Fake Complaints Thread!
When the hell are the devs going to do something about the terrible server population problems on the EU side?
Every day I try to play my toons, and every day some n00b bothers me with tells about teaming or some such nonsense! Every day!
If we had more EU servers there'd be far fewer people invading my space and trying to do stuff I don't want to. And don't you fools be telling me to turn on hide or set messages or any nonsense like that - I shouldn't need to put myself out to keep the n00bs at bay, so I ain't opening no dialogs to stop them doing something they shouldn't do in the first place.
I pay my subscriptions, and I'm entitled to more servers so I can play how I want!
I've had enough with the lack of damage output by fire/kins.. need to be buffed :S and the EU servers are WAY overpopulated for me
lmao this game sux the leveling phase goes on for ages and the end game content is [censored] why dont they make it mor like wow with cool raids and bosses and whats up with the crafting lol u cant even make better armours and you cant get a better weapon after u make ur toon and superheroes dont make me laugh there arnt even any orcs or shammys yeh you can have defenders but thay are just healerz and controllers just suck its stupid and why does all the mobs have ranged attacks thats just dumb why should melee toons be punished for not having blasts and bows and stuff this game is fr noobs and fat comic fanboys with no life they could at least have made raids that take soem skill and reward peple who are willing to put loads of time in its just [censored] if i want to play for 15 hours a day i should get rewarded for it
im quitting this crappy game and going back to a real mmo where the devs make loads of cool stuff rofl wow has 20million accounts and this one has about 5 i kno everyone hates wow but your all just jealous face the facts wow knoes how to make a game thats why everyone plays it and noone plays this except fat comic kids with no life
DEVS R U LISTENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT Kerensky: Here's a fake warning and a fake edit for a disturbingly real looking complaint.
As much as I do appreciate your sense of humour, I think there are a few words in this particular post that are going a wee bit too far. My advise: more "[censored]", less "borderline" swearwords.
Cheers and don't take it much further, please!
Every time I log on, I find the rigid hair bug still hasn't been fixed.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
BF... I'm concerned just how authentic that is.
Maybe there's a phenomenon at work here; inside every rational, literate, competent player is a txt speaking, irrational cretin bursting to get out!
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
BF... I'm concerned just how authentic that is.
Maybe there's a phenomenon at work here; inside every rational, literate, competent player is a txt speaking, irrational cretin bursting to get out!
[/ QUOTE ]
ROFLMAO, U sed 'txt'.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
When are you going to do something about those stupid mapserver connections! No matter what I do I stay connected, even if I plug out my network cable I still am connected to the mapserver! You have stolen my life!
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Rikti Dodgeball
Contestants . . . Ready!
Nerf those darn rikti! For the love of atlas, everytime they invade us heroes get nothing but our buttcapes handed to us! Im getting fed up of going to atlas to take part in the latest costume comp (and loose) and getting knocked around like a fricking dodgeball by those rikti!
Minion level? YEAH RIGHT!!! A minion level wouldnt knock ya off atlas globe onto liberty would it!?!?!?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Devs! Longbow are privacy-overpowered. Nerf kthnx
[/ QUOTE ]
The adaucity! The nerve!
How dare longbow sneakpeek on your love for other men Swissy?

I know!!! it's an outrage!
Devs! Longbow are privacy-overpowered. Nerf kthnx
[/ QUOTE ]
The adaucity! The nerve!
How dare longbow sneakpeek on your love for other men Swissy?
[/ QUOTE ]
Just be glad they didn't do a cavity search

Thelonious Monk
Dear sir,
I would like to make a complaint. To that end I would like you to make something about this game that I can complain about. Too often I find myself perfectly happy whilst playing the game. The leveling speed is not onerous, the UI is fully customisable (what is the problem with having the map only available on a separate screen, I ask you?) and as for the people? I have never met a more friendly, welcoming bunch of people willing to lend a hand at the drop of a hat! Where are all the rude, insensitive selfish players? I shall not be happy until I have taken offence. And a gate and a small potting shed.
Yours sincerely,
Brigadeer General R. C. Mann, B.A. M.A. Meh
Seriously devs, wth must you ALWAYS change powers cos of [censored] pvPers? Just cos spike damage is kind in pvP and its all "lolmelee" what do you do? Nerf focus. Seriously guys, gg. The one scrapper set that had any chance in pvP and you have to nerf it back to the stone ages. ED was bad enough at making claws scrappers gimp but now this?? Claws haven't had any love, now you take the best power in the set and take 15% of the dmg off!!!
And what's rubbish is this is obviously a nerf cos of pvP but its hurting us PvErs, too many changes to PvE cos of pvP!!! Seriously there's no point in playing claws anymore, it's dps is gonna be gimp, you might as well roll a loldarkmelee.
I've been paying to play this game for 3 years now, and I'm seriously considering quotting now. So if you really want to lose moeny NCNC, let this change hit live. Come on pohsyb, sort it out!!!.
@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!
Imaginary Inc.
Twitter me!
TT: maneuversreseaes (how u spell?) sucks. It costs too much end and not def, should be 25% def like a purple inspire.
High level warshades are weak and don't do enough damage - they need a build up power in nova because changing forms takes too long and the mobs are all defeat on my farms when I have done mires. Also human powers should work in forms, because human form is already way overpowered compared to forms.
Spines/fire scrappers need more AoE damage. Burning aura and quills sound like they would do lots of damage, but actually they don't because BA makes mobs run away and then quills slows them so they get stuck in a big area all outside of range of spine burst. I suggest that corners are buffed to make this build work otherwise it is really underpowered compared to like /invuln with it's uber unyielding/tough hide combination.
PB's need more KB because it's their only mitigation. Photon seekers should have their damage reduced and huge KB, plus they need their old AI back.
Def is too uber because even if one hit gets through you never get hit again, so more enemy attacks should have -def. Think about WP's heightened senses for instance, it's not like mobs hit often hit for lethal damage and do massive amounts of -def to all, totally negating the exotic damage type def from it. This would also help make Elude from SR not be pointless because at the moment SR is such an easy build (you don't need all the powers).
Also - nerf regen again.
Mace/EA Brutes are far too STRONG AND PRETTY. Nerf please.
Its absolutely dispicable the names of some of these NPC's, I mean they have feelings to, fancy calling a group 'Freaks' just becuase they wear tin armor and dye their hair weird colours. And what about 'Statesman' how inaccurate is that, what state are you trying to specify hmm. Well I've never seen such a clear sign of personal indecency
I've had it with this game. GMs are just too darn easy. Nobody evens bothers with them anymore. I can solo them with my FF defender. How about making them a bit of a challenge so that you need to at least get a team together to take one down. And just how many Paladins do I need to defeat to get the badge, I've done like hundred now. Hope it's not like them monkeys as the most you get in a spawn is three!
UNION @Flitz 50, Lead Hose 50, Red Rag 50
DEFIANT Rose Bloodthorn 34
VIGILANCE Captain Caledonia 20 - Yeah, I made toons on the French server coz we only had 4 back then (might have to transfer/recreate them on one of the US servers)
..and many more!
Blappers aren't good enough in PvP. Allllll their damoge should be unresistified.
Will Pow needs more regen as currentlee they can only solo 1 AV at a time - we wanna smack all the vindicators solo.
MMs have 2 many peties. Plezze make them go away and replace them with a big group of cats - that would be ginormagantuan.
Also delete all scrappars cos no1 cares for them. Just becoz OK devos!!! I r player! I r right cos my mummy pays my subb and I get her on u if u don't listen!
(((Was that illiterate and cretinous enough lol)))
Devz wat wer u thinkin Plant/emp must be the most gimped build in exiztance. One half my powers just make like loads of enemies stop dead in there tracks the other just makes loads of green numbers fly everywhere onscreen. I mean plz what is the use of that this has got too be the single worst troller build evvveeerr, well after the fire/kin that is. And don't get me started on the fire/kin, A bunson burner and a newtons craddle what the hell are u supposed to be able to do with that!!
Frankly I quit this game sometime just before the closed US beta and have no intentions of returning until the Devs get a senze of balance and give us some much neede troller love.
Wat dat? Plyers complayning not nevar sayz bout [censored] supprt? Dey big time lozers! Dey completli none helping playerz!
An noone complyning bout plyers - deyz all [censored] [censored] [censored]!
And now for something completely different!
K - you most definitely have been missed.
loling in da real wurld innit.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
And wats up wd all dis Defendrz/ trollerz ting anyway haz even 1 of dem ever done anyhing for a team oddur dan all dem annoying GFX blocking up my optic, I'm mean OMG get a grip u bunch of leechers, learn to [censored] hit something plz u usless [censored]. [censored][censored][censored] u [censored] [censored] OMG u [censored][censored][censored] learn ta play d [censored][censored] game 4 [censored] sake.
*no no mum I didn't write all that, oww , I know i signed it but...,ow oww ooww, plz mumsy I'm sorry (sobbing), ow ow, yes i swear I'll never do it again, (sniffle,sniffle)*
After much perusal of the US boards over the past few months, I couldn't help but notice vast outpourings of rage/complaints/varied vitriol with regards to varies game features, most recently the EM "nurf". Most of these complaints are threatening, badly written and logically flawed, but also really rather amusing! So I thought it would be fun to a have a thread of fake complaints that you would like to make to the devs/mods/whomever.

So if you think Fulcrum Shift is underpowered and deserves a buff, put forward your case here! Think Energy Aura is a vastly overpowered set ruining PvP? Lets see the evidence!
Points* for: Proof (incl. screenshots or bad logic). Providing a decent argument for desiring ridiculous nerfs/buffs. Impenetrable walls of text rants, complete with misspellings. References to "dupin rares" and/or "GONE TO TEH AMERICANS!!". Responses to complaints which are even more ridiculous than those complaints. Calling out the wrong Dev. Maintaining all changes to powersets you play are personal attacks. etc etc.
Keep it in the spirit of the thread if you can guys (i.e. fake!) and have fun!
Now go, complain that Granite armour doesnt offer enough defense.
*Points, in this situation, do not mean prizes. In fact, points will not be collected/collated/or even counted. Bad luck.
@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!
Imaginary Inc.
Twitter me!