmmm ... scantily clad women.



It's just some people feel the need to be upset and have to moan over every little thing. They also tend to overexxagerate a great deal.

I guess you could techincally made a night elf warrior with a sword and shield, but then that is the beauty of City of Heroes. The Diversity

I really don't think this game feels fantasy at all. It's always been and still is a comic superhero game to me. Personally i wanna see more weapons in the game.



US Agent - Shield
Patriot - Shield
Ares - Axe
Hawkeye - Bow
Ronin - Sword
Swordsman - Sword
Hercules - Mace
Beta Ray Bill - Hammer
Quasar - Sword
Taskmaster - Shield

Take your pick. Plenty of Marvel characters weild weapons that aren't guns, that could be 'considered' fantasy. Not all of them are 'myths', either.

I agree with the OP. The fantasy side of comics is definitely present, but not dominant. Heroes can have weapons that aren't guns - they lead to better battles.

They say that there is more honour in a sword than a gun - why? Because you can shoot a man from a distance and never see his face as he falls to the ground. However, to take him on face to face with a sword, you must look him in the eyes as you defeat him. And...yeah, stuff.

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url="http://sites.google.com/site/thenewguardians"] The New Guardians[/url] - [url="http://www.badge-hunter.com/index.php?/page/view_player.php?id=339"] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]



A on going theme on these boards seems to be that any weapon set added to the game is a indication that the Devs are attempting to drag in the WoW (fantasy) crowd.

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Because people with no real argument take superficial points, blow them up out of all proportion, and state that they are full of meaning and support their argument.

Lies, damn lies, statistics, damn statistics, benchmarks, deliver promises...

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Because people with no real argument take superficial points, blow them up out of all proportion, and state that they are full of meaning and support their argument.

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I really should do something about this signature.



AoC is chasing .... hmmm ... scantily clad women.

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Last I heard, the only thing AoC wass chasing is enough subscribers to stay open!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



AoC is chasing .... hmmm ... scantily clad women.

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Last I heard, the only thing AoC wass chasing is enough subscribers to stay open!

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But...but...how can this be?

Was AoC not the killer game that would steal all CoX's players, becoming a massive hit and forcing Paragon City into receivership within a matter of days!?!?

You'll be saying there are more CoX developers than there used to be next!




I've said it before and i'll say it again, one of the great things about this game is that you can create nearly any type of character as a hero/villain. Want a evil Viking sucked in from the past to wreak havoc? Done. Want a super intelligent robot created by scientific genius? Easy. Mutant with super powers, hard bloke with a gun, victim of a scientific experiment? Check, check, check.

What I'm saying is, want your BS/Shield scrapper to be a fantasy hero, you can. But a quick change of a costume (or a quick reroll if you prefer) and suddenly its a completely different character/style of character.

This game caters for all in that respect, fantasy, sci-fi, Sin city style characters etc etc. Pretty much the only real limitation, thanks to weapon customisation, is down to your own imagination; what backstory can you com up with to justify your powersets/costumes.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

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(Quick Reply)

Green Lantern.

'Magic' ring.

'nuff said.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Dr Strange.

Nuff said



I think this is countered by the fact that the Vanguard, Riot, Elemental and Tech shields look far more awesome than any of the Fantasy'ish ones.



There are no "fantasy" shields.

I really should do something about this signature.



Deadpool - Sword.

Deathstroke - Sword

Nightcrawler - randomly has Sword

Hell, I've seen Batman take out a Doomsday Animate with an axe! (and not a piddly axe either, a GET THE F**K AWAY FROM ME axe)

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

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There are no "fantasy" shields.

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Tis true, all the 'fantasy' (Kite, Knight, Heater, Targe Round, Cavalier) shields were present throughout points in history and have been used in battle.

Besides...ALL the weapons are Fantasy, that's a lie and you know it, let's take a look at Battle Axe shall we...

Legacy axe/colourable legacy ace, Rularuu's Wrath, Roman Axes: Yup these are fantasy, will agree on that one.

Hatchet, Pickaxe, Shovel, Firemans axe, lumberjacks axe: All are modern day items.

Talsorian, Impervium, Rikti Axe: Sci-fi axes.

Total Fantasy Axes (included Roman A, Roman B, etc.): 5

Total Modern/Sci-fi Axes: 8.

That's just Battle Axe, Bows have 1 (count it), 1 fantasy based bow (Rularuu's Gaze) all the rest are tech/real world based.

The only one which could be considered having a large number of Fantasy based weapons is Broadsword.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



There are no "fantasy" shields.

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Tis true, all the 'fantasy' (Kite, Knight, Heater, Targe Round, Cavalier) shields were present throughout points in history and have been used in battle.

Besides...ALL the weapons are Fantasy, that's a lie and you know it, let's take a look at Battle Axe shall we...

Legacy axe/colourable legacy ace, Rularuu's Wrath, Roman Axes: Yup these are fantasy, will agree on that one.

Hatchet, Pickaxe, Shovel, Firemans axe, lumberjacks axe: All are modern day items.

Talsorian, Impervium, Rikti Axe: Sci-fi axes.

Total Fantasy Axes (included Roman A, Roman B, etc.): 5

Total Modern/Sci-fi Axes: 8.

That's just Battle Axe, Bows have 1 (count it), 1 fantasy based bow (Rularuu's Gaze) all the rest are tech/real world based.

The only one which could be considered having a large number of Fantasy based weapons is Broadsword.

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Why are you counting the 'Roman' axes as fantasy?

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Hmmmm i'm not sure if people are missing my point so let me clarify i DONT think weapons = fantasy. and I'm perfectly aware that even if they did it wouldn't matter as the comic book source material this game draws from encapsulates fantasy.

What i want to know is why when they added dual blades and shields there was a mass outcry of there's to much fantasy based stuff in this game what drives those who think this to draw this conclusion?

As a side note CoH has 74 power sets of which 18 are weapon based (that's counting traps, devices and AR) so less than a third of the coh power sets actually use weapons.



Define 'fantasy'...

1. imagination, esp. when extravagant and unrestrained.

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This whole game is fantasy.. and yet most of the weapons aren't, as they are mostly firmly based on real weapons/sheilds.



I think it's mostly to do with the general view people have - fantasy = medieval = old-fashioned/not modern, so any weapon that isn't used now must be not/modern/old fashion, so that = medieval = fantasy.
Like a gun and a bow and arrow are designed with the same idea - a device to fire an object over a distance to hit a target - but because one is still used a lot today, it doesn't have that connection to older times.
I think the typical view of fantasy is that it's based on the past - like the middle ages, but with all the middle ages superstitions made real.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So basically, peeps have grown up learning to associate melee weapons and ranged weapons that don't go BANG! with King Arthur and Lord of the Rings, et al, right? At its most basic of explanations, of course.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




I would like NC to buy the rights to use Fisto! as a weapon set.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



(Quick Reply)

Green Lantern.

'Magic' ring.

'nuff said.

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...and powers don't work on anything yellow. . That's Python fantasy.

Nuff said.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



(Quick Reply)

Green Lantern.

'Magic' ring.

'nuff said.

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...and powers don't work on anything yellow. . That's Python fantasy.

Nuff said.

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That rule is long gone.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]