Personal Space




I was thinking about starting a thread a couple of weeks ago with regard to whether people acted totally opposite in game to their real life personas, or whether partly or mostly behaved like themselves.

I feel that in some cases it would be better if they were acting totally opposite , but I can't see it myself, even if they don't act that way it seems that the behaviour is in their character somewhere and may one day come to the surface. Do people who always seem to be swearing or use you or cheat you (bridge and fill etc. which of course you can refuse to do if you are aware). Do they use people or cheat people in real life and every other word expletives? Do they push into queues or shut doors in your faces and act rude in those ways too ?

Do they say 'Welcome to McDonalds and the city, you can contact me on my nickname @Gladys Golightly I'm on Till number 2' *wink*

I think personal space should apply to this game. It's not physically bothering you in person but if someone keeps superspeeding around you and you move and they follow and do it again, it can be a bit unsettling. Of course this all depends on the individual on how this behaviour makes you feel but for me
if someone follows you around and does that it is basically giving you grief. If I'm playing my kinetics characters I tend to put a speed boost on them and see them zip off out the way from the unexpected extra speed increase usually gives me a (very) little victory.

Going back to your post, I for one wouldn't act in the way you have explained neither in game or real life so perhaps it works the other way and those that do act rude etc. are the same in real life. If that's the case I lose faith in the human race, though it may come down to a society and not the entire human race. *shrug*

If anyone ever finds the answer I for one would be interested to know it.



I think it all comes down to basic manners. There's just no way I would drop manners I have in RL just because I'm in a game; I just can't understand why anyone would ever do that. It tends to make me of the opinion that they're very likely like that in real life too (which is something else I don't get).

If it wasn't for the fact that using a computer requires at least a little intelligence, I'd think there were a load of chavs playing...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



If you that upset about it why don't you build you own room in a SG, then no one apart from that SG will bother you



Why don't griefers just make their own SG base and they can grief each other in there and ot bother others?

Seriously, is it too much to ask that people stop griefing others?

Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM



If you that upset about it why don't you build you own room in a SG, then no one apart from that SG will bother you

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In that situation no one new to RP would be able to join in. Far better that people either join in in the spirit of the thing or leave them to play the game in the way they want... or is that asking too much?

For the record, I do not RP.



I wouldn't necessarily go as far as to say it's griefing, per se... But it IS somewhat annoying, and just shows a total lack of respect for others, and an absence of manners.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



How about the RPers that grief other players that does not grief?



I wouldn't necessarily go as far as to say it's griefing, per se... But it IS somewhat annoying, and just shows a total lack of respect for others, and an absence of manners.

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Being the old git I am, I'm probably bound to say that such behaviour is rife in the real world, not just our virtual one, so in some ways it's to be expected. It seems people are all too aware of their rights, but have no conception of their responsibilities.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



How about the RPers that grief other players that does not grief?

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To the best of my knowledge, RPers don't actually bother ANYone... Of course, I can only speak for myself and the friends and people I RP with.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



A similar thing that annoys me, and it would be so easy to overcome with an appropriate flag, is that you've carefully put yourself in a nice position, got the pose (sitting or crouching or whatever) right and someone comes along and casts a buff on you. The animation instantly destroys the pose you've set up.

I know that developers of games love fancy effects and things, and so do we, but there's a time and a place for everything. Frankly a level 50 loafing around under the Atlas statue doesn't need a buff from a passing lvl 5 defender.

The buff obviously can't be avoided but how about being able to turn the animation off?



How about the RPers that grief other players that does not grief?

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To the best of my knowledge, RPers don't actually bother ANYone... Of course, I can only speak for myself and the friends and people I RP with.

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When I was new to the game and had a mission to talk to the guy at GG... I got some very unpleasent tells from the RPers there while I was reading the mission briefing.
Did not know it was some kind of gathering spot for RPers back then.

Being yelled at for standing still whilereading mission description is not excactly "good manners".



Being yelled at for standing still whilereading mission description is not excactly "good manners".

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There are dips in every part of the game. I certainly would be surprised if you got that without giving them a reason to.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Have some sympathy for the poor griefer.

Yes, it's quite true, roleplayers could go and isolate themselves in their SG bases, because RP can be done in small groups, in a base, out of the way of other people if that's desirable. But think what this would do to the griefers.

CoX is a very grief-unfriendly game, even considering all the effort the developers have put into making griefing easier over the years (cf. Boombox, healing spam, speed boost). You can run missions all day in instances, so the griefer can't arrange to kill all the trolls in Steel Canyon so no one can do their kill 10 missions. They can't go kill all the NPCs in Atlas park for no reward just because it annoys anyone trying to do normal game functions. CoX really does offer few griefing opportunities.

So, if the roleplayers retreat into bases, the griefers will just have their game enjoyment totally ruined. No longer will they be able to act like total pillocks in front of an RP group with absolutely no comeback and no effort involved. These poor wretches deserve to be pitied, not ostracised. Don't take away their only lifeline to the game.

Gief Grief a ch4nc3!

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Being yelled at for standing still whilereading mission description is not excactly "good manners".

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There are dips in every part of the game. I certainly would be surprised if you got that without giving them a reason to.

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All I did was standing next to the guy I was supposed to talk to and got a stream of tells telling me to not stand there and get out of the way.
If I remember correctly it was around 3(around this number so its either + or -) players doing it.



hmm that is odd.

Being an RPer myself when people stand there, either at the Plaque or at Charlie, I just assume it's people going through the motions of doing their initial contacts (considering you have to talk to Charlie and click on the plaque for two missions).

We get people coming up and doing those two things all the time at Galaxy Girl and most of it's just shrugged off.

I can't see why people would get angry at you for just standing there unless you were spam clicking on Charlie...which you obviously werent.

Meh as FFM said, you get oddballs in every part of the game.

Either that or you were in someones favorite spot (oddly people do have places where they like to stand 90% of the time, or 100% of the time in the case of Red Commissar)

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



To the best of my knowledge, RPers don't actually bother ANYone... Of course, I can only speak for myself and the friends and people I RP with.

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The only time it bothers me is when I occasionally zip through Pocket D with a pre-Ouroborus toon picking up scintillating conversation fragments from the bar such as:

"So what are you doing here?"
"I am Evenbland of the Far City Nostril, come to do/fight justice by hanging around at a bar and trying to chat up people whom I *assume* are played by chix" (I may be paraphrasing here)
"Interesting" (perenial LARP speak too)
"Do not touch/look at/lick me puny mortal!"

And so on ad nauseum.

Personally I think the problem is down to Farmers/ED/Lack of Animated Hair/Devz0rs hat0rz uz. We need i13 details NOWNOWNWO damnit!!!1



Don't go judging RPers by what you see in Pocket D. For a start, RPers will NEVER "LOL" or use smilies when it's an IC conversation...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



RPer snobbery! Outstanding.

"Oh no, those arn't *our* sort of roleplayers. We keep the riff raff out..."



RPer snobbery! Outstanding.

"Oh no, those arn't *our* sort of roleplayers. We keep the riff raff out..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Well... Yeah!

EDIT: But being serious.. What I was meaning was, the guy going "LOL", wasn't an RPer, he was someone taking the wee wee. The other one WAS the RPer.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



RPer snobbery! Outstanding.

"Oh no, those arn't *our* sort of roleplayers. We keep the riff raff out..."

[/ QUOTE ]

*posh voice*

When they make good coffee we'll let them in

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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This just goes to prove my point. Surprisingly.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



For a start, RPers will NEVER "LOL" or use smilies when it's an IC conversation...

[/ QUOTE ]Oh, but they do. Most, especially good RP'ers don't, but some do.



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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This just goes to prove my point. Surprisingly.

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*gropes rabbit*



How about the RPers that grief other players that does not grief?

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To the best of my knowledge, RPers don't actually bother ANYone... Of course, I can only speak for myself and the friends and people I RP with.

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One of my characters was threatened with non-consensual sex by a couple of RPers recently.



I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume those weren't among the friends he mentioned.