Merrit system is UNFAIR




Teh merrits are UNFAIR!!!!

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Fixt for lulz

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



This guy is still here?

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He lurks around the CO forums, looking for people to digest...don't get eaten! *hands out leaflet*

The Leaflet...



Welcome to our little leaflet from Anti-Jack Emmert Corp. We bid you good day. If YOU have been pursued by Jack Emmert, there is something you can do. His propoganda can't stop us, ANTI-JACK EMMERT CORP!

1. Avoid the beast, AKA Jack Emmert. He is dangerous.

2. Do not let his propaganda get into your mind. Like WWII propaganda, it sounds catchy, but in reality, it doesn't work.

3. Albeit it cannot be teh 'CHAMPIONS Online' until it has some real champion players. Remember, don't overhype a game!

4. Jack Emmert likes doooooooooom.

5. He likes hot women as well.

These fundamental reasons should avoid you from this mighty beast.


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----> Joke

----> IM's head

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



This guy is still here?

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He lurks around the CO forums, looking for people to digest...don't get eaten! *hands out leaflet*

The Leaflet...



Welcome to our little leaflet from Anti-Jack Emmert Corp. We bid you good day. If YOU have been pursued by Jack Emmert, there is something you can do. His propoganda can't stop us, ANTI-JACK EMMERT CORP!

1. Avoid the beast, AKA Jack Emmert. He is dangerous.

2. Do not let his propaganda get into your mind. Like WWII propaganda, it sounds catchy, but in reality, it doesn't work.

3. Albeit it cannot be teh 'CHAMPIONS Online' until it has some real champion players. Remember, don't overhype a game!

4. Jack Emmert likes doooooooooom.

5. He likes hot women as well.

These fundamental reasons should avoid you from this mighty beast.


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All i saw was hot women

Now now people lets try get back ontopic to the point of what rewards would make people attack GMs more? Or am i in the wrong thread again?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'm sure I read somewhere that the amount of merits awarded will be related to the length of time taken on the task....Gawd knows how, I see either a pre-arranged number for each TF/story arc/etc or dependent on time spent on the actual for anything else..well..I dunno.

Caps? The devs love caps...*shrugs*

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



actually we do have some new information on the merit system due to someone accidently posting their suggestion in the wrong forum, the training room one and not the Beta test one.

Basically it's saying that you can only earn merits from the same task force once every 24 hours and the guy suggesting badges should grant merits as well.

check out the topic in the US training room before it gets nuked.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If you can only run the same TF or Trial ONCE every 24 hours and get merrits for it, its gonna be totally unfair and gamebreaking for villains.

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Gamebreaking is a bit OTT Just think of all the other stuff there is to do in the game. Unless you're gunna obsess over getting as many 'merrits' as possible in the shortest time possible, I doubt this will bother you that much.

Anyway, who farms the same TF over and over in 24 hours?



Anyway, who farms the same TF over and over in 24 hours?

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If you have say 4 lvl 50's you can get 8 recipie chances for under two hours work if you have a bunch of like minded people.

I hope they don't say you get a big bunch for flashbacks (having just ground through all the sub lvl 30 badge combinations)



This guy is still here?

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Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



So the competition for comedy post of the year is really hotting up as we head towards the November nominations...

Can I counter propose that as merits are awarded for arcs and CoV has so many arcs that are smaller (and more interesting/better written) than the CoH arcs that there is indeed an imbalance between CoH and CoV.

* Rewrite CoH arcs in smaller chunks and (with what everybody will recognise as) better quality writing!
* Change the CoV SF/trial merit timer to 5 minuites

Do this or the game is soooo dooooooomed that I'm off to the CO US server merge where I can get 20 teams within 4 picoseconds of logging on.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Also there should be stretching powers.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



We were discussing this on Teamspeak the other day, and came to the absolute, stone cold realization that THE DEVS HATE HEROES!

I can't remember all the discussion to get to that conclusion, but there were discussions, that was the conclusion, and anyone who disagrees with me is OBVIOUSLY WRONG BECAUSE I CAN USE CAPS LOCK!!11!!!

(....oooooh, AND BOLD! GO ME!!11!!!)

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from

EU, Union mostly.



@OP, I think the limit is a good one. Katie Hannon TF, average time 20-40 minutes or so. Do that eight times per day and you're laughing (or more than eight if, like me, you have absolutely no outside life nor any recognisable desire nor need to aquire one as all/most of your friends are also gamers, forgive me for not being part of booze-orientated culture [/rant]).

Are you telling me you can get through every single task/strike force in the game in under twenty-four hours? How long over the Easter weekend did it take, in real-world terms (taking breaks between TF's for bodily functions, sleep, food etcetera) to complete just the Freedom Phalanx six?

Two full days? Three?

Whatever. There's plenty to do on either side of the hero/villain divide. At least merits for TF's/trials is better than farming 100,000,000 inf for a single recipe or IO.



Hehe that's true of our team, yes: The Elfings can make even the easiest task force take 2 hours longer. The rest of the teams breezed through them. The only thing that caused any major delay was the levelling up in between, if you're already at 50 it should be easy peas.

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



Only people it is unfair to is people who are already at 50, as by then quite a few of the story arcs will have been done already, and you will be limited to TF/SF/etc and those Orubos arcs that are worth doing and not so low as to lose all but your best powers.



So what would you call fair? Free merrits for all 50s? Then the 49s will complain 50s get something and they don't, or the 40s will, or the 30s.

Seems to me that everyone starting with nothing and having to work for what they want is as level a playing field as you'll get.



So what would you call fair? Free merrits for all 50s? Then the 49s will complain 50s get something and they don't, or the 40s will, or the 30s.

Seems to me that everyone starting with nothing and having to work for what they want is as level a playing field as you'll get.

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If you got on (first) login the correct level of merits for the amount of arcs you had done at that point it would be far fairer, though honestly I doubt that'd happen. Though whether or not the game tracks how many arcs you have done in the past I don't know...

And they one group that'd hit would be people who farmed their way to 50 and did few or no story arcs. But then they are probably the people who have the time and energy to farm merits on TFs anyway.



So what would you call fair? Free merrits for all 50s? Then the 49s will complain 50s get something and they don't, or the 40s will, or the 30s.

Seems to me that everyone starting with nothing and having to work for what they want is as level a playing field as you'll get.

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If you got on (first) login the correct level of merits for the amount of arcs you had done at that point it would be far fairer, though honestly I doubt that'd happen. Though whether or not the game tracks how many arcs you have done in the past I don't know...

And they one group that'd hit would be people who farmed their way to 50 and did few or no story arcs. But then they are probably the people who have the time and energy to farm merits on TFs anyway.

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No ones asking for free merits. The game keeps track of story arcs in the form of souvenirs and TFs in the form of badges. I'm not sure if it keeps track of multiple attempts on the same TF but it wouldn't surprise me as datamining is a big part of the devs job. If we get awarded retroactive merits for the stuff we have already done then it would make the current crop of 50s happy, and indeed every existing alt of whatever level. The chances of getting the full amount of merits for every mission we have done is pretty slim, but it isn't that hard to get the game to count what you have already got via badges and completed story arc souvenirs.



If you can only run the same TF or Trial ONCE every 24 hours and get merrits for it, its gonna be totally unfair and gamebreaking for villains.

Heroes got like 2 times the trials and taskforces villains get , so heroes will be in a HUGE advantage getting merrits.

Villains cooldown on tf and trials must be cut in half to 12 h to get merrits in order to balance things.

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whine when it is unfair, not before its even done



No ones asking for free merits. The game keeps track of story arcs in the form of souvenirs and TFs in the form of badges. I'm not sure if it keeps track of multiple attempts on the same TF but it wouldn't surprise me as datamining is a big part of the devs job. If we get awarded retroactive merits for the stuff we have already done then it would make the current crop of 50s happy, and indeed every existing alt of whatever level. The chances of getting the full amount of merits for every mission we have done is pretty slim, but it isn't that hard to get the game to count what you have already got via badges and completed story arc souvenirs.

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But bear in mind that merit rewards will presumably replace, or at least be an alternative to, the existing "random recipe" TF reward.

So giving out bonus merits on the basis of logged TF runs at the start of the new system would be UNFAIR to people that hadn't done the TFs before - the old hands would effectively be being rewarded twice for past efforts, once originally when they (maybe) got the recipe, and again with the merrits.



its totally unfair...

Heroes task forces like positron and the shards are so much longer they give like at least twice the amount of merits too!

(hope people hadnt forgotten that fact, about merits awarded based on length of the arc/tf?)

Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender

Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz

"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.



Wait a sec, isn't the Villain Respec TF doable in about 25 minutes whereas the hero Respec takes about 90 minutes? this is UNFAIR!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



No ones asking for free merits. The game keeps track of story arcs in the form of souvenirs and TFs in the form of badges. I'm not sure if it keeps track of multiple attempts on the same TF but it wouldn't surprise me as datamining is a big part of the devs job. If we get awarded retroactive merits for the stuff we have already done then it would make the current crop of 50s happy, and indeed every existing alt of whatever level. The chances of getting the full amount of merits for every mission we have done is pretty slim, but it isn't that hard to get the game to count what you have already got via badges and completed story arc souvenirs.

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But bear in mind that merit rewards will presumably replace, or at least be an alternative to, the existing "random recipe" TF reward.

So giving out bonus merits on the basis of logged TF runs at the start of the new system would be UNFAIR to people that hadn't done the TFs before - the old hands would effectively be being rewarded twice for past efforts, once originally when they (maybe) got the recipe, and again with the merrits.

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Actually if you re-read what I said I said every 50 will be unable to get Merits off of Story Arcs they have already done and that that was slightly unfair, because in many cases there will be no way of doing those story arcs again, whereas a lowbie character when the issue hits will be able to do those story arcs. So getting merits awarded for previously completed story Arcs would be more fair. I have no real opinion on retroactive awarding for TF/SF/etc as they generally carry a separate reward. (Which before recipes was just an enhancement IIRC.)