Merrit system is UNFAIR




No ones asking for free merits. The game keeps track of story arcs in the form of souvenirs and TFs in the form of badges. I'm not sure if it keeps track of multiple attempts on the same TF but it wouldn't surprise me as datamining is a big part of the devs job. If we get awarded retroactive merits for the stuff we have already done then it would make the current crop of 50s happy, and indeed every existing alt of whatever level. The chances of getting the full amount of merits for every mission we have done is pretty slim, but it isn't that hard to get the game to count what you have already got via badges and completed story arc souvenirs.

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But bear in mind that merit rewards will presumably replace, or at least be an alternative to, the existing "random recipe" TF reward.

So giving out bonus merits on the basis of logged TF runs at the start of the new system would be UNFAIR to people that hadn't done the TFs before - the old hands would effectively be being rewarded twice for past efforts, once originally when they (maybe) got the recipe, and again with the merrits.

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Actually if you re-read what I said I said every 50 will be unable to get Merits off of Story Arcs they have already done and that that was slightly unfair, because in many cases there will be no way of doing those story arcs again, whereas a lowbie character when the issue hits will be able to do those story arcs. So getting merits awarded for previously completed story Arcs would be more fair. I have no real opinion on retroactive awarding for TF/SF/etc as they generally carry a separate reward. (Which before recipes was just an enhancement IIRC.)

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I read it well enough first time, I think - you mentioned TFs as often as story arcs, and as retrospective merrits for TFs looked like the far larger UNFAIRNESS that's the bit I covered in my reply.

As far as story arcs go, less UNFAIR, I admit - everyone will have done some (apart from the paper/radio mission fiends - wonder if that route offers merrits in the new system), and the higher level you are the more you'll have done on average.

Even so I wouldn't call it a great injustice if everyone started off with zero merrits after I13 goes live; a lot of 50s will be kitted out already, and wouldn't have a lot to do with a shedload of merrits anyway. Besides, what else would they do other than merrit-earning tasks anyway[1]?

[1] A mostly genuine question - when one of my toons reaches 50 I tend to park it somewhere pretty then pick up a new alt.






I think GR needs to take a look at this one too, now you have reanimated it.

I really should do something about this signature.



In response to the original post: The information you have seen is due to an NDA leak and is not official.

In response to the request for retroactive merits: I can pass it along as an idea, however you have already received rewards for completing those Arcs/Trials/TFs under the old system. The Merits system is a revamp/replacement for the the old system, so as such rewarding retroactive merits would be double-rewarding.

Because this thread is spawned off an NDA leak and the general quality of posts is quite low I'm locking the thread. Feel free to open a new discussion thread once official information on the Merits system is available.