Speculation: What is Coming?
Hoping that the "War Walls" would come down, not sure how feasable that would be though or even possible...
Would like to see an Nrg Scrapper
Some level of power customisation IMO.
I really should do something about this signature.
ANIMATED HAIR!!1!!111!!1oneone!!1eleventyone
Yes, he could have cracked under the relentless pressure from you know who.
Seriously though, 'hinting at' or 'flat-out denying' huh?
Hmmm, I like the Weather effects one, but personally my beef with the current bland Paragon is more to do with generic grid-locked map terrain and model/enviroments that don't represent a living breathing city as realistically as it should, rather than extra graphical lovelyness piled on-top of what we already have. Some zones are better then others admittibly.
Well, like ML, weather effects might come. And I must agree with PRAF; sooner or later we might see just a little bit of power customization.
I also believe that maybe things like vehicles won't be stamped out; and mabye a Water powerset of some sort.
It has to be power customisation to compete with CO.
I think player housing will be in.
Possibly going rogue.
[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]
It has to be power customisation to compete with CO.
I think player housing will be in.
Possibly going rogue.
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Tbh going rogue was rumoured for I13, it was also hinted at by devs, if they can do it surely do it soon...I woult love to good > evil > good transfer...muhahahaha
It has to be power customisation to compete with CO.
I think player housing will be in.
Possibly going rogue.
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Tbh going rogue was rumoured for I13, it was also hinted at by devs, if they can do it surely do it soon...I woult love to good > evil > good transfer...muhahahaha
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The fact that (I think) Castle mentioned the 'line inbetween' in a recent interview, Im guessing the Rogue system will be in soonish. Guessing.
Weather would be very nice...
HOEVER....please god let them smooth out the running of gfx...or I WILL need to fork out for a decent graphics rig le sigh
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Possibly going rogue.
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I put my money on this.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

It has to be power customisation to compete with CO.
I think player housing will be in.
Possibly going rogue.
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Tbh going rogue was rumoured for I13, it was also hinted at by devs, if they can do it surely do it soon...I woult love to good > evil > good transfer...muhahahaha
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To be honest I doubt very much it will be going Rogue in I14, The same interview mentions this third way of redemption (nice Issue title btw) but Positron says 'that is another topic for another day'. I suspect if that was the very next big thing to hit features-wise Positron would of hinted a bit more about it than he did.
I believe it is worthy to be back on the board for consideration by us though re: features being experimented on and developed by the Devs.
HOEVER....please god let them smooth out the running of gfx...or I WILL need to fork out for a decent graphics rig le sigh
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I wouldn't worry about that, seeing as though they have with-held features the engine is capable of for concern over your frame-rate, you can bet all future graphical frosting will be able to be turned-off via the menu>options>graphics menu anyway.
About going rogue: Wasn't there a heroic brute or villainous tanker or something like that (controlled by a redname) at the Manticore-Sister Psyche wedding? Sounds like a hint to me.
Also, I think there was some hints in the clues for the mission where you had to get the wedding presents back too (or steal them if you were a villain). Among others, tickets to a space station/moon base?
hmm... lots of intresting prospects.
1: losing the one cape limit (which they already have with wedding pack) but make it more official.
2: take down war walls for a more open world (unlikely).
3: going rogue.
4: power customization. (they said it'll never happen without an engine rewrite, could this be what they're doing?)
5: weather, could mebbe come if they do the engine rewrite?
hmm what else have they said will never happen...
the obvious powers like wall climbing and such i spose.

Speculation? Alright, here's my guesses.
A paid expansion pack with new zones, arcs, mission types, tilesets etc.
Graphics upgrade
Power customization
Going rogue
Less clearly defined AT's that can cross sides at will. ie: anti-hero types like Punisher.
Universal enhancement slots, for post level 50 progression.
Basically, pretty much all the stuff that was in that survey a while back.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hmm, let's see;
In addition to FFM's list, I think we'll be seeing some more "Save the world" story Arcs, more Task Forces, new flashy zones.
And it goes without saying, that giant robot in Striga is finally going to make it out and be stomping around the various zones.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Possibly going rogue.
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I put my money on this.
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Does that make you a rogue trader?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
ANIMATED HAIR!!1!!111!!1oneone!!1eleventyone
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Yes, this would be nice
I'm hoping that a graphics upgrade will include some remodeling, and not just sharper textures.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Going Rogue would bring new life into the game for me. I hope it's this.
Power customisation would be nice, not really sure how much I'd use it, though I'd like Jenn's fire effects to be blue. Cant really think of any other changes I'd make with it
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
surprised nobody has betted on raising the level cap to 60, now THATS something theyve always denied will happen.
Actually come to think of it, there has been hinting about 10 extra enhancement slots, so its not that far out as guesses go...
Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender
Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz
"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.
surprised nobody has betted on raising the level cap to 60, now THATS something theyve always denied will happen.
Actually come to think of it, there has been hinting about 10 extra enhancement slots, so its not that far out as guesses go...
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Of those things i think are the least likely to happen is a level cap raise.
The 10 extra enhancement slots are supposed to be on a global basis, aka slotting something in em will affect the whole character, not just one power.
I'm guessing they'll be earned thru ingame content like completing certain tasks rather than level 60 tho.

yeah, level cap rises do nothing for a game, better off just adding more content with out the level raises.
some extra Zones for CoV, and some more low level content for CoH would be good.
And it goes without saying, that giant robot in Striga is finally going to make it out and be stomping around the various zones.
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I was just saying the other day whilst doing Hess that I wish we could fight that robot. But, I wasn't sure the engine could handle something that big and fully animate it (as its bigger than Kronos)?
Having said that:-
Engine Upgrade
Power Customisation (BABS has been rewriting code for this, apparently)
Going Rogue...but for me, more like Going Grey (or inbetweenie, if you will)
The Coming Storm (Rularuu invasion!!!!)
More hardpoints on costumes for dual capes etc
And much much more!!!
"...I will say that there are things coming, some of which we have been hinting at, or maybe even flat out denying was even possible, for a long time.", Matt Miller, http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/49237
So, of all the things that they have denied have been possible, what do you think it is that he is referring to?
Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.